

 xiaoyao110 2022-09-04 发布于河南

总则 1

北京People all hope that their life can be more smooth and less twists and turns. But have you ever thought that the difficulties today may be gifts from God, which are for achieving a better you. I have heard such a story: A depressed young man complained to a respected Master, "life is always unhappy. Difficulties and setbacks surround me. Is this the only way I can do in my life?" The master smiled, picked up the kettle on the table, and made a cup of tea for the young man. Let him taste it before he speaks. The young man took a sip and said, "master, this tea doesn't smell at all." The master said, "this is the first-class Tieguanyin. How can there be no fragrance?" The young man picked up the cup again and tasted it. He said affirmatively, "there is really no trace of tea." With an indifferent smile, the master told his disciples, "go and boil a pot of boiling water.". Then he took a cup and put the same tea into it. After a while, the boiling water came. Master poured boiling water into the cup and then put the cup in front of the young man. He saw that the tea was floating up and down in the cup, and the tea also overflowed with a wisp of fragrance. The young man was just about to pick up the cup, but the master said, "please wait a moment." After that, he poured some boiling water into the cup, and the tea leaves turned more violently. A more mellow and intoxicating fragrance of tea curled up. If you fill the cup with water six times, the fragrance of tea has already filled the whole room. It turned out that the first tea was made with a pot of warm water. When tea is brewed with warm water, the tea leaves float gently on the water. Without rolling up and down, the tea fragrance cannot be released. The tea is repeatedly brewed with boiling water, and the tea leaves are tossed and floated again and again, and finally they can give off a clear and mellow aroma. Floating life is like tea. We are like a handful of tea, and fate is like a pot of warm or hot water. If you are a good tea, you should not crave warm wThere is a kind of person, you want to wait, but can not wait; And there is a kind of people, you want to forget, but can not forget. There is a kind of person, you can only put in your heart, but can't be around you; And there is a kind of people, can only be around you, but can not be placed in the heart. There is a kind of people, you can only be rooted in memory, but will not blossom and bear fruit; And there is a kind of person who can bloom and bear fruit, but can not enter your memory, and can only let it go with the years and die with the memory. Every day we meet all kinds of different people. Most of them are passers-by in a hurry. They may pass by your side and your memory, but they just pass by, just like the wind, and the wind has no trace. However, there is always a person in the vast sea of people. He once passed your heart, but left an indelible imprint, deeply imprinted on your heart. No matter how time passes, it never fades or disappears. When all the people become blurred images in your memory, the people who pass by your heart will still linger in your heart, always staying in the softest place in your heart, faint, but never forgotten. Bai luomei said that in this life, there are always some people who are the stones you must throw when crossing the river; It is the firewood you need to cook tea; It's your street lamp for lighting at night. But these people will eventually become passers-by, and together with themselves, they will one day give their lives back to the years. At that time, where will the solitary shadows be scattered? In the vast sea of people, who met you, whom you met by chance; Who missed you, you lost who; Who accompanied you all the way, but it has become your lifelong regret? People come and go in life, meet in a hurry, leave in a hurry, miss in a hurry, and forget in a hurry. I don't know who you will meet at the next intersection? Or, like in the past, you are left alone. In fact, there are always some people who are just passers-by in life, but later, they have become frequent visitors to memory. Some people, as soon as they turn around, will live their whole lives. At first, they do not know each other, and finally they do not meet each other. Some love, have to let go, suddenly look back, have no ability to tell. There is a city in everyone's heart. There is a person who is no longer possible. After passing by for a while, that person will be stranded in memory for a lifetime. Maybe fate is like this. The four seasons flow. Some people meet and some people lose. But there is always a person who lives in the bottom of his heart but disappears in life.Dear yourself, from today on, let yourself live quietly and learn to love yourself. You are unique and be the most real, happiest and sunshine yourself. Dear myself, don't care too much about some people and things. Let it go and face everything with the best attitude. Because the world is like this, we will appear worthless in front of things we care about. Dear yourself, never embarrass yourself, such as not sleeping, not eating, feeling sad, and blaming yourself. These are all things that fools do. Dear myself, if you are unhappy, you can find a corner or cry in the quilt for one night. After crying and laughing, you can start all over again. You don't need anyone's sympathy and pity. You can live happily from scratch. Dear yourself, learn to control your emotions. No one owes you. Therefore, you have no reason to lose your temper with anyone. Dear yourself, you don't always want to rely on others, and you can't expect others to come out at the first time when you need them. After all, no one is who you are. Dear myself, in this world, there is nothing that can't go back, nothing that can't go. Dear yourself, take good care of those people who accompany you, because love and friendship are all things of a lifetime. Dear yourself, trust your intuition. Don't provoke others casually, and don't let others enter your world to provoke you casually. Dear yourself, if others are good to you, you should be doubly good to others. If others are not good to you, you should still be good to others. Only in that way can you be good enough. Dear myself, no matter how miserable the reality is, you must persist in believing that it is just a brief darkness before dawn. Dear myself, don't seize the memories of the past and don't fly. A kite with a broken line can only fly. Let it fly, let it fly, and let yourself fly. Dear yourself, there is only one unique you in the world. Even if no one knows how to appreciate you, you must love yourself well, relax and be the most real yourself. Dear yourself, be a man with heart and treat things with love! Forget all the troubles of yesterday; Today is still the rising sun!Fate is a wonderful emotion in the world, which