
analysis & creation

 黄桃坚果书馆 2022-05-27 发布于广东

I. analysis

1 Dilemmas can arise for the basic scientist who wants to develop synthetic embryos to better study embryonic and fetal development, but is not sure just how real the embryos can be without running into moral limits on their later destruction.

主句:Dilemmas can arise for the basic scientist

定从:who wants to develop synthetic embryos 

表目的:to better study embryonic and fetal development

表转折:but is not sure just

状从:how real the embryos can be without running into moral limits on their later destruction.

2 Once treatments or drugs are in clinical trials involving human subjects, a new set of challenges arise, from ensuring informed consent, to protecting vulnerable research participants to guarantee their participation is voluntary and informed.

主句:a new set of challenges arise

once引导的条件状语从句:Once treatments or drugs are in clinical trials involving human subjects

插入语: from ensuring informed consent

to引导目的状语从句:to protecting vulnerable research participants 

介词引导目的状语从句:to guarantee their participation is voluntary and informed.

3 Eventually, some of these new approaches exit the pipeline and are put into practice, where providers, patients, and families struggle with how to best align the risks and benefits of treatment with the patient’s best interest and goals.

主句:some of these new approaches exit the pipeline and are put into practice


where引导的状语从句:where providers, patients, and families struggle with 

同从:how to best align the risks and benefits of treatment

表伴随:with the patient’s best interest and goals.

4 Consequently, bioethicists ask whether it is just that an individual’s access to needed, costly and effective care should depend upon an individual’s ability to pay, or the willingness of a state legislature to adequately fund the Medicaid program for the poor?

主句:bioethicists ask whether it is just

同从:that an individual’s access to needed

宾从:costly and effective care should depend upon an individual’s ability to pay

表并列:or the willingness of a state legislature 

表目的:to adequately fund the Medicaid program for the poor?

5 Somatic cell nuclear transfer is an artificial technique which produces numerous number of clones as compare to embryo splitting technique which is a natural process produces less or limited number of organisms and cell mass division is a technique which was used for the first time in October 1993.

主句:Somatic cell nuclear transfer is an artificial technique

定从:which produces numerous number of clones as compare to embryo splitting technique 

which引导定从:which is a natural process produces less or limited number of organisms 

表并列:and cell mass division is a technique 

which引导定从解释说明先行词:which was used for the first time in October 1993.


Sb. says / claims / argues that But it remains to be seen / done whether / which / what(从句)

某人称 /宣称/ 认为······ 但是要了解(知道)/ 做······, 尚需时日。

应用:a. 推销员宣称他们的呼吸机质量最好,然而对这种产品到底能用多久,我们将拭目以待, 因为我们相信真金不怕火炼。

Salesmen claim that their ventilator is of the best quality. But it remains to be seen how long this product will last, because we believe that real gold is not afraid of fire.

应用:b. 经过充分的准备,每个队对取得生物伦理知识竞赛的胜利都充满了信心,然而最终花落谁家尚待以后见分晓。

After sufficient preparation, each team claims that they are full of confidence  in winning the bioethics knowledge competition, but it remains to be seen who will be the winner before long.

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