

 夜猫速读 2022-05-05 发布于湖北



I. 阅读判断

Away from Home

Cristobal Martin was born in Granada, Spain, 38 years ago. "Granada is the most beautiful city in the world," says Mr. Martin. "Its sun is warm and its air is clear." Today, Mr. Martin works in Germany, where the weather is often cold and rainy. But in Germany, he works in a factory and makes a much better pay. "In Granada, there is very little industry. I was only a farm worker. When the German company came and offered me a job, I took it right away." Mr. Martin works in a chemical factory. He works from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. From 10:00 pm to 1:00 am, he has another job cleaning out the office of a doctor in his neighborhood.

Mr. Martin does not speak much German. "I wish I had time to go to school and learn more. It would be easier to live here. I have sat with the same men at lunch every day for four years, and we never tall to each other. They think of me as a 'foreigner'," he says.

After work, Mr. Martin rides home on the bicycle he brought with him from Spain. "I live in a small room that I don't like very much. But I know that a better   room is not why I came to Germany." Mr. Martin hopes that in two years he will have enough money to return home. "I want to open up a small shop, find a wife, and have a satisfactory life for me and my family."

Mr. Martin lives in a neighborhood with Italians and Spanish people. "We think alike," he says, "and we don't mind the noise of the wives and children that the Germans complain about. I am thankful for the jobs Germany has given me. But Germany is not the proper place for me. It is not my home."

1. The weather in Granada is cold and rainy.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

2. Mr. Martin went to Germany after finishing high school.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

3. Mr. Martin now earns more money than before.

A. True                B. False               C. Not Given

4. Mr. Martin works in a chemical factory at night.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

5. Mr. Martin speaks little German.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

6. Mr. Martin rides home from work on a bike he bought in Germany.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

7. Mr. Martin does not enjoy his small room.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

8. Mr. Martin wants to return home in two years.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

9. Mr. Martin lives in a place with many German neighbors.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

10. German workers feel Germany is the proper place for foreigners.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given


Mysteries of the Sea

The sea is the largest unknown part of our world. Much of this vast blanket of water is still to be discovered.

Luckily, no single nation has to learn all about the ocean by itself. The world sea is owned by no one; it surrounds the earth and belongs to us all. Scientists in many different countries are working to explain its mysteries.

Some are studying ways of bringing the ocean's huge supply of water to the deserts of the world. Others are studying the ways in which sound travels and is affected by water and heat. What happens when sea water touches different elements (元素) is another subject of study. These are just a few of the questions which ocean scientists are working on.

One of the most interesting projects in oceanography (海洋学) is the work of mapping the ocean floor. Only a very small part of it has been mapped. This was not important when only surface ships sailed the world's oceans, but it can mean the difference between life and death to men in ships going underwater.

Long ago there was only one way to find out how deep the ocean was. A seaman would throw a heavy rope over the side of his ship. Then he pulled the rope up after it had reached the bottom. But this was not a very accurate way of measuring.

In the 20th century, a better way was found. Sound was used to measure the ocean. An American Navy ship sailed into a narrow area of water to do an experiment. Seamen dropped some equipment that would produce a loud noise when it hit the bottom. And a little instrument measured the time it took for the sound to reach the ship. This has helped scientists map the ocean floor.

11. Our knowledge about the sea is        

A. detailed       B. limited        C. deep          D. vast

12. The third paragraph is mainly about        

A. the elements in the sea           B. the weather on the sea

C. the studies of the sea             D. the sound under the sea

13. Ocean scientists are interested in        

A. drawing maps of the sea floor     B. building underwater ships

C. sailing the world's oceans         D. saving lives in the ocean

14. Before the 20th century, the measuring of the depth of the sea was        

A. inaccurate     B. unknown      C. uninteresting   D. impossible

15. The American Navy experiment measured the ocean with          

A. heat          B. light          C. rope          D. sound

III. 概括段落大意和补全句子

Research Is a State of Mind

①  For many years, there has been much misunderstanding as to just what research is. The popular belief seems to be that there is something mysterious (神秘的) about it and every research requires expensive scientific equipment. Actually, this is not so. Research isn't a physical thing at ali; it's a state of mind. It is a simple, organized way of trying to accomplish something you wish to do.

② You start by selecting the problem you would like to solve, and then you list at least ten reasons why it has not been solved. But in selecting the problem, you need to be sure that it is worth the effort. Remember, it takes just as much effort to solve a useless problem as a useful one.

③ After carefully selecting the problem and the ten things between you and the solution, you then use the same procedure as in solving a crossword puzzle (填字游戏). You start with the less serious difficulties, and eventually you arrive at the one or two major ones. In the solution of the remaining difficulties, you may need some simple equipment, but what you need most is patience. Few people realize how hard it is to do anything new.

④  Maybe one of the reasons people are so easily discouraged is because of their education. During all our years at school, we were examined two or three times a year. If we failed once, we were out. However, all research work is 99.9% failure and, if we succeed once, we are in. If we are going to make progress, we must learn to fail intelligently so that we won't become discouraged at the 99.9% failure.

Task 1

A. The first step of research

B. The true nature of research

C. Combining research with education

D. Finding solutions to research questions

E. Trying not to be discouraged by failure

16. Paragraph ①:

17. Paragraph ②:

18. Paragraph ③:

19. Paragraph ④:

Task 2

20. It is popularly believed that all research needs

21. One should make sure the research is

22. It is as difficult to solve a useful problem as to .

23. One may need some simple equipment to overcome

24. Not many people realize that it is difficult to

25. Failures in research

A. happen very often

B. worth doing

C. do something new

D. lose one's patience

E. solve a useless one

E expensive scientific equipment

G. the major difficulties in research

IV. 填句补文

Many Ways of Life

All over the world, people do many of the same things necessary in order to live, yet in different ways.

Along the Amazon River, people live in river houses. Many South American Indians live in grass huts, and Eskimos may live in snow houses. You may be living in an apartment building several stories high.   26   

People live in different places, and they eat different foods.   27   For instance, sea spiders (蜘蛛) are caught for food in Japan. You may have eaten a sea spider, too, in the form of a seafood cold dish. In the United States, you may buy your lunch from a hotdog stand.   28   But there, a native seller may sell you a hotdog that is actually a piece of dog meat.

29   Yet the Indians there have found a way to take the poison out from the plant and use the plant to make flour. From the flour, they make the bread, which is the major food all over South America.

Much of the food you eat probably comes from your local supermarket.  30   But an Indonesian on the island of Bali may wait much longer for a meal. There, a sticky (粘性的) liquid is spread on the end of a long pole. Then it is held up in the air until dragonflies (蜻蜓) come along and are stuck in the sticky liquid. In this way, a meal is done.

A. And much of that may need only to be heated before it is ready to eat.

B. Yet sometimes, they may eat the same foods.

C. In South America, there is a very poisonous plant.

D. You may have eaten some of the food yourself.

E. There are hotdog stands on the islands of Sumatra as well.

F. Or you may live in a house.

V. 填词补文

A Lucky Coin

A 1943 US penny made at the Denver Mint (铸币厂) has sold for $1.7 million. That single coin is thought to be the   31   copper (铜) coin made in Denver that year.

Pennies were made of steel in 1943 because copper was in   32   supply for use in equipment to help   33   World War II. That was the only year that Lincoln pennies were not   34   of copper.

A   35   coin collector was eager to pay the huge sum for the coin because it was one of a kind. And that collector   36   had a 1943 copper penny from each of the other two US Mints.

You might be surprised to   37   what some of your own coins are    38    The more scarce any collectible (可收藏的) item is, the higher the   39   tends to be. It is possible that you might have a small  40   sitting in your pocket right now!

A. wealthy            E. only              I. large

B. short              F akeady             J. fight

C. learn              G. price             K. fortune

D. consisted           H. made            L. worth

VI. 完形补文

Can Dogs See Colors?

Man's best friend is colorblind (色盲). Fortunately(fortunate), his   41  (survive) does not depend upon the ability to see colors. The   42   (sharp) of his sense of smell makes up for his   43   (fail) to see colors. It helps him to tell between things.

44   (study) support the conclusion that dogs live in a   45   (color) world. The testing done primarily   46   (focus) on the dogs' responses to colors for food. Dogs could not tell the   47   (differ) between one color signal for food, and other colors that were not for food.

Most animals' lack of ability to see colors can be  48   (easy) understood. Many colorblind animals hunt for food in the dark of night. Their other senses have highly   49   (develop). Thus their lack of color vision does not affect them.

Other animals with color vision are   50   (monkey) and apes (猿). Both can be trained to open a colored door, behind which is food.

VII. 短文写作










Why We Need Vacations

There's more to a vacation than can be described in travel books. We certainly need breaks from work. But there is even more to be said for a get-away break, leaving all daily work behind and living a different life for a short time.

The benefits of taking a vacation start long before the suitcases are packed. A vacation is something to look forward to. It gives us the sense that whatever is happening at the moment will end soon.

Companies sometimes use away-breaks to restore (恢复) motivation and team relationships. If you' re able to switch off and leave your daily work behind, when you come back, you often view old situations with fresh eyes and see them in a new way.

People don't disappear while on vacation. We're still thinking and feeling the whole time we're away. What really makes the difference is not simply getting away from the daily work; it's being able to do something else instead. We might speak to people we wouldn't normally meet, try sports we'd not do otherwise, and discover interests we never knew we had.

Vacations also allow us to focus on the present in a way that's hard to do at home. When you're in a new environment for a short time, your attention tends to be on what's happening right now and in the next few days. Being "in the moment" is in itself one of the keys to getting relaxed, and this happens more naturally on vacation.

Every vacation is an adventure full of potential discoveries. Perhaps more than anything else, vacations enable us to raise our eyes from familiar paths so that we can look around and see that there's a world out there.

1. People need to explore more about the meaning of a vacation.( A )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

2. We begin to feel the benefits of a vacation after we start to pack our suitcases. ( B )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

3. People expect that a vacation ahead will put an end to what is happening now. ( A )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

4. Companies do not pay their employees when they are on vacation. ( C )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

5. A vacation may enable us to look at old things in a new way. ( A )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

6. On vacation, we don't try new sports. ( B )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

7. We may find out our hidden interests during vacations. ( A )

A. True              B. False              C. Not Given

8. People on vacation often buy gifts for each other. ( C )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

9. One of the keys to getting relaxed is to focus on the present. ( A )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

10. Adventures are more important than discoveries for a vacation. ( C )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given


On board the Central America, a ship on her way from Havana to New York, were no fewer than 491 passengers. Most of them were miners (矿工)returning with their gold to their homeland. At the start of the voyage, the sky had been cloudless and the wind fair. Three days later, however, the ship was rolling in a storm.

Soon water poured in the engine-room and put out the fires. This left the ship helpless, with her engines stopped. In spite of all efforts, the depth of the water down below slowly increased. It became clear to all that nothing could save the ship, and that she would soon go to the sea bottom.

Just at that moment, a strange sight was seen on board. Some of the miners collected their gold and stored it in their belts. They hoped to take it with them wherever they were going. But others knew that the ship would sink and didn't want to weigh themselves down with the heavy metal. So they threw it onto the floor.

Unusual courage was shown by nearly all on board. The captain moved about the ship encouraging all. He sometimes gave orders in attempts to save his ship, and sometimes kept silent, always determined. But all his efforts failed.

Fortunately, when all hope had gone, another ship, the Marie of Boston, appeared on the scene. The Mariehad also suffered heavily in the storm, but her captain immediately arranged to move the people in boats from the CentralAmerica to his own ship. The huge waves made the work painfully slow, but there was no disorder: Everyone waited patiently. Finally, all passengers were saved.

11. The word "fair" (Line 4, Para. 1) most probably means  A  。

A. mild         B. wet          C. warm        D. high

12. Some miners threw their gold onto the floor because they  B   。

A. didn't know what to do with it

B. didn't want it to weigh them down

C. wanted to store it together

D. wanted to give it away to other passengers

13. When faced with the danger, the captain of the Central America  C  。

A. got angry and wild              B. remained silent all the time

C. appeared calm and brave          D. decided to give up the ship

14. The rescue work was made painfully slow mainly because  D  。

A. the Marie also suffered heavily    B. there were too many passengers

C. the passengers rushed onto the boats D. the waves of the sea were too high

15. The text is mainly about  D   。

A. the hardship of traveling at sea

B. the history of gold mining in the US

C. the long journey of the two American ships

D. the effort of saving the passengers in a storm

III. 概括段落大意和补全句子

Men and Women Drivers

①  Men take more risks. In studies, men as a whole show less careful behavior than women. They drive at higher speeds and closer to other cars. They don't wear seat belts, and drive while drunk more often. They even make riskier turns and take less time when parking.