leads the joys and sorrows of life. Some people get along day and night, but they can't walk into their hearts; Some people cherish each other when they have met. It's fate to rise and fall. Sometimes in life, there must be something, but never in life. If you come, you will be happy; if you go, you will be scattered. You are in my mind, you go I wish. Life does not need meaningless persistence, everything goes with fate. Many things are always understood after experience. Just like feelings, only after pain can we know how to protect ourselves; Only when we are stupid can we know how to stick to and give up in time, and we can gradually understand ourselves in the process of gain and loss. In fact, life doesn't need such meaningless persistence. If you learn to give up, life is really easy. There is a kind of feeling called no fate, and there is a kind of giving up called completion. There is a kind of promise called having, and there is a kind of love called letting go. Life is like a one-way train. There is no destination, only scenery along the way. At every intersection, there are always people coming in and people going out, so they gradually become passers-by. Every parting pain is a preview of happiness. After all the sadness, the rest is happiness. Happiness has no end. What you expect, desire and sincerely pursue is still waiting for you at the next station. Some words do not need to be told to everyone. Everyone has a story hidden in his heart, and a legend that he wants to talk about. Some words should only be said to those who understand you. Those who understand you know it without saying it, and those who do not understand it are useless to say more. Gradually I learned to bury my worries in my heart and spread laughter in front of people. Believe that there must be a person who loves your sadness, tolerates your joys and sorrows, and loves you more than himself. In your life, you should at least forget yourself for someone, not for the eternal beauty, but for meeting you in the most beautiful time. Since you choose to love, don't regret it. Even if you are hurt, it is an experience of life. Once you were not loved by others, you will cherish the people who love you in the future. Cherish what you have now, don't ask too much. Occasionally I will think of you, the thoughts in my heart flow like water. I will pack your figure in the baggage of memory, no matter where I go, I will take you with me. Walk in strange scenery and listen to strange songs. There are some memories that fade when you think about them; There are some people who just walk away. Maybe after years, I will smile when I read you again. It's just once. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. To forget a person is not to think of him no more, but to think of him again without waves. Some people do not say goodbye but no longer see each other. Some people turn around and are forever. Once loved, pain, infatuation, and stupidity, when everything becomes a cloud of the past, all give a faint smile, that's just once. Over the years, please remember your world, I have walked.Time is vast, and time goes on. Life in the vast universe, small as a dust, floating in the stars. From a baby to an old man with white hair and a crane's face, it's only a hundred years. Compared with the light years of the universe, it's almost insignificant. However, as an individual, the existence of life is all we have. Only by living can we perceive everything in this world. Only by living can we feel the warmth and beauty of the world. Love is a beam of light. It starts from a person's heart, with warm care, love, and indulgence, and goes straight to another person's heart. It is so persistent that it only goes in one direction; It is so bright and emits warm light. It illuminates the dark world and dispels loneliness and loneliness. It warms the heart and drives away sadness and despair. Love is a beam of light, so that we can see hope for each other. The world without love is cold and dark, just like a boat lost its direction in the sea, unable to find the other shore. The world without light is cold and dark, just like a dust in the universe, I don't know where to fly. The love of parents is a soft light, and the gentle halo encircles the beautiful childhood. Small hearts, because of the light of love, happiness and happiness will follow. Under the light, grow up step by step. A friend's love is a bright light, and the light of trust illuminates the everlasting friendship. In our life, in addition to love and kinship, there is also a sincere friendship indispensable. When you are lonely, lost and helpless, the companionship of friends is the light to wake up happiness, and let a true feeling convey the temperature of love. Lover's love is a beam of hot light, and a warm heart protects love. Two people who are not related by blood, because of mutual attraction, come together, trust each other, love each other, and walk hand in hand. This is the most beautiful light. It is colorful and beautiful. It gives us a feeling that runs through most of our lives. It is because love is a beam of light that illuminates our lives and warms our hearts that the world will be more beautiful. The vast starry sky is as small as you and me. Only when you have the light of love can you live up to this life and the meaning of lifeTime is a one-way journey, with no return and no return. Although we have a lot of reluctant to give up, and although we have countless nostalgia, we can not retain it. We can only allow time to smile and wipe our shoulders in our hands. We are glad that those bitter past, those helpless worries, those unforgettable experiences are all like the passing time, like the rushing water, which has faded our sight. Tear off yesterday's calendar and replace it with today's sunny smile. We should all live a good life and happily live every day in the future. Let every day be as warm as fire. Maybe you once had a word of suffering, maybe your life is not smooth, but please believe that after the rain is the rainbow, and the night is the old saying of the dawn. Don't worry about the past, just smile for the rest of your life. We should filter the memories, filter the memories, remove all the unhappiness, keep the beauty and happiness in our hearts, and let the smile ripple on our happy faces. We recall that when we were alone, we were accompanied by someone; When we shed tears, someone sent words of encouragement; When we are in trouble, someone stands beside us; When we are wronged, some people stand up and shout for us. When we were apart, someone sent us far away; When we were thirsty, someone handed us a cup of cool water and someone sent us a sweet fruit; Even if we lose something unintentionally, there are also people who will not leave us and accompany us to find out for fear that we are anxious and lonely. Don't worry