

 昵称64574355 2022-05-23 发布于广东

第七百八十二条 定作人应当按照约定的期限支付报酬。对支付报酬的期限没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,定作人应当在承揽人交付工作成果时支付;工作成果部分交付的,定作人应当相应支付。 

Article 782. The principle shall make the payment as scheduled.If the time of payment were not stipulated or the stipulation were unclear, nor could be certified in accordance with the provision of Article 510 of this Code, the principle should pay the undertaker at the time of handover of the work achievement. If the achievement were handed over in part, the principle should pay accordingly.


没有约定的, 本条规定了定作人后付款的原则, 这与承揽合同的实践相去甚远。商业实践中定作人不支付一点定金,承揽人是不会开始工作的。 定作人说一声定作然后消失了对于承揽人而言太痛苦了。


法条规定以交付作为付款的条件,那么,交付的方式就会对付款产生重要影响。 如果是约定定作人上门取件,定作人过期不取,承揽人应及时催告定作人取件付款,定作人仍不取件付款的,承揽人不仅可以向定作人收取欠款利息, 还可以主张工作成果保管费等相应费用。承揽人还可主张自应交付日期起,工作成果的毁损、灭失风险转移由定作人承担。这些最好在合同中明确约定。

如果约定交付的方式为承揽人送货上门, 承揽人逾期送货,承揽人应承揽什么样的责任,如何赔偿等也应在合同中约定。

“交付”不仅仅以送达为依据,还必须经过定作人的检验验收。 如果工作成果虽送达,但经检验不符合合同约定的标准,则承揽人不得以“交付”要求定作人付款。因此,承揽人要求付款的条件是经定作人验收合格的交付。

部分交付的首先应是工作成果能够部分分批交付,且部分交付不影响定作人的使用。如果承揽人虽能部分交付,但定作人必须等全部交付后才能使用的, 要求定作人支付部分货款也缺乏合理性。 至于“相应”,当然是与交付的部分相应的报酬。问题是怎么确定“相应”报酬。如果没有约定, 可考虑按比例的方法。 



Art. 373

1 Where the payment was fixed in advance as an exact amount, the contractor is obliged to perform the work for the agreed amount and may not charge more even if the work entailed more labour or greater expense than predicted.

2 However, where performance of the work was prevented or seriously hindered by extraordinary circumstances that were unforeseeable or excluded according to the conditions assumed by both parties, the court may at its discretion authorize an increase in the price or the

termination of the contract.

3 The customer must pay the full price even where the work has entailed less labour than predicted.

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