
英语翻译 CATTI 备考:2021 政府报告常用词 - ”增长“ 的译法

 M散人 2022-07-13 发布于山东


「增长」”这个词,在报告中出现了 20 次,百分之九十以上用的都是 increase 和 grow,没啥好说的。



We achieved major strategic success in our response to Covid-19 and China was the world’s only major economy to achieve 「growth」.

对中小微企业贷款延期还本付息,大型商业银行普惠小微企业贷款「增长」 50%以上,

MSMEs were allowed to postpone principal and interest repayments on their loans, and inclusive finance lending by large commercial banks to micro and small businesses 「increased」 by more than 50 percent.

经济恢复好于预期,全年国内生产总值「增长」 2.3%,

With gross domestic product (GDP) for the year 「growing」 by 2.3 percent, a better-than-expected recovery was achieved.


The number of new market entities began 「growing」 rapidly again, leading to the creation of a large number of new jobs.


And its foreign trade and utilized foreign investment posted steady 「growth」.


The foundation for achieving our country’s economic recovery needs to be further consolidated, impediments to consumer spending remain, and investment 「growth」 lacks sustainability.


We should encourage people working in all sectors to give high priority to improving the quality and effectiveness of development to fully tap China’s 「growth」 potential.

经济运行保持在合理区间,各年度视情提出经济「增长」预期目标,全员劳动生产率「增长」高于国内生产总值「增长」,城镇调查失业率控制在 5.5%以内,物价水平保持总体平稳,

We will keep major economic indicators within an appropriate range, set annual targets for economic 「growth」 in light of actual conditions, ensure that overall labor productivity grows faster than GDP, keep the surveyed urban unemployment rate within 5.5 percent, and keep prices generally stable.

全社会研发经费投入年均「增长」 7%以上、力争投入强度高于“十三五”时期实际。

China ’ s R&D spending will 「increase」 by more than seven percent per year, which is expected to account for a higher percentage of GDP than that during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.


Per capita disposable income will generally grow in step with GDP 「growth」.


pursue high-quality development as the general aim, advance supply-side structural reform as the main task, and harness reform and innovation as the key source of momentum in our endeavor to meet the fundamental goal of satisfying the people’s 「growing」 needs for a better life;


We should stay confident, meet challenges head-on, and consolidate the foundation for economic recovery to ensure sustained and healthy economic and social development.

国内生产总值「增长」 6%以上;

GDP 「growth」 of over 6 percent over 11 million


a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments steady 「growth」 in personal income


As government revenue 「rebounds」, total government expenditures will be higher this year than last.


Continued 「cuts」 will be made in central government expenditures, including considerable reductions to outlays on non-essential and non-obligatory items.

对地方一般性转移支付「增长」 7.8%、增幅明显高于去年,

General transfer payments to local governments will be 「increased」 by 7.8 percent, which is significantly higher than last year.

大型商业银行普惠小微企业贷款「增长」 30%以上。

Inclusive loans to micro and small businesses by large commercial banks will 「increase」 by over 30 percent this year.


Unjustified 「growth」 in non-tax government revenue will be strictly checked, tough steps will be taken to end arbitrary charges, fines, and quotas, and no action that seeks to make gains at the expense of our people and businesses will be tolerated.

中央本级基础研究支出「增长」 10.6%,

Central government expenditures on basic research will 「increase」 by 10.6 percent.


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