
Shaman《Fairy Tale》

 E7音乐 2022-07-28 发布于北京



Everyday music



—— [美]米尔恰·伊利亚德《萨满教》

名: 《Fairy Tale》


词曲Andre Matos

流派:  另类金属 基督




Iesum, salvator mundi

Tuis fámulis súbveni

Quos pretióso sánguine

Quos pretióso sánguine


[Verse 1]

Fairy lady, who stands on the walls

Life is short and wait is long

The stars, away, dim with the dawn

Fairy lady, who stands on the walls

Your tale has only begun

It comes from far, the Nowhereland

The wind is blowing a sound well known

Fairy lady, your love is long gone

[Chorus 1]

Oh, darling!

Hear my soul and heed my cry

Cause all my crying may flood a river in my heart

[Hook 1]

Ooh, life is good

Ooh, life is good

Ooh, life is good

As good as you wish!

[Verse 2]

Pretty lady, the horses are back

Bringing joy and happiness

But all of a sudden the horses are gone

It was only the sound of your heartbeat alone!

[Chorus 2]

Oh, darling!

Hear my soul and heed my cry

Cause all my crying may flood an ocean in my heart

[Hook 2]

Ooh, life is good

Ooh, life is good

Ooh, life is good

As good as a kiss!

[Chorus 3]

Oh, my darling!

Now I cannot halt my cries

My tears have drowned me

And I refuse to realise

What's left around me

It's all so strange, it's all so dark

I'm all alone here

To mend the pieces of my heart


Little lady, your tale has an end

For your love to skies was sent

He's turned into sparks

That shine with the stars

And by night he will always be there

For his lady to stare

And thus he's never died



今天分享一首Shaman的《Fairy Tale》。

今天来首巴西前卫金属乐队的歌曲。这首歌曲来自他们2002年发行的第一张概念专辑《Ritual》。专辑内容涉及多种文化,主要是土著文化和萨满教文化。自发行以来这张专辑在全球售出超过 500,000 张,在巴西专辑榜排名第一。并出现在metalstorm网站有史以来的前 100 名强力金属专辑列表中。

今天这首《Fairy Tale》是专辑中的第七首歌,由乐队钢琴和主唱Matos创作并演唱。歌曲描述了一个等待良人归来的女性形象,她能做的就是默默祈祷,可惜,等待变成煎熬也没换回心上人的归来。歌手想通过这首歌传递爱与安抚。爱永远不会消失,会化作星辰月亮陪伴在爱的另一方。歌曲中加入了大量的古典音乐元素。开头的一段音乐摘自“耶稣,救世主”,歌词引用了天主教赞美诗《Te Deum》。这段音乐谱曲人记录上是由作曲家Menegali创作,但具体创作信息已无从考证。歌曲中后段歌手金属般的嗓音为歌曲加入了更有活力的部分,古典的钢琴混合金属的质感合成了独具特色的音乐风格。背景唱诗班般的和声让歌曲充满了神圣的感觉,的确,爱是这世间最神圣的东西,它会像山海一样屹立不倒的守护它周围那片神圣的净土。看看歌手。

Shaman是一支巴西前卫和力量金属乐队,由离开Angra乐队的三位音乐家——Andre Matos、Luis Mariutti 和Ricardo Confessori于 2000 年组建。因为缺少吉他手,他们找来了Luis 的弟弟Hugo Mariutti作为吉他手。他们哥俩也在另一个名为Hereforth的乐队中演奏。就像他们的名字,乐队的主题主要集中在萨满教上。乐队在音乐风格上混合了重金属、古典音乐和世界音乐。乐队成员更替频繁,但2018 年 6 月 29 日,Shaman 宣布重聚他们原来的阵容,以庆祝他们的 17 周年巡演。但最终因主唱Andre Matos 2019 年 6 月 8 日的意外去世而中断。

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