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专题01 词汇拼写专练-2022-2023学年九年级英语上学期期末考点大串讲(人教版)(解析版)
2022-12-02 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
专题01 词汇拼写专练 2022—2023学年九年级英语上册期末考点大串讲 解析版1.The restaurant offers good
service to all its customers (顾客).【分析】这家饭店为它所有的顾客提供好的服务.【解答】顾客 cu
stomer,在本句要用名词复数.在句中作宾语. 故答案为:customers.2.Many young people look
up to space  heroes (英雄) and want to become like them.【分析】许多年轻人仰
.Can you help me (to) translate (翻译) this English poem into Chine
se?【分析】你能帮我把这首英文诗翻译成中文吗?【解答】答案:(to) translate 根据所给汉语“翻译”,可知需要单词tr
anslate,根据help,可知此处需要help sb (to) do sth.故答案为:(to) translate4.Don
''t mention (提及) that.I''ve forgotten it.【分析】别提了,我忘了.【解答】答案:mention
.根据Don''t﹣﹣(提及) that.I''ve forgotten it.可知别提了,我忘了.放在助动词don''t后面应该用原形
.mention,动词,提及.故填mention.5.There is a  medical (医学的) college in N
e is no  doubt (疑惑)that we did the right things.【分析】毫无疑问,我们做了正确的
事情。【解答】根据提示"疑惑"可知,There is no doubt"毫无疑问"固定搭配,填名词。故答案为:doubt。7.Th
e teacher will d  ivide  us into four groups to play the new game
.【分析】老师将我们分成四组来玩这个新游戏。【解答】根据four groups"四组"及首字母提示可知,divide…into…"
把…分成…"固定搭配。情态动词will后跟动词原形divide。故答案为:divide。8.October first is th
e N ational Day of China.【分析】十月一日是中国的国庆节。【解答】根据题干:十月一日是中国的﹣﹣节。结合提
示,应该是国庆:National。故答案为:National。9.In England, tea didn''t appear u 
ntil  around 1660.【分析】在英国,茶直到大约1660年才出现。【解答】由上文的didn''t appear可知使用
not…until…"直到…才…",为固定搭配。故答案为:until.10.Can you help me boil (烧开) s
ome water?【分析】你能帮我烧点水吗?【解答】根据提示"烧开"可知,help sb do sth"帮助某人做某事"固定搭配
。填动词原形boil。故答案为:boil。11.I have always regretted (感到遗憾) not having
studied harder at school.【分析】我总是后悔没有在学校里更努力地学习.【解答】答案:regretted.
et,句子是现在完成时,结构为have\has+done.故答案为regretted.12.Going to Hainan Isl
and for the vocation will be a good  choice (选择).【分析】去海南岛度假会是一个不
错的选择.【解答】答案:choice.根据Going to Hainan Island for the vocation will
be a good﹣﹣(选择).可知去海南岛度假会是一个不错的选择,good是个形容词,后面跟名词形式.choice,名词,选择
,故填choice.13.Li Bai wrote many famous p oems  about mountains.【分析
知,应该是"诗".由many许多,可知,用复数poems.14.Teenagers should be allowed to c 
hoose  their own friends.【分析】应该允许青少年选择自己的朋友.【解答】答案:choose.考查动词.结合
语境"应该允许青少年___自己的朋友.".及首字母提示,可知,应该是"选择".不定式to后用动词原形choose.15.I''m l
ucky to have the  opportunity (机会) to visit the Palace Museum.【分
案为:opportunity。16.The farmers are busy with the corps in the  fi
eld (田野).【分析】农民们正忙着在田里干活。【解答】根据提示"田野"可知,in the field"在田野里",填名词。故答
案为:field。17.At last,he  succeeded (成功) and became a great busine
,所以succeed也要用过去式。故填succeeded。18.I believe my parents will  suppo
rt (支持) me if I want to join the English club.【分析】如果我想加入英语俱乐部,我相信
我的父母会支持我的。【解答】根据提示"支持"可知,will后跟动词原形support。故答案为:support。19.I thin
k  teenagers (青少年) should be allowed to go out with their friend
s at night.【分析】我认为应该允许青少年晚上和他们的朋友出去。【解答】"青少年"是可数名词teenager,结合语境可知
此处要用复数teenagers。故填teenagers。20.Do you think your English teacher
is too  strict (严格的) with you?【分析】你认为你的英语老师对你太严格了吗?【解答】"严格的"是形容词
strict。故填strict。21.He plans to have a  picnic (野餐)with his frien
ds this weekend.【分析】他计划这个周末和他的朋友去野餐。【解答】根据提示"野餐"可知,have a picnic"
去野餐"固定搭配。故答案为:picnic。22.My sister stayed up late last night,so sh
e felt very s  leepy  in class today.【分析】我姐姐昨晚睡觉很晚了,所以今天上课的时候感到很困
.【解答】答案:sleepy.根据"My sister stayed up late last night"我姐姐昨晚睡觉很晚了,
leepy.23.Hurry up, or  you will miss the early bus.【分析】快点,否则你会赶不上
早班车的.【解答】由题干"Hurry up,___ you will miss the early bus.快点,___你会赶不上
早班车的..及要求."可知,空格是"否则",用or.故答案为:or.24.It''s nice of you to provide
us with the valuable (有价值的)information.【分析】句意:提供给我们有价值的信息你真是太好了.【
解答】根据句子结构可知,此处填写的形容词作information的定语;根据汉语意思,故填:valuable25.Our coun
