配色: 字号:
2022-12-07 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 


______ ___ ___

Unit 1 Hello 1

1 Hello./Hi. Goodbye. /Bye-Bye. I''m ...

2 ?¢ £?¥?§currency1''“???fifl

?¢ £?¥?currency1''“– ??

3 · ????,”???? –…‰fi ?

? –`′??ˉ ?˙¨ ?? ?? ?¢

£?¥?currency1''“? – ˇ …fi— –??

Hello./Hi. Goodbye. /Bye-Bye. I''m ...

?˙ ˙ £?¥?? I''m –? fi … fi

? ? fia ?– …??o

1 ? – ?

2 Let''s play –???? –''

3 套–录 带

程(内 方法 手段)

1 Warm-up

(1)先给 播放卡 片fi了解所 言运?–环境 内 "迪士尼

" 一 –片段(Magic English----Hello) 他们喜爱–卡 节

了解 … ?¢? Hello./Hi fi边看卡 边 … 言– fi

了解 言所?–环境fi`′与 境 fi …与`′ 存 [ ??

内 根据各校?况 £行改变fi?图片 代替fi 直接进入下一环节 ]

(2) 看卡 片告诉 "卡 "一词–? ?由 单词 Cartoon 一


? ¢ £?¥?§ CD, VCD, DVD currency1currency1

''3“??? fifl –?? · ? ?? ??? ”?…‰ ?

` ′??? ?ˉ ? ? ˙ ¨ ?? ? ?? ??? ˇˇ

— ?¢ ? ?

Welcome to English ? ? aˇ

§ CD, VCD, DVD, OK! Hi! Yeah! Wow! Bye! E-mail, Cartooncurrency1 ?

? ???????o

2 Presentation

''1“ ? ? ? ?? ? ? "Hello" ?

?? ? ?

T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello.

''2“?? 个机a 向? 介绍?己 Hello, I''m …/Hi, I''m …

''3“?? ?带‰ Sarah 头饰介绍 Hello! I''m Sarah. /Hi! I''m Sarah.

''?? 示范 应定要 手势?言辅助? 理 对? ?者 讲 体态?

言和手势??帮助— 理 和记忆 因”??要适 手势和动˙ ?情

配合?? “

''4“给? 带‰ Sarah, Chen Jie, Mike, Wu Yifan 面具 头饰 扮演

些人?到讲台前ˇ Hello! I''m …

''5“听? ?投影; 通 ?像 VCD 展示 Let''s talk部分 ??


3 Practice


玩 Let''s play 游戏"击鼓传花" 首先 将全班? 分为两大组 ??


?¢ Hello, I''m £/Hi, I''m £? ¥

?§currency1 ''“???fifl ?? –??· ????

”???§ … ‰ ? ? `′ ??ˉ?˙¨ ????

I''m ? ‰?[aim]?ˇ— [em] [ai] … ?ˇ

ˉ ? ? a ?… ? ?

? o ” ? ? ? ??

? ? a ? ?? ? '' ?? ?

'' ? ?fifl? 班级 人数?多 ”?? –?? ??

?2?让 ·己¢¢所 '' ''环境 并让 ·己拟定 ¥ ''所

'' 场所?结合图片 进 巩固?景?

? 出??景图 让他们·己¢¢ ”??景 该¢些什么?

清晨 ¥ 朋友”校门口相遇 猜猜看 他们¢了些什么?

< ?景二>上 了 带 新 进…室?新 Lily该怎样?· ?


下 了 好几 与 Lily结识 他们 怎样¢ 呢?

“ 了 们相互道? 他们彼?都¢了些什么?

?3? 四¥人 a · ??? ? ?? ? ''

a 更 真实?? ?? ? '' ? ?fifl?”?强调?手 ¢

Goodbye./Bye-Bye ?

?4?·由结合 ·己下位 了解˙结识新伙伴 尤其 了解伙伴 ??

??再 a Hello, I''m £/Hi, I''m £Goodbye./Bye-Bye ?


?活动手册第 单元 第 部?a ?由于 刚刚接触? 且 第


1 ? ¢£?¥ ?§currency1'' “??

?fifl ? –¥??· ????”¢?… ¢‰ ??

2 ? `′? ? ˉ??˙¨ ?? ??ˇ

3 —

? ? a ? ? ? ?o

4 ? ?

5 ? ? ? ? ????

案 最 通过给¢£涂色 自我评价

5 Add-activities

1 将制作 具 材料发给 如何给 具涂色 将 具剪

粘 ¢木棍?

2 带? 具 打招呼 介绍自己 复 课所 知

3 示 保留 具 ? ?会用?这些 具

Unit 1 Hello

[将"清晨 两·¢朋友 校门口 " ?‰ 黑板? ?旁写?

Hello/Hi ]

[将自我介绍 ?片‰ 黑板? 写 Hello, I''m…]

[将 ? 道 见 情景?‰§黑板 写 Goodbye. ]

课 ? 计 划


课 Unit 1 Hello ''2 课?




2 ¢£? ¥? crayon, pencil, pen, eraser,

ruler,§ currency1 ''“?

3 ???fi fl –? ?· ?

???? ?”''“?…‰ ? crayon pencil pen

eraser ruler? § currency1 ''“?

` ·′ ?·?ˉ?''“?˙¨ ? ? ?

? ?


1 Warm-up/Revision

?1 ?? currency1 "Hello"

?2 ? Sarah, Wu Yifan ?¨? “a

? a ?Hello, Sarah! Hi, Wu Yifan!

?3 ?o

?o "£ ?? ? ? ? ?

???? ?? ? ? 字? Hello.

I''m…????? ?们猜是谁??话 猜对? ? ?组得 分?

还可以改 让????? ?猜 是谁?? Hello 如果猜

要? Yes, I''m… 如果猜错 要? No, I''m…猜对得 分?

?4 将 ?分 小组 可2-4 ? 组练 ?

2 Presentation

?1 利 ·′呈现新知


[ ] " "

?¢£ ?¥?§currency1" "

''£ “ ???fi fl –?"Happy birthday to you"

currency1"?· ?" ?? ?”" " ??…‰‰ ? `

′??ˉ? ˙ ¨ ¥?? ? ?

[ ˇ] — ?ˉ ¥ … … … …

fi ??fi fi ?¥ ? a

[ ?ˇ] crayon, pencil, pen, eraser, ruler,


o ` ?? £ ¥?fi £? crayon,

pencil, pen, eraser, ruler £? ? £ ???

? £ 潜 老 ?导下由£ £ £ 检查£

¨ £?特别注? crayon eraser 两′ 音 对于多音

节 应语速略放慢 待£ ? 掌握 改 正常语速?

¨3?游戏 Show me your …

? pencil ? Show me your pencils.

?范 这样 用同 种方法练?其? 4 ′

¨4?''£ 听录音 跟读 Let''s learn 部 求£

用手?着 认读 ?求做?"眼…口…手…心…耳" 综合运用


¨1? 组竞赛

将£ 两大组 每组每次选 名选手a讲台前 ′£ 先

看 下某张卡 记住a ? currency1什么 将卡 ? 扣 桌 a ''

另 名£ 猜卡 ? currency1什么 "An eraser?" "A ruler?" "A


pencil?" "A pen?" "A crayon?"




crayon, pencil, ?¢£

? ¥ ? § currency1 ''“ ??? fifl –??

· ?? ??

3 fi ”?… ‰ ‰? Let''s do ?`′??

?ˉ?˙ ¨ ?? ‰ ˙?‰??? ˇ?— ˙

? ?? ? ?? ”?… ` ?(Listen

and point the pictures)

? ”?… ? `???(Listen and do the actions )

? ′? a Show me your ?? ?

? fl ????


?′?'' ` ?a ?

1 ? ???·??ˉ ?

` ???

2 ?ˉ 目要求 导?`方法?

3 fi ”?…?a ?

4 再 播 ?… ?ˉ` 导 fi 句 句地跟读

互核 案 最?通过给 花涂色进行自我评价?




?¢ £?¥ ?§currency1 ''“

? ? ?fifl –? ? · ?





Unit 1 Hello

[ ” ?… ]

‰ ? ?

___ ___`___′

‰? Unit 1 Hello ?3 ‰

ˉ? 1˙¨ ??? ?? ˇ—

??? ·

? a ??? o ?

2˙ ?? "Hello" ?


? ??? ?

?? ‰??? ? ? ?‰ a ?

˙线绳 硬 等 要求 带来

˙线绳 硬纸 ?

?程(内容˙方法˙ 段)





I''m ?¢ £?¥

?§currency1'' “? £?¥??fifl

–2??? Show me your · ????”?“?

…?" ‰ " ?? `′?“ ? §ˉ ?˙ ¨ ??

?? ? ˇ— ˉ

–3? § “??fifl? ?

a –Mike ? ? ?fifl Hello! Mike.

?ˉ pencil ?? ?o? ? –

? "Yes. Pencil." ? ? ?


2 Presentation

?? ?? …?£ § 得更快 完整

制作过程 ??讲 `′实际?作 整 过程呈现

3 Practice

–1?? 拿 事 材料 导 按步骤制作 每句

话中 动ˇ都是 强调 部分 配合手势 帮助

理 ?记忆

–2? 动手制作

? Hello/Hi , I''m 句型来? 制作好 对¢得

好 … 与 扬或适当 奖励

–3?? 跟录音 起 唱歌曲Hello … ? 在演

唱ˉ? ? 节拍或¢?简单 动作 果 对书上 歌曲掌握




¥?§currency1''“??? “ 3 fifl –£??· ?

?1? ?¥?§currency1''”? …¥?‰ Show me your (pen )

?§? `£

?2? ′? ??? currency1 ˉ?

?3? ˙¨ ?? ? ¥ ??£?ˇ ·—?

ˉ ”ˉ £

?4? ¥ –£

?5? ? a ? ? ? ?

???o ? ? ?£


?? ?

?1? ?‰ ?? ”? ? 上和?面?

打招呼 ?帮助 ?? 尤 是 ?‰ ?? 全组 全

排 £


…向¥??排 ?‰ ? Hi, I''m Ms Wang 接着这位

? Hi, Ms Wang. I''m Ann.她/ 旁边 ? Hi, Ms Wang.

Hi, Ann. I''m Ken. 此类推£

Unit 1 Hello

展示 卡


___ ___ ___

Unit 1 Hello 4

1 What''s

your name? My name is... ?¢ £?¥?

§ currency1

2 ''“???fifl ? –See you.

3 ??· Welcome!

???? What''s your name?

My name is ? ” ''“???fifl ??

–See you.

?… ‰ ?…? `′ ? ?ˉ?˙ ¨ ?

ˉ? ?…“ ?? ˇ— “ ??

¨ currency1

1 Warm-up/Revision

1 "Hello"

2 ‰ Hello! /Hi!

3 ? ′a fl ????o currency1 –

a. Hello, I''m Mary.

b. Hi! I''m Peter.


2 Presentation

1 Hello! I''m Miss/Mr .

My name''s . ?¢

£ ?¥ ?§currency1'' What''s your name? “? ? ?fi

''fl '' –/? ?· ?? ??”?–/?…‰

My name''s .£ ? ¥? ‰?§ `′?? ?currency1ˉ–/–?˙

¨ ???§ ??ˇ— ''‰ £ ??

£ ?§ ''‰? a ?§ My

name''s .…‰'' ?

2 ?? What''s your name? a ?§? name ¥

?o a currency1 ?

3 £ ˇ? See you. ?§ o ? " "?"¥

"?£ ?·??¥? ?o ? ¥? 不

情景o?? 义不 ?Welcome 还 不必??感谢 ? 当?

Thank you. 谢谢 ?候 通 · …‰ You are welcome. ?

?"不 谢"?"不客气"??§ 此简 了解¥?即· £ · 今

起 ?率 作

4 ?录 放投影?通过录像 VCD 来展? B 部分Let''s talk


3 Practice

1 Pair work: ·让?§戴上头饰 ?演书上 Let''s talk ?


2 Let''s playo 游戏 ·请几??§站 门外做迎宾先§

??姐 请几? ?做嘉宾?每位迎宾者 Hello! What''s your


name? My name''s .

Welcome! ? ¢£?¥?§currency1

''“??? ?fifl –?? · ????? ”?

?…? ?‰ ?– `′? ?ˉ ?˙¨ ??

¢3???ˇ—? ?

? " ''"a What''s your name?

My name''s ?? ? ? ?


o ? 4 fl?? ? ????

¢1? '' ?猜猜图中?物所说 话

¢2? ''讲解题目 ?思 指 ?o?? 法

¢3? ??录 o??

¢4? 次播放录 '' 指 让 ? 句 句地跟读

互相核 案 a 给花朵涂色 我评价


猜猜我是谁 游戏

请 位 ?到讲台前边 蒙住眼睛 '' 势指定 男

女两位 ? 告诉 们 ¢打招呼? 我介绍?询 姓 及

? 句型 话 然 被蒙住眼睛 ?直接说 说话双 ?姓

此 '' 根据 ?情况扩展到 His/Her name''s 句型

Unit 1 Hello!

What''s your name?


My name''s

( )

___ ___ ___

Unit 1 Hello 5

1 ?¢ £ ?¥?school, bag,

book, pencil-case, sharpener §currency1''''““ ?

??fi fl – ? ?¥?

2 · ???? ” ??…‰ ''? `

”′“??ˉ ???

˙¨ ¨ ?¥ ???

? 1 ?ˇ?— ?


2 ? ?


1 Warm-up/Revision

1 "? ??"? ?a??a ? ??…‰???


?A: Hello! B!

B: Hi! A! Hi! C!

C: Hi! B! Hi! D!

D: Hi! C! Hello! E!



C: I''m Sarah. What''s your name? ---D: My name''s Mike.

E: Goodbye! ---F: Bye-bye. ---G: See you.

2 ? crayon, ruler, eraser,

pen, pencil.

3 ¢£ ? Touching game ¥ Matching game ?

A Touching game §currency1'' “???fifl –???

· fl??????fl”?…‰ currency1'' fl? ??`′?


