

 Sally精品英语 2022-05-10 发布于山东省

1.该起床了:Rise and shine. It's time to get out of bed. It's time to get up.

2.我马上就起来。I'll get up right now/rght away.

3. 我睡过头了。I sleep late.

4.昨晚你熬夜了吗?Did you stay up late last night?

5.你昨天晚上打呼噜很响。You snored loudly last night.

6.该睡觉了。It's time to turn in.

7.铺床吧。Let's spread out the futon.

8. 他在打哈欠。He is yawning.

9. 刷牙Brush one's teeth

10.梳头Brush one's hair

11. 洗脸  wash one's face

12. 你过奖了。I'm flattered.

13. 你能帮我把土豆切成块儿吗?

Could you please mence the potatoes into pieces?

14.这是我的拿手菜。That's my specialty.

15.让我们点外卖吧。Let's order take out.

16.我现在忙的焦头烂额。I'm tied up now.

17.改天怎么样?How about a rain check?

18.我有点儿醉了。I feel a little tipsy.

19. 我明白你的意思了。Point accepted/taken

20. 包你满意。I give you my word.

21. 一个月房租多少钱?How much is the rent per month?

22. 房租可以少一点吗?Could you lower the rent a little?

23. 你可真体贴。

You are so compassionate/considerate/sweet.

24.不用记在心上。Don't keep it in mind.

25.我只是做了点举手之劳的事而已。I just lift a finger.

26.不要惹毛我。Don't drive me crazy.

27.好吧,你赢了。Fine, you are the queen.

28.如果你需要帮助,我随叫随到。If you need help, Im at your order anytime.

29.爱莫能助。Willing to help but unable to do so.

30.我累的不行了。I can't feel my body.

31.我真佩服你  you win my compliments.

32.别说了,好吗?Can we drop this?

33. 你在跟我开玩笑吧?Are you kidding me?

34.保持联络。Keep in contact in with me.

35.有没有备选计划呢?Is there a plan B?

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