
what makes a person a friend

 黑白丶我的世界 2022-10-31 发布于湖南

what makes a person a friend

Friends are here in your life, Especially when you're in trouble, Give you a friend; When you are happy, Accompany you to laugh tears is friends; When you are in your pain, Hold your hand and give you strength are friends, The weight of friends is not in language, Not in the matter, Even less in wine and money, Is the care, understanding, help, support,if you are on a lonely journey, Recalling just what my friend had said, No longer indulge in it, If you are in the bitter days, Can feel a friend's hand right by your side, The whole man suddenly felt full of power; If you are in the distress, Call a friend's phone number, Hearing the familiar voice, Without saying a word, Then I felt that the hesitation was no longer shrouded, like that, That's the weight of a friend. Each of us treat their friends that way, is how we go to give to friends, how to always have in the heart of friends with our name oasis, how to make friends in their life, always feel a lamp in the front, there is a sign in the guide, have a heart in the same hope, expression, cherish,,,,,,,, such a friend is the real bosom friend.

A person will have a lot of friends, but the real friend is very few, friend is able to meet in the mind, can know each other, when you worry, he even if you are worried, won't tell you, friend not possessive between each other, when you happy, he will tell you happy with you share the joy, friend only silently dedication themselves, friend is concerned about each other, friend is each other, a friend in life.

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