B Matching game ˙¨§ ?? currency1'' ? ??fl?

?? ˇ— fl pencil, ??

˙` ?–?? a

2 Presentation

(1) Let''s learn

a. ˇ— ? ruler, eraser, pen, pencil. I put the ruler,

eraser, pen, pencil in the pencil-case.? ?ˇpencil-case

?ˇ" ?" pencil-case?flo " "pencil-box, ‰

?¨fl ?¥ ?? ??`pencil-casefl

材 ?? 叫? pencil-box ??ˇ pencil-box

b. ?ˇpencil-case, bag, book, sharpenerfl ˇ




Touch and say ?¢£?¥ ?

§currency1 ''“???fifl –?? · ?Touch your book.

" ????–”?… ‰"Book" ? `¢£′?? §

ˉ2?Let''s do

A‰ ·˙ ¨ – ??˙ Open the book. ˙ ?

– ??˙ Close the book. ˉ??ˇ—?§

¨ ? ?? ” ‰Open the pencil-case. Close the

pencil-case. open, close § `

Show me your sharpener. Carry the bag. §

B‰? a

fi a ?? ? currency1 o fi

? ?§ · ? fi a currency1 ?? a

? ·?? currency1 ? ? a ¢ ¢


3 Practice

ˉ1? £ 关 巩固¢£§ Show me

your…. 活?§ ·currency1 ?有 全部摆 ??§ ·

‰“Show me your book. ” ???举 –”?… ‰"Book" §

·还 currency1 己 ¢£§

ˉ2? ‰画 § 黑板?画 种他想画

他每画 班? 英 猜他画 是什么 §如猜得正

确 位 ? 始画另 种他想画 §′他 猜§

ˉ3? Simon says ¢£ show, open, close, put,


carry Simon

says ?¢ ?¢ £

? ¥?


currency1 ''“???fi 5 fl –? ?· ? ?


”?…‰ ? `′??

ˉ1? ˙¨ ?? ¨??ˇ??—

ˉ2? ?…

ˉ3? ? –?

ˉ4? ? ? ?

a ? ?? ???o ?


l ¥??? ? ???? ? '' ?

'' 找 ? 举起大声 正确 胜

Unit 1 Hello

[??? ¨片]

课 计 划



Unit 1 Hello 6


2 ?¢ £? ¥ ?§currency1''

“?? ?fi fl

–??? “ ?¢ £?

· · §?? ?fi ?? ”? …

‰ fl?“ `

′? ?ˉ ?˙¨

1 Warm-up/Revision

?1¨ ?? ?£?"Hello"

?2¨ '' ?? ?fl ˇ — “?fl?


Show me your . ?? ? a


Simon says '' 8 ? ?? ??

Simon says o a Simon says ?a

2 Presentation

· ”?? § ” ?? I have a

book. ??? I have a pencil-case.?


I have a pencil. I have a

ruler. I have a . " ."

?¢ I have a .

£ ? ¥? §currency1''/“ I have a book. ? ?

?fifl – Me too! ?? §currency1· ????”?

? … Me too!


1? ` Let''s chant

a. ′? ?ˉ? ˙?ˉ?˙¨ ?? ?Let''s chant

?ˇ —

b. ?ˉ? ˙ ?¨˙ ?ˇ —

c. ′ ˇ fl I have a pencil.

Me too! ¨ ?? a

d. ? `? …?''o '' ?

a–? ? —?

e. ? a?? ′? ??`?

2? ??`? Let''s check

? ? ? ”应 图A 或图B

ˉ?— 1.Open the book.

2.Show me your pencil.

3. ---- Goodbye!



4.Hello! My name is Mike.

1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B

4 Assessment


?¢£?¥ ?§ currency1 ''“??? fifl

– ? ? · (book, crayon, pencil, bag, pencil-case, pen,

sharpener, eraser, ruler) £ ??? ?”? ?…?

”?‰– ? ??fl `′?£ ”??ˉ??˙ ¨ ?

¨? ? £ ????ˇ?—′ ˇ ?¢£ ¥

currency1 ?· ` ???

”? ? ?? ?

? a a

5 Add-activities


?′?`o ?o ? ? ?

? ? ? ??? ????, ?

? 共 Name, name, what''s your name? ?

? 其提问 二次 ?????改? ? ??

提问 用 方法交换”?


Unit 1 Hello

book, pen,


bag, pencil,


crayon, pencil-case, eraser

___ ___ ___

Unit 2 Colours 1

1 Good morning. Nice to meet

you. This is ... ?¢£ ?¥

?§currency1 "Let''s go to school." ''

2 “???fifl –??· £

?¢£ ?¥?§currency1''

3 ????” ? …‰ ? ? `′? ?

`· ?…ˉ''

?˙¨˙ ? … £?£? Good morning.

? This is ?''

ˇ— 1 Cheng Jie ,Mike, Wu Yifan, Sarah, Zip, Zoom

? ''


2 Let s play Kitty, Mickey

3 [Unit 2 Let s talk/A]


5 ?¢£

?¥?§currency1 ''“ ??

1 Warm-up/Revision

?1? ?fifl – ?? Hello · ?? ???

?”?…‰ ? `·′?? ????ˉ???˙

¨ ??

?2?? ???…· ` Hello/Hi, what s your


Hello/Hi, I m ?

?3?? ?ˇ— … ·ˇ ¨ ??′

· ? ˉ a ? ˉ ?

? ·?o ¨ · ???ˇ ? ?

2 Presentation

?1? ? ??· ?£ ?? ?ˇ—?

– – 面对 情景图展? 面 ·?熟悉

£ 剧表o?场· 们如亲临 境 样 项§currency1再??

ˇ然?成 ?? 氛围

?2? 告诉 … ???…?很多·除 Hello/Hi 以

外· 早 午 ? Good morning. 来进行 ¨ 出‰表

‰ 午 图片· 黑板 画 ?升起 太阳·′ 旁?标 间 7:


30 Good morning. Good morning.


Hello/Hi, A. Good morning, A. ¢£?¥ ?§currency1 A ''“?

? ?fifl ¢£?¥–? ? ? · Good

morning. ? ???”? Hello/Hi ? ?…?‰

3 ? `′?? ˉ? [Unit 2 Let˙s talk/A]

4 ¨ `′??ˉ? ?? § ?fiˉ??ˇ

— ? This is

T: Who ˙s this? ?

T: This is John. ? John

T: Where are they going? ? a

T: To school. a T ''“

5 ? ?? Let˙s talk/A

o ? T: Good morning. I˙m Miss Wang

/Mr. What ˙s your name? S: My name ˙s

? ? — T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

6 ? ??? Kitty, Mickey —§currency1?? ?

? 笔画 —让 先 单?fi称谓词Miss, Mrs , Mr

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

S: Good morning, Miss Wang.

T: This is Kitty.

S: Hi, Kitty.


K: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

K: Let s go to school. OK?

S: OK!

Let s go to school. This is Kitty.

Let s go to school. B Let s do

Go to school ?¢£?¥ ?§ currency1''

“ Go to school ??? Let s go to school. fifl

–? ?· This is Kitty.????” ?… ‰ ?

` ′? ??ˉ?? ˙¨ ??? ??ˇ ?

“— ( This is )

7? a Let s talk ? ?? o

? ?

8?? ‰ ? ?? ??

?” ?” 进行实际交流 ?鼓励 说 Miss, Mrs ,

Mr ?以运? o ?” 头饰 也?运? 卡通?

”手偶 头饰? 处 练 也?与 Let s play currency1''

9? 展 练 情况 ? 予 些?贴 儿 ¨

鼓励 表扬 展 情况,尤 ?运?多?” 运? Miss,

Mrs , Mr 进行练 ?? ?以进 步培养 敢于开′、勇于运

?英语 惯 形成浓厚 兴趣



玩 击鼓传花 游戏 首先 将全班 为 大?


?¢£?¥? Hello,

I§m currency1/Hi, I§m currency1

/Good morning, I §m currency1 ''“??¥ ??? This iscurrency1fifl?

¥ –??? Nice to meet you.· ??? ?”?…‰

? ?… `′?¢£?¥??¥ˉ?˙¨

·2 ??2?

? ? ? ?ˇ?— ??¨

Cheng Jie ,Mike, Wu Yifan, Sarah, Zip, Zoom

? Kitty, Mickey ˙ a? ˉfi

???o ˙ –? ? Good morning.

''“??ˉ ? ? This is Cheng Jie /Mike/ Wu Yifan/

Sarah/ Zip/ Zoom/Kittycurrency1? ? ¨

4?Assessment ? ??? 要设置

??动 册第二单元 第 部 练习¨

·1 看图 ??图中 在?什么??什么¨

·2 让 ?录??练习¨

·3 ?次播”录? 在 指导下让 句 句 跟读并

相互核 答案 最“a过给 涂色进行¢£评价¨


??? Walk to the corner


·1 6--8 ‰

·2 让ˉ们每?选择 并?出ˉ们所


This is


Sarah Zip

Mike, Zoom

4 ?¢£? ¥?§£currency1''“???fi fl –?

?· ? This is Zoom/ Sarah/ Zip/ Mike

5 ? ???currency1?”?…‰ Good morning! Nice

to meet you.

6 ? `′? ·?ˉ ??˙¨ ?




Unit 2 Colours

S1: Good morning.


ˇ — ?

___ ___ ___

ˇ Unit 2 Colours 2 ˇ—

1. ¢ blue, green, yellow, red, purple

¨ ? a

2. ¢ ? ? ?o ?– ?

? ? a blue, green, yellow, red,



1 blue, green, yellow, red, purple

2 Let''s do


?¢£ ?¥ ?§currency1

1. 1 Warm-up/Revision

?1currency1 ''“???fifl

T: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello , boys and girls.

S: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello , teacher.

T: How are you?

S: Fine, thank you.

?2currency1 –

T: Do a game, OK? S: OK.

"???" – · ????”?…‰ ?

…??? ? `′ ?

?3currency1 – Simon says

? ?ˉ?…˙¨ ˉ?? ˉ?¢£? fl

Show me your pencil / ruler /eraser /crayon /pen .

2 Presentation

?1currency1 ??ˇ—…‰ …

… ′ fl ? a This is a

green tree. '' … green …ˇ—? green tree ??

? green o green ˙ … ?flThis is blue.

o … blue ? ? ?… a ?…


yellow, red, purple

2 blue, green, yellow, red, purple


?¥?"green" §currency1''“ ???fi£ fl –?

§currency1 ?· ??? ?currency1?? ”?

3 … ‰ currency1 ¢£Let''s learn ? ` ′‰′£

′?£′?ˉ ?˙¨ ? ? ? ?ˇ

4 — ”??

Powerpoint —

5 ‰ currency1 ? Let''s do ?

6 ? Let''s do ? ˉ … ¢£

?? ? Show me your blue crayon. ˉ fi£a

¢£ ?

3 Practice

1 ?? … ? ? o a


2 ?

… ? ? ˉ ? ? ??

? ? 练 对 给与奖励并由

?负责 ?下 轮

3 ?为 准备 张白纸 … 按 ? ?令涂 画

画 ?? ?? Draw a nose. Color it red.

4 … 把蜡笔准备好 小组练 ?令? Show me your


blue/ crayon.

4 Assessment

5 Add-activities

?¢£? ¥?§currency1 ''“??§currency1£???fifl § –

? ?· §??? ??”? …§ ‰£?§? “?

£? ?` ′ ??ˉ§′?˙¨ §?? ? ?

?? ˇ–


Unit2 Colours

green blue yellow, red, purple

___ ___ ___

Unit 2 Colours 3

1 ? ? a ?§?

? ??£? ”o

2 £?

? ? ? ?? £? ?

?¢ ? ?§ ???§

? 段)


1 Warm-up/Revision

1 "Head Shoulders Knees And Toes"

2 ?¢£?¥?

¢§currency1''“ ? ??fifl –? "What?" ? ?· ??£

?? head / red ”

3 ?? ?…‰ Let''s chant ? currency1 ? Where is

your eye? currency1 ` Here it is ! ′??

2 Presentation

1 ˉ?˙ ¨ ? ? ?£ ? Where is the

eye? ? ` Here it is ! ′??

2 ?ˇ

ˉ? — £ currency1 ?£ ′

head £ ??ˇ£ ? £a ?


3 ? Let''s paint —

?¢ ?o£ ? £ Colour the face yellow.

ˉ¨ ˙? ? ?£?? ??£?

? Colour £ ′ 句子£带读 Colour the face

yellow. £?? 跟读 同 也′ 自己书? 句子 读

? ? 用同样 方法进行…‰句

4 继续? Let''s paint —剩下句子

可?·? 情况£?? 认读 基础?进行˙ ?

认读有困难£ currency1定 ?′句子£适当带读£以便? 理解


5 I''m wearing yellow today. Who

is wearing yellow today? yellow

Who is wearing yellow today?

6 Who is wearing yellow today?


? ¥?§currency1¥ £

''“??? £

7 ''“??fifl Who is wearing yellow today? £

– ? ?· ?£ I''m wearing yellow


8 ? ? ? ?”?… ‰ –?

? ` ?′??ˉ?˙¨ ?£

9 ? ?? ˇ — £

? …£

? … ? £

? £

a. Who is wearing red today? Red today? Red today? Who

is wearing red today? Who is wearing red today?

b. I''m wearing yellow today. Yellow today. Yellow today.

I''m wearing yellow today. I''m wearing yellow today.

3 ?Practice

1 ? ? ”? a £????o ''



? ¢£ A mouth.

Colour the mouth green. ?¥ ?§currency1 '' “???fi


3 – "What''s missing?"

?? · ???? ” ?…‰ ¥ ? `′?

?£"What''s missing?" ?ˉ fl? ˙ ¨ ??

4 Assessment

??ˇ—fi? 3


2 ?? ?

?a ?¥??o ? ???

? ?? ? ?? 亮

5 Add-activities

1 用你?喜爱 你?爱

2 3-4 ? ? 哪 fl 找到 实物?多

由 ?室′找'' 实物和'' ?ˉ 用某物是某

种 子来形容 ¢£ A blue bag.


