
关于西芹汁的误解(下) Celery Juice Rumors & Myths

 秋果果0823 2022-09-22 发布于湖北

English Text is further down.





1. 在西芹汁中添加其他食物、粉末或原料。

纯西芹汁是最有效的,现在有些理论说要在西芹汁中加入苹果醋或胶原蛋白之类,这会破坏西芹汁的药用属性,即西芹汁中未被发现的钠簇盐,这是能够杀死导致各种慢性疾病和症状的病原体(病毒和细菌)的强大武器,从而使人得以疗愈的真正原因。这些理论背后的动机是有一些行业试图利用越来越多的人喝西芹汁来推广其产品。苹果醋不仅会干扰西芹汁的疗愈效果,而且本身对于肝脏也有伤害(更多信息请见“健康陷阱– 苹果醋和醋”);胶原蛋白则是一场成功的商业活动变成的健康流行趋势(请点击了解 “如何重获婴儿般的肌肤”)。



2. 西芹汁没有任何科学依据支持



3. 西芹药丸和西芹粉


4. 西芹中的香豆素(coumarins)可能对身体有毒性




6. 排便有各种颜色


7. 西芹汁因为去除了纤维,因此没有好处


8. 西芹汁中有糖分


9. 西芹汁含有硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐。




西芹汁是这个时代最强大的疗愈工具,适合任何患有疾病或症状的人,以及任何希望自己一辈子都能拥有最佳健康状况的人,可以疗愈200多种病症的神药,因为它可以解决致病的根本问题- 杀死病毒并排出体内各种毒素。坚持每天早晨一起床空腹喝500毫升西芹汁是最佳摄入方式,之后过20-30分钟再吃早饭。西芹汁的好处无法在此道尽,坚持每天空腹喝西芹汁会让人获得意想不到的巨大健康益处。


Celery Juice Rumors & Myths

Celery juice is one of the most powerful healing tools I’ve been able to bring to the world. Spreading the word about the juice from this miraculous herb is turning lives around across the globe. Celery contains undiscovered chemical compounds and properties that are improving and helping to reverse chronic illness like never before. You can read Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide for full details on the many different healing benefits of celery juice, plus how to use it and how it works inside your body.

Many people have benefited from this potent medicinal extraction, but unfortunately there’s also some confusion, misinformation, rumors and myths that could cause some people to lose heart about celery juice and dismiss its worth.  

I know there’s a lot of disillusionment about health claims because many people have suffered for years trying one thing after another, searching for something that will give them their lives back. Understandably, many people no longer know what to trust. But celery juice is different to other health trends and theories. 

For one, when you buy celery at your local grocery store, or even grow your own, no industries with agendas that aren’t in your best interests or investors profit. Most other health trends are backed by investors and money. There’s an agenda behind making them popular: to make investors money. Celery juice doesn’t help anyone except you and the various farmers who grow celery (who make very little off celery anyway) and the supermarkets and grocery stores that stock it for you. Celery juice is so simple and pure and effective, it threatens to expose other health claims—backed by a lot of power, money and propaganda––that really are just trends. 

I can assure you that celery juice is not a trend. It’s a godsend with staying power. More people than ever before in history are dealing with chronic conditions and mysterious symptoms. And with celery juice they are healing and getting better. Celery juice, when consumed in the way I recommend, actually works, and that’s the reason the global celery juice movement is organically growing so rapidly. People are witnessing the healing power of celery juice for themselves and sharing about it, but it’s still important to dispel the misinformation and know the truth about celery juice so that you and your loved ones are not waylaid by the rumors and myths out there and robbed of your right to use celery juice as a healing tool. 

Let’s take a look at some of the rumors and myths circulating:

1. You can add other foods, powders or ingredients into the juice. 

Celery juice is a powerful elixir that is most potent in a pure, untampered state. Adding things in to celery juice, such as apple cider vinegar or collagen, will ruin the medicinal properties of the celery juice. Additions will damage the purity of this tonic, which is where it power lies, and break apart the undiscovered sodium cluster salts in celery juice that heal your body and kill off the pathogens––viruses and bacteria––that are responsible for countless chronic illnesses and symptoms. To understand how these pathogens cause illness, you can read the true causes of almost 200 symptoms and conditions in 
Medical Medium Celery Juice. Some industries are trying to take advantage of the celery juice movement to promote their products, and that has led to this misinformation about adding ingredients. 

