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潘娟选择性必修二unit3 reading andthinking 教学设计
2022-11-03 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Unit 3 Food and CultureCulture and Cuisine (Reading and Thinking)(全日制普
通高中教科书 选择性必修 人教版 第二册)Analysis of Book and Students 本单元围绕饮食与文化的主题展
开,介绍了中国主要菜系的特点及代表性菜系,围绕“理解食物与文化的关系”(Understand the link between f
ood and culture)展开,从一个外国人的视角记述中国各地典型菜肴,并阐述其中所反映的文化内涵、历史传统、地域特色等,引
共同体。 本节课的教学对象为高二年级学生,有一定的英语基础,但是语法知识不足,对于用英语进行食物介绍仍存在问题。学生需要在老师的带
领下,完成相关阅读内容,并能理解文中的因果关系,能够理解名言在段落中的作用,进而达到情感渗透。Design of Teaching
Objectives1. Linguistic Competence: identify and remember the wo
rds and phrases related to food; understand the relationship betw
een food and culture;2. Learning Capacity: understand the meaning
of the famous saying; 3. Cultural Awareness: gain a deeper insig
ht into food and culture; strengthen cultural confidence;4. Think
ing Quality: develop the ability to think critically. 1. 语言能力: 通过
阅读获取、梳理有关Culture and Cuisine 的细节信息, 如美国的中餐,中国五个城市发的特色美食等,并且通过对新疆美
食的介绍,掌握与食物有关的单词,理解食物与文化之间的关系;2. 学习能力: 基于对文章的理解,把握文章中谚语的意思,并理解其文章中
的新意;3. 文化意识: 能够正确看待食物与文化之间的关系,客观分析全球化进程对于食物文化的冲击。深入了解中国饮食文化,增强饮食文
化自信,传播中国饮食文化,并努力构建饮食文化命运共同体;4. 思维品质: 培养批判性思维能力并了解辩论赛相关信息。三、 Teach
ing important and difficult points1. 以讲义上的地图为基础,正确填写出中国传统八大菜系名称;2
. 能基于文章内容,绘画出作者的美食旅行地图;3. 正确理解食物与文化的关系,坚定文化自信;四、 Teaching Aids视频、
音频等补充材料、空白中国地图讲义、课件Teaching ProceduresLead-in Step 1 Greeting and
watching a videoT: How was your day?Ss: GreatT: Today we are goi
ng to talk about an interesting topic, which is closely related t
o our daily life, do you know what it is? (students shook heads)T
: I will show you a short video, please watch it carefully and tr
y to figure out what it is talking about. (show the video)T: So w
hat we are going to talk about:Ss: Food.T: You are so brilliant!
How much do you know about Chinese food? Let’s have a quiz.【设计意图:
通过视频进行话题导入,让学生快速进入状态,知晓课堂话题即为food,激发学生学习兴趣。】Step 2 Quiz T: How m
any traditional cuisines(菜系) are there in China? (There are 8)Do
you know what are they?T: Please look at your handouts. Here is a
map of China, please write down the names of each cuisine and co
lor the corresponding province. Do you get my meaning ? I will sh
ow you an example. (teacher displays the name and color the provi
nce) Do you get my meaning now?T: Cooperate with your partner, wr
ite down the other seven cuisines, color the corresponding provin
ce. It is your turn now.(students are working on the map)T: Any v
olunteer who wants to show your work? Ok, Amy, how about coming h
ere and show your work? (project Amy’s work)T: Do you agree with
her? No, Let’s check the answer together.(show two pictures)T: Ca
n you find the differences? T: How about exploring it more in ou
r reading material?【设计意图: 让学生在讲义上空白地图上标注出中国传统八大菜系并将其标色,可以极大的调动学生学
决学生心中疑惑。】Step 3 PredictionT: Before we read the passage, please p
ay attention to the title and pictures displayed in the passage.