about the past, just smile for the rest of your life. We should read our favorite books and get along well with people. We don't flatter anyone, we don't try our best to flatter anyone, we don't lose ourselves, and we try to cater to someone. We are free to be ourselves and let us enjoy the dignity of life. We should get along with people who are comfortable and enjoy ourselves with people who understand us, because it is not tiring to get along with such people; Because such people conform to our three views. Get along with people who understand us, have the same ideas and similar interests, communicate smoothly and get along comfortably. When you are with comfortable people, you don't have to worry, be careful, try your best to explain and argue. As long as a look, a gesture, a smile, or, say nothing, you can know what you want. With comfortable people, we can laugh and cry, talk as we like, sing and dance as we like. In the rest of our lives, we will meet people who are destined to meet. Some people say that you will meet people who are like you. Some people say that after ten years of training, we can cross the same boat, and after a hundred years of training, we can sleep together. Some people say that it's fate to meet you from a thousand miles. We should cherish the fate we meet. We would rather cry and laugh with those who are destined for us than quarrel with those who are not. We should keep company with people with positive energy and be happy with people who are active and progressive. They will make us excellent. They will light our confused eyes like lighthouses and guide us along the way like road signs. We should get along with grateful people, because grateful hearts are the most beautiful, because grateful people know how to repay kindness. He will make our faces sunny and he will make our hearts warm. We should be a grateful person to repay the benefactors who have helped us, and to thank the friends who have brought us happiness and beauty. They make our hearts bright. We should repay them and be sweet in their hearts. We will go to visit our former classmates and recall with them the romance of studying hard, the smiling faces at the get-together, the splendor of the sports meeting, and the happy songs and laughter in the spring outing. We will go to visit our former friends, share the joys and hardships of the past, share the hardships of the past, have no regrets, share the tears and sweat of the past, and let the old stories rise sweet in the tea fragrance of today. We walked out of the house and into the countryside, listening to the birds singing, the murmuring of the brook, the melodious sound of the piano on the lotus pond, the bamboo flute in the bamboo forest, and the swallows in the brilliant spring. We will go to see the fish playing in the water, the birds playing in the sky, the butterflies dancing on the flowers, and the tourists rowing happily on the blue waves. We should embrace the mountains and rivers, embrace the nature, listen to the whispers of the wind, listen to the lingering rain, listen to the high songs of the thunder, and listen to the beautiful strings played by the flowing water. There is a small courtyard and a field, so that "there are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter" will be pleasant, accompanied by intoxicating fleeting years. In spring, walk along the soft path and listen to the song "beauty of spring"; Sit in the snow like pear garden and listen to the song "Ode to pear flowers"; Snuggle up to the willow bank and enjoy the song "fireworks in Yangzhou in March" to let happiness float in the picturesque spring. In summer, go to a lotus love, listen to the tenderness of the dream of water, and appreciate the lingering feeling of the red Ling. In autumn, enjoy the red leaves all over the mountain, the layers of forest are dyed, the chrysanthemums are golden, the osmanthus is fragrant, and the homesick geese return to their dream homes. In winter, watch the beauty of snow and the spectacular snowflakes, let me love you the snow in the north of the Great Wall cultivate my soul, and let the wonderful sound of love in the snow find its youth. Take a poetic heart, there is beauty in the heart, and the world of mortals is also safe. Embrace a cavity of happiness, let the left hand be fireworks, the right hand is poetry and distant days, forever in the heart. May we bloom with the spring flowers, smile with the summer lotus, be fruitful with the autumn fruits, and be happy with the winter snow. May what ripples on our faces be a drunken smiling face!.

总则 2

总则 3


北京People all hope that their life can be more smooth and less twists and turns. But have you ever thought that the difficulties today may be gifts from God, which are for achieving a better you. I have heard such a story: A depressed young man complained to a respected Master, "life is always unhappy. Difficulties and setbacks surround me. Is this the only way I can do in my life?" The master smiled, picked up the kettle on the table, and made a cup of tea for the young man. Let him taste it before he speaks. The young man took a sip and said, "master, this tea doesn't smell at all." The master said, "this is the first-class Tieguanyin. How can there be no fragrance?" The young man picked up the cup again and tasted it. He said affirmatively, "there is really no trace of tea." With an indifferent smile, the master told his disciples, "go and boil a pot of boiling water.". Then he took a cup and put the same tea into it. After a while, the boiling water came. Master poured boiling water into the cup and then put the cup in front of the young man. He saw that the tea was floating up and down in the cup, and the tea also overflowed with a wisp of fragrance. The young man was just about to pick up the cup, but the master said, "please wait a moment." After that, he poured some boiling water into the cup, and the tea leaves turned more violently. A more mellow and intoxicating fragrance of tea curled up. If you fill the cup with water six times, the fragrance of tea has already filled the whole room. It turned out that the first tea was made with a pot of warm water. When tea is brewed with warm water, the tea leaves float gently on the water. Without rolling up and down, the tea fragrance cannot be released. The tea is repeatedly brewed with boiling water, and the tea leaves are tossed and floated again and again, and finally they can give off a clear and mellow aroma. Floating life is like tea. We are like a handful of tea, and fate is like a pot of warm or hot water. If you are a good tea, you should not crave warm wThere is a kind of person, you want to wait, but can not wait; And there is a kind of people, you want to forget, but can not forget. There is a kind of person, you can only put in your heart, but can't be around you; And there is a kind of