②  But, how someone drives doesn't necessarily equal how well he drives. Men do seem to be more skillful than women at certain driving tasks. However, this slight advantage in ability doesn't tam into better driving records. The kinds of accidents men get into are generally the result of their riskier behavior. According to one study, men are more than three times as likely to be fined for "aggressive driving" than women, and more than 25% as likely to be at fault in an accident.

③  Despite the research, it's difficult to decide whether men are truly born better drivers than women. It is also not clear if men are simply more confident in their driving because they're thought to be better, and thus show better skills. Similarly, the traditional view that women are weaker drivers may affect their driving performance.

④  Women are catching up, which isn't necessarily good news. Men may be responsible for more accidents than women, but the gap is getting smaller. Today, more women drive and drive more than ever before. Unfortunately, this leads to an increase in speeding, aggressive driving, and even very serious accidents among women.

⑤ So, are men better drivers than women? According to the interesting data from researchers, the answer is yes.., and no. Therefore, the tips for both men and women drivers are: Learn from the strengths of both sexes, drive confidently and carefully, and don't forget to wear the seat belt.

Task 1

A. Men's driving record

B. Tips for safer driving

C. Men's driving behavior

D. Possible reasons for driving performance

E. Women's driving behavior today

F. Physical differences between drivers

16. Paragraph ①: ( C )

17. Paragraph ②: ( A )

18. Paragraph ③: ( D )

19. Paragraph ④: ( E )

20. Paragraph ⑤: ( B )

Task 2

21. Men drivers have poorer records because they drive  B   。

22. There is no evidence that men are born to be  A  。

23. People's traditional view may influence  F   。

24. Nowadays women drivers are showing  D   。

25. All drivers are suggested to drive  E   。

A. better drivers

B. less carefully

C. better skills

D. more risky behavior

E. confidently and carefully

F. drivers' performance

IV. 填句补文

Health Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep, we all love it, especially when we wake up from a great night's sleep.   26   But nowadays we are beginning to understand the importance of sleep to overall health.

People working the night shift have a higher risk of cancer. Researchers believe this link is caused by differing levels of melatonin (褪黑素) in people who are exposed to light at night.   27   Melatonin makes us sleepy and is thought to protect against cancer. Be sure that your bedroom is dark to help your body produce the melatonin it needs.

When your body is short of sleep, it goes into a state of stress. The body's functions give you an alarm which causes an increase in blood pressure.   28  Learn to relax to reduce the effects of stress.

Researchers have also found that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be fat.   29   So if you are interested in controlling or losing weight, don't forget to pay attention to getting a good night's sleep.

Sleeping during the day will protect your health and make you more productive. A study of Greek adults showed that people who slept during the day several times a week had a lower risk of dying from heart disease.   30   

A. Higher blood pressure increases your risk for heart attacks.

B. It is thought that the lack of sleep affects appetite.

C. In the past, sleep was often ignored by doctors and surrounded by myths.

D. Exposure to light during early waking hours helps to set your body clock.

E. Short-time sleep also improves memory, learning ability and mood.

F. Light exposure reduces the level of melatonin.

26、C      27、F     28、A      29、B      30、E

V. 填词补句

Winston Churchill

Churchill is considered not only a great British leader, but also a great world leader. Many people believe that Churchill's strength as a leader helped Britain stand the   31   German attack. He kept his country strong   32   to finally win the war. He made such a wise   33   about Britain's military strategy. However, Churchill is most   34   for his ability to call on the citizens of Britain to   35   for their country. He gave many speeches to   36   his people to fight hard and never give up. In one speech, he   37   his people that they would fight anywhere. Churchill will always be remembered as a great Prime Minister for his country. He will also be regarded as a   38   for other leaders around the world. What he did during the war helped Britain and other   39   win victory. In addition, he was a great writer and speaker, for which he was   40   the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953.

A. told                E. decision            I. members

B. countries            F. hard               J. fight

C. model              G. famous             K. encourage

D. terrible             H. enough             L. awarded

31、D      32、H     33、E     34、G      35、J      36、K      37、A       38、C

39、B      40、L

VI. 完形补文

Mental Health and Aging

Mental or psychological(psychology) health problems can increase with age. There are various   41   (reason). One is biological change which can interfere with the brain's ability to deal with   42   (inform). Another is social change such as   43   (retire) which can lead to a   44   (feel) of uselessness.

Mental health problems can have a serious influence on an older person's ability. They may affect their ability to carry out many basic   45   (activity) of daily living, from getting up to   46   (manage) financial affairs.

But problems often go without being   47   (solve). Many older people struggle on without the right help  or any help at all. Understanding how mental   48   (iii) tends to affect the elderly is vital in   49   (help) them to manage their problems   50   (effective) and reduce the risk of serious harm.

41. reasons        42. information    43. retirement     44. feeling

45. activities      46. managing      47. solved         48. illness

49. helping       50. effectively

VII. 短文写作


● 这项爱好是什么;

● 你喜欢它的原因;

● 它给你带来的乐趣。






The Greatest Gift

One day, I was telling my mother about a new girl in school. Suddenly she asked, "Who are your two best friends, Helen?"

"J ill and J aime."

"Well, what about Karen andCindy?"

"I don't know who their best friends are."

"No," she said. "I mean, why aren't they your best friends?" She seemed upset and hurt.

"But they're my sisters."

"Yes, but they can still be your best friends. Friends may come and go, but your sisters will always be there for you."

At the time, the idea of my sisters being my closest friends seemed strange to me. We used to fight over toys, food, attention and what to watch on television. But my mother never let the three of us forget it: sisters are lifelong friends. Her wish was to give us something that she had never had. When she gave birth to three daughters, the fulfillment (实现) of her dream had only just begun. She had given us each a gift--our sisters  and she wanted to make sure we did not take  that gift for granted. She would frequently tell us how lucky we were, constantly take us to places together so we grew closer, and would even punish us equally,  giving us yet another bonding (亲密关系) experience.

It was somewhere in between Mom's lectures, the family vacations and the shared memories that we realized that Mom was right. Today I share things with my sisters that I share with no one else. My sister Cindy and I ran the New York City Marathon together, side by side, holding hands when crossing the ~mishing line. When Karen got married, I was her maid of honor. The three of us trust each other with our greatest secrets.

It was twenty-three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friends were. Today she doesn't have to. She already knows.

1. One day, one of Helen's sisters asked her to be her best friend.(  B )

A. True                B. False               C. Not Given

2. Mom believed that sisters should be the best friends to each other. ( A  )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

3. Helen found it easy to accept the idea of having her sisters as her best friends. ( B  )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

4. Helen and her sisters never argued and fought. ( B  )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

5. To help her daughters become best friends, Mom sent them to the same school. (  C )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

6. Helen's sisters were the greatest gift that Mom gave Helen. (  A )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

7. Mom punished the sisters equally to make them understand they were( A  )

connected by blood tie.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

8. Helen and Cindy's friendship was shown by their running the New York( A  )

Marathon together.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

9. Helen's sister Cindy was not married. ( C  )

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

10. The three sisters seldom share their secrets. ( B  )

A. True                B. False               C. Not Given



Hares and Rabbits

One of the gentlest of all animals is the hare. When you consider how mild this animal is, you might wonder

how it can survive in a world full of enemies. But then you've also probably noticed its strong hind (后面的) legs.

Those legs give k plenty of speed. And you know how rapidly hares and rabbits breed (繁殖). That's another

reason why they manage to survive.

Hares and rabbits have long, sharp front teeth. Their hind legs are longer than their front legs so that they run faster uphill than downhill. When they are hunted, they use tricks such as taking huge leaps to break the smell or signal danger to each other by hitting the ground with their hind feet. Hares and rabbits are purely vegetarians (素食者). They can live very well on the inner bark of trees.

There are many differences between hares and rabbits. Hares are larger, and their feet and ears are longer. Hares do not dig holes or live in groups, as do rabbits. Hares are born open-eyed and with thick fur, while rabbits are born blind and hairless.

North America is the home of many different types of hares. One of the best known is the jack hare, a large hare with very long ears. Jacks are so fast that they can sometimes make a leap of six meters.

The March hare, whom we know from Alice in Wonderland, is a common European hare. In March, they are always busy in mating, thus acquiring its name.

Unlike hares, rabbits are social animals, living together in holes. A rabbit may mate when it is six months old and its young are born within a month. So if the rabbit has no natural enemies, it can become quite a pest.

11. People are curious about the survival of the hare because(  C  )

A. their legs are not strong enough    B. their growth is not fast enough

C. they are too gentle               D. they run too slow

12. Hares and rabbits use tricks when they(  B  )

A. run uphill     B. are hunted     C. signal danger   D. take huge leaps

13. Compared with hares, rabbits(  D  )

A. have longer feet                 B. have thicker fur

C. are born open-eyed               D. like to live in groups

14. Many people get to know the March hare from the fact that it(  D  )

A. has long ears and legs            B. digs a lot of holes in March

C. can make a leap of six meters      D. appears in Alice in Wonderland

15. Rabbits' natural enemies prevent them from( A   )

A. becoming a big trouble           B. breeding when young

C. living in holes                   D. becoming social animals



Pawn Shops (当铺)

1  Pawn shops are businesses where people bring their possessions to sell or to get a short-term loan. Pawn shops may be large or small, clean or dirty, but they are all full of stories. The United States has about ten thousand of them.

2  In the past few years, pawn shops have been doing business with more people than ever before. That is because many lenders (贷方) now do business only with individuals having good credit records or a high-paying job. Often, the individuals most in need of a loan have poor credit records. But they do not need a good job or credit record to get a loan from a pawnbroker (典当商). They only need to have something of value.

3  When a traditional lender agrees to provide a loan, it may take days or weeks before an individual receives the money. But pawnbrokers will give a loan in just a few minutes based on the resale value of an object and without asking about the person's job or credit history.

4  Many pawn shops specialize in jewelry. But most shops accept ahnost anything of value, including computers, musical instruments, guns, old coins and so on. The item itself acts as the security, or collateral (抵押物), for the loan. If the loan is not repaid, the object can be sold. Customers can get the object back at any time by repaying the loan plus the interest and fees they agreed to pay. Or they can pay the interest and leave the item at the pawn shop for a while longer.

5  The National Pawnbrokers Association is a national trade group representing pawnbrokers. The association calls pawn-brokering "one of humankind's oldest financial institutions." It says pawnbrokers operated three thousand years ago in ancient China and in early Greek and Roman times.

Task 1

16. Paragraph 1:  D

17. Paragraph 2:  F

18. Paragraph 3:  A

19. Paragraph 4:  C

20. Paragraph 5:  E

A. Quick loan from a pawnbroker

B. Properties of a pawnbroker

C. How does a pawn shop run?

D. What is a pawn shop?

E. Pawn-brokering: a trade with a long history

F. Recent development of pawn shops

Task 2

21. People bring their valuable things to pawn shops to     E    

22. People who have poor credit records are more likely to     A    

23. Pawnbrokers pay more attention to the resale value of an object instead of    B     

24. If customers want to get their objects back they must     D    

25. The pawn shop may keep the object for a longer time on the condition that    F     

A. turn to pawn brokers

B. the borrower's job or credit history

C. the customers repay the loan

D. pay back the agreed sum of money

E. get a loan

F. the customers pay the interest




Resources are found in nature. They make a better quality of life for humans. Soil, air, water, sunlight and trees are all examples of resources that humans use every day, whether they know it or not.   26 D   

A natural resource is a material found in nature and used by living things. Air, rocks, metals, oil and sak are all natural resources. Renewable (可再生的) resources are resources that can be replaced.   27 E  Trees that are cut down can be replaced quickly when seeds or baby trees are planted. Water from our bathtubs (浴盆) can be cleaned for use. Plants, wind and rain can help clean the air to make it safe to breathe even if it comes out of a car or a factory.

Sometimes resources cannot be replaced after they are used.   28 A  Once nonrenewable resources are all used up, nature will not be able to replace them. OiL natural gas, soil and metals are all examples of nonrenewable resources.

Coal is another example of a nonrenewable resource.   29 C  Humans mine the coal underground and use it as an energy source. Once humans have mined all the coal from inside Earth, there will be no more for us to depend on.   30 F  For example, wind and water turbines (涡轮机) are now being used to produce energy.

A. These are called nonrenewable resources.

B. They replace some of the need to burn coal.

C. It is made by nature deep in Earth.

D. Without resources, humans could not live on Earth.

E. Trees, air, water and energy from the sun are renewable resources.

F. Luckily, humans are finding new ways to replace coal.



How Old Are You?

In English, when we meet people for the first time, there are some sage topics to talk about, such as weather, or which part of the country they come from. We wouldn't ask them whether they were   31 C   , or how much they earned, or how   32 K  they were.

We learn these politeness rules very  33 G  on in life, from around age three. "How old are you?" asks Auntie Ann at little Jimmy's fourth birthday party. "I'm four",   34 D  Jimmy. And then he says, "How old are you?" But Auntie Ann won't say. And   35  I  , Jimmy learns that one thing you should never   36 J  is ask a lady her   37 B !

