再次声明,本公众号不会主动提供答案。自己做了以后,如果对于答案没有把握不确定,可以把你的答案发给我批改。 …………………………………………………………………… 中高考英语2022.11.21周一 1. 词性转换 ①compare ____n. ②explain _____n. ③difficult _____n. ④argue ____n. 2. On hearing that the river flowing through the cottage might flood, the villagers began to evacuate their homes in panic that night. 我来猜一猜,这句话中evacuate的意思是____. 3.同义句转换 ①The boy ____(call) Tom is sleeping in class. =②The boy ____(call) himself Tom is sleeping in class. =③The boy ____ ____ ____Tom is sleeping in class. (定语从句) 4. If the dream is big enough, the facts don't ____.(重要) 5. snap vs nap ①It's a snap.____.(翻译) ② I'd like to take a nap.____(翻译) …………………………………………………………………… ● Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待,只争朝夕。 ● What is luck? Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. ● 知难而退?迎难而上? ● Attitude determines altitude. 态度决定高度。 ● 只要你用心学,态度摆在这里,老师自然看在眼里,记在心里。有意无意间都要助力一把,让你的功夫上个台阶。当然了,如果你吊儿郎当,嬉皮笑脸,没个正儿八经的学习态度,你可能现在自我感觉良好,但是呢,早晚完蛋。作为老师,只能跟你讲道理,但是你如果四五六不懂,对于老师的柔中带刚的警告置若罔闻,依旧我行我素,那就是不知好歹了。谁也不想一边糟蹋着父母的钱,一边浪费着自己的美好青春对吧?苍天有眼,日月星辰。道阻且长,且行且珍惜。 |