try has won a great  victory (胜利) and we are proud of it.【分析】我们的
.The plane will take off from Beijing Capital Airport and  land 
(着陆)in London.【分析】飞机将从北京首都机场起飞,然后在伦敦着陆。【解答】着陆,英语表达是:land。动词,will后
接动词原形。故答案为land。27.I felt  nervous (不安的)when I was interviewed by
the reporter.【分析】当我接受记者采访时,我感到不安。【解答】"不安的"是形容词nervous。故填:nervous
。28.I wonder why Mr.Yang didn''t  attend (参加)the meeting yesterda
为:attend。29.We all agree that anyone who breaks rules should be p
 unished .【分析】我们都同意任何违反规则的人都应该受到惩罚。【解答】根据breaks rules should be"违
nish的过去分词punished。故答案为:punished。30.He has been to Beijing twice d
uring this period (时期).【分析】在此期间,他去过北京两次。【解答】句子中this后跟可数名词的单数形式,pe
riod,名词,时期。故填:period。31.(2020?广州)For visitors to Guangzhou, there
are p lenty  of places to experience its culture.【分析】对于来广州的游客来说,
有很多地方可以体验广州的文化.【解答】根据places"地方"及首字母提示可知,plenty of"很多"这里修饰可数名词复数.故
答案为:plenty.32.I p refer  milk to cola because milk is much health
ier, I think.【分析】我更喜欢牛奶而不是可乐,因为牛奶更健康,我想.【解答】prefer更喜欢,动词;根据首字母p和预
测句意"我更喜欢牛奶而不是可乐,因为牛奶更健康,我想"可知,要填"更喜欢",要用一般现在时.故答案为prefer.33.If yo
u don''t work hard,you won''t p ass  the exam.【分析】如果你不努力,你就不能通过考试.【
就不会通过考试,结合首字母p,pass动词"通过",故答案是pass.34.I was so excited because my
teacher  praised (表扬) me in front of my classmates.【分析】我很激动,因为老
要用过去式praised。故填praised。35.The famous  director (导演) is from the
United States.【分析】这位著名的导演来自美国。【解答】根据提示"导演"可知,is单数,主语用单数名词director
。故答案为:director。36.﹣What do you usually do in your  spare (业余的)ti
me?﹣I often play basketball with my friends.【分析】﹣﹣你在业余时间通常做什么?﹣﹣我
经常和我的朋友打篮球。【解答】根据提示"业余的"可知,修饰名词time用形容词spare。故答案为:spare。37.If a w
indow is broken,you can''t  stick (粘贴)it back together again.【分析】
k。38.The next challenge was to read this  electronic (电子的) infor
.After  war (战争),the two countries found a way to make peace wit
h each other.【分析】战后,这两个国家找到了和解的办法。【解答】战争,英语表达是:war。可数名词,此处是单数形式。故
答案为war。40.He thought he had already solved the problem,but that w
as not the truth (实情).【分析】他以为他已经解决了问题,但那不是事实。【解答】根据提示"实情"可知,that"
那"单数,填单数名词truth。故答案为:truth。41.When you visit someone,it''s polite
to knock (敲) at the door before entering.【分析】当你拜访某人时,进门前先敲门是礼貌的.【
解答】It is+形容词+to do sth"做某事是…"固定搭配,It是形式主语,不定式是真正主语.根据提示"敲"可知,填动词原
形knock.故答案为:knock.42.Could you please show me your passports (护照)
, young men?【分析】年轻人,你能给我看一下你们的护照吗?【解答】护照passport,可数名词,结合句意"年轻人,你能
给我看一下你们的护照吗"可知,要用复数形式.故答案为passports.43.It''s not polite (有礼貌的)to t
alk with your mouth full of food.【分析】满嘴食物说话是不礼貌的.【解答】答案:polite.根据
It''s not﹣﹣(有礼貌的)to talk with your mouth full of food,可知满嘴食物说话是不礼貌
的,这里is是系动词,后面跟形容词形式,polite,形容词,有礼貌的.故填polite.44.All of us were su
rprised (惊奇的) that such a little girl spoke English so well.【分析】我
们所有人都感到惊讶,这样一个小女孩讲英语这么好.【解答】答案:surprised 根据All of us were_____(惊奇
ing is the  capital (省会) of Jiangsu Province.There are many inte
resting places in it.【分析】南京是江苏省的省会,有许多有趣的地方。【解答】这里是the+名词+of的结构。根
据提示"省会"可知,这里指南京这个省会城市,填名词capital。故答案为:capital。46.I don''t know how
to  greet (和……打招呼) people in this country,so I feel nervous.【分析】
故答案为:greet。47.The noise outside the building nearly drove me  ma
d (发疯的).【分析】大楼外的噪音几乎使我发疯。【解答】发疯的,英语表达是:mad。形容词。故答案为mad。48.Most Chinese and Japanese eat meals with  chopsticks (筷子).【分析】大多数中国人和日本人用筷子吃饭。【解答】筷子,英语表达是:chopstick。可数名词,此处是复数形式。故答案为chopsticks。49.There is a boy  called (叫作) Tom waiting for you under the tree.【分析】有一个叫汤姆的男孩在树下等你。【解答】叫作,英语表达是:call。此处是过去分词作后置定语。故答案为called。50.There is something w rong  with my watch. It doesn''t work.【分析】我的表出毛病了,不能用了.【解答】从It doesn''t work判断前面说的是我的手表出了毛病,这里用something wrong表示.故填wrong.学科网(北京)股份有限公司 zxxk.com学科网(北京)股份有限公司