

 新用户8607mFpZ 2022-04-17


REVIEWS ARE IN for a new television adaptation of a popular Chinese martial arts novel, and they’re not good. “Lu Ding Ji,” or “The Deer and the Cauldron,” has disappointed audiences in seemingly every way, most notably with the performance of its lead actor, Zhang Yishan.


昕妈这里帮童鞋们拓展一下相关知识,《鹿鼎记》原著是由英国汉学家约翰·闵福德(John Minford)翻译,英文名为 The Deer and the Cauldron. 闵福德曾经把中国古典名著,如《红楼梦》(后四十回)、《孙子兵法》等译成英语。相较于大部分武侠小说英译本所受到的冷落,《鹿鼎记》的英译本一经面世就在中西方读者中获得不错的反响,金庸先生本人对这一译本也比较满意。

The show is so bad, in fact, that it has one of the lowest ratings on Douban, China’s IMDb-like movie review website, of any series released this year at a dismal 2.7 out of 10. Many of the angry reviews lambast “Lu Ding Ji” for its derivative plot and stereotyped characters.

上面这段文字用了英文中常见的so  that句型来表达该部剧差评程度,在豆瓣(类似于“互联网电影数据库”的影评网站)上,这是今年发布电视剧的最低分,只有2.7分(满分10分)。很多人都在抨击《鹿鼎记》编造的情节和刻板的角色形象。

“Lu Ding Ji” is the latest adaptation of a martial arts novel of the same name by the legendary kung fu writer Louis Cha. It tells the story of a witty courtier, Wei Xiaobao, who became a close friend to the Kangxi Emperor during the Qing dynasty and ultimately helped him consolidate power.


Prior to the lackluster premiere of “Lu Ding Ji” earlier this month on state broadcaster China Central Television, as well as on streaming sites iQiyi and Youku, series produced on the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan had seen something of a renaissance this year.

这一段句子较长,却也不难理解,巧妙地运用Prior to,as well as等短语引导、衔接,使得整个段落结构紧凑,语意连贯。昕妈这里就不做翻译,留给童鞋们自己试着去翻译。

According to viewers’ online comments, perhaps the greatest flaw of “Lu Ding Ji” is its 28-year-old male lead, Zhang, who previously had a strong reputation as an actor.

According to短语引导状语从句,主要成分是下面主系表结构,即 the greatest flaw of “Lu Ding Ji” is its 28-year-old male lead, Zhang, 紧随其后为who引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的Zhang。这一段大意是网上评论该剧最大的问题可能就是在于28岁的男主角——张一山,他本是一个口碑非常高的男演员。


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