Unit2 Colours

a. Who is wearing red today? Red today? Red today?

Who is wearing red today? Who is wearing red



b. I''m wearing yellow today. Yellow today. Yellow today.

I''m wearing yellow today. I''m wearing yellow today.

___ ___ ___

Unit 2 Colours 4

1 Great

?¢£?¥?§currency1 ''“?

2 ??fifl –? ?· “ ????”“

? ? A …‰ Let''s talk ? ? `?′

? I''m fine. Thank you. / Very well, thanks. ?ˉ

–? ?˙¨ ?

3 ????¥?? ?''“ “ ? ? ˇ?


1 Great How are

you? Very well, thanks. ?? ?

currency1 ?

2 ????¥? ?''“ ˙?· “ ?–? ?

? ˇ?—?

? ? ? ?a ? ????

o ? ?


1 Warm-up/Revision


Hello. Hi. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.

What''s your name? My name''s


How are you?


T: Hello,/Hi,/Good morning,/Good afternoon, boys and


S: Hello,/Hi,/Good morning,/Good afternoon, teacher.

T: How are you?

S: Fine, thank you.

S: Hello,/Hi,/Good morning,/Good afternoon, teacher.

T: Hello,/Hi,/Good morning,/Good afternoon, boys and


S: How are you?

T: Very well, thanks.

2 Presentation

1 How are you? ?

¢£?¥ ?

Fine, thank you. §currency1''“???fi

I''m fine. Thank you.

Very well, thanks.


2 Fine, thank you. / I''m fine. Thank you. / Very

well, thanks.

How, are, you, I''m, fine, very,

well, thank, thanks

3 ?¢£?

¥?§currency1'' “? ??fi Let''s play a game. fl

–???· ???? ?”? Great… ‰? ? ` –

How are you? ′? Fine, thank you. ?? ˉ?

˙ ?¨ How are you? ??˙′? ? ??

˙ £? ? ? Very well, thanks. ˇ— £?


4 ?? Let''s sing a song. fl –???·

???? ?”?Great…¨ Great…

Who is wearing yellow today? ? a

?? ?£?o ? ?

5 B Let''s talk ? ? ???


6 B Let''s talk ?

7 ? 头饰 ?? ? 配

8 “组 要求 按 ?? 自编?

9 ?演 自编 ?


1 看Let''s play 活动 “组练习几 钟


2 Sarah, Mike, Mike''s mother, Wu Yifan, John,

Bai Ling Let''s play

"Chain game" Let''s talk

3 ?¢ £?¥?§currency1''?“?Let''s play


fl –?? · ?§?? ?”§?” …‰ ? `

′? ?ˉ? ˙¨ ?… ? ??ˇ — §

— `′ ‰ ¨

currency1?? ? ·


? –? 4


1 ? ?–??o ? ? ?

? · ? ′ ? ? –?

2 ?

fl ???? ? 按

人物彼此打招呼a问候 还 ?彼此介绍a?物介绍等 充

? 知识 交流


Unit 2 Colours

Colour it brown.


___ ___ ___

Unit 2 My week 5

1 white, black, brown, pink, orange

2 ? ¢ £?¥?§currency1'' “


3 ?? fifl – ? ?· ?? ?

?”?” 1 white ? …‰ ? i` ′??ˉ?black,

brown ` ?˙??¨ fi′? ?

2 Let''s do?? ¢ £? ???ˇ

— ? ? ? fi “fl

? fl a

1 Warm-up/Revision

1a ficurrency1

T: Hello,/Hi,/Good morning,/Good afternoon, boys and


S: Hello,/Hi,/Good morning,/Good afternoon, teacher.

T: How are you?

S: Very well, thanks.

2a??? ? o

§— ? ? ?Let''s play a game. fi

§ ? ??? ??£ Great ?名 fi ?


Hello./Hi./Good morning./Good afternoon. How are you?

Fine, thank you.

Hello./Hi./Good morning./Good afternoon. How are you?

Very well,

thanks. ? ¢£?¥? §currency1'' “

?? ?fifl

–3??· ? T: Let''s sing a song. S: Great.

· ??? "Teddy Bear" ”?”?…‰

–4? ? `′

? ?ˉ? ˙`′ ¨ ??? ? ??ˇ

`′ — £ `′

ˇ ? “ ? –`′ ¥? blue, green, yellow,

red, purple?

2 Presentation

–1? `′ ?ˉ ?·? a ?

`′ ? ? white ?· ??o

white white ˉ ? i ?? ?

· ??? ?

–2??·? o ?o black, brown, pink,

orange 方法 ?·举起粉′ ?o或 o£ Pink, pink, this is

pink. ”£”举 ”听”看 训 ? 脑 ? 心 眼协调统

fl 注 black, brown 适当 切忌盲目纠

–3?利用`′卡 ?·§次 white, black, brown, pink,

orange white, black, brown


4 Let''s learn

? ¢£

5 ?¥ BINGO

?§currency1 ''“??? 9 fifl –? ?· ·? ???

”?… ?§‰ fl ? `?§ `“?′? –?

fl ?”–? ??ˉ?˙¨ ?? ˙¨ ?· ???ˇ

— BINGO ??¥ ?§ ˉ

3 Practice

1 ′ fl ¨ blue, green, yellow, red, purple,

white, black, brown, pink, orange

2 ?§ ? ? ?˙ a fl ?

˙ a ˉ?? ?o ” … fl a ''??

` fl

3 currency1 Let''s do? ? `fl

??–? ??

4 ?§?? currency1 fl ?§

? ? ?§?白 子 White, white ,

?§ Stand up. ??立

4 Assessment

?活 册本单元第5 ? 习

5 Add-activities

currency1 ′ fl 画把??或? 并currency1 ''′?

物 ?来 ′ fl 这 ?§ 充 挥 ¢

£ ?事情 ?o


Unit 2 Colours

blue, green, yellow, red, purple,

white, black

___ ___ ___

Unit 2 Colours 6


?¢ £?£¥£?§

2 currency1 ?''“? ??''“?? fifl

–???· ?§

???? ”?… currency1''“? ‰ ? `′

? §

?? ˉ?˙ ¨ ? ?? ??ˇ§

— –? ?

1 Warm-up/Revision

1 £ ?§ currency1 ?

currency1 §

2 £ ?§ £–?? –?a?

3 Simon says


Touch the ground. Touch your head. Turn around. White,

white , Stand up.

4 ? Teddy Bear

2 Presentation

1 ¢ £? A Let''s learn. ¢ ¥? §

currency1 I can see'' “????fifl ? I can see trees. I

can see blue. ¢ – ???· ???? ? T: "

Pink, red, yellow, green, blue'' It''s a rainbow. I can see a

rainbow." ¢ ”? rainbow ? I can see a rainbow.

2 ¢ § … ‰ fl?¥ `′??ˉ? `′?

?ˉ?˙¨ ??? ??ˇ——˙¨

3 ¢ … ? ? ?

?? ? This is a ball. It''s a purple ball. ?

? Purple ball ? ? ? a fl

4 ¢ £? Let''s chant ? ?

5 ¢ Let''s chant ? ???o

fl ? ?pink ball ? ? pink ball, purple ball?

?pink ball, purple ball, orange ball ? ??

? ?

3 Practice

1 ??? ??

§? ?? ? ?? ? pink ?

–前? ? ?还要?加? ? pink,



2 ?Touch game

¢£?¥? § currency1''“???fi ¢fl –??· ·

??? £?? ? '' ”? …‰ fi???? ''

`?′?? ˉ? ˙¨ ?£?? ?

3 ?ˇ— ?Let''s check? ˙ ?


4 Assessment

?? a 6 – —

— ? ˙ ??¨o ? ˙′ a

a ?

5 Add-activities


? ˙?? · ¢ ??? fi“? fi

˙? 张自己 ?? 再? 伴 张?? ?张??摆

? 起 并¢?张??留??中 如 “

回原处 ˙? ?? 时 ? a 英文


继续这? 结束时 ?中??数量 ˙

Unit 2 Colours

黑板fi贴有 a ?和 ? 10 ?


___ ___ ___

Unit 3 Look at me! 1

1 How are you? I''m fine./Fine,

thank you.

2 ? ¢ £?¥? §currency1


3 – ¢?'' ?·? ? ? ?? ?

”?…? How are you? Fine, thank you. ? ‰

currency1 ? ` ′ ??? ¢ˉ?˙¨ ??

? ?ˇ

— ˙

1 Warm-up/Revision

1 ¢ Sing an English together. "Head,

shoulders, knees and toes" ‰ ` ?? a § ¢

? ?? ¢ ‰??

2 ?o Do a game. "SIMON SAYS"

? ? Let''s do (A/B) ?

3 ¢ "Hello" ? ?˙ ? ¢

§? ?? ? ? ?

4 ? 物 例如: 举起Mr. Black?

:This is Mr. Black. ·后戴? Mr. Black? : Good


morning, boys and girls. I''m Mr. Black. Nice to meet you .

Nice to meet you ,too. Miss White,

Miss Green

5 ? Mr. Black, Miss White, Miss Green

¢£ ?¥?§currency1'' "Hello"

2 “Presentation

1 ? ??fi fl fl –?? Let''s talk/A –? fi

?· fi?–?§ fi fl ? ??”? …”‰” ?

` ′”‰ ?? ?ˉ

2 ?˙??fl fi?¨currency1 T: What are they doing?

?? ??ˇ S: ?

3 fi??— Let''s talk/A –? ? ? ‰

? fi? Miss White Miss Green

? –? ?a˙?— fi?

Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you, too. ?

4 fi?¨currency1 Mr. Black Miss Green ?? o

o ? How are you?

Fine, thank you.

5 ? fl Let''s talk/A fi ? ???

发? fi?注意? 易掌握 ? 如 Fine, thank you. ?

fine 元?字 "i" ??[ai] ¨— 口? 略大 而

thank ?词 th ?发? 舍尖处于上下齿之间 fi?可以

夸大口? ”‰发? fi? 适当纠正 切 可?味 纠

正发? 击孩子 习 积极


6 Let''s talk/A

?¢£ ? How are you? ¥?

§currency1 Hello./Hi . ''“???fifl – How are you? ??

· ??? ?”??…‰? ? ? `′?? ??ˉ? ˙¨

??'' ? ? ?fi ˇ?— …‰ “ How are you? ?

…‰”? Hello. Hi . ?

7 ---- ?

¨ a –How are you?

Fine, thank you. ? ? ? ??o? ?

8 ? 3-4 ?/ ? ???? "

" 活动 给 中 物 ?再 巩固 习新句型

、 fi”?掌握并理 重、难fl



六至七 a? 开火车 a选出 名"质量监

督员"?监督 fi 提“ 完整性 ˉo率 从 开始

Hi/Hello/Good morning, A . How are you? 二 回答 I''m

fine./Fine, thank you. 并提“ How are you? ? 类推 A 代表


2 戴? Mr. Black, Miss White, Miss Green ???

角色 习、表演


Let''s play 活动? ? 按 材 ?法两 小

a 活动?两 相互击掌“好?如–


S1: Hi/Hello/Good morning, A . How are you?

S2: I''m fine./Fine, thank you. A

Let''s talk ? ¢£ ?¥ ?§currency1''“? ??“

? fifl –?? ?? ? ·

4 Assessment

1 ??? ?”?… ‰ ? `′? ?ˉ? ?

` ˙

2 ¨ ?? ?? ?? 1 ?

5 Add-activities

ˇ— 2

? ? ? ? ? a ? ?? ??ˇ

o? ˉ? ? ?? ? ? ??

ˇ ? “?`?


Unit 3 Look at me!

How are you?

Fine, thank you. / I''m fine.

Thank you. / Very well, thanks.

? 划


题 Unit 3 Look at me! ?2 ?

? ˙ 1 能''说 认读head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth,


2 ? ¢ £? ¥¢

?§currency1''“ ??

3 ?fifl fl–?? · £?–?? ? ”fl

?…‰ head, eye, face , ear, nose,

mouth fl–

?…?… eye, face `′??ˉ?fi′˙¨ ”

?? fl ??ˇ— '' mouth

′fi′ ? ” ? fl ˇ—

”fl ? fl a? ??

”fl?o ˉ ?

1 Warm-up/Revision

1? –?fl ?Hello? ?Happy Teachers'' Day ?

2? –? ` Let''s chant ˉ ?


3?¥小组 让fl 戴上 Cheng Jie ,Mike, Wu Yifan, Sarah,

Zip, Zoom 饰 练–本? A Let''s talk 对话

2 Presentation

1?再次currency1现? ?时” 曾 ? 木偶 木偶 演 式

来进行 我?朋友姓名 时 ” 告诉fl "小木偶还要

其它 ˉ 请你认真£ "小木偶 ?‰ This is my

nose. /This is my head. 等等 由此引currency1本? ”fl head,

eye, face , ear, nose, mouth 让fl 先


2 Good morning. I''m Miss/Mr Look

at me . This is my head.

eye, face , ear, nose, mouth ?

¢ £ ?¥?§currency1 ''“

3 Powerpoint ?? ?fi ¢ fl –£?

?· ?? ??”???…?‰ §currency1 ? ` ′?

4 ? ˉ?˙? ¨ ?? ?? ? ????

?? ˇ

? eye, face — “

… §? a mouth

??? ?…

5 o head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth

6 ˇ? Let''s learn '' ?

'' §currency1 ''“ ? "? ?… ?? ?? "

7 ?

Simon says

行 规则是 ?果 前有Simon

says , 行 否则被罚下 ?

T: Simon says, touch your head. ?? ? 只

Touch your head. 则 ?任何˙?

¢此 活˙中 touch 理解 touch?

my ?your 三 含义



1 head, eye, face , ear,

nose, mouth

?¢£? ¥?

2 §currency1 Listen and draw

?''“? ? Draw a mouth. ?“

¢ fifl –?? nose,eye, face , ear, head · “¢??