people, can only be around you, but can not be placed in the heart. There is a kind of people, you can only be rooted in memory, but will not blossom and bear fruit; And there is a kind of person who can bloom and bear fruit, but can not enter your memory, and can only let it go with the years and die with the memory. Every day we meet all kinds of different people. Most of them are passers-by in a hurry. They may pass by your side and your memory, but they just pass by, just like the wind, and the wind has no trace. However, there is always a person in the vast sea of people. He once passed your heart, but left an indelible imprint, deeply imprinted on your heart. No matter how time passes, it never fades or disappears. When all the people become blurred images in your memory, the people who pass by your heart will still linger in your heart, always staying in the softest place in your heart, faint, but never forgotten. Bai luomei said that in this life, there are always some people who are the stones you must throw when crossing the river; It is the firewood you need to cook tea; It's your street lamp for lighting at night. But these people will eventually become passers-by, and together with themselves, they will one day give their lives back to the years. At that time, where will the solitary shadows be scattered? In the vast sea of people, who met you, whom you met by chance; Who missed you, you lost who; Who accompanied you all the way, but it has become your lifelong regret? People come and go in life, meet in a hurry, leave in a hurry, miss in a hurry, and forget in a hurry. I don't know who you will meet at the next intersection? Or, like in the past, you are left alone. In fact, there are always some people who are just passers-by in life, but later, they have become frequent visitors to memory. Some people, as soon as they turn around, will live their whole lives. At first, they do not know each other, and finally they do not meet each other. Some love, have to let go, suddenly look back, have no ability to tell. There is a city in everyone's heart. There is a person who is no longer possible. After passing by for a while, that person will be stranded in memory for a lifetime. Maybe fate is like this. The four seasons flow. Some people meet and some people lose. But there is always a person who lives in the bottom of his heart but disappears in life.Dear yourself, from today on, let yourself live quietly and learn to love yourself. You are unique and be the most real, happiest and sunshine yourself. Dear myself, don't care too much about some people and things. Let it go and face everything with the best attitude. Because the world is like this, we will appear worthless in front of things we care about. Dear yourself, never embarrass yourself, such as not sleeping, not eating, feeling sad, and blaming yourself. These are all things that fools do. Dear myself, if you are unhappy, you can find a corner or cry in the quilt for one night. After crying and laughing, you can start all over again. You don't need anyone's sympathy and pity. You can live happily from scratch. Dear yourself, learn to control your emotions. No one owes you. Therefore, you have no reason to lose your temper with anyone. Dear yourself, you don't always want to rely on others, and you can't expect others to come out at the first time when you need them. After all, no one is who you are. Dear myself, in this world, there is nothing that can't go back, nothing that can't go. Dear yourself, take good care of those people who accompany you, because love and friendship are all things of a lifetime. Dear yourself, trust your intuition. Don't provoke others casually, and don't let others enter your world to provoke you casually. Dear yourself, if others are good to you, you should be doubly good to others. If others are not good to you, you should still be good to others. Only in that way can you be good enough. Dear myself, no matter how miserable the reality is, you must persist in believing that it is just a brief darkness before dawn. Dear myself, don't seize the memories of the past and don't fly. A kite with a broken line can only fly. Let it fly, let it fly, and let yourself fly. Dear yourself, there is only one unique you in the world. Even if no one knows how to appreciate you, you must love yourself well, relax and be the most real yourself. Dear yourself, be a man with heart and treat things with love! Forget all the troubles of yesterday; Today is still the rising sun!Fate is a wonderful emotion in the world, which leads the joys and sorrows of life. Some people get along day and night, but they can't walk into their hearts; Some people cherish each other when they have met. It's fate to rise and fall. Sometimes in life, there must be something, but never in life. If you come, you will be happy; if you go, you will be scattered. You are in my mind, you go I wish. Life does not need meaningless persistence, everything goes with fate. Many things are always understood after experience. Just like feelings, only after pain can we know how to protect ourselves; Only when we are stupid can we know how to stick to and give up in time, and we can gradually understand ourselves in the process of gain and loss. In fact, life doesn't need such meaningless persistence. If you learn to give up, life is really easy. There is a kind of feeling called no fate, and there is a kind of giving up called completion. There is a kind of promise called having, and there is a kind of love called letting go. Life is like a one-way train. There is no destination, only scenery along the way. At every intersection, there are always people coming in and people going out, so they gradually become passers-by. Every parting pain is a preview of happiness. After all the sadness, the rest is happiness. Happiness has no end. What you expect, desire and sincerely pursue is still waiting for you at the next station. Some words do not need to be told to everyone. Everyone has a story hidden in his heart, and a legend that he wants to talk about. Some words should only be said to those who understand you. Those who understand you know it without saying it, and those who do not understand it are useless to say more. Gradually I learned to bury my worries in my heart and spread laughter in front of people. Believe that there must be a person who loves your sadness, tolerates your joys and sorrows, and loves you more than himself. In your life, you should at least forget yourself for someone, not for the eternal beauty, but for meeting you in the most beautiful time. Since you choose to love, don't regret it. Even if you are hurt, it is an experience of life. Once you were not loved by others, you will cherish the people who love you in the future. Cherish what you have now, don't ask too much. Occasionally I will think of you, the thoughts in my heart flow like water. I will pack your figure in the baggage of memory, no matter where I go, I will take you with me. Walk in strange scenery and listen to strange songs. There are some memories that fade when you think about them; There are some people who just walk away. Maybe after years, I will smile when I read you again. It's just once. