
英语翻译 CATTI 备考:2021 政府报告常用词 - ”持续“ 的译法

 M散人 2022-07-13 发布于山东


「持续」”这个词,在报告中出现了 25 次, 最常用的就是大家熟悉的 continue to了,

此外出现比较多的是 sustain 及其名词、形容词等, sustained, sustainabilitysustainable

另外比较赞的比如 tireless efforts of ....,

还有比如 keep + ving, 或者单用 ving, 也都是表示持续的状态。



Thanks to the 「tireless」 efforts of all of us, our gains in controlling Covid-19 were continuously consolidated.


We took a full range of measures to maintain law and order, and 「continued」 to combat organized crime and root out local criminal gangs, thus making further headway in pursuing the Peaceful China initiative.


We strictly complied with the central Party leadership’s eight-point decision on improving work conduct, and we made 「sustained」 efforts to ease the burdens of those working on the ground.


The economy performed stably overall, and its structure was 「continuously」 improved.


Supply-side structural reform was 「steadily」 advanced, as were reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services.


Thanks to these efforts, the business environment 「kept」 improving.


China 「continued」 to open its door wider to the world; the joint pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative yielded solid outcomes.


Thanks to our hard work in these five years, we accomplished the major goals and tasks of the 13th Five-Year Plan, and made a giant stride toward the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


— Improving the quality and effectiveness of development and maintaining 「sustained」 and healthy economic growth.


Doing so will enable us to achieve higher-quality development that is more efficient, equitable, 「sustainable」, and secure.


—Advancing reform and opening up across the board and 「bolstering」 the momentum and vitality of development


We will 「continue」 to improve the quality of the environment, and generally eliminate heavy air pollution and black, malodorous water bodies in cities.


—Improving people’s wellbeing and striving for common prosperity


We should stay confident, meet challenges head-on, and consolidate the foundation for economic recovery to ensure 「sustained」 and healthy economic and social development.


These targets are also well-aligned with the annual goals of subsequent years in the 14th Five-Year Plan period, and they will help 「sustain」 healthy economic growth.


  1. Ensuring the 「continuity」, consistency, and sustainability of macro policies to keep major economic indicators within an appropriate range


We will enhance the quality, efficiency, and 「sustainability」 of our proactive fiscal policy.


Banks will be encouraged to increase credit loans and first-time loans.


We will extend the pay-as-you-go lending model, channel more funds into scientific and technological innovation, green development initiatives, micro and small enterprises, self-employed individuals, and new types of agribusiness, and provide targeted support for enterprises and industries enduring a 「sustained」 hit from Covid-19.


  1. Enhancing Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Conservation and Promoting 「Continuous」 Environmental Improvement


We will fully implement the 「sustainable」 development strategy, consolidate the gains in our endeavors to keep our skies blue, our waters clear, and our lands pollution-free, and transition to eco-friendly production and ways of life.


We will systematically promote comprehensive control of desertification, rocky desertification, and soil erosion, 「continue」 to launch large-scale land greening programs, protect the marine environment, and protect and restore ecosystems.


We will, with a focus on resolving the difficulties of our people, respond promptly to public concerns and 「continue」 working to improve people’s lives.


We will, with emphasis on prevention, 「continue」 to advance the Healthy China initiative and carry out extensive patriotic health campaigns.


We will intensify efforts to build a clean government and 「continue」 to prevent misconduct and corruption.


We will 「continue」 to deepen international and regional cooperation, and actively participate in international cooperation to prevent and control major infectious diseases.

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