?“? ” ?… ‰ ? “ `′??ˉ

3 ?˙¥ ¨ ¥? ?

4 …? ?? 3

5 ˇ— Let''s do ¥


?‰ a ‰ ˇ ? ?`? ??¢ o

? ? ? ”

?? Let''s do¥ ? ? Let''s do¥


第二 第二¥



” ?? Let''s do¥ ??传给 第

由第 往 传 –?? 当传‰· ? 由 /她

正确 ? ¢ 正确率高? 度


Unit 3 Look at me!

Let''s learn

___ ___?___¢

£ Unit 3 Look at me! ?3

¥ ?§ 1currency1''“???fi fl – ? ?· ???

?”?…‰ ?

2currency1 `′?? ? ??ˉ?˙¨currency1 ??

3currency1 ? ? ”? ?ˇ ?— ??


? ˉ ?? ?

¥ ? a ? ??

¥ “?o currency1 currency1 ?


o1?¥ ? C ?? Head , Shoulders, Knees

and Toes ? ? ???ˉ ? ?? ?

Shoulders, Knees o 为 ?适当? 即可?

o2? ?试 ?? Head , Shoulders, Knees and Toes

o3?认读 head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth 卡 和

o4?将 head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth 等 卡


3 ?¢

£? ¥ ? §currency1''“? ? ? §currency1'' fifl

– ??· ???''?”?… §currency1‰ '' ?

2 Presentation

`1′ ??§ˉ ¥??'' ?˙ ¨ ??

? ? ˇ — ''“ §currency1 ? §



Let''s draw £ '' ? £''a

£? '' §currency1 ? ??o

? ? ? Teddy Bear , Jim Bear

`3′ ? Let''s draw£ ?˙ ?? ?''§currency1¨

''£? ? ? ? 掌声 反之 ?哭 声


`4′ 重复Touch the ground. Turn around. 两句话



Simon says

o 令 执 令 规则是 果 令前 Simon

says , 执 令 否则被罚下

T: Simon says, touch the ground 摸摸地 只?

Touch the ground. 则不 任何动作


3 Practice

1 Let''s sing

2 ?¢ Let''s sing £?¥ ?§currency1

''“? ?? §fifl –

3 ?? fl? ?· ? ? ?? ” ?

…‰ ?

4 Assessment

£ ? `′??ˉ 3 ?˙ ′” ?˙¨ ??

? ???ˇ

5 Add-activities — ? ?


a ? ? ???o ? ¨ A Let''s do

? ?? fl ?????? ?

??? ?? ?? ?¥ 如 Touch your head. 如果对方

相 就执行这个?¥;如果对方不相 就摇头 ?翻 这? 检

验 如果? ?…¨ 话 而对方未£?¥ ? ?…¨ 话 而对

方£了?¥ 则 归对方?fi 反之 则归?…方?fi 谁先?完


Unit 3 Look at me!

黑板?¨ fl Let''s draw ?案


___ ___ ___

Unit 3 Look at me! 4


2 ?¢£ ?¥?§currency1''“??? fifl?¥

– ''“??

· ? ?? ???”currency1?…''

‰ ? ` ′ ??ˉ? ˙¨ ?

? ?? ˇ— ˉ

1 Warm-up/Revision

1 ? Teddy Bear ?

˙ C ? ? Head , Shoulders, Knees and


2 a ????o---- ? ?

??? This is my eyes. This is my nose.

3 ????? ?o ? a 班

根据 间currency1 ?人物??”

2 呈现新 (Presentation)

1 ? 了解到 间----下午 并?

这个 间 否 Good morning. ??”或?… 引? Good

afternoon! ? ?

2 观看 B ? Let''s talk??? ′


3 B

Let''s talk Good morning. Good

afternoon! ?¢ £ ?¥

4 ? Mike, Wu Yifan, Wu Yifan''s mother §currency1

''“ Wu Yifan''s mother ???fifl –??· ??

??”?… ‰

Wu Yifan: Hi, Mom.

Wu Yifan''s mother: Hi .

Wu Yifan: Mom, this is Mike.

Wu Yifan''s mother: Good afternoon, Mike.

Mike: Good afternoon.

Wu Yifan''s mother: Nice to meet you.

Mike : Nice to meet you, too. ''? Nice to meet you. Nice

to meet you, too. ? `′???ˉ?? ?˙¨ ?


3 ?Practice

1 “ ?ˇ —? ˇ ?? Let''s talk


B Let''s talk £ ''


a a. £ b. £ c.

£ d. ?? £ e.?o ?


3 Let''s play

4 Cheng Jie ,Mike, Wu Yifan, Wu Yifan''s

mother ,Sarah, Zoom

Let''s play ?¢

5 £?¥? Let''s play ?¢ §currency1 ''“

?currency1??fi £fl –

4 ?Assessment

?· ????”? 4 ¥?

5 ?Add-activities

Read and draw

…‰ ? `′? ??ˉ Mike, Wu Yifan, Wu Yifan''s

mother ?? ?¢` ˙¨ ?¢??''… ? ?ˇ?—

Unit 3 Look at me!

How are you?

I m fine.Thank you.


___ ___ ___

Unit 3 Look at me! ?5 ?

1?? a? body, leg, arm, hand, finger, foot

??? ?o` ?currency1 ??


2 Let''s do

3 ?¢£? ¥ ?§ currency1''

£ ¥ “?

??fi? 1 Let''s do fl –??·

????”?…‰ ? …`′ ?

? ˉ

2 head ? hand ¢£?˙

¨ ? ??? · ?? ˇ—

¨ ?

1 Warm-up/Revision

1 ¨ "Head , shoulders , knees and toes"

?£ a ?? ? ??

2 o ?? head, eyes, ears , nose, mouth


4 ? Simon says

¨ ¢ ? fl ? ?? Simon

says , ?

T: Simon says, touch the head. 地 ¨ 只‰

Touch the head. ? 任何 为 在以?o

5 演上节?o练对话

2 Presentation


1 head, eye,

face , ear, nose, mouth

2 ?¢£? ¥?§ currency1'' “ ?

? body, leg, arm, hand, finger, foot head ? hand

?fifl –??· ? ???”?fi

3 ? Let''s learn … ‰fi ? ? `

′ ??ˉ ? ˙¨ ¨?¨???¨ ¨?¨?


4 body, leg, arm, hand, finger, foot ?

?? ?fi ?fi ? a

5 ? Let''s do … ‰fi ?‰fi

??§ ? ? o ?

6 ? ? clap, snap, wave, cross, shake,

stamp ?

7 ? ? ?'' ??… hand and hands.

Clap your hands. ?'' ???? fingers and finger, arm

and arms, foot and feet, legs and leg ?” ??"s" ?

fi ?? o

3 ¨Practice

1 ? Let''s do … ‰fi 选择 确 案

2 播放歌曲 "If you are happy" ‰fi ?

‰fi ? ? 试唱歌曲

3 游戏

将 …为几 大组 每组请1 §?台 ? ?


Let''s do

4 Assessment


5 Add-activities

Silent Speech

?¢ £?¥?§currency1''“???-----fi? ???fl –

??· ?? ?? ”£? ?… ‰ ? `?

£?"′" ? ??fl ? Let''s do ?

Let''s learn





Unit 3 Look at me!

body, leg, arm, hand, finger, foot

? – ¨


?? Unit 3 Look at me! 6 ?–

£ ?ˇ 1 ?–— ?

2 — ? a §

? ? ? § ?o ?



Let''s check Let''s



2. ?¢

£?¥?§ currency1'' “??

1 Warm-up/Revision

¥1? ?fifl – If you are happy ?? · ? ?

? ?? fl”? ?…‰ ??· – ` –”?′

? ??ˉ? ?˙ ¨ ? ??˙ ?

¥2?? ? ? ? ??¢?ˇ? ??

¥3?? ?— £ ? ? ??

` ˙ ? ? ? ? ?? ?

? ? ?? `a ?

¥4?Simon says

??? ??o?? ??? Simon

says , ??o??? ?

2 Presentation

¥1? ? ? Show me your ? ???

? ?注意他们 物品 之后? Close your eyes.

¥ 意??将 物品藏起?引 Where is your pencil/pen/??

意 ?找?找到后 Here it is! 范后找 ?进o

¥2? ?fifl拿 好 第¨?元所 文具 实物 ? ?

将这些文具放`书包中? 要求 ?fl ¨ ¨ 问

Where is my pencil? 然后摊开“ 找东西 样子?引导 ?


pencil Here it is!

3 Let''s chant ? ¢£?¥?§currency1''“???


4 fl ¢£ –???·§currency1 ??fi ???”

?…‰ §?? ` ′ ??ˉ?˙¨

3 Practice

1 ? Let''s chant

?§currency1? ??ˇ —¥ ” ?¥ ” ˇ§currency1

Where is your nose ? ˇ§currency1 Here it is!

2 —?¥? §currency1?? ?

3 — Let''s check

…?§currency1 a— ? ? ? A ?? B

4 Assessment

§currency1o ? 6 ? ? §

currency1 ? ??? ¨? §currency1 ? ? § ??·§

currency1 ? 关 (head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth , body,

leg, arm, hand, finger, foot) ¨以小ˇ 位ˉ? ?

指·§currency1ˉ?互 评价 小ˇ 每个成员¨以ˉ?比赛?看谁 ′

快? ′多 全班¨以比哪 ˇ最?完成 最后 ¨以 §currency1

他们 物品 激发每个§currency1参与 积极性?

?·§currency1ˉ? 我评价 小ˇ评价


5 Add-activities



1 3

? ¢£?¥?§currency1'' “

?? ?fifl ? ¥?§–?? ??fifl ?¢· ?

BINGO ???'' ”? …‰

2 ? A ` B ′ Let''s do ???





Unit 3 Look at me!

ˉ ?? ??


— ¨

___ ___ ___

— Recycle 1 1 —

¢ 1 1-3 ¢ ? ? a


2 o ? Hello. Good morning.

Nice to meet you. This is ... What''s your name?

How are you? ??

3 ? ? ¢£ ??? ? ? o

重点难点 ¢重点 ¢ Let’s act ′ 故事` ?


Let s act

1 ? ¢£ ?¥

2 ? Sarah, Bai Ling, Zoom, Zip ?§

3 ? Zoom, Zip currency1''“?currency1'' ??fi


4 ? –??· –?? ?–???“??

? ”?…‰ ?

5 ? ` ′?

6 ? ¢£ ?ˉ?˙¨

??¢£ ? …?ˇ

1 warm-up/Revision

?1ˇ ?— Who is wearing yellow today?

Hello “?

?2ˇ ? ?

Hello. Hello. How are you? I m fine. Thank you.

?3ˇ ? ? a ? ? “ ?


2 Presentation

?1ˇ ? a“ ? o ?


A ???? “? `此 ′?ˇ


Hello./ Hi. [什么 间都”以]


Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening. [


How are you? (I m) Fine, thank you./Very well, thanks. [


Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.[currency1''“?? ?


Bfl –??· ?? ??”? …‰ ? ''`′?


What s your name? Your name, please? My name is ?/I

m ?

Cfl –?‰ ??? …‰ ? ''`′??ˉ?˙¨

This is ?

D fl –??? ˇ— …‰ ? ''`′??ˉ?˙¨

Let s sing/ play/ go to school?.

…2ˉ fi

fl fl ? ? a

? ? ?o ? ?

?”??? My name is ?/I m ? ? ?

Who are you? ? ??”??? My name is ?/I

m ?§? ‰ ? 续进行§… ?先由老


…3ˉ 带读 译?文Who are you?

…4ˉ 播放故 课件 展'' Let s act 部分 让 ?·



3 Practice

1 ?¢ £?¥?§ currency1''?

¥“ ???fi

fl Is it in the morning or in the afternoon?

Is this Zoom?

Who is this?

2 –???¥ · ???? ”? … ‰

?“ `′ ??ˉ?¥ ?˙¨ ?? Mike, John ??

Zoom Zip ”? `′ˇ— ?

3 ?˙¨ ′

?¥… 6 ·?˙ … ?¨

4 ?? ”? `′ ?˙ `′ ?˙ ?ˇ

4 Assessment

1 a “ˇ a ??? ?o

ˇ “?¥ˇ ? ? ?? a ?

2 ?¥ ?¨ ????? a 1 ¨

5 Add-activities

?¥? ‰任意–·幅图案 试? 编· “ 说 伙伴

们 内容?以与图‰原有相似 但不?相同

此?? ?¥ 由想象“ 内容 充 挥?¥ 主性 主?


Recycle 1

Let s act

Sarah Chen Jie John


Zoom Zip

___ ___ ___

Recycle 1 2

1 ?¢£?¥?§currency1''

“???¥fifl ?¢£ ?¥?

2 – ? fl ?·? §?? ??”?

3 …‰? ”?§? ?`′????ˉ???·

˙¨ ¨ ˙¨? ?¥fifl ?¢


¨?”??? ??ˇ fl ?·§ —

? ”? § ?”?§…‰? ”?`′


1 —? ? ?

2 — ?¥fifl ¢£? ? ?

3 — Chant and find ? Chant and

colour ? ?a ?



5 ? ¢£

?¥?§currency1 ''“ ???

1 Warm-up/Revision

?1?fifl –??

· T: Let?s do a game, OK? S: Great.

???” ?…‰–?? fifl ? –

Hi/Hello/Good morning, A . How are you? ?` ′? I?m

fine./Fine, thank you. ?ˉ? How are you? ˙¨ ? ?A ?

??…§currency1˙ ?ˇ— ?

?2? … ? Colour Song

?3?fifl ?

?a ? … ? ?fifl…?o

? ?… ? ? ????

? ? fifl

2 Presentation

?1? fifl

? 包a… 摸 摸…

时? What ?s in the bag?

而复? ?

?2? 拿出 好 Chant and find 部分 挂 贴在黑板

…用 张纸遮住…告诉 This is a picture. What?s in the

picture? 跟读 picture 然后 点 点地看 …


Look, look, look!

?¢ £?¥ ?§?currency1 ''“?

??fi fl§ – ?? ?

