

 新麻Ande 2022-08-22 发布于河北



如果你想换工作,你将如何去改变自己的职业生涯,与别人竞争呢?你该如何挖掘与发挥自己的优势?Laura sheehan的TED演讲,提出了她的看法和解决方法,来听听演讲者的建议吧,有三个关键的步骤可以帮助你在任何地方取得成功。

敞开心扉 接受改变
Be open to and ready for change.

Be open to and ready for change. In 1989, Charles Handy wrote a book called "The Age of Unreason." And in it, he predicted that carreers would be a portfolio of different jobs,rather than one position that lasted for decades. Guess what? He was right. In 2007, the New York Times recognized that when it comes to careers, change is the only constant. If jumping off track once was stigmatized, it now has cachet. Career change has cachet! At that time, they predicted that people would change jobs an averate of three times. But by 2010, the number had jumped to seven. By 2015, the number had jumped to 10. And in March of this year (2018), the US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated 12 to 15 carees per person. 15 careers per person! That's right, if you haven't changed job not just once but a few times, you're behind the times! Changing jobs can be a strength. It can be an asset in your professional development. It can show that you're flexible, adaptable, resilient, and that you have creative problem-solving avilities.


放弃头衔 拥抱经历
Embrace the experiences, ditch the titles.

In Handy's words, change, after all is only another word for growth, a synonym for learning. We can all do it, and here's the Key: Enjoy it if we want to。Which leads us to step number 2: Embrace the experiences, ditch the titles. Today, a successful career is not based on a single job title, the sme job in different locations. It's the process of diligently developing and then quickly adapting a set of skills to answer life's challenges. I might not have been Laura, the lawer every place we lived. But in every location, i served as a talented writer, a persuasive speaker, an advocate,for those who needed my voice. These were the common threads that tied my professional experiences together. So ask yourself, what are the skills you consistently use in everything that you end up doing? Therein lies your strength, your story, your path to success. Author Jeff Goins wrote the "Art of Work" recently. It's a really great book you should read it. In it, he encourages you to think about your work as an artist's portfolio, where each piece stands on its own and its own beautiful work, but when compiled into a portfolio, clearly illustrates the progress that the artist has made, the growth that she has come through in the years. In your work, your careers, each semingly unrelated experience stands on its own, but can also be viewed as a contribution to a collective whole, a beautiful collage of a career that you are creating. By ditching the titles and embracing the experiences, you expand your employment options, and you can better enjoy the journey.


Make meaningful connections.

"But, okay Laura, how do we land a job?" Great question! And this is the Key, step number three: Make meaningful connections. All theroy and warm fuzzy felling aside, on a very practical level, creating real life connections through actual conversations,can enable and empower you to find success. Despite the plethora of internet-based job,boards that are out there, 85% of jobs are still filled by word of mouth by personal connection. Is it really a surprise that someone needs to know you,in order to recommend you, inorder to want to hire you? So plug-in! Not with devices, but with people. Askquestions, seek advice, tell the world what you want to do,so that when those opportunities arise, they think of you. Start today,go and have a coffee or get crazy, have an entire meal with someone whose job really intrigues you, someone whose activities interest you, some who you just think that you'd like to get to know better. Start a conversation,and if you're looking for a way to get that talk going, I've got a couple of great quesions that can start you on your road. When I meet new people I love to ask:"How did you come to be here?" And if you could do anyting, what would it be?”

【译文"不过劳拉,我们该如何找到工作呢?" 好问题!而且这是个关键点,第三步:建立有意义的联系。抛开所有的理论和温暖模糊的感觉,在一个非常实际的层面上,通过实际的对话创造真正的生活联系,可以帮助你获得成功。尽管现在在互联网上有着非常多的求职网站,但是依旧与85%的工作是通过扣扣相传和人际关系来填补的。人们需要了解你才能推荐你,才会雇佣你,这一点真的让人意外吗?所以,开始求职吧!不要通过网站,而是通过人际关系。提出问题,寻求建议,告诉世界你想做什么,这样一来,机会出现的时候,他们才会想起你。从今天开始,去和拥有让你感兴趣的工作的人,和在进行让你感兴趣的活动的人,或者和你想要了解更多的人一起喝杯咖啡或者和他们吃顿饭。要和他们展开对话,如果你正在寻找一种方式帮你开展对话,我有几个很好的问题能够让你在对话时有个好的开始。当我遇到新朋友时,我喜欢问:“你是怎么来到这里的呢?" 如果你能够做任何事情的话,你想做些什么呢?“



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