

 懂你473 2022-04-27

Part VII Writing (15 points)

Directions: Write a composition in no less than 150 words on the topic: A Way to Success. Read the following article in Chinese, then write according to the outline given below. Write  your composition on the Answer Sheet.


5 年时间过去了,虽然我们很多人毕业时都信誓旦旦地说,一旦在单位里学到本领, 积累够经验,就出去打拼一番属于自己的事业,但大多数人在单位这个避风港里,已经失去了面对大风浪和新环境的勇气,辞职创业逐渐成了空谈。可小刘已经开了公司,成为了一名成功的企业主。在一次同学会上,小刘说出了他的“秘密”。他说:“成功往往取决于你敢不敢往人少的地方走。这可能会有风险,但因为没人或很少有人走过,留给你的可能是硕果累累。走别人开辟的老路,虽然看起来很安全,但因为走的人太多,财富与资源大多已被人占有。即使幸运地发现了一小部分,也必然会被蜂拥而至的人群争抢与瓜分。”

1. 根据以上文章写一篇读后感;

2. 你如何看待小刘的成功之道;

3. 关于成功你有什么经验和建议?


Adventure Is a Key to Success

From what is illustrated in this story, the hero Xiao Liu chose a distinctive way from his peers after graduation and found his own way to gain success. While most of others chose to live an ordinary life and lost the encouragement to face huge challenge, Xiao Liu was adventurous and was willing to make use of any opportunities. From Xiao Liu’s experience, we can draw a conclusion that sometimes choosing a seemingly dangerous and hopeless road that might increase the chance of success.

On one hand, it can be reasonably argued that there will be more chance if we choose a different way to work or live. If we just do as what others do, then there will not be much  wealth or resources left for us to take use of. In this case, the chance to success won’t be too much. On the other hand, however, there will be risks existing the same time. The reason why few people choose the way may be that it is not a correct way to success, and the people who choose it may face the risk of failure.

According to the discussion above, it is a safe bet that the spirit of adventure plays an essential role in achieving success. If we remain adventurous, we are able to overcome all the difficulties and adversities and make our dreams come true!




扩写时,可运用想象适度发挥,紧扣故事的内容, 进行适当叙述。

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