

 白鹤云轩 2022-12-04 发布于广东






各大菜系 major styles of cooking / cuisine

粽 子 Zongzi: a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves (eaten on the Dragon Boat Festival)

月饼 moon cake

蜜饯 candied preserved fruit / sweetened preserved plums

豆沙 sweet bean paste

蛋黄 egg yolk

咸蛋黄 marinated egg yolk

海鲜 seafood

扇贝 scallop

大葱 scallion

葱 green onion

肉馅 minced meat

鱼糜 minced fillet

虾糜 minced shrimp

饺子 Jiaozi boiled dumpling

八宝饭 8-treasure rice

鲤鱼 carp

青鱼 black carp

草鱼 grass carp

欧洲鲫鱼 crucian carp

鲫鱼 golden carp

鲈鱼 bass

桂鱼 Chinese perch

石斑鱼 garoupa

三文鱼/ 大麻哈鱼 salmon

金枪鱼 tuna

鳕鱼 cod

年糕 rice cake - year cake

胡桃 walnut

饭票, 餐券 meal ticket

涮羊肉 thin slices of mutton for boiling in a hot pot

芝麻 sesame

油条 deep-fried dough sticks

酱油 soy sauce

绿豆 mung beans

油饼 deep-fried dough cake

汤 soup

菜 dish

豆浆 soybean milk

盖交饭 rice served with meat and veggies on top

香菜 cilantro (Chinese parsley cilantro/ coriander)

粉丝 glass noodles; vermicelli made from bean starch, etc.

馒头 steamed buns

花卷 steamed twisted rolls

包子 steamed stuffed buns

肉包子 steamed bun with meat filling

肉馅 meat filling

豆沙包 steamed bun filled with bean paste

豆沙馅 bean-paste filling

春卷 spring roll ( a thin sheet of dough,stuffed, rolled and fried)

包饺子 making Chinese dumplings

案板 kneading board

擀面杖 rolling pin

馅 stuffing; filling

面团儿 dough

饺子皮 dumpling wrappers

馄饨皮 wonton wrappers

网筛 wire strainer

蒸笼 bamboo (food) steamer

锅贴 pot sticker

烧卖 shaomai (a steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top)

葱饼 scallion pancake

推棍儿 pancake spreader

甜面酱 sweet sauce made of fermented flour

北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck

面条 noodles

拉面 hand-stretched noodles; ramen

方便面 instant noodle

挂面 fine dried noodles

炒面 fried noodles

凉面 cold noodles in sauce

馄饨 wonton (dumplings in soup)

刀削面 shaved noodles

米粉 rice flour

面粉 wheat flour

烤面包 toast

果酱 jam

三明治 sandwich

热狗 hot dog

汉堡包 hamburger

糖纳滋 doughnut

百吉饼、面包圈 bagel

高粱饴 sorghum candy

酒心糖 liqueur-filled candy

口香糖 chewing gum

泡泡糖 bubble gum

山楂片 haw flakes

糖炒栗子 chestnuts roast (in sand) with brown sugar

爆米花 popcorn

松糕 sponge cake

绿豆粥 mung bean porridge

红豆粥 red bean porridge

杏核豆腐 almond bean curd

豆腐 tofu(bean curd)

麻花 fried dough twist

萨其马 egg crisp cake

鱿鱼 squid

笋 bamboo shoot

笋干 air-dried bamboo shoot

香菇 dried mushroom

草菇 straw mushroom

猴菇 hedgehog mushroom

木耳 wood-ear/ Jew’s ear

白木耳 tremella

冬虫夏草 Chinese caterpillar fungus

海带 kelp

紫菜 seaweed

燕窝 bird’s nest

海蜇 jellyfish

海参 sea cucumber

鲍鱼 abalone

鱼翅 shark’s fin

熊掌 bear’s paw

豆腐泡 beancurd puff

腐乳 fermented beancurd

刀工 cutting technique

切丁 dice

切条 slice

切丝 shred

剁、剁碎 chop

切碎(成泥) mince

方块 cube

块 chunk

瓜子 sunflower seeds

莲藕 lotus root

莲子 lotus seeds

青蒜,韭葱 leek

韭菜 Chinese chives / leek

平菇 oyster mushroom

苦瓜 bitter gourd

四季豆、菜豆 string bean, snap bean,green bean

豌豆荚、雪豆荚 snow pea

豆芽 bean sprout

绿豆芽 mung bean sprouts

黄豆芽 soybean sprouts

枣子 Chinese dates

山楂 haw

石榴 pomegranate

弥猴桃、奇异果 kiwi fruit

荔枝 lychee

龙眼 longan

橘子 tangerine

西柚、葡萄柚 grapefruit

佛手瓜 Buddha’s-hand; fingered citron

木瓜 papaya

核桃仁 walnut meat

松子,松人 pine nut kernels

西瓜子 melon seeds

腰果 cashew nut

榛果, 榛子 hazelnut

葡萄 grape

核桃 walnut

谷 grain; cereal

米 rice

long rice 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时

Pudding rice or short rice 短米,较软

Brown rice 糙米

THAI Fragrant rice 泰国香米

Glutinous rice 糯米

强力面粉 strong flour

中筋面粉,不含发酵粉的面粉 plain flour

自发粉 self- raising flour

小麦面粉 whole meal flour

砂糖 brown sugar

红糖(感冒时煮姜汤时用)dark brown sugar

糖粉 icing sugar

冰糖 rock sugar

醋 vinger

玉米淀粉、太白粉 cornstarch

麦芽糖 maltose

芝麻 sesame seeds

麻油 sesame oil

蚝油 oyster sauce

胡椒 pepper

白胡椒 white pepper

黑胡椒 black pepper

辣椒粉 red chilli powder

芝麻酱 sesame paste

味精 msg (monosodium glutamate)

豆鼓 black bean sauce

大红豆 red kidney bean

冬菇 dried black mushroom

酸菜 pickled mustard-green

八角、茴香 anise

荸荠、马蹄 water chestnuts

虾米 dried shrimps

明虾 prawn

美食节 gourmet festival

中餐烹饪 Chinese cuisine; Chinese culinary art

色香味形 color, aroma, taste and appearance

四大菜系:four major Chinese cusines:

山东菜 Shangdong cuisine

川菜 Sichuan cuisine

粤菜 Canton cuisine

扬州菜 Yangzhou cuisine

南淡北咸 the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cusine

东甜西辣 the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisine

八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding

风味小吃 local delicacy

切片 slice

切丝 shred

切丁 dice

切碎 mince

绞碎 grind

大、旺、武火 high heat

中火 medium heat

小、微、文火 low heat

煎 pan-fry

炒 stir-fry; sauté

爆 quick-fry

炸 deep-fry

烩 stew

熏 smoke

煨, 炖 simmer,stew

煮 boil

烘 bake

烤 bake; roast, grill

架烤 grill; BBQ

蒸 steam

红烧 braise (with soy sauce)

涮 (羊肉) dip-boil (mutton slices)

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