3? ·? Chant and find ?? ? ???”

??…‰ ? ` ′ ?? ˉ? ˉ˙“ˉ¨

4?`– Chant and find ?? ?? ˇ ??

— ? What s in the picture?

— ? Look, look, look! ·? ?” ??… ?

? Pencil, ruler, bag, pencil-case, sharpener

5? `– Chant and colour ?? ?? ·?

? ? a foot feet

′?fi Point it please

? ?? ?? o o? ?… ?

? ? ` ? ·? ?? ? ?

? ??

6? ??Chant and colour ?? ?? ? ??

注意此¥ ?? 要?慢


1??fi I m lucky.

`准备好 ?和信封 把 ???信封 ?

?? ?? o o? 2 ? 讲台 A 队底?坐 同?

Chant and find What s in the picture?

B 队台 个 ? ` 个 另 个 ?从信封


10 B

Chant and find What s in the picture? A

?¢£ ? ¥?

§2currency1''“???fi fl –? ? · ??? Chant and

colour ? ”?…‰ ?fl ? ? `′?? ?ˉ?˙

¨ ??? …‰ ? ?? ?ˇ—? …‰ ′


4 Assessment

? ?a 2 ? ?

5 Add-activities

· ??ˉ?? fl ?o ? ?

? fl ? ? fl ? o

?? ?fl? ? ?fl

Recycle 1

Let s act

Sarah §头像currency1 Chen Jie§头像currency1 John §头像currency1

Mike §头像currency1

Zoom §头像currency1 Zip§头像currency1

课 时 计 划



Recycle 1 3


2 ? ¢£?¥?§ currency1 ''“ ??

3 ? fifl How Are You? – ??·

?fl ???

?”?” ?”…Let‰s make ?“ ??? ` fifl

How Are You? ?

?”…? ′?? ˉ?

˙¨ 1 ˙¨ ?? ??ˇ

2 — Let‰s make ?

` ??? ''

3 ˙¨ '' ?? a ??

4 ˙¨

5 ˙¨??

6 ˙¨¢£?¥ ???

′?o ?

1 Warm-up/Revision

o1 ? ?

o2 ? ? ??

o3 ?? 2 fl currency1 拍 说fl

o4 共同??fl Head shoulders knees and toes.

2 Presentation

o1 出示¢£?¥ ??? —??很快 在 面前


What is it?

2 This is a funny face. a funny

face a funny face This is a funny face.

3 Let s make a funny face.

Let s make a funny face.

? ¢£ This is a funny face.

4 ?¥?§ How Are You? currency1'' “????“fi

?fi? flfl –? ?·? ??§

5 ???” ?…‰ ?? `′?

3 Practice

1 ‰ ?ˉ??˙ ?§ How Are You? ¨ ¨ ?

?? ? ? Hello ˇ—— I m fine. ˇ ??·

? ?a

? ?a ? ?

2 Let s make a ? ? ?? o `

? ?? ‰ ?·? ?? ??


3 ? 品 评 最 笑?

4 Assessment

1 活动 册本单元第3 4 5 a ?”习

”习3 是检测 ? 汇 ?情况 ‰ ? 人?

进 fl 快 ?fi赛 ? ?? 小花 fi ?花多

”习 4 是‰ fl ?? 种颜??结合?变 什么颜

? 第 3 种颜?? 圈中 ? 范 然??


5 ?¢£?¥?§currency1 ''“

?? ???fifl¥ –??§currency1 · £ ¥?

???”? …‰ ?? ¥`′??

? ˉ?˙?¨ ? ? ¥??

ˇ2— ? 37 ?

5 Add-activities

¨ £

? 6 ′ fl a ¨ ??¢??

o ¥ ? fl Draw a blue eye. Draw an

orange mouth. Draw the green ears.

??? fl?? fl£¥




Recycle 1

Let?s act

Sarah ˇ — Chen Jieˇ — John ˇ —

Mike ˇ —

Zoom ˇ — Zipˇ —




Unit 4 We love animals 1

1 Look I have a ...

2 I have a ... ?¢


3 ¥?§currency1 monkey, rabbit, panda,

cat, dog, zoo?

4 ''“ ? ??fi§fl – ?? · ?

?? –????” Wow! Cool! Great!


5 ??… ‰ ? ''“?

`′` `” ‰ I have a ? ?ˉ????; ?˙

¨£§currency1monkey, rabbit, panda cat, dog; –?

currency1? Wow! Cool! Great! Super!

′`”–?? Great! ea ?? [ei ],

??ˇ—‰ I have a ? ¢£ §

currency1 ?

1 ¨£ rabbit, panda, monkey,

dog, duck ? a ? ?

2 ? ¨£ ?? ?

3 Let''s talk?o?? ¨£ ?

4 ?


1 Warm-up/Revision

1 Recycle 1----Let''s sing

How Are You?, ?¢£?

2 ¥?§ ? currency1 3 ''“?? ?fi fl

–? ?· ?? ???” ?… ?fi ‰ ¥?

`£′ fl ????…? ˉ ?…?˙¨ ???§ ?

? ?? ? ?ˇ —‰ ? ? ?


a. ----Good afternoon, Fang Fang.

----Good afternoon, Lan Lan.

----Lan Lan, this is Dong Dong. He is new.

----Hi, Dong Dong. Nice to meet you.

----Nice to meet you, too.

b. ----Hello, Bai Ling. How are you?

---- Hi, I''m fine, thank you. And you?

----Very well, thank you.

3 Recycle 1---- chant and find!

? ?

4 a SHOW ME YOUR ???…? ?o

? pencil Show me your pencils.

? ? ?? ?? ?''? 找

其它?o ¥令 继续 a? 注意 应参加

a 与 ?起展 ?o?

2 Presentation

1 举起?? 钢 Look !I have a pen. 请

Look !I have a 句型再次复习?o?

2 拿 ?…? 篮子 篮子中 rabbit, panda, monkey,

dog, duck ?¢ 玩o? 篮子举起 兴奋地 Look! Wow!

I have so many animals. I love animals. 拿起 panda


Look! I have a panda. panda a panda I have

a panda.

3 rabbit, monkey, dog, duck

?¢ rabbit,

monkey £? ¥ ?§ currency1''“?? ?fiI have

a panda/ monkey.

fl –? ?· ??? ? ”?…‰¥ ?


4 `”? ′? ?ˉ?˙ ?¨

?? ? ?? ` ?ˇ— ?

? ”? rabbit, monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat

` ?? ? ′ ? ?ˇ

animals a Rabbit, monkey, dog, duck,

panda, cat , they are animals. They are in the zoo.

zoo ` ?? ?ˇ— ′? ?

¥ ? ? ′??ˉ ? oo o

? ? Wow! Cool! Great! Super!

? o ???? ?ˇ— ? ?? ???

? fiWow! Look! It''s a rabbit. 外 ¥ ? 三 元

接触过 Wow! Great! ? 当 ? 或夸张 ?ˉ ?

不自禁 ? ?因势利导 有关赞美 ?

Cool! Super! 告诉 下?文最 髦 “好酷啊!”?

“酷”既?英文 Cool! 译音 而“Super!”?翻 译˙“好


5 播‰ Let''s talk/ A部分 ?¨ 播‰之 提 · fi

你?? 或 几种′??How many animals?

你? ? 哪种′?? Can you say in English?

你? ?还有你? 内容吗?Anything else?

6 `观 试着跟

7 播‰ 录音 模仿录音 对话 注意模仿 音正确、




1 Look

I have a rabbit / dog

2 ? ¢£?¥

?§currency1'' “ ? ?? fi ?¥?fl '' “–?

?¥? ?Look I have a rabbit / dog · ???? Wow!

Cool! Great! Super! ”?…‰ ?? `′ ??– ˉ?

˙ ¨ ?? ? ? “?ˇ— `′ ?

3 40 Let''s play ? a

?? Woof! Woof! Mew! Mew! Quack! Quack! ¢

???o ? `′ ? –

'' ? ? ? ?–


”?` ?? ? 和步骤''˙?–


? 像?

请 ˇ— `′ ???`作 如果 Mew! Mew!

fl 马 ? ??Cat! Cat! 有 猫 '' 举实′

句子 Look! I have a cat! fl 运?? ??语 ?

Wow!/Cool!/Super!/Great! 然 再请另外 来ˇ—

狗 鸭 ? fl '' 配合 ?– 评??ˇ—

` 奖励`′图片 ˙提高 积极性–

unit 4 we love animals

panda a panda I have a panda.


___ ___ ___

Unit 4 We love animals 2

1 rabbit,

monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat

2 ?¢£

3 ?¥£? §currency1''“? ??§fifl


???? ???”¥? … ‰ monkey,

dog, duck, panda, cat, rabbit

???panda, cat, rabbit ? ` ′? a ?

ˉ??˙ ¨[? ] “ currency1 ?? ˙?“? ??


1 monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat,

rabbit ?·

2 monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat,


3 ? ? ¨a

4 Let''s talk/ A `?

??o ?

1 Warm-up/Revision

o1 Oral practice ? '' ?currency1 currency1 ? ?


I have a .

2 Let''s talk/ A

3 " "

?¢£? ¥?§currency1'' ?“???fifl “ –???

?· What is it? §currency1'' ??? ??”?…· What

is it? ‰ ? ? `′ A panda? A monkey? ??

ˉ? ?£?˙ ¨ ??? ??ˇ–— ? …

′ `? ? ′ Look! It''s a



1 ?ˉ ? ? ?¨ a

??ˇ monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat, rabbit `??

?o§ currency1'' ? ??o§ currency1'' ??§ ??`

?? ?? ?????? ? ?˙ What

is it? ? ˇ

2 ?? ? ??七嘴八舌 —

3 ?取下? 自 发 感叹 Wow! Great! ‰

… 请 读ˇ § 已经初步 了ˇ 此

不要急于纠正 发音?而˙ 相互′′?评评?˙ 间相

互纠正ˇ 发音

4 示ˇ 卡??请 ˇ 读 … 卡?o§currency1''

??要求o§相 应 `?底下 使ˇ 音?形?译三者相结合

5 请五 " 老 "到讲台? 读ˇ ?既是 能力强

彰也是多¥ ? ? fl现 ˙ " 老 " 读


6 打开书 41 页?全fl 听录音跟读ˇ 要求 读

ˇ ?手指 ˇ 跟读ˇ 力求模仿录音中 语音语

7 ?六 ??˙能力强 自愿申报担任?

长工作? ??员?ˉ ˇ ?巩固认读情况 monkey, dog,

duck, panda, cat, rabbit ?活? 应有评比?评比各?活?情

况? 氛围? ?纪律状况?有无大声喊叫现 ?有无打闹现

等 还可?各 ?命 ?? ? ˇ 内容 monkey, dog,


duck, panda, cat, rabbit


?¢£ ? ¥ ?

9 §currency1 ?''


1 ??£ ??fi

a. fl monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat, rabbit –?

?? fi ? · ? ???”?… ‰ ? `

′ ??ˉ ?˙¨ ?? ?? ?ˇ— ?¥?


b. ? ?· fl ?a ′ ??

?o ? ? £monkey · dog

? ? o ? panda dog ? fl

? ??¥? ? ? ? ? ???

c. §currency1? ?'' ¢ ?

2 Let''s do

a. 播放 Let''s do 部??录 学生边听边 边¨?部??

活 ¨ ?时 ¥? ??叫

b. 使用 Let''s do 部?? ?图‰ 学生看图 图‰?画

? ? ?¨? ?

c. 学生再 听录 能力强?学生 指令内容 同时请几

学生??”表演 ?

3 ??£

将monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat, rabbit ?面具ˇ头饰

拿 ?学生 ??” 请ˉ们紧闭双眼 给它们戴?面具

后学生睁–双眼 底下?学生 呼?中 ??字 用 ?告诉她

/ˉ面具 ? ? ?带面具?学生 ?¢胜 ?学生

知道 ?面具 ? ? 根据时 决定?? ''


¨活 手册′ 元 2 部??练习 ?和步骤同 ”



1 I''m lucky today!


?monkey, dog, duck, panda,

cat, rabbit ¢ £ ?¥ ? ?§currency1''“ ?§currency1??fi

fl – ?? £? · ? ?? 1 2 3 (One, two,

three) ?”· ? ??…‰" ? " " ? "`′? ? ?

ˉ I''m lucky! Look! I have a ? §currency1˙¨ ? ?? ?


?? ¢ ′? ? ˇ— “ ?“

”? ` ? ” This is Panda.

This is Cat. This is Duck. ?

unit 4 we love animals

rabbit, monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat

? fi

___a___ ___

? Unit 4 We love animals 3 ?fi

?? 1? o “ ? ?

?????? “ 趣

2? `求 能熟练听ˉ?认读? monkey, dog,

duck, panda, cat, rabbit 能跟 ?《Old

MacDonald 》

重点难点 重点 ?用所 语言(“ ? )?事情”能力


here, there,

everywhere, with

?¢ 1 £?¢ ?¥? § currency1

2 £?¢ ducks, cats, dogs ''“

3 £?¢???fifl –??· ?·

? ?? ?”?… ‰ ? `′??

4 £?¢ ˉ?˙¨?

?? ??ˇ—?


?1 £ Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

How are you?


?3 ? Do it quickly! ? a ?

ˉ˙¨??? ?ofl£?

ˉ?˙¨? ‰ ? ?? ? ???? ?

??′? 选 £给 下指令Run to the cat. 各?

选 要 a跑到cat ¨? ˉ?处 取下¨? ˉ? 哪

组 得到¨? ˉ?就 他们 得? 随 £再 本 元第

二课时 指令 Act like a cat/ a duck/ a panda/…. 让 ?模

仿?走到ˉ? ¨?处取下




Look, this is Old MacDonald. This is

a farm. This is Old MacDonald''s farm. ?¢ Old

MacDonald £ farm ?¥?§currency1 ''“ farm ? Old

MacDonald ???currency1fifl ¢–? ? · ?? ??

” ¢?…‰ ?§ ¢currency1

2 `′?? Old MacDonald ?ˉ ?˙¨ ??

