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2022-11-04 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 

1 很高兴见到你,艾米丽。我是产品部总监。你可以叫我卡洛琳。

2 从你的简历里,我能看出你在学校里的表现很出色。

3 你为什么选择我们公司?

4 那你为什么觉得自己适合产品部的这个职位呢?

5 这么说你非常了解我们公司和我们的产品,你能讲一下你对我们产品的了解吗?

6 你了解产品工程师这个职位吗?

7 不用担心,你知道多少就说多少。

8 那么你认为你自己适合这个岗位吗?

9 那一个产品工程师应该拥有哪些特性呢?

10 那第二点呢?

11 感谢你的合作。

1 很高兴见到你,卡洛琳女士。

2 谢谢您的夸奖。

3 我一直很关注有关贵公司的新闻。在过去的三年里,公司在国内市场的业绩增长了两倍,这对于一个公司来说是很不可思议的成绩。我十分欣赏和赞同贵公司所建立的员工发展理念。这促使我来到这里。

4 我非常喜欢贵公司的产品,而且我认为我的个性和所学专业适合这个部门。

5 你们的个人卫生用品在行业内享有盛誉。产品的质量、价格、包装及对市场的应变能力都非常棒。

6 恐怕我对这个职位的认识很肤浅。

7 好,据我所知,产品是企业的生命线,而一个产品工程师就应该是产品之父。他应当贯穿于产品发展、革新和生产的整个过程。

8 说实话,我相信我适合。

9 我想至少有两点很重要。首先,他应该很敏感。他应该总是能感知到这个行业的发展趋势。

10 第二点是他应该有创造力。

11 这是我的荣幸。


Nice to meet you, Emily. I''m director of Product Department. You can call me Caroline.

From your resume, I can see that you have performed excellently in school.

So why do you choose our company?

And why do you think you''re right for this post in Product Department?

So you are well aware of our company and our products. Can you tell me what you know about our products?

Do you have any idea of product engineer?

Don''t worry. You can tell me as much as you know.

So do you think you are suitable for this post?

Then what kind of characters should a product engineer own?

And what''s the second?

Thanks for your cooperation.

Nice to meet you, Ms. Caroline.

I appreciate your flattery.

I am always interested in news coming from your company, and having risen 200 percent in the domestic market over just the past three years is an incredible feat for a company. I really admire and agree with the employee developmental values that this company has adopted. That encouraged me to come here.

I''m deeply impressed by your company''s products and I think my personality and specialty is right for this department.

Your products of personal hygiene enjoy a great reputation in this industry. The aspects of quality, price, package as well as market flexibility are all wonderful.

I''m afraid I have only a superficial knowledge of this post.

Well, as far as I know, product is the lifeline of a company, and a product engineer should be the father of products. He should follow the whole process of development, renovation and production of all of the products of a company.

I believe I can, to tell you the truth.

There are at least two main characters, I think. First of all, he should be sensitive. He should always be aware of the development of this industry.

The second one is that he should be creative.

It''s my pleasure.























Director:Do you consider yourself successful so far?

Director:I''m sorry. I meant in terms of your career.

Director:I understand, as we are always eager to get higher.

Director:So you have been dealing with Product Development for 2 years, am I right?

Director:And what are the differences between last company you were in and ours?I mean why are you leaving that one?

Director:I see. And what would you say has been the most difficult aspect in your working practice?

Director:I can see that you are really a man with dreams, and that will help you in your work. As to product designs, what are the current trend of our products?

Director:Sounds good. If you are in charge of our product development, what are the key elements you want to change?

Director:Never mind.

Director:That''s enlightening. We can really improve our products in this way.Thanks for your advice.

Director:I hope you can join us and fulfill your dreams.

Jerry:Successful?I''m sorry, I''m not sure I follow you. Can you please repeat that?

Jerry:OK, I see. Overall, I''m pleased with the way my career has progressed, but I''d like to continue growing and developing, preferably in a company like the one you are in.


Jerry:Yes, that''s true.

Jerry:To be honest, it has always been my dream to work here in this company. I didn''t make it to enter this company 2 years ago for lacking experience, but now I think I''m well-equipped.

Jerry:I''d say that platform matters greatly. I mean I used to work in a small company, so the future and development of our products have been set.It''s really hard for me to exert all my skills, designs and desires.And that made me unhappy.

Jerry: Well, I always tell myself that customers decide what our products will be. So according to my survey, nowadays, user- friendly IT products which enable comprehensive interaction will be dominant in the market.

Jerry:I only get some simple ideas.

Jerry:Low cost and rich profit is the basic principle we should follow. And I think we can minimize components and maximize interactive functions of each component, which will increase the interaction and integration of our products thoroughly.

Jerry:It''s my pleasure.

Jerry:I''m looking forward to that.
























Director:You must be Helen. I''m Jeff Hailey.

Helen:Nice to meet you.

Director:Come in and have a seat. Do you have a copy of your resume?

Helen:Here you are and I also have a letter of reference from my tutor.

Director:Ah, thinking ahead. That''s a good quality.Let me ask you, Miss Helen:how would you describe yourself in short adjectives?

Helen:I''m diligent, punctual and considerate.

Director:What kind of person should a clerk of product department be?

Helen:In my opinion, clerks in this department should be open-minded, always open to new ideas and innovations.

Director:Have you ever thought about your career goals?Where do you see yourself in five years?

Helen:I know for me, there''s a lot to learn in this field, but in five years my sights are set on management, I see myself as a key member of a team, giving input and helping the team meet its goal.

Director:Admirable. That will desire a lot.Do you think about earning an advanced degree in your specialty or being trained in some other fields?

Helen:To be frank, I have been studying continuously for nearly 20 years since primary

school, so it''s time for me to put theory into practice now. I want to check how far the knowledge I have learned is away from reality.

Director:I can understand. And what if our company sends you to be further trained?

Helen:Of course, if that happens, I will definitely go. Job goes first, I believe.

Director:Reasonable. Do you have any questions for me, Helen?

Helen:Well, may I ask how much travel will be expected?

Director:I would say that in the first year, thirty percent of your time will be spent on the road. Is that OK with you?

Helen:It''s fine for only one year. No problem.Thank you.

Director:You seem like a good fit for this post.

Helen:I''d like to think so.

Director:OK. We will stop here.It''s nice to speak with you.

Helen:Thank you.