

 英语单词先生 2022-05-02 发布于福建


1. 依依不舍:to be reluctant to part;to feel heartbroken at having to leave
2. 绞尽脑汁:to rack one's brain
3. 视死如归:to face death with equanimity
4. 浮想联翩:to let one's imagination roam / run wild
5. 异想天开:to imagine the wildest thing;to indulge in fantasy;
6. 交头接耳:to whisper to one another's ear
7. 热泪盈眶:to have eyes brimming with tear of excitement
8. 泪如雨下:to shed tears like falling rain
9. 潸然泪下:to shed silent tears
10. 得意洋洋:to be immensely proud of oneself
11. 得意忘形:to be beside oneself with joy
12. 变幻莫测:to change unpredictably
13. 左顾右盼:to look all around
14. 恨之入骨:to hate someone to the bone
15. 提心吊胆:to be very scared and on edge
16. 咬牙切齿:to gnash one's teeth
17. 眉开眼笑:beaming with joy;beam 作动词有照耀之意,也有面露喜色的意思。
18. 千姿百态:in different poses and with different expressions
19. 漫山遍野:as far as the eye can see,这个短语也是"一望无际"的英文说法;你还可以直接用高级一点的 omnipresent (无处不在)来表达。
20. 琳琅满目:glittering jewels to delight the eye
21. 白驹过隙:a White steed flits past a crack
22. 沧海一粟:a drop in the ocean
23. 海枯石烂:until the end of time
24. 无精打采:dispirited and downcast;in Low spirits
25. 百感交集:All sorts of feelings well up in one's heart.
26. 寥寥无几:You can count them on your fingers.

~ END ~

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