

 Amber看世界 2022-06-28 发布于重庆




1.If someone told you there was a “life hack” that could help reduce your blood pressure, calm your heart rate, improve your mood and give you feelings of contentment and life satisfaction, would you take their advice? 


2.Whether or not it sounds plausible, it’s true, and it’s called “forest bathing.” 


3.Simply taking time out of your schedule to go for a walk in nature has been consistently found to have powerful, restorative effects on your psychology and your health.


4.“Forest bathing” (“shinrin-yoku,”) a term coined by a Japanese government ministry in the early 1980s, has been defined as “making contact with and taking in the atmosphere of the forest,” and its effects have been documented with an ever-growing group of studies and scientific literature. 


5.According to the journal Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, it remains big in Japan: as long ago as 2004, the Association of Therapeutic Effects of Forests was founded; three years later, the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine was also established. 


6.Today,with stress, depression and anxiety afflicting the United States like never before—as noted in a 2020 review article in Frontiers in Psychology—it’s becoming increasingly clear that forest bathing could play a role in improving our mental health, too.

今天,随着压力、抑郁和焦虑前所未有地折磨着美国人——正如《心理学前沿》(Frontiers in psychology) 2020年的一篇综述文章所指出的那样——越来越明显的是,森林浴也可以在改善我们的心理健康方面发挥作用。

7.In the Frontiers article, almost eleven thousand papers were screened and more than a hundred fifty were included in a “scoping review” of the physiological benefits of forest bathing. 


8.Walking in natural settings was associated with multiple health markers of reduced stress, including diminished blood pressure, decreased heart rate, reduced “fight-or-flight” nervous system activity, and increased activation in the parasympathetic nervous system (which is responsible for our body’s resting processes). 


9.Reductions in cortisol (the “stress hormone” you may have read about) have also been found in people after they’ve spent time in nature, according to an International Journal of Environmental Health Research article completed too recently to include in the 2020 review.

根据《国际环境健康研究杂志》(International Journal of Environmental Health Research)最近完成的一篇文章,人们在大自然中度过一段时间后,皮质醇(一种“压力荷尔蒙”)也会减少,这篇文章没有被纳入2020年的综述之中。

10.The many advantages of “bathing” in nature—which means merely walking amongst the trees, listening to the sounds of the wind, the leaves, and the birds—also include the psychological. 


11.The Frontiers article found multiple papers supporting the notion that forest bathing reduces “anger-hostility,” “confusion-bewilderment,” “depression-dejection,” fatigue-inertia,” and “tension-anxiety.” 


12.People who took the time to walk in natural settings felt a soothing sense of comfort and improved feelings of calm refreshment. 


13.At the same time, they also felt energized and more “vigorous.”



  文中提到“森林浴”这个术语是哪    个国家提出的?

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