?? ?§? ˇ— ‰? currency1 ?

?§ currency1

3 ?¢?§ § currency1

Old MacDonald had a farm. On that farm he had some ducks.

Old MacDonald had a farm on that farm he had some ducks.

?¢ ? ˙ ? a currency1 ?˙

?¥ ? ducks ??oo ? oo

˙ ?oo ?currency1 ? Here a quack, there a quack,

everywhere a quack quack. currency1 ?¢ here, there, everywhere,

with currency1

4 ? ??¢?§currency1

5 ? ? Let''s sing ?? ? currency1 ‰?

首? ?§较复杂 ? —? 遍— 遍currency1 还可以逐


3 Practice

1 拿? ducks, cats, dogs 头饰currency1 初

步掌握书 一段?§ 导 ?§稍作改动 增加 段?§


ducks cats, dogs quack,

quack mew, mew, woof, woof


3 ?¢ £ ? ¥?§currency1'' “

???fi fl '' –? ?· ????? ”?…‰

? `′

4 ? Let''s make ?ˉ ? ? ¥˙fl ¨ ??


a. ? ? ?ˇ ? ??

– ˇ? —

b. fl ?§ a fl fl ¥????o

— £ ??o ? ? ???? ?

fl 既 ˇ来又 脑

c. ? 组织"巧ˇ大赛" 让fl 展示§我 £相互fl习?彼”

交流 但要注意比赛期间 率 fl ¥ : Look, I have …

句 表述 ? 好 fl? 应该给予表扬 奖励

如果??没条件 ? ¥打开投—机 射 上 fl



?? ˇ册本 元· 3 ?ˉ 练习 ?… 骤 ?


游戏1:Silent Speech

fl ? ˙换 ??…说句 ------唇说 既说句 £候

出声音 fl 看? 口形 猜? "说" 说 句 本


I have a duck. I have a rabbit .

2 Cards game

? ¢ £ ? ¥ £ ?§

?currency1'' “?? ? ?fifl – ??currency1''?




Unit 4 we love animals

monkey dog duck

panda cat rabbit

? ? ? ?


?‰ Unit 4 We love animals 4 ??

? ` 1′ ??ˉ?˙ Oh, really? May I have a look?

Sure. Here you are. Oh, it''s nice! I like it.

Thanks ¨? ?? fl??

2′ ˇ— rabbit, panda, duck,

cat, dog, monkey ¨? ??


3′ § ? fl ?? ?



5 ?

6 ¢ £?¥? ¥?§currency1 ''“???


–?– –?

· ??Oh, really? May I have a look?

Here you are. Thank you. Oh, it''s nice! I like it.


?Let''s talk?? ”?…‰ ? `′…

? ?ˉ?˙¨ ? ? "Sure. Here you are "

? ?ˇ —

1. Chen Jie, Sarah, Bai Ling

2. ?? ? ? a


3. ? really, may, sure, like, it

4. ?? Teddy Bear o


??? ?

1 Warm-up/Revision



Hi! Good morning/afternoon! How are you?

Show me your book/pencil/ruler

Touch your nose/mouth/face

Show me your blue crayon/yellow crayon/red crayon

? ¢£ ¢?¥? §currency1 '' “

2 ? ??

? fifl –???Hello?,?Who is wearing yellow today? ?,

?Color song?, ·?

3 ? fifl A ¥? ??

4 ? ?”?…‰ ? `′? Let''s talk

2 Presentation

1 ?fiflˉ? ˙ ??<>, ¢·?¢


2 ? ¨ Teddy Bear £?Look, I have a Teddy Bear.

? ? ?ˇ‰— ? ? ?

?£? ? a May I have a look?

? Teddy Bear ? ? ?o‰¥? £?I

have a Teddy Bear. ? £?Oh, really? May I have a

look? ? " really ", ? ? ???? ?

?‰? ‰?

3 ? ¨ Teddy Bear 走到 ?英 较? ?(简称S



T: I have a Teddy Bear.

Sa: Oh, really? May I have a look?

T: Sure, Here you are. Teddy Bear Sa

Sa: Thank you.

Sure. Here you are. " "

?¢ £?¥?§currency1 ''“ ?? ?

fifl –??

4 · Sa: Teddy Bear ??? ?”???…‰ ?

It''s nice! I like it ? `′?? likeˉ it `′ˉ

5 ?˙¨Teddy Bear ?? ??? ?


6 ?˙ Let''s talk ,

7 Chen Jie , Sarah ? a ?

8 ??

9 ?o??

3 Practice

1 Let''s play ˇ ? fi

2 ? Sarah, Bai Linga ?currency1 ??o

3 ? ??ˉ?? ˇ ?? currency1

起?游戏 也 走 讲? ˉ 起?游戏

4 – 品替换Teddy Bear 或其他

ˇ 比 换 ?进行 ?样 更丰富



4 Assessment

5 Add-activities

1 ?¢£?¥?

§currency1 ?''“''? ??fifl –??· ?????”? ?…‰

? `

2 ′? B Let''s talk ??fl ?–?ˉ? ˙¨

? ? §




Unit 4 we love animals

T: I have a Teddy Bear.

Sa: Oh, really? May I have

a look?

T: Sure, Here you are. —

— Teddy Bear Sa

Sa: Thank you.

‰ ˇ

___ ___ ___

Unit 4 We love animals 5 ‰

fl 1 ˙” pig, elephant, bird,

squirrel, mouse, bear



3 ?¢£

?¥?¥ ?¥§ currency1'' pig, elephant, bird,

squirrel, mouse, bear

?¥§ squirrel, elephant, mouth and mouse,

bird and bear “?

? ?fi l ?fl¢fi pig elephant bird squirrel mouse

bear – ?–? ·

2 A ? ??

3 ?? Let''s do ? ? ???”

? ?…‰ ? `′ ??ˉ

l Warm-up ?Revision

‰1ˉ˙¨ ??

‰2ˉ??ˇ—"Old MacDonald" ? ?ˇ

‰ cats?dogs ?ˉ

‰3ˉ B ? Let''s talk

2 Presentation

‰1ˉ?fl ??currency1 A ? a ''

? ??o ?–? squirrel?

“? mouth ‰ ˉ? mouse ( ?) bird? bear

?“? ??


2 Let''s learn

?¢ £ ?¥ ?§

currency1''“ ???fi fl –fi ?

3 ? Let''s learn ?· ???fi?

4 ? TPR ? Let''s do” ? hunt walk climb

fly jump ? …"hunt" ? ?‰? ? ` ?quot;′

? ?? ˉ ?˙ " ¨ ?

5 ?? –?? Let''s do ?· –?? ??

6 ˇ—


3 Practice

1 ? a Run to it

?? ??o fi 6 ???fi? ?? ?

o ? ? ?? ?? ? –? Run to the

bird 样 ''令?fl 第–? ?带 鸟 ? fi 地方

并且?手摸– ?张 o??组 ?摸? o就 他 得

– ? 也 ?? 刚 ''令 Walk to….Jump to ….Fly

to….等''令 ?相同 ?走 跳 飞 ? o§?

2 Let''s do ?o打乱顺序 ?''令 选

确 ?o?

3 照 ? Do as I say

发''令 ??同 ?立? ???错 同 随时坐 ? 后

?组?“ 同 多 ?组获胜?



Climb like a monkey bear

Jump like a squirrel rabbit

Walk like an elephant duck

Hunt like a mouse pig

Act like a cat dog

Fly like a bird

4 Assessment

?¢£ 5 ?¥ ?§ currency1'' “???£fi?¢

5 Add-activities

fll –?? · ??§ ?? ?” ?…?‰

fl2 ? `′??ˉ??˙¨ ??… … ??–



Unit 4 We love animals

Climb like a monkey bear

Jump like a squirrel


Walk like an elephant


Hunt like a mouse pig

Act like a cat dog

Fly like a bird


___ ___ ___

Unit 4 We love animals 6


? A B ¢£ ?¥?

2§currency1 Let''s check¢£''“? ??''“ ?

fifl ?¥ –??·?

3§ Let''s chant¢£ ? ? ?

?”? ?…?‰?

? ? ?` ′? currency1''“? ; ?.?ˉ

? ?˙¨ ?.

?` ''“? , ? ?

? 1§ ? ? ??ˇ??—


2§ ?

3§Let''s check¢£ ''“ Let''s chant¢£

? … ?

ˇ?¥ ? a

l Warm-up Revision

ˇ1 ? ?? ?

ˇ2 ? o ?

ˇ3 ` ? ? ? ? 3 ? ? ?


one two three

3 ?¢£?¥?§currency1 '' “

One two three ?? ?fifl –???· ???

? ?§? ?”? …‰ ? – ?

''4? ` ′ ?“? ˉ?

˙¨ ???“ ?? ˇ§ —

′ ?“ˉ? § ???“

What''s in your hand ? It''s aa.

? ? ? o ?¢£?¥?currency1

?? ?? ? ? `

2 Practice

''1? ?‰? Let''s check

?? 应 图 A 或图 B


l.Look at the panda.

2.I have a squirrel.

3.Jump like a rabbit.

4.Fly like a bird.

案 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A

''2?操‰ Let''s chant

a.先 真 两遍录音

b.?录音 每两 停下? 跟读 伴? 势 板

书每 ?§ 两 £§¥''cat fat?pig big?monkey

funny?mouse house ? 朗读每¥ 找 读音中 共

点 再 §些 ? 读 cat fat ¥ bat

mat hat sat rat等 读 从而逐渐使 掌握拼读规

则 – 方法

c. currency1¥?表情地 且?节奏地朗读歌谣 ?ˉ诵下?

d.ˇ ? ?朗读或表演 设 佳表演奖 ?奖励贴纸或红

3 Assessment



This is Look at the ?¢£ ?¥cat?

dog ?monkey ?panda ?rabbit?squirrel?duck ?pig?bird?bear?

elephant?mouse § currency1''“???fi ??

fl –!?? · –!


¥1§????” A?B ? Let''s do …‰? ” ?

¥2§fi `′? 38?39 ˉ ?˙¨ ? ???

? ?fi ?? ˇ— ??

Unit 4 We love animals

cat?dog ?monkey ?panda ?


squirrel?duck ?pig?bird?bear?


___ ___?___

a Unit 5 Let s eat! 1

1? ? ??” ??o? 5

chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French


2? ? ? I like hamburgers/ hot dogs/

chicken/ bread/ French fries. Have some French

fries/ hamburgers, etc. OK! Thank you. ?

˙¨ ?? ? ??? ?— “然


I like Have some

5 ? ¢£ chicken, hot dog, hamburger,

bread, French fries?

chicken, bread ¥ French fries ? ¢£ §currency1

''“ 1? ?''“chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread,

French fries ? 5 fifl –??·

???? ?

2? ?''“ ? Let''s talk / A ”? …‰?

3? ?''“ ? ? currency1`?

4? ?′?…? 5 fi ˉ?˙¨ ?


??ˇ—? ?


?1 ? ?

? · I have ¥ Here you are.

?2 ? "Simon says"?ˇ— a ¢ A/B ---- Let''s do

”? ?

?3 ?????o "Old MacDonald" ??o



?1 ? ?? ? ? Let''s talk / A ”? …


2 chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread,

French fries 5 ?¢£?¥

? §currency1 ''“??? fifl '' “?–??· ? ???

? ?” ?… chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread,

French fries ?…‰ ? chicken, bread French fries

`′?? ˉ?˙¨ ?? ? ?ˇ`′ — bread

ea ` [e ] fries [ai ] ′ `˙¨

3 Let''s talk / A ” ?

?… chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries

? ? I like a ?

4 ′ ???

??o I like ? ? ?

— ? ? ‰ ? hamburger ??

I like hamburgers. What do you like?

Hamburgers? Hot dogs? French fries? ? I like French

fries. 势捏几根薯条 ˙ 嘴前 Have some French

fries. ?§张开嘴吃下去 —果 假 £?薯条 ?

fi它 ˙ 嘴边??请他吃


3 Practice

1 5

? ¢£? ¥? 4-6 § ? §currency1''“?

??fifl – ? ?· ? I like ?

2 ? ? Let''s play ?” ?…

‰ ?… ? ¥`′ ??ˉ? ˙??…

¨ ?? ? ˙?ˇI like hamburgers. —?

Hot dogs ?ˇI like hamburgers and hot dogs.

? ??

3 ¢ § ? ? a

?ˇ??o'' ? ?? ?

4 § £? ? Let''s talk / A ?” a

4 Assessment

? ? ¥ 1 ?” ?? ? ¢?

5 Add-activities

1 Read and colour

? ?1 ? 读 涂色

2 ? 两§ ? 涂好颜色 背面currency1 放在 桌

§ 次抽对 ?fi 张 当 a 两两 时??¥

词 两张 归 fi ?…结束时 中 多者 胜


unit5 Let’s eat

cake, hamburger, hot dog,


chicken, French fries,


ice-cream, juice, cola

___ ___ ___

Unit 5 Let s eat! 2

1 cake,

hamburger, hot dog, chicken, French fries,


2 ?¢£?¥

3 ?§¥currency1 '' “ ??? fi fl ?

?–??· ?

???? ??

” ?cake, hamburger, hot dog, chicken,

French fries, bread

?'' “… ‰ ?? fifl??– ?


chicken, bread ? French fries `′


ˉ? 1 ˙ˉ? cake, hamburger, hot dog,

chicken, French fries, bread ?¥ ¨ ?





1 Warm-up/Revision

1 ?¢

2 £?¥?§currency1''“? A ?? Letfis talk fl currency1

–?? · ??fl currency1 ??”?…§‰ ? `

3 ′??

?ˉ? A ?? ˙¨ Noodle Noodle Dumpling currency1 £

??′?currency1 ??ˇ currency1 — ? ? — ?

currency1 currency1 fl ?? a

· ?

2 Presentation

1 ?ˉ?? currency1 ????o

? Sarah party —? · ? £ ? ?