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. To forget a person is not to think of him no more, but to think of him again without waves. Some people do not say goodbye but no longer see each other. Some people turn around and are forever. Once loved, pain, infatuation, and stupidity, when everything becomes a cloud of the past, all give a faint smile, that's just once. Over the years, please remember your world, I have walked.Time is vast, and time goes on. Life in the vast universe, small as a dust, floating in the stars. From a baby to an old man with white hair and a crane's face, it's only a hundred years. Compared with the light years of the universe, it's almost insignificant. However, as an individual, the existence of life is all we have. Only by living can we perceive everything in this world. Only by living can we feel the warmth and beauty of the world. Love is a beam of light. It starts from a person's heart, with warm care, love, and indulgence, and goes straight to another person's heart. It is so persistent that it only goes in one direction; It is so bright and emits warm light. It illuminates the dark world and dispels loneliness and loneliness. It warms the heart and drives away sadness and despair. Love is a beam of light, so that we can see hope for each other. The world without love is cold and dark, just like a boat lost its direction in the sea, unable to find the other shore. The world without light is cold and dark, just like a dust in the universe, I don't know where to fly. The love of parents is a soft light, and the gentle halo encircles the beautiful childhood. Small hearts, because of the light of love, happiness and happiness will follow. Under the light, grow up step by step. A friend's love is a bright light, and the light of trust illuminates the everlasting friendship. In our life, in addition to love and kinship, there is also a sincere friendship indispensable. When you are lonely, lost and helpless, the companionship of friends is the light to wake up happiness, and let a true feeling convey the temperature of love. Lover's love is a beam of hot light, and a warm heart protects love. Two people who are not related by blood, because of mutual attraction, come together, trust each other, love each other, and walk hand in hand. This is the most beautiful light. It is colorful and beautiful. It gives us a feeling that runs through most of our lives. It is because love is a beam of light that illuminates our lives and warms our hearts that the world will be more beautiful. The vast starry sky is as small as you and me. Only when you have the light of love can you live up to this life and the meaning of lifeTime is a one-way journey, with no return and no return. Although we have a lot of reluctant to give up, and although we have countless nostalgia, we can not retain it. We can only allow time to smile and wipe our shoulders in our hands. We are glad that those bitter past, those helpless worries, those unforgettable experiences are all like the passing time, like the rushing water, which has faded our sight. Tear off yesterday's calendar and replace it with today's sunny smile. We should all live a good life and happily live every day in the future. Let every day be as warm as fire. Maybe you once had a word of suffering, maybe your life is not smooth, but please believe that after the rain is the rainbow, and the night is the old saying of the dawn. Don't worry about the past, just smile for the rest of your life. We should filter the memories, filter the memories, remove all the unhappiness, keep the beauty and happiness in our hearts, and let the smile ripple on our happy faces. We recall that when we were alone, we were accompanied by someone; When we shed tears, someone sent words of encouragement; When we are in trouble, someone stands beside us; When we are wronged, some people stand up and shout for us. When we were apart, someone sent us far away; When we were thirsty, someone handed us a cup of cool water and someone sent us a sweet fruit; Even if we lose something unintentionally, there are also people who will not leave us and accompany us to find out for fear that we are anxious and lonely. Don't worry about the past, just smile for the rest of your life. We should read our favorite books and get along well with people. We don't flatter anyone, we don't try our best to flatter anyone, we don't lose ourselves, and we try to cater to someone. We are free to be ourselves and let us enjoy the dignity of life. We should get along with people who are comfortable and enjoy ourselves with people who understand us, because it is not tiring to get along with such people; Because such people conform to our three views. Get along with people who understand us, have the same ideas and similar interests, communicate smoothly and get along comfortably. When you are with comfortable people, you don't have to worry, be careful, try your best to explain and argue. As long as a look, a gesture, a smile, or, say nothing, you can know what you want. With comfortable people, we can laugh and cry, talk as we like, sing and dance as we like. In the rest of our lives, we will meet people who are destined to meet. Some people say that you will meet people who are like you. Some people say that after ten years of training, we can cross the same boat, and after a hundred years of training, we can sleep together. Some people say that it's fate to meet you from a thousand miles. We should cherish the fate we meet. We would rather cry and laugh with those who are destined for us than quarrel with those who are not. We should keep company with people with positive energy and be happy with people who are active and progressive. They will make us excellent. They will light our confused eyes like lighthouses and guide us along the way like road signs. We should get along with grateful people, because grateful hearts are the most beautiful, because grateful people know how to repay kindness. He will make our faces sunny and he will make our hearts warm. We should be a grateful person to repay the benefactors who have helped us, and to thank the friends who have brought us happiness and beauty. They make our hearts bright. We should repay them and be sweet in their hearts. We will go to visit our former classmates and recall with them the romance of studying hard, the smiling faces at the get-together, the splendor of the sports meeting, and the happy songs and laughter in the spring outing. We will go to visit our former