

 五月华语 2022-05-15

One day, Ginny and I met a young man when we were walking down the street to look for a place to have lunch.

“Do you want a hug?” he asked Ginny.

“Sure!” Ginny smiled and walked up to him. She reached up and hugged him with all the love she had in her heart.

“Oh! This is the best hug I’ve had all day!” he said.

The young man is Juan Mann. After living in Europe for several years, he returned to Sydney. At that time, his parents were getting a divorce (离婚). He shut himself away at home and did nothing for months. Alone and sad, Juan decided to make a difference. He made a sign that read “Free Hugs” and stood at the Pitt Street Mall to provide hugs for anyone who needed comfort.

At first, he was really nervous and expected to be laughed at. But fifteen minutes later, the coming of a woman changed his mind. “My dog died today, ” she said. “It’s also the first anniversary(周年纪念)of my only daughter’s death. Can you give me a hug?” It was more than a hug. It meant something to her, Juan recalled.

After that day, Juan wondered if others were doing the same thing. Soon, he found Amma in India, Jason in Atlanta, and Jayson in New York. When the huggers work, most people just pay no attention to them or shake their heads, but those who open their arms in return always walk away with a smile.

24. What’s the correct order of the following events?

① Juan’s parents were getting a divorce.

②Juan received a big hug from Ginny.

③ Juan hugged a woman who lost her dog.

④ Juan started giving free hugs on the street.

A. ①②④③B. ②①④③C. ①④③②D. ③①②④


不管能否读懂这篇文章,我们一起来看一下叫梋Juan的男子他遭遇了什么。当他在欧洲生活几年回到悉尼的家时,却发现自己的父母在闹离婚。孤独伤心的他把自己关在房间里几个月之后,他决定做点什么,去改变自己。于是,他做了一个牌子,上面写着“拥抱”,然后就等在街头,准备给需要安慰的人送去拥抱。做第一件事,总会让人紧张和不安,Juan也不例外,他担心被人嘲笑。但是,15分钟后,一个女士的到来让他改变了主意。女士说着“今天我的狗死了,今天也是我自己 女儿 去世一周年的忌日。”这真的是令人伤心的一件事,所以,Juan给了她一个 拥抱,而这个拥抱也远远超出了拥抱本身,更有深层的含义。那件事之后,Juan想确定是否也有人做着同样的事情,他查到在世界上的不同地区地区有人在做同样的事情。当拥抱者工作的 时候,大多数人不会注意到他们或者摇头,而那些张开拥抱的人总会报以微笑以示感谢。

这个故事给我们的温暖在于Juan虽然自己孤独、悲伤,伤痕累累,然而,他却有能力自己恢复过来。更为重要的是,他还有能力去给别人安慰,并且让那些人真正地获得了温暖和力量。由此可以看出,任何一个人都不是无力的 ,都不是无能为力的,而是可以做出一些改变的。通过自己的改变,我们也可以给他人、给社会带来一些改变。

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