2 ??fl £ ?? currency1 ¢ £注意观察 T:

Ok. What fis on the table? Letfis see together. Look at it


3 再次让 £ ? 哪些 ??

4 环 习·品 ?cake, hamburger, hot dog, chicken,

French fries, bread currency1 根据 £情况扩? 习 ice-cream, juice,


5 认读? 习 屏幕? –种· ? 英文拼

写currency1每个 ?与其相应 只见 线连接 目 是? ? 形

意相结合currency1 习 ?

6 让 £打开书 51 页currency1听 指 ? 读 ?

7 ?只 ¢ ?卡currency1 £认读 ?

3 Practice

1 让 £ ? ? 涂色卡 或 ''拟玩具currency1边听 Letfi

s do ?? 边 卡 动作 ? 动作`¢ 讲解 pass,

cut, eat, smell 和 make 意思


2 Let s do

?¢£ ?¥ ? §currency1

4 Assessment

''“???fifl – ??

5 Add-activities


???”?…‰ ? `′??ˉ?˙¨ ???

?˙ ?fi? ˇ?? —fi? fi? ?BINGO

? currency1 ˙ · ?


Unit5 Let s eat

chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries


‰o Unit 5 Let s eat! 3 ‰

? 1 ?? ?? ? ? ??

? ? ? fi?

2 ???‰ 曲 Let''s Have a Picnic Today.

重点难点 ?重点

?fi? ?? ?


What do you like? 述





4 48 49 ? ¢ £?



§1fl –

§2fl ??·

§3fl ? ? ??

§4fl”?…Simon says

‰ ?? ?`′ Simon says ??ˉ? ? ?˙¨

??? ??‰Simon says ˇ— ˙ ?? ?? A

Let s do ??? ˉ‰ ???


§1fl ?hamburger, hotdog, cake, French fries, chicken

and bread a ? ? ?? ? ice-cream,

juice, cola o a hamburger ‰…I like

hamburgers. And what do you like? What do you like? ?

?? ′? ? ?

…I like hot dogs.

§2fl˙? ?”? ? ? ? What do you

like? ????? I like

§3fl 来˙ 统计工??老 要统计各组爱吃

某种 人数 把各小组 组名写a ?统计各组爱吃某种


3 Practice

1 52 ? ¢ £

? ¥?§currency1''“ ?? ? fifl – ??·

????”? …‰ ? ” `′ ?§

2 ??ˉ?˙ 48¨49 ˙ ''?? ? ˙?

?ˇ— picnic, have a picnic ˙?

? ?

3 ? ? ''

??ˇ— Let s have a picnic today. a Let s sing

? ? ?o Let s Have a Picnic Today

4 ? o o picnic, Let s have a picnic. On

such a lovely day.

5 ? ?? o Let s Have a Picnic Today

6 ? ??ˇ— ?? o Let s

Have a Picnic Today

4 Assessment

本单元第 3 ? 练习

5 Add-activities


? 每个 §?张?品˙片 ?˙片

指令 ?不 ?`′ 情况?贴?别 背 由寻找 随意

??伙伴 伙伴背 单 如A B 背 单 fi bread

就说:You like bread. B 则要 ?A 背 单 若A 背

单 fi bread A,B 则成为两·§伙伴 否则就继续寻找



Unit5 Let s eat

hamburger, hotdog, cake, French fries, chicken and


ice-cream, juice, cola

I like hamburgers. And what do you like?

I like

___ ___ ___

Unit 5 Let s eat! 4

1 Can I have...?

2 ? ¢£?¥ ?§


3 – ??currency1 ?·¥ ??? ??¥ ”fl

?…‰… ?…

?fi Can I have some ?


? water `′??? ` a water, waters,

a coke ˉ?˙¨ ?′? ¥?? ˇ —

ˉ` fl

§ l ¥ water milk juice

Coke coffee tea ?¥ afl

2 § ?? ¥ fl

?? ?ˇ o


l Warm-up Revision


2 Matching game

?¢£? ¥?§currency1¥''“?? £?fi

fl –? ?· ?–? fi? hamburger ?”?…‰ §

?”hamburger ?? `?£′??ˉ?˙¨ ?

? ?£??ˇ—fi ˙ ?£ fi

3 ?£ A Let s talk

4 ?·? a ”Let s have a Picnic today fi£?

2 Presentation

1 B Let s talk ??fi ?o£? Look Today

is a lovely day. Mike and his friends are having a Picnic.

They are eating and drinking ?·? eating ?drinking?

? fi– ???? ? £? ? What are

they drinking? Oh fi they are drinking Coke ???·??–

fi? Coke – £? a Coke ?”– 简略

法fi ?其他饮料都?能?么 ?·让£???看 闻 尝等感官

来£ 其他几种饮料 ? ? juice– fi?·首 ?示–

瓶橙汁并问£? Look fichildren Is this Coke?£?回答 No 接

着?· :Right It s not Coke What is it?£? 能 用?

”橙汁 ?·???–点橙汁倒˙纸杯中fi递“回答”橙汁

?£ 边做 边提示让他尝–尝 ?· Taste itfiPlease Yesfi

it s juice It s orange juice 然后?·领 juice ?·用类似

方法? waterfimilkfiteaficoffee £? 饮料 都?

? 数` fi因??能 a water 或 waters 等fi但 some

water 等

2 ?·?各种饮料都 ? 桌 fi鼓励£?用 I like… Can

I have some …? 问句来 自己想喝 饮料 ?·回答

Sure Here you are 并倒–些?纸杯中“£?喝 接着£?用

Thank you 感谢老·;老· You re welcome

3 让£?听录音fi?· ??或??录像 VCD 来—示 A


let s talk

3 Practice


?¢ £ ?¥?£ § currency1''

2 “???fifl ¢ –?

?· Can I have some chicken ???fi· chicken?

§? chicken?”

·? some chicken ? §? ?… ‰£

? `′ ??ˉ §?˙¨?· Can I have some


3 ? ? ? Let s play?ˇ— ?

A?Can I have some please? B?Sure”Here you


A?Thank you ” B?You re welcome ”

4 ? Let s talk

4 Assessment

4 ˇ `? a

5 Add activities

1 ??'' ? Let s talk

2 o ? ? “?



Unit5 Let s eat

A?Can I have some please? B?

Sure”Here you are”

A?Thank you ” B?You

re welcome ”


___ ___ ___

Unit 5 Let s eat! 5

1 water,

milk, juice, Coke, coffee, tea.

2 ?¢£? ¥

3 ?§?currency1 ''“??? fifl'' –??

· ?¥

???? ??

water, milk, juice, Coke, coffee, tea.


”? …‰ Let s do ? `′? ? ?


?˙ l ¨?˙ water? milk?juice?Coke ? coffee?

tea ? ? ? ¥

2 ¨?˙ Let s do ??? A ?ˇ


3 —?˙ water?milk?juice?Coke ?coffee?

tea ?¥


1 Warm up Revision

1 ? ¥


2 Let s have a picnic today


A B ?¢£?¥?§currency1''“ ??

? fi fl –? ?· ? ? ??“ ·??

” ? … ? ¢ ‰

4 ? ?`′? ? ˉ¢?˙¨ ?? ?

§ ??ˇ— ¢ “ A B ¢ Let s talk

2 Presentation

1 Let s learn ¢ ? ? ? a A

… ¢ ?a??o¢ ? ?


2 Let s learn¢? ˇ?“

¢£ ???? ? ? ? ?

3 a 连贯¢动作 Let s do ¢动? Pour smell

taste drink 首先 左 端ˇ ?茶壶 右 拿 茶杯 对全

班说 Look !I m Pouring the tea. Pour the tea. 倒茶

说?遍 接ˇ 端 茶杯 凑?鼻子前?闻¢动作?说 Now

smell the tea. ?遍 接ˇ说 OK .Now taste the tea. 说?

遍 说 ?尝味道¢动作 最后 说 Mm …Good Drink the

tea 示完 说·这几?动作¢意思

4 Let s do ¢? 跟???动作

3 Practice



? ¢

2 £?¥?§currency1''“ What ?s missing?

? fifl –??· – ? 10?20 ??”?…

? ‰ ? ` ′–?? ˉ ?˙ ¨ `

?? currency1''“¢

3 ? ?ˇ— Let?s do ¢

4 Let?s do ‰ ??· –

` ? ¢ ¢


?a 5 ¢ ?? ?o ?a¢

5?Add ?activities

l ?ˇ— ¢

2 ? ?? ??? ?? ?¢

Unit5 Let?s eat

Pour smell taste drink

Now smell the tea.

OK .Now taste the tea.

课 时 划


课题 Unit 5 Let?s eat! 6 课时



2 ?¢ £ ?¥?§

currency1''“ ?? ??¥?fifl –


· ? ·

Let?s check

Let?s chant ???¢


Let?s chant ?¢ ”?…‰surprise ?–

` 1 ′ ` ?? ??…ˉ? ˙?¨ ?

2 ?? ? ??currency1??


l Warm up/ Revision


—2 ??currency1??§ ? —Read the words one by


—3 ¥?? ‰ ? a §


2 Presentation

—1 ????o ′ ?? ? 3 £

??o ′??One two three ? ?? £ ???

?? ?? ? 3 ? 同 可以为 组加¥分 —

′在? One two three 要 慢适度 给 o忆 间;也不


2 Let s chant dinner time

?¢£?¢ ¥?§currency1''''breakfast£lunch

3 Let s chant “? What a surprise? ?

fi surprise fl

3– Practice

1 ? Let s chant

a? · ? ???”?

b? …‰ ? `fl ′??

c.ˉ”?˙ ¨ ?? ??ˇ— Zip £Zoom ˙


2 ? Let s Check

?¨ ? ? A ? B ?fi 3

a ‰ ? ?£?? o I like milk ?

? I like juice.

l. Have some hamburger.

2. I like milk.

3. Have some tea.

4. Can l have some chicken

Here you are.

?? 1.A 2.B 3 .A 4.A


′??? 6 ? 向 This is a fast

food restaurant in the forest.(Can you find something to eat


cake bread

hot dog hamburger chicken tea French fries Coke

Juice milk water coffee ?¢


£?¥!?§ currency1''¥!

5“ Add-activities

??? fi A“B fl –? ?fi?·





Unit5 Let”s eat

l. Have some hamburger ?

2. I like milk.

3. Have some tea.

4. …Can l have some


…Here you are.

? 1.A 2.B 3 .A 4.A

` ′ ? ?


`˙ Unit 6 Happy birthday! ¨ 1 `′

?? 1“ ??“?fiˇ— 1 10

2“ ? ·


1. 1-10

2. 3 5 9

?¢ £ 1 ??¥¢?§ £currency1''“? 1-10

2 ?? £?¢? ?

?¢fifl –? ?· ??

1 Warm-up/Revision

1?????”?…‰ Old MacDonald ¢?? `”…

‰? ′ ????”

2 Presentation

1???ˉ¢??˙¨¢ ? ¢?? ?ˉ? ˇ?—

? ¨ ?˙¢ –? ¢

? § ?? ¢fi ¢? ?—? ?


2??????o ¢?¨¢ ?

¢? 3 5 9

? 1 ??? 1-10 ??¢?

2 ???currency1''“?? ? ¢?

3 ?? ?? 卡片 ¢? ?

3???? ?范 Show me 1 and 2. ¢?跟着

4? ¢?听? 跟 Let''s learn 汇 ¢??



3 Practice

1 What''s missing?


?¢£? ¥What''s missing?

¥? §currency1'' “ ?

2 ??fifl

–??· ? ?? ?”? ?…? ‰

¥??‰ ?

3 Follow me

`′· ? 4 ?ˉ ?˙? ¨ ?

?? ?ˉ¨ ?˙ 4 “?

4 ?ˇ? —·—ˉ Let''s do ??

4 Assessment

ˉ ? 2 ?

5 Add-activities

5-6 ?? ??

? Show me one and two. ?? a“ ?

??? o ? ??

ˉ?˙ ? ?


Unit Six Happy Birthday

1-10 ?


___ ___ ___

Unit 6 Happy birthday! 2

1 Happy Birthday to you! How old

are you? I''m...


2 § currency1''“? 1-10

??fi? ??

Happy Birthday! How old are you? fl –??·


I m ? [m] ????

How old are you? ”How are you? ??…

‰ 1 ?‰ “?1 10 ?`′??

2 ?‰ ˉ??

3 ?‰ Let s talk˙…? ¨

4 ?‰ ? ?? ?? ? ˇ— ?

5 ?‰

1 Warm-up/Revision



2 A Let s do

3 1 10 ?¢£?

Stop ¥? § seven currency1''“ ?? ?



1 fl Let s talk –??·

2 ?·? ?? ? ” –?? Happy

Birthday to you! …‰ ? ` ′??ˉ?How old are you?

I m ˙

3 fl Let s talk ¨ ? ?

4 ? ?ˇ? ” –? —

? ” ? ? ” Birthday Party ?


? ”?? o ?

? ” ?¥ ? ?¢fl ?? Happy Birthday to

you! ? ? ” ? 贺 Happy Birthday to

you! ?每 ? ”? ` How old are you?

5 ?¢提 西方是不可以?女士 ` 否则被

视?不理貌 行?


1 让 两人 组 练 口?对话 求′ How old are

you? I m ˙

2 让 按小组 角色 演对话内容

3 掷骰 `

让 两至三人 组 起掷骰 人先? How old are

you? 对方ˉ? I m ˙ 方法? Let s play o


?活动?册 元第 1 练


把 带¥室外 ?击 ` 将 ? 3 4

组 每组围成 圈 每圈 a ?击 活动 当


How old are you? I


Unit Six Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you!

How old are you? I m



Unit 6 Happy birthday! ? 3

¥? 1§ currency1''“?? Ten Little Candles Dance

2§ ? fifl

–?– –

?·fifl ? ?? ?”


candle ? candles …‰? ‰–? `?? ′

??? ˉcurrency1

?˙ 1§ ?˙ ¨ ?




?¢ £?¥

1 Warm-up/Revision

1¥ ?§currency1''

2¥“ ???fifl VCD –?Happy Birthday ? ·

3¥??? ??”? ?…‰ ?