friends, share the joys and hardships of the past, share the hardships of the past, have no regrets, share the tears and sweat of the past, and let the old stories rise sweet in the tea fragrance of today. We walked out of the house and into the countryside, listening to the birds singing, the murmuring of the brook, the melodious sound of the piano on the lotus pond, the bamboo flute in the bamboo forest, and the swallows in the brilliant spring. We will go to see the fish playing in the water, the birds playing in the sky, the butterflies dancing on the flowers, and the tourists rowing happily on the blue waves. We should embrace the mountains and rivers, embrace the nature, listen to the whispers of the wind, listen to the lingering rain, listen to the high songs of the thunder, and listen to the beautiful strings played by the flowing water. There is a small courtyard and a field, so that "there are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter" will be pleasant, accompanied by intoxicating fleeting years. In spring, walk along the soft path and listen to the song "beauty of spring"; Sit in the snow like pear garden and listen to the song "Ode to pear flowers"; Snuggle up to the willow bank and enjoy the song "fireworks in Yangzhou in March" to let happiness float in the picturesque spring. In summer, go to a lotus love, listen to the tenderness of the dream of water, and appreciate the lingering feeling of the red Ling. In autumn, enjoy the red leaves all over the mountain, the layers of forest are dyed, the chrysanthemums are golden, the osmanthus is fragrant, and the homesick geese return to their dream homes. In winter, watch the beauty of snow and the spectacular snowflakes, let me love you the snow in the north of the Great Wall cultivate my soul, and let the wonderful sound of love in the snow find its youth. Take a poetic heart, there is beauty in the heart, and the world of mortals is also safe. Embrace a cavity of happiness, let the left hand be fireworks, the right hand is poetry and distant days, forever in the heart. May we bloom with the spring flowers, smile with the summer lotus, be fruitful with the autumn fruits, and be happy with the winter snow. May what ripples on our faces be a drunken smiling face!.

总则 4


总则 5



北京People all hope that their life can be more smooth and less twists and turns. But have you ever thought that the difficulties today may be gifts from God, which are for achieving a better you. I have heard such a story: A depressed young man complained to a respected Master, "life is always unhappy. Difficulties and setbacks surround me. Is this the only way I can do in my life?" The master smiled, picked up the kettle on the table, and made a cup of tea for the young man. Let him taste it before he speaks. The young man took a sip and said, "master, this tea doesn't smell at all." The master said, "this is the first-class Tieguanyin. How can there be no fragrance?" The young man picked up the cup again and tasted it. He said affirmatively, "there is really no trace of tea." With an indifferent smile, the master told his disciples, "go and boil a pot of boiling water.". Then he took a cup and put the same tea into it. After a while, the boiling water came. Master poured boiling water into the cup and then put the cup in front of the young man. He saw that the tea was floating up and down in the cup, and the tea also overflowed with a wisp of fragrance. The young man was just about to pick up the cup, but the master said, "please wait a moment." After that, he poured some boiling water into the cup, and the tea leaves turned more violently. A more mellow and intoxicating fragrance of tea curled up. If you fill the cup with water six times, the fragrance of tea has already filled the whole room. It turned out that the first tea was made with a pot of warm water. When tea is brewed with warm water, the tea leaves float gently on the water. Without rolling up and down, the tea fragrance cannot be released. The tea is repeatedly brewed with boiling water, and the tea leaves are tossed and floated again and again, and finally they can give off a clear and mellow aroma. Floating life is like tea. We are like a handful of tea, and fate is like a pot of warm or hot water. If you are a good tea, you should not crave warm wThere is a kind of person, you want to wait, but can not wait; And there is a kind of people, you want to forget, but can not forget. There is a kind of person, you can only put in your heart, but can't be around you; And there is a kind of people, can only be around you, but can not be placed in the heart. There is a kind of people, you can only be rooted in memory, but will not blossom and bear fruit; And there is a kind of person who can bloom and bear fruit, but can not enter your memory, and can only let it go with the years and die with the memory. Every day we meet all kinds of different people. Most of them are passers-by in a hurry. They may pass by your side and your memory, but they just pass by, just like the wind, and the wind has no trace. However, there is always a person in the vast sea of people. He once passed your heart, but left an indelible imprint, deeply imprinted on your heart. No matter how time passes, it never fades or disappears. When all the people become blurred images in your memory, the people who pass by your heart will still linger in your heart, always staying in the softest place in your heart, faint, but never forgotten. Bai luomei said that in this life, there are always some people who are the stones you must throw when crossing the river; It is the firewood you need to cook tea; It's your street lamp for lighting at night. But these people will eventually become passers-by, and together with themselves, they will one day give their lives back to the years. At that time, where will the solitary shadows be scattered? In the vast sea of people, who met you, whom you met by chance; Who missed you, you lost who; Who accompanied you all the way, but it has become your lifelong regret? People come and go in life, meet in a hurry, leave in a hurry, miss in a hurry, and forget in a hurry. I don't know who you will meet at the next intersection? Or, like in the past, you are left alone. In fact, there are always some people who are just passers-by in life, but later, they have become frequent visitors to memory. Some people, as soon as they turn around, will live their whole lives. At first, they do not know each other, and finally they do not meet each other. Some love, have to let go, suddenly look back, have no ability to tell. There is a city in everyone's heart. There is a person who is no longer possible. After passing by for a while, that person will be stranded in memory for a lifetime. Maybe fate is like this. The four seasons flow. Some people meet and some people lose. But there is always a