
2022年4月9日雅思写作解析 | 写作月计划原题命中!附考官满分范文!

 雅思月计划 2022-07-15 发布于四川

2022年的春天注定很不平静,疫情继续在国内肆虐,上海日增20000+感染,这个规模已经超过了最初的武汉。现在全国只剩下西安,重庆等极少数城市还在坚挺着没有停考。在这样严重的疫情之下,Shark 能收到同学们零星的报分真的是非常感动。

今 日 考 题

Task 1: 三图组合(英国学生人数,政府补贴,家庭背景)

Task 2: In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you argree or disgaree?(2017年大陆考试题目)

分析:今天的大作文是写作月计划第四天练习原题,难度不大,需要注意的是题目中有三个例子,food, clothing and medicine,都需要针对性回应到位,下面这篇范文来自雅思考官。

满 分 范 文

Animals have always been the sources of human food, clothes, medicine or other products since human civilization began. Some people, however, claim that human use of animals is no more necessary in modern time. Even as an animal lover, I am against this view myself.

Initially, we need some domestic animals to supply our daily nutrition and energy consumption. As we all know, meat provides a variety of nutrition, such as protein and fat, which is difficult to obtain from vegetables and fruit. Sufficient energy derived from the meat can also help to compensate daily energy consumption. When we are exhausted after a long day's work, a wonderful meal of steak or chicken may be the best way to revive our vigor.

Additionally, for human survival, it is crucial to extract valuable substance from animals for medical purpose. It is certain animals that can provide a cure for some fatal diseases, such as cancer, because some animals are considered as precious medicines to which scientists have not yet found any alternatives. It is common sense that a man’s life is of more importance than that of an animal in extreme situations.

However, some artificial products in terms of clothes and shoes are proved to be much better in keeping warm and less priced than their animal equivalents. In modern society,  if high-tech man-made materials can well replace the animal-related products to keep human warm in cold winter, it is better to choose the former rather than the latter in the consideration of animal protection. 

In conclusion, despite the fact that we have every reason to use animals for food and pills out of necessity, we should always keep in mind that no wild or endangered animals are to be harmed for human interest.


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