It’s not just products like apple cider vinegar and collagen that shouldn’t be added to celery juice. It’s also lemon juice, carrots, cucumbers, apples, and other fruit, leafy greens or vegetables that shouldn’t be added to your plain celery juice. While fruits, leafy greens and vegetables are incredible healing foods, enjoy them in a separate juice at another time of day, and of course also as snacks, smoothies, fruit bowls, salads, steamed veggies and the like over your day. Keep your celery juice plain. 

As your body heals and detoxifies from the celery juice and any other changes you make to your diet based on the Medical Medium book series information, such as those in 
Medical Medium Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease, your taste buds will adjust and you may find the flavor becomes more enjoyable for you. 

2. There’s no science behind the celery juice movement. 

Naysayers like to tear down celery juice by saying that there’s no science behind it. First of all, there’s no science and research behind it because there aren’t huge industries that stand to make money off the celery juice movement. There are many health trends that aren’t backed by science and research—such as collagen, bone broth and kombucha tea—but nobody’s tearing these down for their lack of scientific validation. Celery juice is being attacked because it poses a threat to other industries since nobody can “own” it. The more people drink celery juice, the more they can heal, which equates to less need to buy these other products. That ultimately means less money for those industries. Celery juice is about individuals empowering themselves and healing themselves with what really works and is in their best interests––not the financial interests of investors behind a product such as collagen. 

Regardless of whether science has shown celery juice to be beneficial, celery juice is helping people who are suffering heal. And more people than ever are dealing with chronic illness right now, so we need simple, powerful tools like celery juice to address the root cause of these illnesses. For more details on what’s causing the diseases, conditions and symptoms of today, and exactly why celery juice helps them heal, check out 
Medical Medium Celery Juice

3. Use celery tablets and celery powder. 

You will see celery powder, celery juice powder and celery tablets become increasingly popular as more industries try to capitalize on the celery juice movement. It’s important to know that these products can’t replace fresh celery juice. The medicinal cluster salts in celery juice are suspended in a living solution and cannot stay alive outside freshly juiced celery. The potent enzymes in celery juice will also be ruined in the process of creating a tablet or powder.

4. Coumarins in celery may be toxic to the body. 

This is false. In fact, research and science believe that coumarins in other foods may help stimulate the white blood cells that defend against cancer. But researchers have never examined coumarins in celery and celery juice. In celery juice, the coumarins do even more for the body—they are truly powerful. They work so well because of a symbiotic composition that reconstructs, replenishes, rejuvenates and restores the entire white blood cell count (not just the cells that fight cancer), including neutrophils, basophiles, modocites, killer cells and different varieties of lymphocytes. The coumarins also help the liver. And, they protect your skin from toxins and repair and restore damaged skin cells in the dermis. They also help prevent skin disease, skin cancer and scarring. I share exactly what the coumarins in celery juice can do for you in Medical Medium Celery Juice.

5. Celery juice is a diuretic. 

No, celery juice is not a diuretic. Celery juice has a very mild diuretic effect (that’s especially minor compared to the diuretic effects of green tea, black tea, coffee or alcohol). Anything that has a high mineral content will encourage your system to flush because trace minerals bind onto toxins, and then your body flushes it out. Celery juice has an extremely high mineral content but its mild diuretic effect is gentle, safe and necessary for eliminating poisons and detoxifying your body. Also, every single fruit, leafy green and vegetable on the planet also has a mild diuretic effect because they all contain minerals and are designed to help detoxify the body. So if you eat any plant at all (unless it’s fried, for example), you’re already experiencing and receiving these mild diuretic benefits. 

6. Your elimination will be colorful. 

I recently saw something about celery juice turning your stool red. Not true. If you have red stools, you need to check what you’re eating (beets for instance can make your stool red) or talk with your doctor. Celery juice won’t turn your stool red, or purple, or yellow. However, in some cases, if you drink a lot, it may turn your stool slightly green. 

7. There’s no fiber so there’s no benefit. 

Some people criticize celery juice because the fiber is removed and they think that’s where all the nutrition is. That’s false. With celery, the juice is where the nutrition lies. Celery is like many other herbs in that you extract the medicinal elements from the plant. Nobody has a cup of chamomile tea (which has many known benefits like relaxing the body and nerves) and then opens up the tea bag to eat the contents afterward so they can get their fiber and nutrition fix. Just like you don’t get your fiber from chamomile tea, you don’t get your fiber from celery juice. That doesn’t take away from celery juice being a nutritional powerhouse. You get your fiber from other fruits, leafy greens and vegetables you eat over the day.

