

 昵称22998329 2022-08-30 发布于北京

由Jordan Peele担当编剧和导演的最新恐怖片《逃出绝命镇》2月24日在美上映。当我听说Jordan Peele要拍恐怖片了,第一想法是有没有搞错啊?他不是喜剧笑星来的吗??但是当看完《逃出绝命镇》的预告片之后,我就无语了。是那种被震慑的无语,因为太赞了!预告片所展现出的新颖的想法、惊悚的氛围,着实令人震撼。

回到正题,由《分裂》、《险恶》的制片公司Blumhouse制作,环球影业发行的恐怖片《逃出绝命镇》,在美国首周就拿下了与口碑相称,近5000万美金的票房成绩。上映至今,三周票房轻轻松松就超过了1.3亿美金。Jordan Peele由此成为历史上第一个凭借处女作就票房过亿的黑人导演。该片成本仅450万美金,1亿多美金的票房对于该片的投资人来说无疑是巨大的喜讯。而同期上映的动作片《极速之巅》却只有拿下慘淡的200万首周票房,还不到成本的十分之一。

我认为《逃出绝命镇》能够有如此惊人的表现,除了该片新颖的题材和Jordan Peele精妙大胆的情节设计,Blumhouse制作公司的加入很大程度提高了电影的制作水平和行业认可度,以此得到环球影业的重视得以重磅发行,所以《逃出绝命镇》在北美市场一发行便势不可挡。而它在烂番茄上评分高达99%,如此口碑无疑也使这部电影获得更多院线排片。由此,相信该片将超越上个月的票房宠儿《分裂》(成本900万,北美票房1.4亿,全球2.5亿美金),创下更为傲人的成绩,让我们拭目以待!

《逃出绝命镇》 – 在圣丹斯电影节采访导演乔丹·皮尔
撰稿Fred Topel


《逃出绝命镇》在圣丹斯电影节举行了全球首映。丹尼尔·库鲁亚扮演一个去女朋友(艾利森·威廉姆斯)家拜访其父母的男子。很快,能否被这个白人家庭所接受已经变得不那么要紧了。因为他们的房子里有很不对劲的地方,而且都是针对黑人。 梦想蛋来到了圣丹斯,让我们听听皮尔在电影首映式上是如何谈论这部电影的。 《逃出绝命镇》2月24日周五于美国上映,以450万美金小成本博得5000万美金首周本土票房。











对我来说非常重要的一点是,这部电影不是关于一个黑人去南部或者红色州这种大家普遍认为每一个人都是种族歧视者的地方 。实际这个电影是想尝试攻击那些自以为高等的自由派精英们。我将布拉德和凯瑟琳看作是完美的岳父岳母型。如果你能想象现实外的、这世界上最完美的岳父岳母,他们就是。布莱特这这个角色其实非常有意思。有很多他的素材不能用到电影里,因为太过激了。

问:你希望TSA(运输安全管理局)喜欢这部电影么,因为最好的朋友(LilRel Howery)是一个TSA工作人员?

乔丹·皮尔:是的,我希望TSA喜欢。我给《基和皮尔》画过一个草图,我们两个是塔利班,挤在一个山洞里。整个梗是,“要不是因为TSA和他们超烂的规定,我就可以携带一把比这更大的刀,然后干掉他们。”有一段时间,我担心自己乘坐TSA路线时会有人会来到我面前说,“哇,伙计,你最好当心点。”我总是跟我妻子谈起这个。不过现在没事了,LilRel Howery,那个家伙现在估计都可以免费搭飞机了。





Get Out Interview - Director Jordan Peele At The Sundance Film Festival
by Fred Topel

Jordan Peele is best known as part of the comedy duo Key & Peele. With his partner, Keegan-Michael Key, the duo spoofed President Obama, the making of Gremlins 2 and other popular characters on their Comedy Central show. Peele made his directorial debut with a different sort of movie, the horror film Get Out.