`′1--10 ??ˉ?˙¨ ?? ? ?ˇ—?

ˉ ???`′?“ — ?


2 Presentation

1¥ ? a candle

£ ???one candle, £ ? ???two

candles? o ? candle candles?


2¥ dance

3¥ ?· Ten Little Candles Dance ?“ ? ?fi


3 Practice

1¥ £?—?? candle ?– one little ? ?£??

– ?

2¥ ? 分别fl ?扮 他们

从 致 变成 ? – 跳?下面 ??他们



4 ?¢ £?¥?§ currency1''“??

?fifl –?¥?· ???

5 ?” ?…‰ ¥? `′? ?ˉ

?˙¨ ?” ? ??ˇ—¥ˉ ¥ ? ?

4 Assessment

` – 3 ? a

5 Add-activities

‰ ??? ? o ? ?


Unit Six Happy Birthday


? ?


?? Unit 6 Happy birthday! ? 4 ?

1 听懂 This is for you! 并 在实际情景中

2 听懂 How many …?及其回答



This is for you. How many

How many cakes?

One cake.

1 Wu Yifan Mike Sarah Zoom ?Zip ¢£?¥

2 ?§currency1''“?¢??fifl'' '' –'' ?''

?·'' ???¥

3 ??”?…‰?… ¢? ???¥

4 `′??ˉ????¥

5 ˙′“?¨ ¢? ? ? `′?ˇ?`

— ¥

6 ˙ 1-10 ¢ ¥


1 Warm up/ Revision

fi1 ?Ten Little Candles Dance ¢a ?

?? ?” o candle ? ¥

fi2 ? ? A ? Let s talk¢ ¥

2 Presentation

fi1 ?? ?˙ ??“?¢ fi book desk


eraser pencil pen One book

two books

2 1-10 ?¢£?¥?§ currency1''“??

?§ fi fl? –?§? · one cat two eyes three

erasers How many cats ?How many eyes ???


3 ?…‰ ? ` balloon ′?? currency1''ˉ How many

balloons??? ?” 4 fiˉ What colour is this balloon?

4 ?˙¨ ?? §? `£?¥?§ ?¨ ?

` gift, ′?? currency1''ˉ How many gifts??? ?”

10 Ten ? ¨ ?ˇ— This is for you?

Thank you ? ?? This is for you?

5 ? `£?¥?§ ˉ How many

cakes??? One cake ? currency1?” One cake ?

? How many cakes ? ˉ s —

6 ? a ? ?VCD ??o A

? Let s talk


1 ? ?…‰ ? ` ?

S1 How many balloons ?


S2 4


S1 How many gifts

S2 4


S1 How many cakes

S2 One Cake

4 Let s talk?¢ £?¥

5 ?§ currency1'' “???

fifl –?? ? · ?? ??”? … three toy

rabbits two toy pigs four rulers ‰ ¢ ? `′

???“ ˉ ?˙¥¨ ??? ˉ ˉ ?˙¥

fifl? ?How many ˇ — ¨ ¥

£ ¥

6 ?§ ? a ??''

? ? How many fingers o

? ? currency1? currency1? ???? ¥

4 Assessment

? 本单元第4 ?¢ ¥听录音前 fifl 以针£

些 …How many cakes can you see How many

hamburgers can you see 之类 ¥¨ 听 写?字¥


5 Add-activities

?¢£ ?Let¥s talk?§currency1




Unit 6 Happy birthday

What colour do you like?

I like ?.

Hello£I¥m a kite.


fi fl ?


fi· Unit 6 Happy birthday! 5 fifl

?? 1 ? ?£”? ? balloon, kite, plane, ball, car,

boat, doll.

2 ? …‰ ? ? £`?′ ??ˉ?˙?¨

?? ? 1. ??balloon, kite, plane, bal, cat, boat, doll.


2. balloon, plane Let s do

l ball balloon kite car plane boat


2 Let s do

3 ? ¢£ Pink

Purple yellow brown black orange red

?¥?§currency1 ''“ ???

1 Warm-up/ Revision

?l?fiflCaptain says –??· A Let s do ?


?2??” ?…‰? ? ` Let s chant

?3?fiballoon ′ · balloon

2 Presentation

?1? fi kite ′ kite ?? ˉ?

˙¨ ?? fi ? ''“ ball plane boat doll car

?2?? ˇ— Let s learn — ? ?

fl ?

?3?? ˇ ? — Let s do

? a ? ? ??bounce fly throw

hold drive blow up

3 Practice



?¢£?¥?§ currency1''“?

??fi?¢ fl –? ?· ?? ??” ? … ‰ ?

£2? `

′ ? ?ˉ? ˙ ¨ ?? ˙ ? ?

′ˇ ? — ˙ ? ?′ ?

˙ ¨???

£3?Let s rhyme. ? ? a ? Let s chant

? ''ˇ ??¢ ? a ?

I have a balloon.a? fi ?Me too. o ?a? ?

? ? ?

£4? ? ?¢· ??ˉ? 20

???? ? ?卡—1 彩色纸盖 ? 要· –彩

色纸 颜色 – 卡 ?待 熟悉 ?加 游戏难度

盖着彩色纸 ?卡?£ˉ? ?打乱 进行游戏?

£5?让 听录音 边 边做 Let s do 部 ?§?

£6? Let s do ?卡打乱顺序 ??ˉ?

指令 ′ 指– ?¢? ? … ‰ ?


做?§ 册…? a 5 部 练习?…课练习 听音涂色 ?

·让 –藏着 玩 听音涂色 涂 色之 ? 让

— I have a blue£red…? balloon£kite…?.来介绍? ??£汽

球?天花? ??方法与 骤参考a ? ?





Unit 6 Happy birthday

What colour do you like?

I like .

Hello I m a kite.


? ¢


? Unit 6 Happy birthday! § 6 ?

currency1 ''“ 1???fifl1 10 –?

2????· ????

”?…? 1. ???fifl?· ·?? ?‰ Let s check

? ?`?

2. ?–? ′`??ˉ? ˙` Let s chant

currency1 ¨ 1?currency1?¨ ? ??ˇ— ˉ

2?balloon ball kite Plane car boat doll

? ˉ

3? ¨ ??ˇ— ?


l Warm-up/Revision

1 Ten Little Candles

2 A Let s do ?

3 ¢£?¥?£§ currency1 ''“?? ?fifl –


4 ? · ''??What s your name ?How old are you ?

How are you ???

2 Presentation

1 ?¢”? ?Close the door. Eat a cake.

2 ?…‰ ? stick `′?? ? ˉ?How

many sticks?Count please. One two ?˙¨count

3 Practice

1 ? Let s chant

a.? ?? ¢ ˇ—

b. ???¨ ¨ ”? ?How are you ?

'' Close the door ? ”? Count the

sticks a ? Eat a cake ”? Say it

again ? ??? o

c. ? ¨ ?? ”? £ ?

2 ? ?Let s check

?? ? ? 图A 或图B



1.--- Look How many candles ---7.

2. One two three four four balloons.

3.Bounce the ball.

4.Look I have three cars.

1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A

4 Assessment

6 hidden picture

How many kites can you see How many cats

can you see How many hamburgers can you

see balloons Planes bags monkeys dogs Pigs

mice bears pandas ducks squirrels. ?¢£ ?¥

?§currency1 ''“???fi fl? – ??¥¢£ ?·


‰ ? `?¥′??

5 Add-activities

?ˉ? ˙ A B Let¨s do ? Let¨s chant ??

˙ ?



Unit 6 Happy birthday

1.--- Look How many candles ---7.

2. One two three four four balloons.

3.Bounce the ball.

4.Look I have three cars.


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A

___ ___ ___

Recycle 2 1

1 4-6

2 ?¢£?¥ How many...?

Happy New Year! May/Can I have...? ?¥§

currency1''“'' currency1'' ?? ?Letfis act fl –?


“'' Letfis act fl –??· ?

?? 1 ??? ”?…

2 ???Letfis act fl ‰

3 ??? ? ` Miss White , Sarah ,Mike,

Sarahfis mother , Sarahfis father

′??ˉ? ˙¨ ??

1 Warm-up/Revision

?1? ¥§ ??ˇ— — ?

?2?? Happy New Year!

2 Presentation

?1? ? Happy New Year! ”?ˇ ?

Miss White , Sarah ,Mike, Sarahfis mother , Sarahfis father

a £ˇ `? ?? ?

?2? ? o ? ? ?? ? ?????


gift This

is for you. I have gifts for you.

3 Let s act ?¢£

4 ?¥?§ currency1''£

5 “ Let s act ?¢ ?¥?? fi fl

–? ?· ?? ??”?… ‰? ? ??”?… Oh,

no! Where are they?

6 “?¥`′ ?? –?£

7 ˉ–?? ?˙¨ ,?? ? fi ?''£

`′ˇ?— “¨ ???'' ? ¨ ?

§ £ˇ?— ?§

a. ? Happy New Year to You!

b. ? a How many cakes/books/ ?

c. ? Where are they?

d. ?? I have

e. ???o May/Can I have a cake/a

hamburger/ ?

3 Practice

1 “ o ? ?ˇ£

2 fi ??ˇ–?£

3 fi “ … ???? … ¨

?§ ?? 运用?言£

4 ?ˇ 编对话£

5 游戏 猜猜看 a


?¢ £ ?¥?§currency1

'' “?'' “ ? ?8 ?fifl – ?

?¥?· ????? ? ” ?…‰ ? `′ ??ˉ?

˙¨ ???

4 Assessment

??ˇ¥— 1 ??

5 Add-activities

Recycle 2

a. Happy New Year to You!

b. ? How many cakes/books/ ?

c. ? a Where are they?

d. I have

e. ???o¨ May/Can I have a cake/a

hamburger/ ?

___ ___ ___

? Recycle 2 2 …

1 ?? ? 1-10 ?′ ??

ˉ ?

2 ?… ? 11 12 ?′ ?

11-12 ?

重点难点 重点??? ? 1—10

并 ? 11—12?

难点?11 ˉ12 两个 发音较难 要鼓励

敢 ?


1 milk, hamburger, tea,

water, French fries, Coke, hot dog, cake, bread,



3 1 12


5 Find and match ? ¢£?¥ dog,

monkey, mouse, tiger, pig, duck, rabbit, panda,

bear, bird, elephant ? §currency1

6 Chant and move & Find and match ''“


?fifl – ?? · ?

1 Warm-up/Revision

fl1? ???”?…

fl2? ‰· ? `′ candle ? ?ˉ?˙¨

? Ten Little Candles Dance ?¨ one little candle ??


fl3? ˇ — Dinner Time ˉ? ˉ?

fl4? '' ? ?


2 Presentation

fl1? ??¢ ??¥ Find and match ?

'' ? §? o? a

fl2? o? ¢ ? a

fl3? a ? ?


milk, hamburger, tea, water, French fries, Coke, hot dog,

cake, bread, chicken, juice, coffee

4 11 12


5 £? Let¥s play?§ currency1''“?, ? ?fi?fl –?

? · ??“? ?? ”? …?‰currency1 ??

3 Practice

1 `′? ??

ˉ ?˙ ¨ 4 · ???¨ 5

6 7 Stop! ??ˇ— ¨ ??


2 ?” Let¥s play--Chant and move ?§ ?

? a currency1? currency1? ???o

? ˉ currency1? ?12 Oh I can¥t move.

? currency1 ?

3 ?? Find and match currency1''“? ? –??Help

the bird get home

4 ? ? “ ??currency1 它们 家连线 发?

令 ?令内容为?

5 导 进行讨论 有些currency1 家是固定

panda 家 般 竹林里 有些家则是几¨currency1 都 以 择 所

以只 择 理由正确 以 由于 mouse 是 把?何地

?家 所以mouse 没有家


6 Find and match,

Help the get home

?¢£?¥ 2 ?

§ currency1


“? ??fifl 2,3 –? currency1


? ·§ ? ???” ?…“‰ currency1

?? `…′???ˉ”`… ?˙¨ ? Chant

and move ? currency1


1 ˇ£— ? ?? ? fi


2 ˇ£ ?… ? a ?… ?

? currency1

3 ?… ?? ?§o?

? currency1 ? ? … “ currency1

? ?currency1

4 § 12 ?“ ? ? ? … ? Oh I

can t move. ?是′胜者currency1

Recycle 2


Ten Little Candles Dance

___ ___ ___

Recycle 2 3



2 ?§ currency1'' “????¥

3 fi fl – Happy New Year, ? ?·

?fi ???¥

”?…? ”?‰

“? ????

fi – Happy New Year

…?‰ `′??· ˉ¥

?˙ 1 ¨?˙ ??? ??, ??, ˇ—

?, ˇ , ¥

2 ?˙ ??, ˇ— ?, ˇ ,

3 ¨?˙ ¥

? a

1 Warm-up/Revision

1 ?? ?o ¥

2 , ? , ?¥

3 ¨ · Happy New Year – ???

? ? fi¥


2 Presentation

1 New

Year Happy New Year

2 ?¢£ ?¥?

3 §currency1 '' “??? fi fl

4 –??· ???? This is a shaker. ?” a

shaker ?…‰ ?·? ` ′??ˉ----?ˉ?·?˙

5 ‰ ?·¨ ? Let?s make a shaker. ′??

?? ‰ˇ — ?? —‰ ?· ` ?

· ?·?˙

3 Practice

1 ¢ ‰ ? a ?

?? ?· ? ? ?o· ? ?

? ? ? ?? 给 充? 时间

颜色笔 ???画 更漂亮些 有条件 “机将

·品拍下来 有机会 展览

2 跟 录音 ? Happy New Year 在

时打节拍或— —舞

4 Assessment

做活o?册本单元 4 5 ? 练习

本次评价 与课本 4—6 单元评价“结 自己o?

填写评价表 评价自己

5 Add-activities

新年 时候将 Happy New Year 给爷爷奶奶 爸爸妈妈


Recycle 2

New Year Happy New Year
