
DGL-LifeSci:面向化学和生物领域的 GNN 算法库

 DrugAI 2022-04-19


尝试使用新的DGL--LifeSci并建立Attentive FP模型并可视化其预测结果。



  • PyTorch:深度学习框架

  • DGL:基于PyTorch的库,支持深度学习以处理图形

  • RDKit:用于构建分子图并从字符串表示形式绘制结构式

  • DGL-LifeSci:面向化学和生物领域的 GNN 算法库


conda install -c dglteam dgl  #DGLv0.4.3


pip install dgllife

基于Attentive FP可视化训练模型


import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport osfrom rdkit import Chemfrom rdkit.Chem import rdmolops, rdmolfilesfrom rdkit import RDPaths import dglimport numpy as npimport randomimport torchimport torch.nn as nnimport torch.nn.functional as Ffrom torch.utils.data import DataLoaderfrom torch.utils.data import Datasetfrom dgl import model_zoofrom dgllife.model import AttentiveFPPredictorfrom dgllife.utils import mol_to_complete_graph, mol_to_bigraphfrom dgllife.utils import atom_type_one_hotfrom dgllife.utils import atom_degree_one_hotfrom dgllife.utils import atom_formal_chargefrom dgllife.utils import atom_num_radical_electronsfrom dgllife.utils import atom_hybridization_one_hotfrom dgllife.utils import atom_total_num_H_one_hotfrom dgllife.utils import one_hot_encodingfrom dgllife.utils import CanonicalAtomFeaturizerfrom dgllife.utils import CanonicalBondFeaturizerfrom dgllife.utils import ConcatFeaturizerfrom dgllife.utils import BaseAtomFeaturizerfrom dgllife.utils import BaseBondFeaturizerfrom dgllife.utils import one_hot_encoding from dgl.data.utils import split_dataset from functools import partialfrom sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score



def chirality(atom):    try:        return one_hot_encoding(atom.GetProp('_CIPCode'), ['R', 'S']) + \               [atom.HasProp('_ChiralityPossible')]    except:        return [False, False] + [atom.HasProp('_ChiralityPossible')]     def collate_molgraphs(data):    """Batching a list of datapoints for dataloader.    Parameters    ----------    data : list of 3-tuples or 4-tuples.        Each tuple is for a single datapoint, consisting of        a SMILES, a DGLGraph, all-task labels and optionally        a binary mask indicating the existence of labels.    Returns    -------    smiles : list        List of smiles    bg : BatchedDGLGraph        Batched DGLGraphs    labels : Tensor of dtype float32 and shape (B, T)        Batched datapoint labels. B is len(data) and        T is the number of total tasks.    masks : Tensor of dtype float32 and shape (B, T)        Batched datapoint binary mask, indicating the        existence of labels. If binary masks are not        provided, return a tensor with ones.    """    assert len(data[0]) in [3, 4], \        'Expect the tuple to be of length 3 or 4, got {:d}'.format(len(data[0]))    if len(data[0]) == 3:        smiles, graphs, labels = map(list, zip(*data))        masks = None    else:        smiles, graphs, labels, masks = map(list, zip(*data))     bg = dgl.batch(graphs)    bg.set_n_initializer(dgl.init.zero_initializer)    bg.set_e_initializer(dgl.init.zero_initializer)    labels = torch.stack(labels, dim=0)         if masks is None:        masks = torch.ones(labels.shape)    else:        masks = torch.stack(masks, dim=0)    return smiles, bg, labels, masks


atom_featurizer = BaseAtomFeaturizer(                 {'hv': ConcatFeaturizer([                  partial(atom_type_one_hot, allowable_set=[                          'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Si', 'P', 'S', 'Cl', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Te', 'I', 'At'],                    encode_unknown=True),                  partial(atom_degree_one_hot, allowable_set=list(range(6))),                  atom_formal_charge, atom_num_radical_electrons,                  partial(atom_hybridization_one_hot, encode_unknown=True),                  lambda atom: [0], # A placeholder for aromatic information,                    atom_total_num_H_one_hot, chirality                 ],                )})bond_featurizer = BaseBondFeaturizer({                                     'he': lambda bond: [0 for _ in range(10)]    })

