

 新用户8607mFpZ 2022-04-17


假如你是明启中学的高三学生王佳,你校的教师 Lucy 准备在校内开设关于"信息素养 information literacy"的课程。课程有以下四个板块:“网站设计”,“大数据处理”,“精确搜索信息”,“辨别真伪信息”。现在向全校同学征求建议。 你准备给她写一份电子邮件,要求包含以下内容: 



2.与2020年上海春考的作文题材类似,都是写一封建议信。开篇表明身份并点题,同时说明自己写信的理由 。

3. 详细描述自己的建议并阐述原因。注意题目要求选择两个你感兴趣的板块 ,既不要多写也不要漏写。理由充分合理即可,恰当运用衔接词,力求条理清晰,逻辑上可以采取"总-分-总"的三段式或四段式。

4. 结束语。


Dear Lucky,

I am Li Hua, a senior student of Mingqi Middle School. I'm very interested that you plan to launch a course on "Information Literacy". So I'm writing   this email to tell you about my choice of two sections I'd like to learn, which are " big data processing" and " smart Internet searching". In addition, the reasons for my choice as follows.

To begin with, in the Internet era, massive data makes people confused. Big data processing and smart Internet searching provide us with useful reference.

Furthermore,Big data processing is a technology that uses data and model analysis to extract useful information for reference to make decisions. With this ability we can process things faster and make the right decisions.

Lastly, information fragmentation and too much information flooding the network ,which will bring us negative effects such as distraction, so we need courses of smart Internet searching to improve our ability to actively and accurately retrieve information.

Consequently,with the amazing development of information technology,it's more vital than ever to equip ourselves with skills we need to precisely retrieve information or distern the credibility of resources.

Thank you for your time and and consideration. Looking forward to your reply.




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