person who lives in the bottom of his heart but disappears in life.Dear yourself, from today on, let yourself live quietly and learn to love yourself. You are unique and be the most real, happiest and sunshine yourself. Dear myself, don't care too much about some people and things. Let it go and face everything with the best attitude. Because the world is like this, we will appear worthless in front of things we care about. Dear yourself, never embarrass yourself, such as not sleeping, not eating, feeling sad, and blaming yourself. These are all things that fools do. Dear myself, if you are unhappy, you can find a corner or cry in the quilt for one night. After crying and laughing, you can start all over again. You don't need anyone's sympathy and pity. You can live happily from scratch. Dear yourself, learn to control your emotions. No one owes you. Therefore, you have no reason to lose your temper with anyone. Dear yourself, you don't always want to rely on others, and you can't expect others to come out at the first time when you need them. After all, no one is who you are. Dear myself, in this world, there is nothing that can't go back, nothing that can't go. Dear yourself, take good care of those people who accompany you, because love and friendship are all things of a lifetime. Dear yourself, trust your intuition. Don't provoke others casually, and don't let others enter your world to provoke you casually. Dear yourself, if others are good to you, you should be doubly good to others. If others are not good to you, you should still be good to others. Only in that way can you be good enough. Dear myself, no matter how miserable the reality is, you must persist in believing that it is just a brief darkness before dawn. Dear myself, don't seize the memories of the past and don't fly. A kite with a broken line can only fly. Let it fly, let it fly, and let yourself fly. Dear yourself, there is only one unique you in the world. Even if no one knows how to appreciate you, you must love yourself well, relax and be the most real yourself. Dear yourself, be a man with heart and treat things with love! Forget all the troubles of yesterday; Today is still the rising sun!Fate is a wonderful emotion in the world, which leads the joys and sorrows of life. Some people get along day and night, but they can't walk into their hearts; Some people cherish each other when they have met. It's fate to rise and fall. Sometimes in life, there must be something, but never in life. If you come, you will be happy; if you go, you will be scattered. You are in my mind, you go I wish. Life does not need meaningless persistence, everything goes with fate. Many things are always understood after experience. Just like feelings, only after pain can we know how to protect ourselves; Only when we are stupid can we know how to stick to and give up in time, and we can gradually understand ourselves in the process of gain and loss. In fact, life doesn't need such meaningless persistence. If you learn to give up, life is really easy. There is a kind of feeling called no fate, and there is a kind of giving up called completion. There is a kind of promise called having, and there is a kind of love called letting go. Life is like a one-way train. There is no destination, only scenery along the way. At every intersection, there are always people coming in and people going out, so they gradually become passers-by. Every parting pain is a preview of happiness. After all the sadness, the rest is happiness. Happiness has no end. What you expect, desire and sincerely pursue is still waiting for you at the next station. Some words do not need to be told to everyone. Everyone has a story hidden in his heart, and a legend that he wants to talk about. Some words should only be said to those who understand you. Those who understand you know it without saying it, and those who do not understand it are useless to say more. Gradually I learned to bury my worries in my heart and spread laughter in front of people. Believe that there must be a person who loves your sadness, tolerates your joys and sorrows, and loves you more than himself. In your life, you should at least forget yourself for someone, not for the eternal beauty, but for meeting you in the most beautiful time. Since you choose to love, don't regret it. Even if you are hurt, it is an experience of life. Once you were not loved by others, you will cherish the people who love you in the future. Cherish what you have now, don't ask too much. Occasionally I will think of you, the thoughts in my heart flow like water. I will pack your figure in the baggage of memory, no matter where I go, I will take you with me. Walk in strange scenery and listen to strange songs. There are some memories that fade when you think about them; There are some people who just walk away. Maybe after years, I will smile when I read you again. It's just once. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. To forget a person is not to think of him no more, but to think of him again without waves. Some people do not say goodbye but no longer see each other. Some people turn around and are forever. Once loved, pain, infatuation, and stupidity, when everything becomes a cloud of the past, all give a faint smile, that's just once. Over the years, please remember your world, I have walked.Time is vast, and time goes on. Life in the vast universe, small as a dust, floating in the stars. From a baby to an old man with white hair and a crane's face, it's only a hundred years. Compared with the light years of the universe, it's almost insignificant. However, as an individual, the existence of life is all we have. Only by living can we perceive everything in this world. Only by living can we feel the warmth and beauty of the world. Love is a beam of light. It starts from a person's heart, with warm care, love, and indulgence, and goes straight to another person's heart. It is so persistent that it only goes in one direction; It is so bright and emits warm light. It illuminates the dark world and dispels loneliness and loneliness. It warms the heart and drives away sadness and despair. Love is a beam of light, so that we can see hope for each other. The world without love is cold and dark, just like a boat lost its direction in the sea, unable to find the other shore. The world without light is cold and dark, just like a dust in the universe, I don't know where to fly. The love of parents is a soft light, and the gentle halo encircles the beautiful childhood. Small hearts, because of the light of love, happiness and happiness will follow. Under the light, grow up step by step. A friend's love is a bright light, and the light of trust illuminates the everlasting friendship. In our life, in addition to love and kinship, there is also a sincere friendship indispensable. When you are lonely, lost and helpless, the