

 尕蛋亲 2022-07-08 发布于山西


​退税tax refunds

太阳能面板solar panels

个体工商户self-employed households

纾困专项资金special relief funds

助企纾困help ease enterprises' burden

保供稳价ensure stable supplies and prices

城乡融合发展integrated urban-rural development

历史文化遗产historical and cultural heritage

智慧气象smart meteorology

智能运输系统intelligent transport system

支付系统payment systems

关键核心技术攻坚achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields

高端装备制造high-end equipment manufacturing

碳达峰、碳中和目标carbon-peak and carbon-neutralization goals

弘扬茶文化carry forward tea culture

振兴茶产业revitalize the tea industry

人与自然和谐共处the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature

原油crude oil

获得支持garner support from

评估风险assess risks

继续呈上升趋势continue its upswing trajectory

贸易顺差trade surplus

贸易逆差trade deficit

外贸依存度ratio of dependence on foreign trade


就业优先政策pro-employment policies

生物科技创新biotechnological innovation

城乡融合发展integrated urban-rural development

新型城镇化战略new urbanization strategy

户籍制度改革reform of the household registration system

援企、稳岗、扩就业assist businesses, stabilize employment and create more job

纾困稳岗help ease enterprises' burden and keep their payroll stable

贸易顺差trade surplus

贸易逆差trade deficit

外贸依存度ratio of dependence on foreign trade

生物科技创新biotechnological innovation


校园招聘服务campus recruitment services

民族复兴national rejuvenation

思政课ideological-political courses

红色基因'red' heritage

遵循自愿原则on a voluntary basis

商业保险commercial insurance

老龄化社会an aging society

双盲研究double-blind study

汇率exchange rate

野生植物wild plants


迁地保护off- site protection

国家生态安全national biosecurity

外来物种入侵invasion of alien species

货币紧缩monetary tightening

金融市场动荡financial market volatility

供需失衡supply-demand imbalances

蓬勃向上的青年形象the vibrant and energetic image of the youth​​​​


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