
The past is the past, we 're observing the future....

 长青人 2022-07-06 发布于四川

Learning is always a painful process【学习的过程中总要经历一些痛苦】

We will rise【我们终将会奋起向上】

Absence makes the heart grow fonder【距离产生美】

Childhood is truly a time of wonder【童年处处是美好】

Life is short, go where you feel love【人生苦短,就大胆去爱】

The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now【你当下所做的选择才最为重要】

It's easy to quit, but don't, don't quit, don't stop【永不轻言放弃,永不停止脚步】

You should be very proud of what you have done with it【你应该为自己的努力而感到骄傲】

It's time for you to start living your life【是时候开始为你自己而活】

When we let go of something, it opens up a little space to grow【学会放手的同时也学会成长】

If our world's gonna survive, what matters is what we do now【世界的存在与人类的行动息息相关】

Don't settle for average, bring the best to your moment【不要甘于平庸,竭力活出当下精彩】

The center of bring any dream into fruition is self-discipline【实现梦想的关键是懂得自律】

Everything in life happens according to our time, our clock【万事皆有自己的节奏】

The only failure there is the failure to try【勇于尝试,便不叫失败】

Take a leap, take a chance【人生要敢于尝试】

Don't let anyone rush you with their timelines【不要让他人打断你的生活节奏】

Summer is the time of plenty【夏日时光,丰富多彩】

Love has no boundaries【爱无止境】

If you wait it, you gotta go get it【想要什么,就去尽力争取】

We are defined by our actions, not our words【个人的价值在于你做了什么,而非你说了什么】

If you can dream it, you can do it【敢梦就要敢为】

Time waits for no man【时不待我】

We are who we choose to be【每一次选择,都在定义自我】

True love lasts a lifetime【唯有真爱,一生永恒】

Adversity is a great teacher【逆境教人成长】

Home represents belonging【家是永远的港湾】

The past is the past, we are observing the future【放下过去,着眼未来】


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