加载数据集,rdkit mol对象转换为图对象

带有featurizer的mol_to_bigraph方法将rdkit mol对象转换为图对象。此外,smiles_to_bigraph方法可以将smiles转换为图。

train_mols = Chem.SDMolSupplier('solubility.train.sdf')train_smi =[Chem.MolToSmiles(m) for m in train_mols]train_sol = torch.tensor([float(mol.GetProp('SOL')) for mol in train_mols]).reshape(-1,1) test_mols =  Chem.SDMolSupplier('solubility.test.sdf')test_smi = [Chem.MolToSmiles(m) for m in test_mols]test_sol = torch.tensor([float(mol.GetProp('SOL')) for mol in test_mols]).reshape(-1,1) train_graph =[mol_to_bigraph(mol,                           node_featurizer=atom_featurizer,                            edge_featurizer=bond_featurizer) for mol in train_mols] test_graph =[mol_to_bigraph(mol,                           node_featurizer=atom_featurizer,                            edge_featurizer=bond_featurizer) for mol in test_mols]



model = AttentiveFPPredictor(node_feat_size=39,                                  edge_feat_size=10,                                  num_layers=2,                                  num_timesteps=2,                                  graph_feat_size=200,                                  n_tasks=1,                                  dropout=0.2)#model = model.to('cuda:0') train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=list(zip(train_smi, train_graph, train_sol)), batch_size=128, collate_fn=collate_molgraphs)test_loader = DataLoader(dataset=list(zip(test_smi, test_graph, test_sol)), batch_size=128, collate_fn=collate_molgraphs)


  • 代码来源于DGL库。

  • DGL模型具有get_node_weight选项,该选项返回图形的node_weight。该模型具有两层GRU,因此以下代码我将0用作时间步长,因此时间步长必须为0或1。

def drawmol(idx, dataset, timestep):    smiles, graph, _ = dataset[idx]    print(smiles)    bg = dgl.batch([graph])    atom_feats, bond_feats = bg.ndata['hv'], bg.edata['he']    if torch.cuda.is_available():        print('use cuda')        bg.to(torch.device('cuda:0'))        atom_feats = atom_feats.to('cuda:0')        bond_feats = bond_feats.to('cuda:0')        _, atom_weights = model(bg, atom_feats, bond_feats, get_node_weight=True)    assert timestep < len(atom_weights), 'Unexpected id for the readout round'    atom_weights = atom_weights[timestep]    min_value = torch.min(atom_weights)    max_value = torch.max(atom_weights)    atom_weights = (atom_weights - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)        norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1.28)    cmap = cm.get_cmap('bwr')    plt_colors = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)    atom_colors = {i: plt_colors.to_rgba(atom_weights[i].data.item()) for i in range(bg.number_of_nodes())}        mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)    rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords(mol)    drawer = rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DSVG(280, 280)    drawer.SetFontSize(1)    op = drawer.drawOptions()        mol = rdMolDraw2D.PrepareMolForDrawing(mol)    drawer.DrawMolecule(mol, highlightAtoms=range(bg.number_of_nodes()),                             highlightBonds=[],                             highlightAtomColors=atom_colors)    drawer.FinishDrawing()    svg = drawer.GetDrawingText()    svg = svg.replace('svg:', '')    if torch.cuda.is_available():        atom_weights = atom_weights.to('cpu')            a = np.array([[0,1]])    plt.figure(figsize=(9, 1.5))    img = plt.imshow(a, cmap="bwr")    plt.gca().set_visible(False)    cax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.2])    plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', cax=cax)    plt.show()    return (Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles), atom_weights.data.numpy(), svg)



target = test_loader.dataset for i in range(len(target))[:5]:    mol, aw, svg = drawmol(i, target, 0)    print(aw.min(), aw.max())    display(SVG(svg))


  1. https://github.com/dmlc/dgl/tree/master/apps/life_sci

  2. https://github.com/dmlc/dgl/blob/master/python/dgl/model_zoo/chem/attentive_fp.py

  3. https://pubs./doi/full/10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00387

  4. https://github.com/awslabs/dgl-lifesci

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