This is one of the rules of polite   38 A  which is found in cultures and languages in many parts of the   39 L  but not everywhere. In some Asian cultures questions about age are very   40 E . It's just their way of being friendly.

A. conversation         E. common            I. gradually

B. age                 E generally            J. do

C. married             G. early                K. old

D. says                H. asks                L. world



The Internet

The Intemet is a global (globe) system of computer networks to serve billions of users worldwide. The Intemet has reshaped most   41 traditional  (tradition) means of communication including telephone, music, film and television. This has given birth to new   42 development  (develop) of mass media. Newspaper, book and other print publishing are   43 adapting  (adapt) themselves to this new technology.

The Intemet has   44 enabled  (enable) new forms of human communications such as online chatting and social networking. Online shopping has   45 grown  (grow) rapidly for major stores and small traders. The business-to-business service on the Intemet affects the supply chains across all   46 industries  (industry).

The origins of the Intemet date back to research in the 1960s. The project was to build   47 powerful  (power) computer networks. It was supported by the US   48 government  (govern) in cooperation with private businesses. By the 1990s, the Intemet was made a commercial   49 product  (produce) and became popular worldwide. As of 2011,   50 nearly  (near) a third of the Earth's population used the Intemet.




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Go for It!

While watching the Olympics the other night, I came across quite a sight. It was not a world record broken, but a show of determination.

The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks. For one reason or another, two of them false started, so they were disqualified (取消资格). That left only one to compete. It would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to race against, even though the time on the clock is what's important.

I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that he was not out for gold. His arms were flailing (乱摆) in an attempt at fi'eestyle. Clearly this man was not a medal competitor.

I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time. Finally he made his turn to start back. You could tell he was tired out.

But in those few difficuk strokes (划动), the crowd had changed.

No longer were they laughing, but beginning to cheer. Some even began to stand and shouted things like, "Come on, you can do it!" and "Go for it!" He did.

When this young man finally f'mished his race, the crowd went wild. You would have thought that he had won the gold, and he should have. Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history, this man did his best.

Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, let alone raced. His country had been asked to Sydney as a polite gesture. But this man gave his all: he knew that he had no chance, but he competed because of the spirit of the games.

1. I saw a world record being broken while watching the Olympics the other night.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

2. Two swimmers were disqualified because they had started before the official signal was given.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

3. It's easy for an athlete to perform well when having nobody to race against.

A. True        B. False              C. Not Given

4. I knew that the man was not able to compete for the medals.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

5. The crowd laughed at the man from beginning to end.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

6. The man became very tired when he turned to swim back.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

7. When the man ~mally finished his race, the crowd became angry with him.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

8. The man felt sad when he knew he made one of the slowest Olympic records.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

9. The man came from a small country far away from Sydney.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

10. The man did his best even if he was aware that he had no chance to win.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given



When her grandmother's health began to get worse in the fall, Mary would make th.e drive from Washington, DC to Winchester, Vkginia every few days.

To make the trip to the hospital, Mary had to get on highway 81. It was here that she discovered a surprising bk of beauty during one of her trips. Along the middle of the highway, there were a long stretch of wild flowers. They were beauti521 and almost poetic (诗意的) in appearance.

The first time she saw the flowers, Mary was seized by an urge (冲动) to pull over. She then stopped her car and picked a bunch from the soil. She carried them into her grandmother' s room when she arrived at the hospital and placed them in a glass by her bed.

For a moment her grandmother seemed better than usual. She thanked Mary for the flowers, commented on their beauty and asked where she had gotten them. Mary was filled wkh joy because of the flowers' seeming ability to wake something up inside her sick grandmother.

Afterwards, Mary would pick a bunch of flowers on her way to visit grandma. Each thne Mary placed the flowers in the glass, her grandmother's eyes would light up, and they would have a splendid conversation.

One morning in late October, Mary got a call that her grandmother had taken a turn for the worse. Mary was in such a hurry to get to her grandmother that she drove past her flower spot. She decided to turn around. She headed several miles back and got a bunch.

Mary arrived at the hospital to ~md her grandmother very weak and unresponsi, ve (无应答的). She placed the flowers in the glass and sat down to hold her grandmother's hand. She felt a press on her fingers. It was the last conversation they had.

11. Mary drove from Wash/ngton, DC to Winchester, Virginia to

A.  see her doctor                   B. pick some flowers

C. go on a business trip             D. see her sick grandma

12. The first time Mary carried the flowers to the hospital, she

A. handed them to her grandma       B. placed them on the bed

C. put them in a glass              D. left them on the table

i3. When Mary's grandma saw the flowers, she asked Mary

A. wlrere they were from             B. what flowers they were

C. to get her more next time         D. to send them to the doctor

14. One morning, when she drove past the flower spot, Mar), decided to

A. turn back for the flowers          B. bring no flowers with her

C. buy some flowers instead           D. head for another flower spot

15. Which of the following can be the best title for this text?

A. The Planting of Flowers          B. The Power of Flowers

C. The Discovery of Flowers         D. The Beauty of Flowers



Self-esteem (自尊) and Self-confidence

① Think back to when you did something new for the first time. Self-confidence isn't always what we think it is. Many experts say that self-confidence and self-esteem axe different. Self-confidence is about what we can do by virtue of our efforts. It grows along with the quality of the effort.

② Self-esteem is more fundamental (基本的) and is about the feeling of being worth something, just because we are who we are, and not because we have done something. A good sportsman can have a huge success and self-confidence, because he's good at his sport. In the same time his self-esteem can be low, ff his parents have never recognized and treasured him for the person he is deep inside,

but only for his performances in sports.

③ Build self-esteem if you were not bom with it. Some people just have it, as ff they were bom with it. They talk in front of a crowd of people, sell themselves at job interviews or start an interesting conversation with people they've never met before.

④ Self-confidence isn't something you receive as, a birth gift, It's something you develop gradually as you turn over the pages of file thick book of life, if you work goal-directed to improve your belief in yourself, you'll eventually build up your courage to do what self-assured (自信的) people fred natural, instead of developing pounding hem'ts, breathing difficulties and trembling hands。

⑤ Regardless of fear and shyness you'll have to get out of your hiding to improve your self-confidence. Be more visible to your surrounddings. Do something else than you used to. Try yourself in different situations. We all have many great abilities that just have to be exposed.

Task 1

16. Paragraph①:

17. Paragraph②:

18. Paragraph③:

19. Paragraph④:

20. Paragraph⑤:

A. What is self-esteem?

B. What ks self~confidence?

C. Self-esteem can be a gift

D. Importance of self-esteem

E. Self-confidence is developed

F. Advice for building self-confidence

Task 2

21. Self-confidence is about

22. Self-esteem is about

23. A good sportsman may

24. A man with high self-esteem is more likely to

25. To get out of our hiding we need to

A. have low self-esteem

B. what we can do by our efforts

C. many great abilities to be exposed

D, start a conversation with a stranger

E. be more visible to our surroundings

E the feeling of being worth something



The Strength of Three

There was once a family of three sons. The Boys were not kind to one another. In fact, they fought constantly, each one trying to beat the others in some sort of sport. For instance, ff one boy were building a raft (筏子), another had to build a canoe (独木舟).   26   Because each of themworked alone, their work was difficult, and the resuks were not always worthwhile.

Th ek father feared they would never learn to cooperatem    27    He large bundle of reeds (一大捆芦苇杆) and tied them together. At gathered up a large dumer, he announced a contest: "I challenge you to break this bundle of reeds in half, for whoever figures out the secret will win a life of rich rewards."    28   He took the bundle in his hands and used all of his strength to try to break the reeds, but they would not break. His younger brother took on the challenge. He balanced the reeds across the top of the table and used all of his weight to tryto break the bundle, but it did not break. Finally, he gave up, and the youngest brother took the bundle in his hands.   29     Finally, the farther took the bundle from them. He divided the bundle into

three equal piles. "Now break your bundle," he said. The task was easy. Each broke his bundle with hardly any effort. "When you divide your work, it is easy and you can accomplish much," the father said. And with that, the young men understood that alone each of them was weak.   30

A. The oldest son was strong.

B. He decided to teach them a lesson.

C. Therefore, their family was very poor.

D. But together, they had great strength.

E. Then the third had to build an even larger .md finer boat.

F. He, too, struggled with all of his strength to break it, but still failed.



Gold Rush

My name is John Carter. I am from the state of Virginia. At the close of the Civil War I found   31   without a home, without money and without work. I decided to search for gold in the great   32   of the American Southwest.

I spent almost a year   33   for gold with another former soldier, Captain James Powell also of Virginia. We were   34   luck): In the winter of 1865, we   35   rocks that held gold. Powell was trained as a mining   36  . He said we had uncovered over a million dollars   37   of gold in only three months. But the work was   38   with only two men and not much equipment. So we

decided Powell should go to the   39   settlement to seek equipment and men to help us with the work.. On March the third, 1866, Powell said good-bye. He   40   his horse down the mountain toward the valley. Two days later, Powell came back with everything we needed to change our life forever.

A. slow                E. myself               I. fast

B. worth               E engineer              J. nearest

C. rode                G. discovered           K. extremely

D. fortunately         H. searching            L. deserts



South America

Located mostly (most) in the southern half of the earth, South America is a very   41   (interest) continent. The northern part of the continent is   42  (cover) by the Amazon Rainforest, which is home to thousands of the plant and animal species. It is a very important force  43  (shape) the world's weather and climate patterns. And it is also important for the   44   (develop) of the economy of South America. Products such as chocolate, rubber, coffee and many kinds of medicine are   45   (harvest) from the plants found in the rainforest. Even the liquid from the skin of some species of tree frogs are being used as   46   (experiment) medicines. Other parts of South America are very   47  (differ). The Andes Mountains spread over the   48   (west) part of South America. The ranges, about 5,500 miles long, are a continuous barrier, with many peaks rising beyond 20,000   49   (foot). Southern South America is an extremely   50   (wind) and cold place where many species of penguins (企鹅), seals and whales live.



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The Truth about Left-Handed People

About 90% of people in the world today are right-handed. The other 10% are left-handed, including Obama, the 'President of the US. Every day, left-handed folks quietly face problems. It could be something as simple as driving a car or using a can opener.

Why are so few of us left-handed? One theory is that handedness (hand preference) could be a result of genetics. Scientists say that there are two genes (基因) associated with handedness. One is the D gene. It is more frequent in the population and promotes (促成) right-hand preference. The other is the C gene. It has the ability to promote a preference for either hand. When the C gene is present there is a 50% chance that a person could be right- or left-handed.

Another theory has to do with human brains, which are made up of two halves. If the left half is more powerful, then one is most likely right-handed. But with left-handers, it is more complicated. Seventy percent of them are also left-brain dominant (占优势的). The other 30% have right-side dominant brains.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, left-handedness was considered a disability. But not all of the myths about left-handers are bad. One myth suggests that they are more creative and smarter than the right-handers. So far scientific research has yet to fired any truth to these claims. In fact, a 2013 survey out of New Zealand found that left-handers and right-handers were the same.

Life might be a little more complicated for left-handers when it comes to cutting a piece of paper or opening a bottle of wine. However, it seems to be a good sign if you are trying to make it to the White House.

1. The right-handers are nine times as many as the left-handers.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

2. Using a can opener could be a problem for left-handers.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

3. Men are more likely to be left-handed than women.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

4. Some scientists believe that handedness is decided by genes.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

5. Most left-handers are right-brain dominant.

A. True              B. False              C. Not Given

6. In the 19th century, left-handedness was no longer considered abnormal.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

7. Right-handers live longer than left-handers.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

8. Left-handers are proved to be cleverer.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

9. The New Zealand survey found left-handers differ greatly from right-handers.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

10. There are not enough specially-designed tools for left-handers.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given


The Story of Milton Hershey

Almost every kid in the US has eaten a famous Hershey chocolate bar. But few people know that the Hershey chocolate factory is only about 100 years old. Even fewer know that its founder, Milton Hershey, had suffered many failures before he started his famous company.

Milton grew up in the farm country of Pennsylvania. He was first trained to become a printer. After working for a small newspaper for a short time, he decided that printing was not for him. Then he got a job at a candy factory. After a few years, he decided to open his own little candy business. But this first business had to close down because it was not making money. Then, Milton travelled to Denver to learn how to make caramels (黄油奶糖). He took his new skills to New York City and sold candies on the street. But this second business also failed.

Soon afterwards, he moved back to his hometown. There he experimented with all sorts of candies and chocolates. By 1893, he was selling a million dollars' worth of caramel candy each year. Since his  hocolate-flavored (巧克力口味的) caramels were the best-selling, he decidedto make chocolate himself. He learned how to make delicious chocolate by adding fresh milk. His milk chocolate turned out to be a great success. So he sold his caramel factory and focused on making chocolate only.