8. There’s sugar in the celery juice. 

This is a rumor I heard recently, but it’s completely false. Celery juice is a very low calorie and low carbohydrate drink, which means it has almost no sugar in it.

9. Celery juice has nitrates and nitrites. 

This is another myth. As I share in 
Medical Medium Celery Juice, “Celery and celery juice can’t contain any nitrates that are activated or harmful unless the celery has oxidized or been dehydrated. The naturally occurring nitrates in celery don’t exist when the celery or fresh celery juice hasn’t yet oxidized. 

When fresh celery juice or celery does oxidize, just as when any herb, vegetable, or fruit oxidizes, then a naturally occurring nitrate can develop. Keep in mind: this naturally occurring nitrate is never harmful in any way, shape, or form and can even be helpful. 

Celery juice powder and celery powder have oxidized, so they can contain naturally occurring nitrates that developed through the oxidation process. They’re not harmful nitrates, though. These nitrates are not the same variety of nitrates that are considered to be irritating to some people. 

It’s important to know that not all nitrates are the same, just as all people are not the same, all water is not the same, all sugar is not the same, and all protein is not the same. For example, gluten is an entirely different protein from the protein inside meat or the protein inside nuts. Also, the naturally occurring nitrates that can develop in an oxidized form of celery such as celery powder and celery juice powder are not the same as the harmful nitrates that are added to meat and all kinds of other products. Nitrates are different from nitrites; they’re not the same thing. Even celery powder, which does contain naturally occurring nitrates, can’t be relied upon as a method for curing foods such as pickles or meat because it still doesn’t contain nitrites. 

Fresh celery juice also doesn’t contain nitrites. Nothing naturally occurring in celery and celery juice is harmful. This is the same for pure celery powder and pure celery juice powder (although I don’t recommend them as a replacement for fresh celery juice as they don’t have the same healing properties). Here’s where the confusion lies: harmful nitrates can be added to celery powder, celery juice powder, or celery salt by a company that makes it or uses it to make another product. Celery gets false blame for harmful nitrates in preserved meats and other products—when the truth is that it’s a classic case of contaminating celery with add-ins. Your fresh celery juice cannot have harmful nitrates in it unless you add them yourself. If you don’t drink fresh celery juice because you believe it contains harmful nitrates or nitrites, then you are going to lose the unique healing opportunity that fresh celery juice—which does not contain nitrates or nitrites—can provide.” 

I encourage you to get a copy of 
Medical Medium Celery Juice to find out much more about how celery juice heals and the true causes of hundreds of symptoms and conditions, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, SIBO, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome, blood sugar issues, migraines, high blood pressure, addictions, adrenal issues, gout, allergies, autoimmune conditions, weight gain, vision and eye problems, reproductive health issues, Parkinson’s, ALS, and hundreds of others. The information I share guides you on how to get the most benefits from celery juice and also answers hundreds of questions I receive daily. 

Celery juice is a healing tool that’s here for you and your family, friends and community. It’s here for anyone with an illness or symptom and anyone who wants to help themselves have the best health possible in the future. I hope you’ll take the information you learn in 
Medical Medium Celery Juice and hold onto it for years to come so you can help safeguard your health and the health of your family. Knowing you have the information in your hands to move forward with healing means the world to me. Thank you for being here.













无论科学是否显示出芹菜汁是有益的,芹菜汁都在帮助正在康复的人们。现在有越来越多的人正在处理慢性病,因此我们需要像芹菜汁这样简单而强大的工具来解决这些疾病的根本原因。有关导致今天的疾病,状况和症状的原因以及芹菜汁帮助他们治愈的确切原因的更多详细信息,请查看Medical Medium Celery Juice














这是另一个神话。正如我在“ Medical芹菜汁中分享的那样,芹菜和芹菜汁不能包含任何被激活或有害的硝酸盐,除非芹菜被氧化或脱水。当芹菜汁或新鲜的芹菜汁尚未被氧化时,芹菜中自然不存在硝酸盐。








更多西芹汁疗愈信息和问题解答,请见公众号菜单栏->疾病篇->“疾病救星 -西芹汁”一文,也可以点击以下关于西芹汁如何帮助疗愈各种症状的详细解释。You can click on below links to read more about how celery juice heals more than 200 illnesses and symptoms.

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