
2020年11月12日雅思写作月计划 | 大作文估计很多同学题都没看懂!

 雅思月计划 2022-07-15 发布于四川

今 日 考 题

Task 1: Table(澳大利亚五个城市的用水情况)

Task 2: Competitiveness is seen as a positive quality for people to have in many societies today. How does this competitiveness affect individuals? Is it a positive or negative quality?

今天难得考了一次组合类大作文题目。本来这类题目难度并不大,但今天这道题的关键词 competitiveness是一个很容易理解错误的单词,在雅各大论坛上很多的考生争论的一个焦点就是到底怎么理解 competitiveness 这个单词?

在维基百科上对这个词的解释是:Competitiveness is a comparative concept of the ability and performance of a firm, sub-sector or country to sell and supply goods and/or services in a given market. 

看上去似乎和题目当中所说的 competitiveness 对应不起来,因为这个解释明显是从 business 的角度来说的。所幸再查一下朗文字典发现该词还有一个解释:the desire to be more successful than other people。有点类似于 ambition,像我们平时生活里面说某个人“很要强”,差不多就是这个意思。所以把 competitiveness 理解成“竞争意识”的同学就不用担心自己偏题了。


Introduction: Competitiveness exerts profound impacts on both individuals, and the negative influence of competitiveness overweigh its positive influence. 

Body1 - 回答第一个问题

1. A stronger competitiveness grants an individual with a higher possibility of leading a better life and social status.

2. Competitiveness also plays a pivotal role in helping individuals gain victory and achievement.

Body2 - 回答第二个问题

1. The negative emotional response generated by competitiveness can not be ignored.

2. A sense of competitiveness may sometimes block one’s vision. In other words, people concentrating on competitiveness may focus too much on the short-term effects.

In conclusion, although competitiveness is inevitable, too much emphasis oncompetitiveness is not only psychologically damaging but also hazardous to a harmonious relationship.


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