In 1903, Milton Hershey built a huge chocolate factory and an entire town to go with it. Today, the town of Hershey is still the home of the Hershey chocolate factory. You can smell the delicious chocolate smells just by driving through the town.

11. Milton's first job was working as a(n)         

A. printer        B. candy seller    C. farmer        D. editor

12. Milton closed his candy business because he         

A. moved to Denver                B. wanted to go travelling

C. was not interested in it            D. did not make profits from it

13. The phrase "his new skills" (Line 6, Para. 2) refers to how to         

A. sell candies                     B. make caramels

C. run a candy business             D. manufacture chocolate

14. Milton decided to make chocolate himself because         

A. he did a lot of experiments on it

B. his caramel candy was not popular

C. his chocolate-flavored caramels sold well

D. he was tired of selling candies on the streets

15. What can be learned from this text?

A. Fresh milk is beneficial to people's health.

B. A town was named after Milton Hershey.

C. Chocolate became popular in the 1900s in the US.

D. Few people in the US have heard of Hershey chocolate.


The Getty Center

①  The Getty Center attracts 1.1 million visitors a year. It is one of the most popular art museums in the US. One reason for its popularity may be that the Getty is free. No tickets to buy, and no reservations needed. There is a $15 parking fee, but you do not have to pay for parking after 5 p.m. And there is convenient public transportation.

②  A tram (接驳车) carries you from the parking area up to the hilltop campus. When you step out, you come face to face with views of the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Monica Mountains, and the vast open area of Los Angeles.

③  Then you will see the five main buildings that house the museum's collection surrounding a central courtyard. The buildings are connected by glassed walkways. So you can enjoy the view again while you move from one building to another. One of the outstanding characteristics of the museum is the natural light that shines through each building's computer-controlled louvers (百叶窗). It allows viewers to look at paintings in the same natural light in which they were created.

④  Part of the large campus is used for a series of gardens. The Central Garden was designed by Robert Irwin. He himself buik everything from the handrails (扶手) to the waterfall to create a special and artistic experience in nature.

⑤ The Getty Center makes an effort to satisfy visitors. There is a caf6 that offers lunches and snacks. There is also a restaurant for more formal meals, but it usually requires reservations. The museum includes a family room that lets kids create artwork and offers educational programs for everyone.

Task 1

A. The Service

B. The Gardens

C. The Buildings

D. The Collection

E. The Popularity

E The Surroundings

16. Paragraph ①:

17. Paragraph ②:

18. Paragraph ③:

19. Paragraph ④:

20. Paragraph ⑤:

Task 2

A. hire a guide

B. draw pictures

C. the natural light

D. make reservations

E. the glassed walkways

F. the handrails and waterfall

21. Visitors to the Getty Center do not need to         

22. You can walk from one building to another through         

23. At the Getty Center, visitors can enjoy paintings in         

24. Robert Irwin himself constructed         

25. In the family room, children can         


Pets for the English

For the English people, keeping pets is not just a leisure activity.   26   In fact, the expression "keeping pets" does not show the high status of their animals. An Englishman' s home may be his castle, but his dog is the real king.

Many other cultures have pets. The Americans may outdo (超过) the English in buying expensive things for their pets.   27   Their pets are more than symbols of status. They tend to be far more open, easy and ommunicative in their relationships with their animals than with each other.

The average Englishman will tryhard to avoid communication with his fellow humans.   28   But he will have no difficuky in having lively conversations with a dog.

An American visitor had once suffered for a week as a guest in a fairly typical English home.   29   The owner of the dogs engaged them in non-stop chat and laughed lovingly at their misbehaviors. She complained that the owner's relationship with these pets was "abnormal" and "unhealthy".

The English are allowed to criticize their own pets. But this must be done in friendly and joking tones.   30   They may lovingly talk about the items their have eaten or destroyed. "It wasn't just shoes and ordinary things, mine used to eat mobile phones." "Well, mine chewed a whole Hi-Fi system to bits!"

A. It is an emire way of life.

B. This family was ruled by two large dogs.

C. But the English's relationship with animals is different.

D. In fact, they often take pride in their pets' misbehaviors.

E. No wonder animals are so important to the English people.

F. When he cannot avoid it, he will generally become nervous.


Fitness Magazines

Fitness is a funny business. One can only get in   31   through motion. But many people spend   32   time reading about fitness than trying to   33   what they have seen. As such, the world of fitness magazines is still   34   robust (有活力的). There is very little that a fitness magazine can   35   that a website cannot. However, fitness magazines still have a large   36   of readers.

Fitness magazines tend to have a few advantages that cannot be   37   Fkst are the fitness tips fi'om real professionals in the   38   The magazines also include   39   and shiny photos. They can help readers to understand the kind of shape that they can get into if they put in the right effort.

As long as people want to look   40  , fitness magazines will have a purpose.

A. more                E. shape               I. practice

B. bright               E written               J. never

C. number              G. quite               K. offer

D. copied              H. industry             L. better


Graffiti (涂鸦)

Street art is a very popular form of art that is spreading quickly(quick)all over the world. You can find it on buildings, sidewalks, street signs and dustbins in many big   41   (city) of the world. Street art has gained great   42  (popular). Even art museums and galleries are   43   (collect)the works of street artists. Street art started out very   44   (secret) because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission. People often have different   45   (opinion)about street art. Some think it is a crime and others think it is a very   46   (beauty)new form of culture.

Art experts claim that the  47   (move) began in New York City in the 1960s. Young adults   48  (spray)words and other images on walls and trains. This   49  (color), energetic style of writing became   50  (know)as graffiti.



某英文报社正在举办题为“My Chinese Dream”的征文活动。请你就此题目写一篇英文短文应征,内容包括:







Working in Germany

Juan Morales is 19 years old. He has left his parents who live on a small farm in Spain. He now works in a car plant in Germany. Every 30 seconds, a car rolls past Juan on a production line. Juan must dive into the open trunk of the car and tighten (拧紧) two bolts (螺栓). Two times a minute, Juan must tighten these same two bolts on every car that comes by on the line.

Juan has done this job on every working day for six months. When he goes back to his rented room at the end of each day, he is very tired. Sometimes he will go out for supper with other Spanish workers. But supper in a restaurant costs money, and Juan is trying to save money. Often he just cooks supper in his home and eats alone.

Ju_an is there because there is plenty of work in Germany  more work than there are workers to fill the jobs. Because of this, few German workers have to take a job like Juan's. But people from some other countries are eager to do the work because wages are high in Germany.

d puts half his pay in the savings bank. Then he sends about a quarter of the money back home. The rest is enough to live on  if he is careful. In two and a half more years, Juan will have saved enough money to open a store near his parents' village. Then he will have enough money to get married and set up a home.

1. Juan's parents live on a large farm in Spain.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

2. Juan's job in the German car plant is to tighten bolts.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

3. Juan seldom feels tired after work.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

4. The rent of Juan's room is not high.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

5. Juan doesn't eat out with other Spanish workers.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

6. Juan likes cooking and he cooks very well.

A. True              B. False              C. Not Given

7. There are not enough workers in Germany.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

8. Juan can earn more money in Germany than at home.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

9. Juan sends back home some of the money he earns.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

10. Juan owns a store near his parents' village in Spain.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given



Bessie Coleman

Bessie was bom in Atlanta, Texas in 1893. Her father was an Indian and her mother an African American. Her father left the family when she was seven. At such a young age, Bessie picked cotton. She also took on extra washing and ironing to help her mother meet family expenses.

After finishing high school, Bessie went to Chicago to stay with a younger brother. She became interested in aviation (飞行) shortly after World War I. But because of her sex and color she could not enroll (注册入学) in an aviation school in the US. Later, a newspaper editor told her that the only path left open to her would be an viation school in Europe. She then made two trips to Europe. She studied under top German and French pilots, and returned to Chicago with an international pilot's license. Bessie became the only black woman pilot in the world.

Her work as a pilot took her into a field untouched by women in her day. This field was exhibition flying. In 1922, Bessie gave her first exhibition flying show. Several thousand eager fans came to see the unusual show. She went on giving air shows all over the US. She gained national attention and thousands of fans of all races. She was not discouraged by words from her family or seeing the death of a student pilot. Nor did suffering a broken leg and arm in an air crash scare her.

Letters poured in from young black people. Like Bessie, they wanted to go into the field of aviation. Long before her first exhibition, Bessie dreamed of setting up a flying school for blacks. Unfortunately, she died in a flight accident before her dream was realized.

11. When Bessie was seven,

A. she left her family              B. she helped support the family

C. her father went to Atlanta        D. her family opened a cotton farm

12. Bessie was kept out of the US aviation schools because

A. World War I had ended          B. she was a black woman

C. her brother didn't want her to go   D. she didn't finish her high school

13. Bessie'sexhibition flying show in 1922

A. was the first done by women      B. did not attract much attention

C. was helped by European pilots     D. ended in air crash

14. According to Paragraph 3, Bessie

A. had fans all over the world        B. got support from her family

C. was once injured in an air crash    D. was scared by a pilot's death

15. Bessie's unrealized dream was to

A. reduce flight accidents           B. set up her own flying team

C. involve more women in aviation   D. found a flying school for blacks



To learn a foreign language well, the most important thing is how much time you are involved in language earning. The more time you spend on the language, the faster you will learn. This means spending time enjoyably on atever relates to the language you are learning. O Wherever you are, listen to the language and read what you are istening to. Listen to and read materials that you like, materials that you can mostly understand, or even only artly understand. If you keep listening and reading, you will get used to the language. One hour of listening and reading each day is more effective than many hours of class time.~ Build up your vocabulary. You'll need lots. tart to otice words and how they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through listening and reading. Soon you will run into your new words and phrases elsewhere. Gradually you will be able to use them.O If you do not want to learn the language, you won't. If you do want to learn  the language, take control. Choose content that interests you  that you want to listen to and read. Discover the language by yourself, like a child growing up.Talk when you feel like it. Write when you feel like it. You can learn to become fluent if you want to. Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving. The language will gradually become clearer, but this will happen at a pace that you cannot control. So sit back and enjoy.

Task 1

16. Paragraph O:

17. Paragraph 0:

18. Paragraph 0:

19. Paragraph O:

20. Paragraph O:

A. Learn from teachers

B. Control your learning

C. Relax and enjoy language learning

D. Listen and read every day

E. Acquire more words and phrases

F. Spend time on the language

Task 2

21. People need to spend time on the language

22. Learners should listen to the language and read

23. Through listening and reading learners may

24. People should avoid learning

25. It does not matter if learners

A. they speak fluently

B. what they are listening to

C. what they don't like

D. they are learning

E. expand their vocabulary

F. have problems with their study



marine it's that time of year when you start thinking about taking a vacation.Part of the work involves choosing an ideal location while the hard part can be making travel arrangements.   26   While those methods may be your first thoughts, train travel is a wonderful option that sometimes gets overlooked.

In recent years, train travel has increased greatly. A 2010 poll said 62 percent of Americans would probably choose to travel by train. The group responsible for most of the increase in train travel is senior citizens.   27

The first advantage of traveling by train is not having to worry about driving or the stresses of flying. Today, taking a plane can be quite annoying.   28   In addition, some aren't fond of heights and instead enjoy feeling safe on the ground.

The second advantage of train travel is it allows passengers to enjoy beautiful scenes during the fide.   29   What's more, people can enjoy drinks, food, movies, and games on the train.

30   It may bring back wonderful memories to those who rode trains with their families as children. Overall, train travel is both comfortable and relaxing. It is a wonderful way of traveling for senior citizens.

A. You don't have to keep your eyes on the road.

B. And they choose trains for a number of reasons.

C. Traveling by train can be t/ring and time-consuming.

D. Finally, railroad travel can be a timeless option for seniors.

E. How are you going to get there  perhaps by plane, car, or bus?

F. One needs to check in bags and be subject to various security measures.



Australian Athlete Cathy Freeman

Cathy Freeman was born in an aboriginal (土著的) family in Australia. When she was still a girl, her talent in running was   31  . Her mother encouraged her to   32   her interest in sports. Her stepfather (继父), Bruce Barber, told her that she could win a gold medal at the Olympics if she trained   33  . At the age of 15, she   34   at the National School Championships. She achieved such good   35   that she was encouraged to   36   the 1990 Commonwealth Games team. She became a   37   of the 4x 100-meter relay (接力) team, which won gold at the Commonwealth Games. In 1990, she took part in the Australian National Championships, winning the 200 meters, and then ran in the 100, 200, and 4xl00 meters    38    at the World Junior Games. During this time,

she   39   an Australian track official. He later became her   40  , manager, and boyfriend.

