
On the sixteen line poem to answer the questions of College Readers (关于十六行诗答高校读者问1)​

 y读天下 2022-05-25 发布于四川


On the sixteen line poem to answer the questions of College Readers (1)


Author: Yin Caigan (China)



1.When did you start writing sixteen line poems and what works do you have?


Yin Caigan: the writing of sixteen line poems began in 1978. At first, he wrote "Sixteen Line New Metrical Poetry", and then began to write "Sixteen line new free style poetry". His main works include listening to Wen you's Miscellaneous Poems in autumn, ancient capital Xi'an, ripe grapes, entering the Central Plains, Guang'an people, Fu of wusheng Baiping flying dragon new village, etc. Some of these works have been published and distributed in the selected lyrics of thousands of families (edited by Yin Caigan, the first edition of China Federation of literary and Art Publishing House in June 2004), and some have been published and distributed in the collection of Yin Caigan's doggerel Poems (the first edition of Tuanjie Publishing House in April 2016).


2.What are the creative principles of Chinese sixteen line poetry?


Yin Caigan replied that the formal principle of the creation of "Sixteen Line New Metrical Poetry" is: Sixteen lines, sixteen sentences, unlimited number of words, open metrical, but the sentence pattern is neat, four sections, four sentences per section, four, four, four structure. Such as listening to Wen you's poems in autumn:


For more than 40 years, he has been facing the wall, and his whole life has been crushed into mud.


Who can solve my pain? The truth is sad after drinking.


Once trekked for Shushan power, where is not the Qingyun ladder.


Wensi spring flows into a stream. It's strange that Luoyang paper is expensive.


Now the transit has moved, leaving only meditation and sigh.


There are thousands of sails in front of you. There are no flowers and grass under your feet.


The warm sun in the dream often remembers each other. When I wake up, the ground is covered with ice and frost.


When does the dream take God's pen? Mei Kai's second degree question broke the wall.


——Selected from the collection of limericks by Yin Caigan(Tuanjie publishing house, 1st edition, April 2016, page 107)


The formal principle of the creation of "Sixteen line new free style poetry" is: Sixteen lines, sixteen sentences, unlimited number of words, uneven sentence patterns, and four sections, four sentences per section, four, four, four structure. Such as "dreams flying in the heart of wusheng garden":


The flowers bloom, the garden yawns,


Stretching a warm lazy waist everywhere.


Butterflies fly, birds sing,


The garden became a market and everything was fresh.


When the days are ripe, bring out plates of fruit,


Feeding vicissitudes, feeding innocence.


Years are like a baby, drunk and staggering,


Quarrels flow happy milk every day.


The garden has a bumper harvest, cucumbers and beans,


Swing on the shelf, eggplant, pepper,


Line up in the bed, plan your dreams,


And the hidden radish and sweet potato.


Wandering outside the garden, the fence will block the view,


Enter the garden, drop the hoe, plant roses,


Put poetry and paintings into wine and get drunk with the clouds,


Since then, instead of going to the ends of the earth, I have sown the morning sun by my door.


——From Guang'an online "dreams flying in the heart of wusheng garden"


In terms of creation, we should not stick to the antithesis between the level and level of classical poetry, but pay attention to the generation of poetic flavor and the creation of artistic conception. We should flexibly use a large number of times language, appropriately use Chinese new rhyme, have a sense of rhythm and rhythmic beauty, read it fluently, easy to remember and recite.


3. What are the characteristics of sixteen line poetry?


Yin Caigan: writing practice shows that whether it is "Sixteen element New Metrical Poetry" or "Sixteen element new free style poetry", it can be said that it is a modern Chinese poetry with the aesthetic texture of Chinese poetry, strong sense of reality, strong sense of life, short and concise, clear and clear, full of rhythm and appreciation of elegance and customs.


4.Why do readers like reading and writing sixteen line poems?


Yin Caigan: I think there are three reasons why readers like it. First, it is a modern new style poetry with the aesthetic texture of Chinese poetry. It has the characteristics of music, refinement, image and transition structure. These characteristics are precisely the basic characteristics of the traditional poetry language of the Chinese nation. They are in line with the creation and reading psychology of the whole nation and are easy to resonate with readers. Second, there is no limit to the number of words in the sentence of the sixteen line new style poem, which overcomes the dull and rigid of too neat delimitation. Because the number of words in each line is unlimited, the length is different, and the density is alternating, the text of each stanza appears to be scattered and uneven, which makes it appear that the body fluctuates naturally, the literary spirit is flexible and beautiful, and overcomes the dull and rigid of being too neat and uniform. Third, poetry has a large capacity, free and flexible form, which is easy to master and use. A 16 line new metrical poem has the capacity of two metrical poems and four quatrains, which is convenient to express more and more complex contents. At the same time, because the sixteen line new style poetry relaxes the horizontal and horizontal antithesis of classical poetry and has no limit on the number of words in each sentence, it is more flexible and free than traditional metrical poetry and Western sonnets, which is convenient for readers to master and use. Therefore, readers are easy to like sixteen line poetry and devote themselves to exploring and creating sixteen line new poetry.

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