

 新用户8607mFpZ 2022-04-17
继2021年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖颁发之后,本年度诺贝尔物理学奖也于昨日揭晓。瑞典斯德哥尔摩当地时间10月5日中午11时45分(北京时间17时45分)许,诺奖委员会宣布,今年的诺贝尔物理学奖授予美国普林斯顿大学高级气象学家真锅淑郎(Syukuro Manabe)、德国马克思·普朗克气象研究所教授克劳斯·哈塞尔曼(Klaus Hasselmann)和意大利罗马第一大学教授乔治·帕里西(Giorgio Parisi),以表彰他们“在气候变化和复杂物理系统方面所做出的开创性贡献”。


The Nobel Prize in physics was awarded this year for work on finding order in chaos — some made by humans and some found in nature.

Half of the prize went to Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann for their studies showing how humans were changing the climate on Earth. According to the prize committee, it was Manabe, now at Princeton University, who built one of the first climate models in the 1960s that explained how human-produced carbon dioxide could warm the planet.

Earlier climate models just looked at the atmosphere "but he also represented the land and the ocean," says L. Ruby Leung, a climate modeler at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington State. Leung says understanding the interaction between land, water and sky is an essential part of all modern climate work.

Hasselmann of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, followed up about a decade later with work showing that computer simulations such as Manabe's could reliably predict the course of the climate, even though day-to-day weather remained unpredictable beyond about a week into the future. He then went on to figure out how humans' influence on the climate could be teased out of the chaotic noisy fluctuations of day-to-day weather data.

Giorgio Parisi of Sapienza University in Rome was awarded the other half of the prize for work on a much smaller scale than planet Earth. Parisi studies materials where metals like iron and copper are mixed together. The iron atoms act like tiny magnets, and trying to figure out how those magnets line up led Parisi to discover hidden patterns. Those patterns, as it turned out, can be applied to many other fields of science, including neuroscience and machine learning.


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