A. obvious             E. met                I. races

B. coach              F. member             J. join

C. follow              (3. results              K. hardly

D. strange             H. competed           L. properly



Shopping and Health

Many people believe that shopping (shop) is a bad habit. However, a recent Time magazine suggests that this   41   (believe) might be wrong. For some people, shopping may help them live longer.

An extensive study of old people has   42   (find) that regular shoppers live longer than less frequent shoppers. Shopping   43   (give) people the chance to talk with other people and to get exercise. If shoppers buy fresh food   44   (day), then they may have a   45   (health) diet. Shopping makes people move from one place to another and make a certain 46  (decide). These activities help them stay mentally and physically fit.

Even though people shop for practical   47   (reason), shopping is also good for their   48   (emotion) health. And compared with other types of physical   49   (activity), shopping is easy to do. Unlike going to a fitness center or   50   (play) sports, people can shop anywhere. As a result, they can do it more regularly.












A Girl Chess Champion

In the year 2000, a smiling girl from Guntur, India, created a record. Koneru Humpy, who turned 13 on March 31 that year, won the under-14 boys' title in the National Children Chess Championship. She became the f'rrst Indian female player to win a boys' title.

Humpy was bom in 1987. She began playing chess at the age of six in 1993. She picked up the finer points of the game so well that one year later, in 1994, she won the very first tournament (锦标赛) she played in.

Humpy was trained by her father, Ashok Koneru, a chess player himself. He stopped teaching chemistry at a college to concentrate on coaching his daughter. After he left his job, he faced financial problems while training and travelling with his young daughter. But the local government came to his financial aid. The Bank of Baroda sponsored (赞助) Humpy and gave her a desk-top computer. Now she has a notebook computer as well, which she carries for tournaments.

Humpy practices for six hours daily with her father. Her preparation is  mostly on the chessboard. Now she has started preparing with computers, like many seniors do. The eighth-grade student of Guntur has also been greatly encouraged by her school. She is given time to prepare for chess and her teachers give her special classes. With such support, Humpy is sure to win many more chess titles in her career.

1. Humpy won a national boys' title when she was thirteen.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

2. Humpy didn't start playing chess until she was seven.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

3. Humpy lost the first tournament she played in.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

4. Humpy's father used to be a college teacher.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

5. Humpy's father got no support from the local government.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

6. Humpy's father bought Humpy a notebook computer.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

7. Humpy spends six hours on chess-playing every day.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

8. Many senior players make preparations on the chessboard.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

9. Humpy is a top student at her school.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

10. Humpy's school allows her not to attend regular classes.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given




Make Yourself More Attractive

As individuals, we judge just about everything on appearance. But we do not just see, we also feel. We have feelings that mn deep. Sometimes our emotions nm hot, at other times cold. Though, often, we do not feel until we see.

When we see someone who looks good, our heart beats fast. When we see an attractive meal, we feel hungry. When we see a picture of a loved one who has passed on, we may begin to feel sad or lonely. Our eyes are more than just a visual perception (视觉感知). They are the reflection of who we are.

There are many ways to improve our appearance. Smiling more is one of them. It will make less attractive people more pleasant. At the same time, smiling will make beautiful people appear to be more approachable. In addition to smiling, the less attractive should also work on achieving a more confident walk. People will be drawn to you because of the confidence that you show.

Do not take on the perceptions of others. Do not force yourself to become a product of how they see you. If you are extremely beautiful, do not be too proud. Be pleasant to all of those you come in contact with. Speak positive words to others. If you are less attractive, do not have any feelings of low self-esteem (自信).

Someone once said "it is beauty which captures (抓住) your attention; personality which captures your heart." Keep this in mind as you continue to perfect your outside. And remember that if you do not change your inside, all of your hard work will be in vain.

11. Paragraph 1 mainly talks about

A. the role of seeing                B. the importance of feeling

C. features of good appearance       D. various types of emotions

12. The words "passed on" (Line 3, Para. 2) probably means

A. died          B. suffered       C. walked past    D. missed a chance

13. Smiling will make beautiful people

A. have more achievements          B. improve their work

C. become easier to approach        D. do better in their shows

14. The author advises the extremely beautiful people to

A. keep their pride                 B. get to know more people

C. get rid of low self-esteem         D. be modest

15. The last paragraph suggests that

A. hard work makes perfect personality

B. beauty is in the eyes of the loved one

C. personality is more important than appearance

D. it's easier to improve the inside than the outside

第二部分  非选择题(共80分)





Manage Your "High-tech" Family

O Modem family life is improved on many levels by numerous advances in technology. However, sometimes the high-tech tools designed to bring us closer together, such as smart phones and computers, can actually distance us from one another. If your family members are becoming increasingly disconnected (疏远) as a result, it may be time to establish some effective time-management rules.

O  The family dinner table should bea tech-free zone. Make a firm rule that there will be no talking on phones, text-messaging or watching television during dinner time. That is the ideal oppommity for the family to reconnect after a busy day. O The only way to ensure that family members, especially children, obtain adequate sleep, fresh air and exercise is to limit the amount of time they spend playing video games, surfing the web or text-messaging friends. A well-

balanced, healthy life can only be achieved by monitoring time spent on using high-tech tools.

O For school-age children it might be wise to have roles regarding technology. To ensure that they are being mindful of their studies and getting adequate sleep on school nights, you might make a schedule banning video games except on weekends and banning exciting television programs immediately before bedtime.

Children require help in keeping their lives in balance, especially in regard to Addictive (使人上瘾的) games and television viewing.

O Monitor your own activities in regard to modem technology. If you are at the

dinner table with a cell phone in your ear, or have one eye on the television, you

cannot expect your children to behave otherwise.

Task 1

16. Paragraph 0:

17. Paragraph 0:

18. Paragraph 0:

19. Paragraph0 :

20. Paragraph 0:

A. Make roles for children

B. Monitor time

C. Set a good example

D. Establish "tech-free" family time

E. Enjoy the benefits of high-tech tools

F. Recognize the problems of high-tech tools

Task 2

21. High-tech tools can

22. Family members should spend time

23. Limiting the time spent on high-tech tools

24. Before sleep, children should avoid

25. Children tend to

A. follow the behaviors of their parents

B. watching exciting TV programs

C. help people connect more easily

D. leads to a more healthy life

E. communicating at dinner

F. distances people from one another




Celebrating History

Usually when people celebrate, they are recognizing a birthday, a sports event, or a holiday. But for National History Day, thousands of people gather to celebrate history. There are students, teachers, and parents from all over the United States.   26   The whole experience is truly amazing.

National History Day is part of an international network. It promotes history education by organizing a competition every year. Each year, a theme is selected for the competition.   27   This year's theme is Rights and Responsibilities in History. It inspired over 600,000 students to enter into the competition.

National History Day opened with a welcome ceremony speech delivered by Dr. Amma. Dr. Amma is a historian and a professor in the subject areas of theater and dance. When she was a junior in high school, she took part in National History Day.   28   "The only thing in my mind was to tell the Africans' story and to tell it right," she said.

Another exciting event was the National History Night. Students, parents, and teachers had the chance to tour the National Museum of American History and see an exhibition from each state. One student from Virginia planned an exhibition on the topic of World War II.   29   Their project focused on press freedoms.

The celebration of National History Day lasted for five days. It ended with the awards ceremony on Thursday.   30   They included prizes for each category, outstanding project for each state, and special awards.

A. They march around and cheer for history.

B. Five students from Texas put up a group exhibition.

C. During the three-hour event, 189 awards were handed out.

D. Her project on the African slaves won the first-place performance.

E. Students have the opportunity to create a project based on the theme.

F. National History Day opened on the front lawn of University of Maryland.




My Worst Travel Experience

Last year my parents decided to take me to a cowboy ranch (牧场) for our vacation. I was happy and   31  . Soon after I got to the ranch, I went out to see the beautiful horses. I   32   wanted to learn to ride a horse, so I climbed on one right away when no one was looking. While I was sitting on the   33   of the horse, the horse started   34  ! I didn't know how to stop it. I held on   35  as the horse began to nm. We were running through a   36   of cactus (仙人掌)

when the horse saw a snake on the   37  . The horse jumped back, and I   38   off--right into a big bunch of cactus! I spent hours   39   out cactus thorns (刺). My parents   40   so bad that they let me get a puppy (小狗). That was the worst experience I ever had! But at least I got a puppy!

A. back                E. usually             I. disappointed

B. fell                 F. moving             J. really

C. field               G. ground              K. pulling

D. excited             H. tightly              L. felt




The State Flower of Alaska

Alaska is known (know) as a state that produces wild animals as well as kind-hearted people. The state is   41   (fill) with wild beauty. Alaska might be the most northern and   42   (large) state in the United States. But that did not stop it from selecting a   43   (particular) gentle flower as its state flower--the Forget-Me-Not.

A classic in wedding for its name and   44   (mean), the forget-me-not is a pretty blue flower. The forget-me-not is an unusual name with many potential    45   (origin), both in romantic and   46   (religion) terms.

However the name comes into being, the blue flowers with   47   (sun) centers still stand for love and being   48   (faith) to one's love today. For this very reason, they are often   49   (use) at weddings. Perhaps, it is the simple blue flowers that give the most beauty to Alaska. Could this be why such a determined state has selected such a   50   (love) flower?









201710月高等教育自学考试《 英语(一)》试题



Dollhouse History

In America, when people hear the term "dollhouse," they think of a small house for children to play with. However, there is much more to it. History tells us that dollhouses were first designed for adults and children of high social status. A dollhouse can delight both the adult and the child. Children and adults feel special when receiving or planning their fantasy house.

Dollhouses began in Europe in the 1600s when they were referred to as "Baby Houses." These houses were made up of several cupboards. In the cupboards, everyday objects created on a tiny scale were displayed (展示). The displays focused on the way people lived at that time. They showed detailed household (glib), routines with servants, and kitchen settings, etc. These were carefully designed, and only the upper class could afford to have them built.

As time went on, factories were built to make dollhouses. Germany was the leader of dollhouse makers before World War I. These houses were shipped throughout Central Europe and England, and even to America. Later, the folding dollhouse became popular. Around 1894, an American company produced dollhouses that had four rooms. Children could share such dollhouses when they were playing games. During World War I, Germany needed their resources to fuel the war. As a result, other countries began to make more dollhouses.

After World War II, dollhouses produced in the US were usually made of plastic and metal. In the 1970s, people became interested in wooden dollhouses again. Besides children, today's dollhouses are also designed for the adult collectors.

1. Americans think of dollhouses as a toy for children.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

2. Dollhouses were first made for children of working-class families.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

3. Dollhouses started in America.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

4. There were kitchen settings in a "Baby House."

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

5. The folding dollhouse is the most popular type of dollhouse.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

6. Before World War I, dollhouses were not produced in factories.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

7. Germany became the leading dollhouse maker during World War I.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

8. The US made plastic dollhouses after World War II.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given

9. Americans prefer wooden dollhouses to other types of dollhouses.

A. True              B. False              C. Not Given

10. Today dollhouses are designed for both children and adults.

A. True               B. False              C. Not Given


One day Mark was riding his bike when it began to rain. He started to feel cold so he looked for a tree to go under for shelter. He was disappointed when he struggled to find a tree. Someday I am going to inspire people to plant trees everywhere, so he thought.

Once he got home, he took out his social studies homework and went up to his room to do it. While he was going to his room, he saw his dad throwing away a piece of paper which was used only on one side. He was about to stop him but it was too late. Someday I am going to inspire people to use both sides of the paper, Mark thought.

When he woke up the next morning, Mark figured out a way to inspire people. He would put posters around the school. Then he took out eight sheets of poster paper. He made four saying "PLANT A TREE FOR ME," and another four saying "PAPER HAS TWO SDES, SO USE BOTH."

He went to school early and put the posters around the school. After class, his teacher told him to go to the principal's office. Mark had never been to the principal's office before. What if the principal had to punish him about the posters because they never asked him to put them up?

When Mark walked in nervously and took a seat, Principal Marcus told him "I would like to thank you for inspiring people to help other living things. When I was on the way back from my lunch break, I saw seven fifth graders planting a tree and heard a few others telling someone else to use both sides of the paper and I'm pretty sure it's because of your posters." Mark couldn't believe his ears. He had finally inspired people. Mark felt very proud.

11. What can be learned from the second paragraph?

A. Mark stopped his father from throwing the paper away.

B. Mark thought people shouldn't waste paper.

C. Mark was interested in social studies.

D. Mark's father was a careful writer.

12. Mark inspired his schoolmates by        

A. cycling to the school            B. going to class on time

C. giving speeches                 D. putting up posters in the school

13. How did Mark feel when he was told to see the principal?

A. Nervous.      B. Excited.       C. Proud.        D. Disappointed.

14. The principal thanked Mark because Mark had        

A. helped bring back his lunch       B. planted trees in the school

C. influenced others in a positive way D. saved paper for the school

15. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. Principal and Student            B. A Path to Inspire

C. School Posters                 D. Importance of Trees


The People of the Rain Forests

① There are two groups of people who live in the rain forests of Africa  Bantu villagers and Pygmy hunters. The two groups have very different ways of life. But they have learned to survive in the rain forest by depending on each other.

