

 陈正兴 2022-11-02 发布于湖北

蒙特利尔知名建筑师事务所Blanchette Architectes刚刚为Vention完成了一座旧地毯工厂的改造。借助此项目,这家专注于工业自动化的公司获得了两层新的办公空间,总计面积超过15000平方英尺。项目位于蒙特利尔大街SaintHenri街区Dagenais大道4767号。

The reputed Montreal firm of Blanchette Architectes has just completed the transformation of an old carpet factory for its client, Vention. Thanks to the project, the company specializing in industrial automation gained more than 15,000 sq. ft. of office space on two levels in its facility at 4767 Dagenais St., in Montreal’s Saint-Henri neighbourhood.

▼空间概览,overall view of the space ©Alex Lesage


Openness and fullness in harmony

由于Vention已经占据了建筑的一部分,设计的挑战是与现有空间一起讲述一个新的故事。“为了做到这点,我们设计了一栋屋中屋,”Blanchette Architectes室内设计部设计总监Sarah Arsenault说道,“项目的任务书要求创造一个鼓励多种功能和谐共存的空间。它还需要应对建筑的限制,从高窗到急需最大化的可用空间量,以补充现有的办公空间。”

Since Vention was already occupying part of the building, the challenge was to tell a new story alongside the existing one. “To do that, we designed a building within the building,” said Sarah Arsenault, director of the interior design department at Blanchette Architectes. “The project brief was to create a space that would encourage the harmonious coexistence of a variety of functions. It also had to work within existing architectural constraints, from the high windows to the urgent need to maximize the amount of usable space added to the existing offices.”

▼屋中屋,building within the building ©Alex Lesage


▼接待区,reception area ©Alex Lesage


simple space with light
©Alex Lesage


由于天花很高,空间中完全没有隔断,Blanchette Architectes的专家将设计重点放在了避免出现“工人仓库效应”上。为此,他们提出填充核心空间。这个想法的灵感来自于老城,居民围绕一个核心——通常是教堂——成长。设计真实地反映了Vention的办公社区,小组成员以社团形式办公。


Because the ceilings were very high and the space was fully open, the experts at Blanchette Architectes were intent on avoiding the “worker warehouse” effect. To that end, they proposed occupying the core – an idea inspired by older cities, where the settlement grew around a nucleus, typically a church. The approach was truly reflective of Vention’s workplace community, where team members work in a collegial mode.

The city concept emerged early in the project. As a result, even though they were not explicitly aware that it was at the heart of the concept, some employees started referring to the new workspace as a “village.” The space was officially opened in June, 2022, after nine months of design and construction work.

▼办公空间围绕核心区域设置,workplace surrounding the core area ©Alex Lesage


“我们的员工在共享项目上形成了一个社区,”Vention负责此项目的经理Michelle Mathieu说道,“由Blanchette Architectes的专家们设计的建筑与这个理念一致,为员工们创造了多个集会点。”

“Our employees form a community working on shared projects,” said Michelle Mathieu, Vention’s project manager for the office redesign project. “The architecture implemented by the specialists at Blanchette Architectes aligns with that philosophy, because it creates multiple meeting points for employees.”

A lively, welcoming space


After installing a volume in the centre of the space as a way to divide it, meeting areas were created. Here too, the idea of urbanity inspired the designers, with the work and meeting rooms playing a similar role to the public and recreational spaces typically found in cities.

▼醒目的拱门,imposing arch ©Alex Lesage



Gravitating around the main object, we find a monumental arch to one side. It is an imposing structure, created to link two existing technical conduits. Like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, this structure magnifies constraints, celebrates victories and serves as a portal. On the other side, an adaptive podium serves as a parvis, promontory and threshold. Linking the two levels, the structure animates the space as a place of interstices and informal encounters.

view to the office space through the arch
©Alex Lesage


combination of the arch and the core volume
©Alex Lesage


arch and the conduits
©Alex Lesage


podium on the other side
©Alex Lesage



As a nod to their frequent use in robotics and on production lines, structural shapes are used extensively in different sections, creating a look reminiscent of Meccano toys. But their function is not merely symbolic, because these metal structures serve, among other things, to support the cantilevered roof.

▼形状参考机器人的结构,structure which shapes referred to the robotics ©Alex Lesage


closer view to the structure
©Alex Lesage


office space reflected on the glass surface
©Alex Lesage



The signature blue used in Vention’s imagery was integrated harmoniously, for example in the tinted glass of the windows in offices and other closed rooms.

▼蓝色的集会区域,meeting places in blue color ©Alex Lesage


Well planned, well executed

设计完成了许多挑战,包括将消失的行走路线重新找出,创造惊喜,把狭窄的空间拓宽,让不同功能紧贴在一起等。实际上,Blanchette Architectes团队在偶然的新环境中创造出了一条令人惊喜的路线。在这里,机会带来了意想不到的丰硕发现。

The challenge was met: walking routes are lost and rediscovered, surprises are created, spaces narrow then widen, the different functions rub elbows and follow each other closely. In effect, the Blanchette Architectes team created an itinerary of surprises in a serendipitous new context, where chance leads to unexpected and fruitful discoveries.

unexpected spaces
©Alex Lesage


在执行层面,Blanchette Architectes出色地将成本控制在了最初的预算之内,每平方英尺的单价不到80美元。承包商Groupe Manovra表现出了令人印象深刻的灵活性,不断应对各种无法控制的因素,如供应延迟等,并且负责了全部的电动机械设计。

In terms of operations, Blanchette Architectes demonstrated exceptional discipline by meeting the initial budget, set at less than $80 per square foot. The contractor, Groupe Manovra, showed impressive flexibility by constantly adapting to uncontrollable factors, such as supply delays, and by handling all facets of electromechanical design.

large window bringing adequate sunlight into the space
©Alex Lesage


“在日复一日的基本工作中,这是我们完成的最令人愉悦的项目之一,”Manovra的董事长Guilllaume Salicco说道,“一方面,业主为项目尽心尽力,组建了一支由专业人士组成的团队,充满对建筑的热爱。另一方面,我们在最开始的时候就参与了进来,推动了项目的进展。任务书在各个阶段中几乎没有发生任何改变,表明Blanchette Architectes拥有明确的目标,从一开始就回应了Vention的需求和预期。”

“On a day-to-day basis, this was one of the most pleasant projects to work on,” said Manovra president Guillaume Salicco. “On the one hand, the client was deeply committed, with a team made up of passionate people with a love of architecture. On the other hand, we were part of the project from the very beginning, which facilitated the process. That said, the brief changed very little at each step. That shows that Blanchette Architectes had a clear vision and responded to Vention’s needs and expectations from the start.”

▼平面图,plan ©Blanchette Architectes


Project Name : Vention
Location : Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Client : Vention
General contractor: Groupe Manovra
Architect & designer : Blanchette Architectes
Project Manager : Sarah Arsenault
Design Team : Patrick Blanchette, Sarah Arsenault, Pierrick Julienne, Chantal Béatriz Shahin Cajas & Roman Zubco
Collaborators: EDP (lighting), Vention (profiles and fasteners)
Project Type: Interior architecture – office space
Budget: 80$/sq.ft

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