Get Out had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. Daniel Kuluuya plays a man who goes home to visit his girlfriend (Allison Williams)’s parents. Pretty soon, it seems his basic fears of being accepted by her white family were mild. Something is going on at their house, targeting African-American people specifically. DreameGGs was at Sundance to hear Peele speak at the premiere of his film. Get Out opens Friday, February 24.

Q: Why did you want your first feature film to be a horror film?

Jordan Peele: You can see the dozen influences, my favorite horror movies that went into this.This was something I felt like was really a missing piece in the genre. One of my favorite movies is The Stepford Wives obviously. It’s a real classic and the way it dealt with the social issues in regards to gender was something I just thought that’s proof you can pull off a movie about race that’s a thriller that’s just entertaining and fun and a wild ride.

Q: When did you start writing Get Out?

JP: I came up with the script probably about eight years ago actually. The idea started when Barack Obama and Hillary were going up against each other for the Democratic nomination. All of a sudden, the country was focused for a second on black Civil Rights and women’s Civil Rights movements and where they intersect. There was this question of who deserves to be president more? Who’s waited long enough. Of course it’s an absurd thing that Civil Rights are even divided. It should be one Civil Right. That was when the germ of the idea that hit me, because like I said, The Stepford Wives. That marinated for a long time and then probably wrote the script three years ago.

Q: Is there a closer relationship to horror and comedy than people think?

JP: Yeah, horror and comedy are very linked to me. There are some obvious reasons. They’re both about getting a physical reaction and pinpointing when that physical reaction happens. You have to know where your audience is. It’s just one is a laugh, one is a scare. Some of my favorite horror movies, especially in an experience like this, really truly scary scene can get everybody to laugh. I was very eager to use the things that I’ve learned in comedy for horror which is my favorite genre. If this was a comedy, coming down here, I would be so confident. I would bust out my impressions. As a director, I feel like Woody Allen. I just feel so sheepish, confused and scared. Now I get it. Now I get why they’re all squirmy, self-hating people. The thing is, as a filmmaker, it’s so humbling to get in here. First all, this massive group of talent and spirit and people who believe in me and who are taking this chance. If it goes wrong, it goes really wrong. The faith that you’re given by these people, they mean everything. It’s so humbling.

Q: How did you end up making the movie with horror producer Jason Blum?

JP: It was like, “So here’s a movie that’s never going to get made.” That’s how we started the conversation. By the end, he was like, “Let’s make it.” I was like, “Well, f***.”

Q: What were the racial themes you wanted to explore in Get Out?

JP: Like I said, it started eight years ago. For a while, when we had a black president and we were living in this post-racial lie, this whole idea like we’re past it. For me and for many people out there, all black people know no, there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. The party scene is kind of how we experienced racism for a while. This movie was meant to reveal there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations. It’s been fascinating watching the last few years develop because now the movie’s coming out in a very different America than it began. I think it’s more important now. I think it’s far more interesting now. I really respect Universal for having the f***ing balls to lean into this kind of sh*t.

It was very important for me for this movie not to be about the black guy going to the south and going to this red state where the presumption for a lot of people is that everybody’s racist there. This was really meant to take a stab at the liberal elite that tends to believe we are above these things. Brad and Catherine I thought of them as the perfect in laws. If you could imagine in-laws besides my real ones, if you could imagine in-laws that would be perfect to walk into, that would be them. The character that Brad developed was so magnetic. There’s so much he gave us that couldn’t make it into the film that is just absolutely hysterical.

Q: Do you expect the TSA to love this movie, since the best friend (LilRel Howery) is a TSA agent?

JP: Yes, I’m expecting TSA love. I did a sketch on Key & Peele where we were Al Quaeda huddled up in a cave. The whole bit was, “If only it wasn’t for the brilliant TSA and their regulations, I could bring a knife bigger than this and we would have them.” For a while there I was afraid I’d go up to the TSA line and somebody’d be like, “Whoa buddy, better watch yourself now.” I talk about this my wife all the time. It’s like now I’m golden. And LilRel Howery, that motherf***** can fly for free.

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