companionship of friends is the light to wake up happiness, and let a true feeling convey the temperature of love. Lover's love is a beam of hot light, and a warm heart protects love. Two people who are not related by blood, because of mutual attraction, come together, trust each other, love each other, and walk hand in hand. This is the most beautiful light. It is colorful and beautiful. It gives us a feeling that runs through most of our lives. It is because love is a beam of light that illuminates our lives and warms our hearts that the world will be more beautiful. The vast starry sky is as small as you and me. Only when you have the light of love can you live up to this life and the meaning of lifeTime is a one-way journey, with no return and no return. Although we have a lot of reluctant to give up, and although we have countless nostalgia, we can not retain it. We can only allow time to smile and wipe our shoulders in our hands. We are glad that those bitter past, those helpless worries, those unforgettable experiences are all like the passing time, like the rushing water, which has faded our sight. Tear off yesterday's calendar and replace it with today's sunny smile. We should all live a good life and happily live every day in the future. Let every day be as warm as fire. Maybe you once had a word of suffering, maybe your life is not smooth, but please believe that after the rain is the rainbow, and the night is the old saying of the dawn. Don't worry about the past, just smile for the rest of your life. We should filter the memories, filter the memories, remove all the unhappiness, keep the beauty and happiness in our hearts, and let the smile ripple on our happy faces. We recall that when we were alone, we were accompanied by someone; When we shed tears, someone sent words of encouragement; When we are in trouble, someone stands beside us; When we are wronged, some people stand up and shout for us. When we were apart, someone sent us far away; When we were thirsty, someone handed us a cup of cool water and someone sent us a sweet fruit; Even if we lose something unintentionally, there are also people who will not leave us and accompany us to find out for fear that we are anxious and lonely. Don't worry about the past, just smile for the rest of your life. We should read our favorite books and get along well with people. We don't flatter anyone, we don't try our best to flatter anyone, we don't lose ourselves, and we try to cater to someone. We are free to be ourselves and let us enjoy the dignity of life. We should get along with people who are comfortable and enjoy ourselves with people who understand us, because it is not tiring to get along with such people; Because such people conform to our three views. Get along with people who understand us, have the same ideas and similar interests, communicate smoothly and get along comfortably. When you are with comfortable people, you don't have to worry, be careful, try your best to explain and argue. As long as a look, a gesture, a smile, or, say nothing, you can know what you want. With comfortable people, we can laugh and cry, talk as we like, sing and dance as we like. In the rest of our lives, we will meet people who are destined to meet. Some people say that you will meet people who are like you. Some people say that after ten years of training, we can cross the same boat, and after a hundred years of training, we can sleep together. Some people say that it's fate to meet you from a thousand miles. We should cherish the fate we meet. We would rather cry and laugh with those who are destined for us than quarrel with those who are not. We should keep company with people with positive energy and be happy with people who are active and progressive. They will make us excellent. They will light our confused eyes like lighthouses and guide us along the way like road signs. We should get along with grateful people, because grateful hearts are the most beautiful, because grateful people know how to repay kindness. He will make our faces sunny and he will make our hearts warm. We should be a grateful person to repay the benefactors who have helped us, and to thank the friends who have brought us happiness and beauty. They make our hearts bright. We should repay them and be sweet in their hearts. We will go to visit our former classmates and recall with them the romance of studying hard, the smiling faces at the get-together, the splendor of the sports meeting, and the happy songs and laughter in the spring outing. We will go to visit our former friends, share the joys and hardships of the past, share the hardships of the past, have no regrets, share the tears and sweat of the past, and let the old stories rise sweet in the tea fragrance of today. We walked out of the house and into the countryside, listening to the birds singing, the murmuring of the brook, the melodious sound of the piano on the lotus pond, the bamboo flute in the bamboo forest, and the swallows in the brilliant spring. We will go to see the fish playing in the water, the birds playing in the sky, the butterflies dancing on the flowers, and the tourists rowing happily on the blue waves. We should embrace the mountains and rivers, embrace the nature, listen to the whispers of the wind, listen to the lingering rain, listen to the high songs of the thunder, and listen to the beautiful strings played by the flowing water. There is a small courtyard and a field, so that "there are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter" will be pleasant, accompanied by intoxicating fleeting years. In spring, walk along the soft path and listen to the song "beauty of spring"; Sit in the snow like pear garden and listen to the song "Ode to pear flowers"; Snuggle up to the willow bank and enjoy the song "fireworks in Yangzhou in March" to let happiness float in the picturesque spring. In summer, go to a lotus love, listen to the tenderness of the dream of water, and appreciate the lingering feeling of the red Ling. In autumn, enjoy the red leaves all over the mountain, the layers of forest are dyed, the chrysanthemums are golden, the osmanthus is fragrant, and the homesick geese return to their dream homes. In winter, watch the beauty of snow and the spectacular snowflakes, let me love you the snow in the north of the Great Wall cultivate my soul, and let the wonderful sound of love in the snow find its youth. Take a poetic heart, there is beauty in the heart, and the world of mortals is also safe. Embrace a cavity of happiness, let the left hand be fireworks, the right hand is poetry and distant days, forever in the heart. May we bloom with the spring flowers, smile with the summer lotus, be fruitful with the autumn fruits, and be happy with the winter snow. May what ripples on our faces be a drunken smiling face!.

总则 6

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