②  The Pygmies live as hunters in the rain forest. They live in large groups of families and hunt with nets. The men go to an area where they know there are animals. They hold up nets and the women and children spread out and drive the animals into the nets.

③ Hunting is a full-time job for the Pygmies, so they cannot always stay in villages. But over the years, the Pygmies have learned to enjoy some of the luxuries (奢侈品) of village life. Their forest foods of meat, fruit, and nuts are enough for them. But they also enjoy some village foods  like rice, beans, peanuts and vegetables. They also need some metal tools that are made by the villagers.

④ The villagers are Bantus. They stay in the clearings (空地) in the rain forests. The Bantus cannot keep cattle in the rain forest. There is not enough room for the cattle to feed. So the Bantus are given meat by the Pygmies. To the Bantus the rain forest is a dangerous place. But to the Pygmies it is familiar. So the Pygmies fetch firewood and guard the village fields from wild animals.

⑤ The Bantus must work very hard to clear their fields. Once they are cleared, the villagers must fight continually to keep the rain forest from taking over again. The soil of the rain forest is so poor that the farm crops soon wear it out. Then the villagers must give the land back to the forest after a few years' farming and clear more.

A. Bantus' hard work in farming

B. Pygmies' village life

C. Pygmies' help for Bantus

D. Pygmies' hunting

E. Bantus' farm crops

F. The Bantus and the Pygmies

Task 1

16. Paragraph ①:

17. Paragraph ②:

18. Paragraph ③:

19. Paragraph ④:

20. Paragraph ⑤:

A. cattle and firewood

B. survive in the rain forest

C. clear more fields

D. village foods and metal tools

E. try to get the animals into the nets

F. feed cattle

Task 2

21. The Bantus and the Pygmies help each other to

22. While hunting, the Pygmy women

23. The Pygmies get from the Bantus

24. The Bantus can't get enough room in the rain forest to

25. The poor soil in the rain forest forces the Bantus to



Whenever anyone asks me what my favorite animal is, I always say, "Horses." I like almost all animals.   26

I don't have a horse of my own. Horses are very expensive.   27   You  have to pay for their food, equipment, insurance, and health care, for example. If you live on a farm or other big piece of land, you can keep your horse there. But if you don't have a place that's big enough for a horse, you have to pay to keep it  somewhere else.

28   I go there on the weekends sometimes and watch the trainers exercising the horses. All of the horses need a lot of exercises in order to stay healthy, no matter what kind of riding they are used for. Most of the horses are used for trail (小径) riding, which I think is the easiest and the most fun. It's nice to go out into the woods or along the beach with a horse.

One reason I really like horses is that they have as much personality as people do. They can't talk, but they can tell you what they are feeling with their body language.   29  

Maybe, when I get a little older, I could get a job at the stable.   30   I'm trying to learn as much about horses as I can now, so that I'll be really qualified (有资格的). I would love to have a job like that.

A. There I could be around horses all the time.

B. We're very lucky to live near a horse stable.

C. It's very expensive to buy one and to own one.

D. But horses have always been my very favorite animals.

E. My favorite horse "Vrana" is older than a lot of other horses.

F. For example, a horse is happy if its ears are forward and its tail is relaxed.



In the First World War, an English soldier saw his lifelong friend fall under gunfire. After the attack had failed and everyone had retreated (撤退), the soldier went to ask permission from his commander to go and   31   his friend from the no-man's-land.

The commander gave permission, but added, "It's   32   worth it. Your friend is probably dead and you may die too."

The soldier was not afraid of the   33  . He reached his friend, lifted him on his   34   and came back. He was wounded in the process.

The commander helped him to   35   and noticed the soldier's friend was dead.

"I'm   36   for your friend  but I told you it wasn't worth it. Your friend is dead and now you are also   37   wounded."

"I have to disagree with you. It was worth it," the soldier answered.

"Whatever do you   38  ?" the commander asked.

"It was worth it," the soldier   39  . "When I got to my friend, he was still   40   and said, 'Jim, I knew you would never leave me.'"

A. hardly              E. safety              I. fetch

B. danger              F. hands              J. shoulders

C. sorry               G. repeated            K. alive

D. asked               H. mean               L. seriously


People Watchers

Some scientists do not wear laboratory coats (coat). And only   41   (rare) do they use microscopes. These scientists are called   42   (society) scientists. They want to find out how people act and why they do certain things.

Some of them study the people of  43   (differ) cultures to learn their ways of doing things. They often live with the people of the culture they are   44  (study). They try to feel the world of these people. And they must be good reporters because facts, not   45   (opinion) about other cultures, must be reported.

Another group of them studies how people   46   (live) long ago. They dig in the ground to find old tools at have been   47   (bury) for thousands of years. Sometimes, they even discover buildings hidden in the earth.

These scientists often work in   48   (cooperate) with each other. If one of them   49   (find) a Greek vase (花瓶) in the Middle East, he or she may ask for an   50   (explain) from an expert to find out how the vase got there.




假设下周末有一个骑自行车出游(Cycling Trip)的活动,你想邀请你的英国朋友Tom一同参加。请你给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:

●  出游时间、活动人数、集合地点

●  出游目的地及其主要特点






Finding Paradise (天堂) and Success in Retirement

Ivy Singh and her husband had their retirement all planned out. They wanted to have a place with enough land to grow plants. The couple successfully found a proper place and turned it into a farm called Bollywood Veggies. "We came and had a look and we found paradise. We started Bollywood Veggies there and then," she says.

The basic idea of starting the farm was to keep themselves busy in retirement. Mrs. Singh says it was never begun as a business. "We started this as a lifestyle project for retirement." The farm's produce includes beans, cabbage and other crops. Soon, more people found out about the farm. Visitors often asked whether the farm offered any food or drinks. So the couple started a restaurant and a food museum on the farm.

As the farm changed from a retirement to a commercial project, Mrs. Singh sought new business opportunities. A key area was growing bananas. Given the popularity of bananas and their use in a range of food products, she saw great potential. The farm uses its crop to make products such as banana chips and bread.

Mrs. Singh, driven by the success of the project, now wants to open a retirement home on the farm. She says the farm is a nice place for people who have retired.

Mrs. Singh says she does not care much about the profit, because she is getting to live her dream while making a difference to society.

1. Ivy and her husband made a careful plan for retirement.

A. True                  B. False                  C. Not Given

2. Before retirement, the couple were doing business on plants.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

3. The couple started Bollywood Veggies for business purposes.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

4. Cabbage was the first vegetable planted on the farm.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

5. The couple opened a restaurant close to the farm.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

6. Mrs. Singh planted bananas because they were very popular.

A. True                  B. False                  C. Not Given

7. Visitors to the farm like its banana chips the best.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

8. Mrs. Singh built a retirement home on the farm.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

9. Mrs. Singh thinks the farm is a good place for retired people.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

10. Mrs. Singh hopes to make a lot of money from her business.

A. True                 B. False                C. Not Given


Fed was a consultant (咨询师) and Guido a wine maker. They started their gelato (意式冰激凌) business with no food industry experience. "We wanted to make the best gelato in the world and we didn't know how to make any gelato!" Fed recalls. That did not stop them though and the business has become more and more successful.

The word gelato means "frozen" originally. Since ancient Rome, people have been enjoying cold desserts. Many think gelato is just an Italian name for ice cream. But actually it is a different product. According to Fed and Guido, the difference between ice cream and gelato is the amount of fat in the product. In ice cream you have an average of 17-18% of fat, but with Italian gelato you have 10%.

It was Guido who first came up with the idea. He thought that if they got the best materials, they could make top quality gelato. Fed then put a business plan together and the two decided to go for it. The only rule they had when they started out was to stick to their guiding principle to try to create the world's best gelato. Their efforts paid off. Sales of their gelato have doubled in Italy every year since 2008. It outpaced (超过) the growth of every other type of iced dessert by some way. The company grows from two employees in 2003 to nearly 700 employees today.

According to a market analysis, Italians' love for gelato will last for the next few years. These two will be happy to learn the news.

11. It can be learned from the first paragraph that Fed and Guido

A. used to be wine makers              B. knew how to make gelato

C. had no experience in food industry     D. planned to create a new dessert

12. Paragraph 2 tells us that

A. Fed and Guido invented gelato         B. Italians prefer gelato to ice cream

C. gelato is the world's best dessert       D. gelato has less fat than ice cream

13. The guiding principle Fed and Guido followed is

A. using secret materials               B. sticking to their business plan

C. making top quality gelato             D. hiring the best employees

14. Since 2008, the sales of Fed and Guido's gelato have

A. remained the same                   B. reached record high

C. grown as fast as other desserts         D. increased steadily

15. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. The World's Best Gelato              B. Italians' Love for Gelato

C. The History of Gelato               D. Gelato Shops in Italy


Newspapers in the Classroom

①  Creating a classroom newspaper will be a great fun. First of all, decide who is going to work on what section of the newspaper. For example, one group could handle the Sports

section, and another could take care of the Arts. All students should have some say as to which news stories will be included.

②   Next, before you begin any work, it's a good idea to have a look at a few different examples. Collect some from home, or find them at your local or school library. As you are reading through your newspapers, take note of what parts of the newspaper impress you the most. If the newspapers you have are old and no longer being used by anyone, cut some of your favorite sections and pictures out. They can be used later on.

③  Keep track of your ideas by separating them into sections, much the same as a real paper is in sections. Do you want a sports section? An arts page? A science section? These are the things you need to decide. 

④  One really wonderful way to decide what kind of feeling your newspaper will have is to carry out a survey, either in the classroom or the entire school. Questions you could ask include: What do you like reading about? Do you prefer pictures or stories? And what do you like best in the newspapers you read?

⑤  When you are set with your ideas, you will have to think about the next step which is actually putting the newspaper together. Decisions to be made include: How many pages will your newspaper have? Who will write the articles, draw the pictures and/or take the photos? How many articles will the newspaper have?

Task 1

A. Conducting a survey

B. Finding examples

C. Assigning tasks

D. Seeking teachers' advice

E. Designing the newspaper

F. Deciding on sections

16. Paragraph ①:

17. Paragraph ②:

18. Paragraph ③:

19. Paragraph ④:

20. Paragraph ⑤:

Task 2

21. All students should voice their opinions on           

22. You can find your newspaper examples at           

23. When reading the newspaper, pay attention to the parts           

24. To decide the feeling of the newspaper, a survey can be done in           

25. While putting the newspaper together, you should decide           

A. the classroom

B. which are impressive

C. how many copies to print

D. your local library

E. how many pages it will have

F. which news stories to include


Boxing for Fitness (健身)

When it comes to boxing, most people think of two strong athletes in a ring trying to destroy each other with their fists.   26   It is a sport that people can get a great exercise from.

Boxing for fitness is fast becoming a popular way to exercise. It is easy to understand why when you consider all the benefits of the sport. You will gain increased speed, skill and strength.   27   You will learn the basic attack skills and how to combine them effectively.

So you may wonder how I got started in boxing. I was already at the gym quite often, doing weight training.   28   But I was still soft around the midsection (上腹部). After a conversation with my boss at lunch one day he suggested I come to a boxing class with him. He is a very fit man in his 40s.   29   And he told me all I needed to bring was a bottle of water and a towel.

If I have learnt anything from the experience, it is not to be afraid to try something new. No matter what your skill or fitness level is, boxing is good for you. The reason is that this exercise can be modified to suit you.   30   

A. I was getting stronger.

B. Boxing is considered too cruel.

C. You will learn the proper way to control your feet.

D. He offered to lend me a pair of boxing gloves.

E. All in all, boxing for fitness is a great way to work out.

F. However, boxing for fitness is something altogether different.


Road Building

People of early civilizations built roads of a sort. However, the first good road   31  were the Romans. They built the earliest network of hard-surfaced roads. The Romans  32   their road building about 300 B.C. and continued for about five hundred years.

Roman roads were good because the people   33   how to lay a solid, thick base. On top of this, they put a pavement (路面) of flat   34  . Their roads were a bit   35   in the center than on the sides. Along the sides ran ditches (沟渠) so that the   36   could run off. These roads were also very   37  . They went over most of the hills instead of around them.

The Roman roads were used   38   by soldiers. At first, these roads went through Italy. Then, as the Roman Empire spread, roads were built in other   39   of Europe. In all they laid about 50,000   40   of roads.

A. I was getting stronger.

B. Boxing is considered too cruel.

C. You will learn the proper way to control your feet.

D. He offered to lend me a pair of boxing gloves.

E. All in all, boxing for fitness is a great way to work out.

F. However, boxing for fitness is something altogether different.


A Painter's Journey

Gareth Hinds was born (bear) in 197I. He always knew he wanted to be an   41  (art) because he is a person who has always   42   (love) drawing.