Prediction: what may be discussed in the passage?【设计意图:通过文章标题及图片,
对文章的话题进行初步预测,帮助学生运用自己头脑中的已有知识,促进学生思考,提高思维能力。】Fast-readingStep 1 R
ead for the topic paragraph, topic sentence and main ideaT: Dear
students, please go through the passage quickly and try to find t
he topic paragraph and topic sentence, try to figure out the main
idea of the passage. T: How did the author introduce his topic?
(by using a famous saying in para.1) T: The author described his
experience in the order of time and space. (Please take out your
color pens, circle the time information in red and space informat
ion in blue) (go through para2. to para.6 quickly)【设计意图:通过设计寻找文章主
。】Step 2 Read for the structure【设计意图:通过对文章框架结构的构建,帮助学生更好地理解文章,加深对
语篇的理解。】Fast-readingStep 1 Read for Paragraph 1 T: Here in para.1,
there is a saying, how can you interpret it?【设计意图: 第一段中引用名言,you
are what you eat,人如其食,但是此处要注意,文章并不是要表达健康饮食理念,旨在培养学生寻找正确理解的能力。期初阐述
的是食物和文化之间的关系,我们所吃的食物可以反映我们的个性、性格和文化。 第一段起到承上启下的作用。】Step 2 Read fo
r Paragraph 2T: The author first described his experience with Ch
inese cuisines in America. Chinese food had been changed to suit
American tastes. The most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s c
hicken. This is not an authentic Chinese food, so it couldn’t tel
l us much about Chinese, but it does tell us a lot about American
s.T: So where can you taste authentic Chinese food? Yes, in China
! Welcome to China!【设计意图:这一部分加深了对文章三处细节的理解,通过了解中国食物在美国的变化,以及变化了的食
引导学生往下探索。】 Step 3 Read for Paragraph 3-6T: Let’s follow the autho
r’s food travel map 【设计意图:这一部分通过图片的展示,学生可以更加直观的了解到作者的所到之处,品尝到的美食,
以及所感受的文化。尤其需要注意的是,作者几乎去到了中国的各个地方,所到之处都感受到了中国人的热情和友善。】Step 4 Read
for Paragraph 7T: After experiencing authentic Chinese food, the
author came a conclusion, that is ( culture and cuisine go hand
in hand). How can you understand it?Ss: The food the local people
consume can reflect what they grow in their region, what kind of
lives they lead, what they like and do not like. So we can say,
if you don’t experience one, you can never really know the other.
【设计意图: 此处对于最后一段的总结,总结文章,呈现出作者的观点,food and culture go hand in han
d, 引发学生思考,为下一环节的批判性思维打好基础。】Critical ThinkingT: Do you agree with“
culture and cuisine go hand in hand”, how do you understand the s
tatement“With the impact of globalization, do you think food can
still reflect different cultures?”T: What we can do to protect ou
r culture identity? To have a deeper insight into Chinese food cu
lture; To raise our food cultural awareness; To build up our cult
ural confidence; To spread profound Chinese cultural to the world
; To build a community of shared future in food culture.【设计意图: 高中
阶段对于学生的能力培养,其中很重要的就是要培养学生的批判性思维,能做站在更高的立意上去思考问题。 此处有两个观点,一是食物与文化紧
论,言之有理即可。此处既要培养学生的辩证性 思维,同时对于辩论总结时还有更重要的内容,那就是如何保持我们的饮食文化特性?只有了解,
提高意识,增强文化自信,传播中国文化,努力构建人类文化命运共同体。】Self-assessment【设计意图: 此处自我评价是学生基于课堂表现,自我评价是否实现了语言能力、学习能力、文化意识,思维品质等方面的课堂目标】SummaryT: Today, we learned eight traditional Chinese cuisines, followed the author’s food travel map, appreciated the meaning of the saying “You are what you eat.”, had a debate on the relationship between food and culture.Assignment/Project【设计意图: 中国的饮食文化博大精深,此处project任务设计师希望学生能够多花时间和精力来了解中国饮食文化,坚定文化自信。】Blackboard Design第 1 页