
雨后山谷 The Quiet Valley

 钰涵谈名人 2022-12-06 发布于湖北





                 The Quiet Valley

After the rain in the valley, the sky is so pure and clear, white clouds light hanging in the sky, like a fairy clip art, like a piece of the beautiful garden of heaven petals. A walk in nature is a great way to calm and relax an anxious mind.

You look at the tall and dense woods, the birds cooing song, so light and sweet, with different rhythms and melodies, and the spring water flowing. Here all the beautiful sounds, such as sonatas, nocturnes and dreamworks by human composers, captivate the imagination.

Wisps of smoke rose gently slanting into the sky from the peaks behind the trees and then disappeared. This wisp of smoke looks so uncannily, but there is a kind of dreamlike beauty to be desired. I slowly come back to the mind, the line of sight from the distance back, look at the plants around me, are so fresh and straight pine trees. The yellow and white honeysuckle is fragrant, the reeds are swaying in the wind, and the unknown little yellow flowers by the side of the road raise their lovely faces, which makes people feel a kind of love.

Dragonflies are also dancing in the air, on the lawn, they seem to know how to enjoy the nature better than human beings, toward the sky to enjoy the breath. The little swallows spread their wings and fly freely in the sky, changing direction at will. If you look closely, they are really beautiful fliers, with their speed and posture!



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