Hinds drew comic strips (连环漫画) in middle school for fun and in high school he wrote and drew them for the   43   (week) school newspaper for two years. When he  44   (graduate) from high school, he decided to attend Parsons School of Design. For his school assignments, he designed comics and book   45   (cover). Then he began the 80-page journey of the graphic novel (连环画小说), Bearskin. It was based on an   46   (interest) story. Now he is busy publishing his   47   (late) work.

"We live in a world of art," said Hinds, who makes this   48   (state) come to life. From   49   (paint) in blank books at age 5 to creating graphic novels as an adult, Hinds has become highly   50   (success).

A. builders               E. correctly              I.  clearer

B. miles                 F. straight               J.  began

C. stones                G. mainly               K. water

D. higher                H. countries             L. knew








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A Female Kenyan Wine Producer

Mrs. Karanja is the founder of the only large-scale brewery (酿酒厂) in Kenya actually owned by a Kenyan. She was born in a middle-class family. She was lucky enough to have graduated from one of the best schools in Kenya. After marriage, she and her husband ran a hardware store (五金店) for seven years, but then she wanted to do something more interesting.

Despite having no experience of the drinks industry, Mrs. Karanja recognized a gap in the market. Low-income Kenyans straggled to afford to buy the alcoholic products of the global firms. And many Kenyans were being injured or even killed by dangerous home-made wines.

To solve this problem, Mrs. Kararja came up with the idea of making a fortified wine (加度葡萄酒). Despite being Iow-priced, the wine would be made to high standards. So using their savings, Mrs. Karanja and her husband set up their own brewery, Keroche.

The beginning days were the toughest, because getting people to trust their products was not easy. Keroche also faced a problem in getting its products distributed, as most distributors wished to continue working only for famous global firms.

Over the next five years, however, sales slowly built up. Later, the company stopped producing fortified wine and moved into beer and other drinks. Today, the business has a 20% share of the overall drinks market in Kenya. Mrs. Karanja is now considering expansion into other countries.

1. Mrs. Karanja was bom in a poor family.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

2. Mrs. Karanja studied in a very good school.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

3. After marriage, Mrs. Karanja ran a store with her friends.

A. True                 B. False                 C. Not Given

4. Her hardware store was very successful.

A. True                 B. False               C. Not Given

5. It was not very safe to drink home-made wines in Kenya.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

6. Keroche produced high-quality wines with low price.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

7. Keroche went smoothly from the beginning.

A. True                 B. False                 C. Not Given

8. Fortified wines are no longer sold in Kenya today.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

9. Keroche produced no other drinks than fortified wines.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

10. Mrs. Karanja plans to expand her business into foreign markets.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given


The Early Life of Beethoven

At an early age, Beethoven took an interest in music. His father taught him day and night. Without doubt, the child was gifted. His father expected him to become a new Mozart.

At seven, Beethoven gave his first public performance in Cologne. His father announced that he was six years old. Because of this, Beethoven always thought that he was younger than he actually was.

However, his father's musical and teaching talents were limited. Soon Beethoven began to leam the organ (风琴) and composition bom Gottlob Neefe and other famous musicians. Neefe recognized Beethoven's extraordinary talents. While teaching him music, Neefe introduced him to the works of philosophers, ancient and modem.

In 1782, Beethoven published his first work. The following year, Neefe wrote about his student in the Magazine of Music: "If he continues like this, he will be, without doubt, the new Mozart."

In 1784, Beethoven was appointed organist of the court of Prince Franz. This post enabled him to frequent new circles other than those of his father and friends of his family. Here he met people who were to remain friends for the rest of his life.

Prince Franz was also aware of Beethoven's talent. In 1787, he sent Beethoven to Vienna to meet Mozart and to further his musical education. Very soon, however, a letter called Beethoven back to Bonn: his mother was dying. She was the only person in his family with whom he had developed a strong and loving relationship. In 1792, Beethoven went back to Vienna for musical education. He never returned to the town of his birth, Bonn.

11. What do we know about Beethoven's father from the text?

A. He was a friend of Mozart's.           B. He was a gifted musician.

C. He was unclear about Beethoven's age.  D. He was Beethoven's first music teacher.

12. Beethoven learned all the following from Neefe EXCEPT

A. history         B. organ           C. composition     D. philosophy

13. Beethoven's name appeared in the Magazine of Music in

A. 1781           B. 1782           C. 1783           D. 1784

14. As organist of the court of Prince Franz, Beethoven

A. published more musical works          B. made many lifelong friends

C. was able to go home frequently        D. got to know more friends of his father's

15. The last paragraph shows that Beethoven

A. was close to his mother

B. went back to Bonn to meet Mozart

C. went to Vienna with Prince Franz in 1787

D. revisited his hometown occasionally after 1792


The Mental Benefits of Being Fit

①  Exercise has obvious benefits to the teen body, but not all of them are physical. A teen goes through many changes in his or her body, brain and hormones (荷尔蒙). A teen who exercises regularly can not only better his or her physical fitness, but also increase mental fitness and self-confidence.

②  The teen years can be rather stressful. Keeping fit and physically active can help teens reduce their stress levels. Parents should support their teens and provide equipment, or even volunteer as exercise partners. Teens who can use physical activity to lower their stress establish a healthy coping mechanism (机制) for life.

③  During the teen years, hormones are constantly changing. A teen's mood can change with the wind. Exercise changes chemicals in the brain that control mood. Hormones released in the brain during activity increase happiness levels. A teen who exercises regularly will benefit from a healthy body and a more positive mood.

④  Teens can struggle with self-confidence as they are trying to find their place in the world. Physical activity can increase a teen's self-confidence. When a teen girl can look at herself in the mirror and like what she sees, she has greater self-confidence. Finding an activity he likes can draw a teen boy into a group that accepts and appreciates him.

⑤  Exercise leads to an increase in brain function. Regular exercise increases math task skills and reasoning. Short-term memory is also increased with regular exercise. A teen who benefits from increased intellectual (智力的) skills due to regular exercise will do better in school.

Task 1

A. Reduction of stress

B. Benefits of exercise

C. Release of more hormones

D. Increase of self-confidence

E. Increase of happiness levels

F. Improvement of intelligence

16. Paragraph ①:

17. Paragraph ②:

18. Paragraph ③:

19. Paragraph ④:

20. Paragraph ⑤:

Task 2

21. Regular exercise benefits a teen

22. Doing exercise may help a teen cope with

23. A teen's mood may change suddenly

24. A teen boy can be easily accepted by

25. Regular exercise can improve ateen's

A. difficulties in life

B. supporting his parents

C. without any reason

D. performance in school

E. physically and mentally

F. doing exercise that interests him



Art seems to appear in human history as far back as 30,000 years ago. We say the earliest cave paintings are art, but what do we mean by "art"? A bone fish hook (钩) obviously required skill and creativity to make.   26  For the person who creates it, art expresses feelings and ideas.  27   The feelings and ideas on each side may or may not be exactly the same. And they may be expressed in various ways.

An artistic work is intended to excite the senses, to stir (激发) the emotions of the observer.   28   But art is more than an attempt by an individual to express or communicate feelings and ideas. There is also cultural patterning and meaning.

Artistic activities are always in part cultural. In our society, we tend to think that anything useful is not art. If the basket has a design that is not necessary to its function, we may consider it art.   29   However, this difference is not made in other societies.

Another example is that people in different societies treat the outside of their houses differently. Most North Americans share the value of decorating the inside of their homes with pictures.   30  

So art seems to have several qualities. It expresses as well as communicates. And it also has cultural meanings.

A. But we do not call it art.

B. It may produce feelings of beauty, peace or fear.

C. For the observer, it stimulates feelings and ideas.

D. Art does not require its creators to be full-time specialists.

E. But the basket with bread on the table would probably not be taken as art.

F. But they do not share the value of painting pictures on the outside walls.


Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson was an English writer. He was born on 18 September 1709. He was  31   at a grammar school. He spent a brief  32   at Oxford University. However, he was forced to leave due to lack of money. Unable to ~md teaching work, he drifted into writing. In 1735, he married. In 1737, Johnson   33   to London. He wrote on a   34  variety of subjects. He   35   became famous in the literary field. His Dictionary of the English Language was   36   in 1755. It was the most   37   dictionary at that time. Johnson was   38   short of money, despite the   39   of his dictionary. In 1762, his   40   situation changed with a government pension (养老金). Johnson died on 13 December 1784.

A. huge                 E. moved                I.  published

B. formally              F. period                J. book

C. success               G. continually            K. educated

D. important             H. financial              L. gradually


Ancient Greece

The Greeks were the greatest(great) sailors of their time. Greece has one excellent    41    (nature) feature——the coastline. That's why many Greeks left the mountains and   42   (take) to the sea.

The ancient Greeks have   43   (give) the world many ideas about life and how to live it. The idea of democracy (民主) started in Greece. So did many ideas of science, religion and   44   (govern). But these ideas did not come out of Greece as a whole. Instead, they grew up in   45   (differ) cities throughout the Greek Empire.

The cities of Greece grew up in valleys near the sea. Each city was   46   (separate) from the others by mountains. The roads   47   (connect) the cities were narrow and winding. Each city governed itself in its own way. And the   48   (citizen) of each city were very proud of its way of life. In fact, each city was   49   (real) an independent state. Such places are called city-states by   50   (politics) scientists.





● 活动目的

● 活动内容

● 你的感受





The Power of a Parent

Tom is a young man being raised on the poor streets of Los Angles by his father, Frank Smith. He becomes friends with his neighbors Ricky and Doughboy. The three young men take different paths in life, due in large part to the parenting they receive.

Tom is the only one of the three with a father to guide him. He sometimes hates his father's discipline, but Frank explains that he is trying to teach Tom how to be responsible. He does not want him to be like his little friends across the street. Frank also fills Tom's mind and heart with messages about how to be a leader and how much he is loved. Tom becomes a strong young man who is able to resist the bad influence around him.

Ricky receives words of support and love from his mother, which helps raise his self-respect. He also looks to Frank and Tom for guidance and direction. Living in a single-parent family, he has never received this from his father. Doughboy, on the other hand, is told by his single mother from an early age that he will never achieve anything. Their mothers’ Words come true. The two boys grow up to be the type of person predicted by their mothers. Ricky becomes a star football player while Doughboy struggles aimlessly through life. The lesson from the story is clear: A parent's attitude towards his or her children can make all the difference.

1. Tom grows up in a poor neighborhood.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

2. The three boys' parents are very good friends.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

3. Tom likes the rules his father sets for him.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

4. Tom's father does not show much love to him.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

5. Rickry loses his father at an early age.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

6. Ricky and Doughboy both live in a single-mother family.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

7. Ricky seeks advice from Tom and Frank.

A. True                 B. False                C. Not Given

8. Doughboy's mother always encourages him.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

9. Ricky turns out to be the type of person his mother expects.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

10. Doughboy becomes a successful person.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given


Back, but Not Home

I was born in Cuba but came to the United States with my parents when I was almost five years old. We left behind grandparents, aunts and uncles. I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood in New York. All my friends were American. Outside of my family, I do not know many Cubans. I often feel uneasy visiting relatives in Miami because it is such a different world. The way of life in the Cuban communities of Miami seems very strange to me. And I am criticized for being too "Americanized." Yet, although I am now an American citizen, whenever anyone asks me my nationality, I have always and firmly replied, "Cuban..."

When I try to review my life during the past 16 years, I almost feel as if I've walked into a theater right in the middle of a movie. And I'm afraid I won't fully understand or enjoy the rest of the movie unless I can see and understand the beginning. And for me, the beginning is Cuba. I don't want to go "home" again; the life and home we all left behind are long gone. My home is here and I am happy. But I need to talk to my family still in Cuba.

Like all immigrants, my family and I have had to build a new life from almost nothing. It was often difficult, but I believe the struggle made us strong. Most of my memories are good ones.

But I want to keep and renew my cultural tradition. I want to keep "a Cuban" within me alive. I want to make a visit to Cuba someday because the journey back will also mean a journey within my soul. Only then will I see the missing piece.

11. My relatives in Miami criticize me because        

A. they feel uneasy with my strange behavior

B. I lead a middle-class life while they are poor

C. they find that I am more American than Cuban

D. I have left behind my family members in Cuba

12. I cannot enjoy my life to the fullest unless I        

A. watch the movie about my family      B. have a clear idea about my nationality

C. reflect on my life experiences         D. truly understand my origin

13. According to Paragraph 2, I do not want to        

A. return to live in Cuba               B. visit my relatives in Miami

C. get back to my home in New York     D. live in the Cuban communities in the US

14. The hardship we have had in the US        

A. makes us disappointed          B. gives us bad memories

C. makes us homesick             D. gives us confidence in life

15. "The missing piece" in the last sentence means        

A. the family left behind in Cuba       B. the Cuban cultural tradition

C. the journey back to Cuba           D. the Cuban immigrants


Reduce Differences in Dealing with People

①  What makes some people so easy to get along with and others so difficult? We think that conflict (冲突) in a relationship happens when the focus is on the differences, rather than on the

similarities. Think of it as "United we stand, divided we can't stand each other."

②  So bringing down differences is important to dealing with people you cannot stand. Success in communication depends on finding common ground, and then trying to lead the communication toward a new outcome.

③  An important communication skill will help you get along with others: blending. "Blending" refers to behavior by which you reduce the differences between yourself and another person. This skill is not new, of course; it is part of normal human contact. In fact, you already use it, to some extent.

④  You can blend with people in many ways. You may blend by changing your facial expression or degree of body movement to match that of the other person. You may also blend by trying to match the style and speed of the other person's speech. And you may even blend with people by matching their ideas.

⑤  When people feel you've listened to them and you understand them, that's the result of blending. It's natural to blend with people you like or with people you share a goal with. It's also natural not to blend with difficult people, but the result is serious. Without blending, the differences between you become the basis for conflict.

Task 1

A. Results of blending and not blending

B. New outcome after blending

C. Different ways of blending

D. Definition ofblending

E. Reducing differences

F. Reason for conflicts

16. Paragraph ①:

17. Paragraph ②:

18. Paragraph ③:

19. Paragraph ④:

20. Paragraph ⑤:

Task 2

21. People cannot stand each other when they        

22. Successful communication is based on        

23. The skill of blending is often used in        

24. When blending with others, people can choose to        

25. If you do not blend with others, you may        

A. similar conflicts

B. human relations

C. focus on the differences

D. suffer bad consequences

E. the seeking of common ground

F. match the speech style of others


Water: How Much Should You Drink Each Day?

How much water should you drink each day?   26   Studies have produced different recommendations over the years. Although no single formula (配方) fits everyone, knowing more about your body's need for fluids will help you estimate how much water to drink each day.

Water is your body's main chemical element.   27   Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water carries nutrients (营养成份) to your cells, and provides a good environment for ear, nose and throat. Lack of water can lead to serious problems.

Every day you lose water. For your body to work properly, you must meet its water needs. So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a moderate climate need? Studies show an adequate intake (摄入) for men is about 13 cups a day.   28   

Everyone has heard the advice, "Drink eight glasses of water a day."   29   However, it remains popular because it's easy to remember. Just keep in mind that the rule should be changed to: "Drink eight glasses of fluid a day," because all fluids add up to the daily total.

You don't need to rely only on what you drink to meet your fluid needs.   30   On average, food provides about 20 percent of total water intake. But water is still your best choice since it is inexpensive and is everywhere.

A. For women, it is about nine cups.

B. What you eat also provides fluid.

C. This rule isn't supported by hard evidence.

D. It's a simple question with no easy answers.

E. You must limit your fluid intake on this occasion.

F. It makes up about 60 percent of your body weight.


Phoenicians (腓尼基人)

The Phoenicians were a water-loving people. Their ships were   31  , compared with many lifeboats on modem ships. Yet they could   32   out into the open sea.

The Phoenician ships   33   wood, wine and tin to Egypt. In return, the Phoenicians got gold and fine handicrafts (手工艺品). They traded these products to other   34   for glasswork and spices (香料). And with each trade, the Phoenicians made a   35   

But the Phoenicians'   36   contribution was their alphabet (字母). They used a different symbol for each sound, rather than for each word. So instead of  37   hundreds of symbols, the Phoenician alphabet had   38   twenty-two. The Phoenicians took their simpler   39   of  riting to other lands. Most of today's alphabets are   40   on the Phoenician idea of using a letter for each sound or group of sounds. Although the Phoenicians are gone, their contribution lasts.

A. greatest               E. carried                 I.  having

B. based                 F. peoples                J. working

C. sail                   G. small                 K. way

D. profit                 H. clearly                L. only



People can improve the quality of their lives (life) and their relationships with good communication skills. But, if one person cannot send the right message to another, there may be an   41   (argue). Because of problems in communication, a   42   (marry) may get into trouble. What about the business world? If communication   43   (go) wrong, there can be all kinds of problems, from loss of sales to the   44   (fail) of companies.

So what is   45   (effect) communication? You may wonder. To put it   46   (simple), it means that a receiver gets the exact message from the sender. In other   47  (word), if you tell someone your phone number and they get it correctly, you have   48  (succeed). If, however, you give your phone number but the other person   49   (get) it wrong, then there is a problem. It can be the sender's fault or the receiver's fault. Or maybe both. Such type of wrong   50   (understand) is called barrier in communication.



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Setting Effective Goals

Avital Schweitzer, 17, is clearly goal-directed. She works hard to achieve the various tasks in her life. This summer she attended a program at the University of California, Santa Barbara, for high school students who are interested in research.

Avital says that she rarely clearly states and discusses her goals. But goal-setting has always played a role in her life. During her junior year, for instance, she set personal goals to win a tennis championship and to become debate-team captain.

Avital says, "In an academic environment when I set goals for myself, I often make lists that I need to complete in order to achieve them. The lists can include doing problem sets, meeting with a teacher or asking specific questions. When I mn into difficulties, I reach out to resources for help or advice, like the Intemet, my teachers or my parents. I think that learning about the best types of goals to set and standard methods to achieve these goals could be very useful in my day-to-day life."

Who else is better to turn to for this kind of insight into the art and science of goal-setting than your own father? Avital's dad, Maurice Schweitzer, a Wharton professor of operations and information management, has researched the topic extensively. He said, "Goals are powerfully motivating and will help us get where we want to be. Across every field, people who set specific, challenging goals do better than people who go out and just aim to do their best."

1. Avital was a student of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

2. Avital is interested in research.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

3. Avital often shares her goals with her best friends.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

4. Avital won a tennis championship in junior high.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

5. Avital wanted to become debate-team captain during her junior year.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

6. Avital often makes lists of goals to find which goal is the best for her.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

7. Avital believes that it is best to solve her problems through the Intemet.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

8. Avital has gained from her father the insights about goal-setting.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

9. Avital's father has done much research on goal-setting.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given

10. To Avital's father, aiming to do best is more important than goal-setting.

A. True                  B. False                 C. Not Given



While you're in a lift, waiting to reach your floor, do you ever wonder who came up with the idea? Probably not. We just expect to have safe lifts in buildings.

Lifts existed as far back as ancient Rome. But the ancient "lifts" weren't closed cars. They were simple platforms. They were typically used to raise up water for farming or lift heavy building materials such as stones. These lifts were powered by animals, people or even water wheels.

The first modem passenger lift was built for King Louis XV in 1743. The King's lift was installed (安装) on the outside of his palace. It went from the first to the second floor. The King entered it from his balcony, and then men raised and lowered the lift through the use of ropes and wheels.

Lifts became more common in the mid-1800s during the Industrial Revolution when they transported goods in factories and mines. These lifts were often based on a hydraulic (液压的) system. However, this type of lifts was impractical for tall buildings, although it became popular because it could operate with the public water system.

Another lift design (and the one found most often today in passenger lifts) uses a cable system, in which ropes raise and lower the car by means of a wheel and gear (齿轮) system. These types of lifts are easier to control, and buildings that have them do not need the extra room required by hydraulic systems. By the 1850s, these types of lifts had been powered by water pressure or steam.

11. The lifts in ancient Rome

A. had a closed structure                B. had a complicated design

C. were used in agriculture              D. were powered by steam

12. The first modem passenger lift was

A. raised and lowered by men        B. invented by King Louis XV

C. built for a public building         D. put on the inside of the King's palace

13. During the Industrial Revolution, lifts were

A. widely:used in tall buildings         B. powered by a hydraulic system

C. rarely used in factories and mines     D. independent of the public water system

14/The lift based on a cable system

A. needs no wheels                     B. is not used today

C. takes more space                    D. is easy to operate

15. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. Early History of Lifts                B. Popularity of Lifts

C. Structure of Lifts                    D. Uses of Lifts



Summer Blues

①  We students all have summer blues. It's that moment when we haven't left the house for days and the Internet has become our closest friend. This usually takes place in the heat of summer, when we forget there's a world outside of our rooms. It's usually our darkest hours, which is difficult to get out of, but not impossible.

②    Getting a summer job can help provide structure for your life. Without school chedule, it's difficult to try to get out of bed. In fact, we've been training ourselves for most of summer to sleep in until noon. But if you commit yourself to a job, then it can act as a reason to get up in the morning.

③  Another way to avoid the summer blues is by living a healthier lifestyle. Join a gym. Start shopping at your local market. Keep your room clean. Or maybe pick up a new hobby and become a master at it. A little change in your life can have a significant effect in the long run.

④  The best way to avoid getting in a bad state is by packing your summer full of camps. With a new adventure waiting around the corner every week, how will an individual not want to wake up? You can attend two or three camps every year. You will find that you've met some of your closest friends from summer camps.

⑤   Sometimes, however, people do not realize they have suffered from the summer blues. They stay locked inside their houses for hours. If you know people like this, then call them up. Take them out for dinner. Catch a movie with them. Do not let your friends come down with a strong case of the summer blues.

A. Finding a summer job

B. Joining in summer camps

C. Keeping a healthy lifestyle

D. Attending summer schools

E. Helping people with summer blues

F. Knowing features of summer blues

Task 1

16. Paragraph ①:

17. Paragraph ②:

18. Paragraph ③:

19. Paragraph ④:

20. Paragraph ⑤:

Task 2

21. In summer, students usually stay at home

22. One way to schedule your life during vacation is

A. some new activities

B. calling them to go out

C. to make good friends

D. to get a summer job

E. the school schedule

F. surfing the Internet

23. Students can fill the vacation with

24. Summer camps offer students chances

25. We may help our friends out of summer blues by



How to Help Teens Lose Weight

Teenage obesity (肥胖) is an increasing problem in the United States.   26   These teens run a higher risk of health problems as well as social problems. If your teen is overweight and expresses a desire to lose weight, help him do so in a healthy and safe manner.

Go to your teen's doctor to discuss a realistic weight-loss goal.   27   Even if your teen is overweight, you should not make any big changes to physical activity or diet without his doctor's agreement.

Change your own behavior. If you are engaged in unhealthy habits, you're sending the message to your teen that it's OK for him to follow suit. Ifyou and your teen follow a healthy diet and an exercise plan together, you'll provide each other with the motivation and encouragement.   28   Let him know you are willing to help him.

Encourage your teen to exercise for at least 60 minutes a day. Choose a fun activity you might be able to enjoy together.   29   If he chooses an activity he thinks he'll enjoy, he'll be more likely to keep it.

Ensure a healthy diet for your entire family. Your teen won't feel like he's missing out if you're all eating the same types of foods. Discourage your family from drinking sugary drinks.   30   If you must eat out, choose the healthiest possible options (选项).

A. Avoid eating fast foods.

B. Talk to your teen about his weight.

C. Suggest that your teen should go to bed early.

D. The number of obese teens amounts to 18% in 2010.

E. Most doctors say teens are still growing and should not diet.

F. Or, ask him if he might be interested in taking a class such as dance.



How to Improve Conversational Skills

Conversational skills can be improved with a little practice. To start with, stand in front of a   31  , think of a subject and talk to yourself. It may sound   32   silly, but it works. Next,   33   the help of a good friend. You can both then role-play in order to   34   yourselves comfortable engaging in conversation. Then go out, meet strangers and   35   with them. At first, approach people in a   36   place such as a bookstore or a coffee shop.Next, when you go to a   37  , closely observe those who make friends   38  . It will help you learn how to start a conversation with people in crowded places. In a crowd, talk to someone who is standing   39  . A ne-to-one conversation is easier than speaking in a group. Once the conversation has begun, you will find you   40   your shyness and nervousness.

A. make                 E. quiet                 I.  seek

B. chat                  F. mirror                J. necessary

C. party                 G. dialogue              K. easily

D. really                H. lose                  L. alone



A Missing Girl Found

A seven-year-old American (America) girl was in the jungle with her parents. She was   41   (collect) coconuts (椰子) when she got lost. She was missing for   42   (near) three weeks and people thought she was dead. The police received a call   43   (recent) from an unknown person with   44   (inform) about the girl.

After eighteen days' search from   45   (hundred) of officers, the seven-year-old was discovered in an empty house in the jungle. People do not know how the little girl   46     (arrive) at the house or how she survived in the jungle. But the girl was found in a bad state. Injuries on her feet indicate she may have travelled a long   47   (distant).

The girl met with her worried   48   (parent) again on her way to hospital where she is receiving medical   49   (treat). The police are looking into what has caused the girl to disappear and who has   50   (make) the call to the police.




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