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? 总结每篇文章 , 积累心动表达 , 做作业打卡 @罗煜 Louis

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微博:罗煜 Louis

微信公众号 & 抖音:罗叔英语

? 前央视、国际广播电台双语主持人、记者

? 15年教学经验,独创《罗煜七彩英语》语块学习

法,国家人事部一级口译,前 大学口笔译专业教

? 资深口语、口译、阅读、考研、四六级讲师

? 中国国际广播新闻奖大满贯得主,央广网全国人


? 武汉大学双学士,英国华威大学和对外经贸双硕

士, GMAT 770分,托福 112分

? 多次和国家考试专家交流经验( NETS专家组)

罗煜 / Louis


做题流程 【 1】

题目类型 【 2】

错选类型 【 3】

理清逻辑 【 4】

文章类型 【 5】

刻意训练 【 6】


长篇阅读 【 7】

选词填空 【 8】

刻意训练 【 9】

长篇阅读 & 选词填空




(会用到 Passage 9, Passage 8)


1.2 三大类型文章套路

? 重点先说型

? 重点后说型

? 对比比较型

1.7 套路举例

Passage 1

第 1段:英国少年面临严重的心理


第 2~3段:老师的抱怨,以及产生


第 4~6段:作者提出应对学生心理

健康问题的建议措施 ——学校早





Passage 2

第 1~2段:举例子,说明了一个独


第 3段:用订阅 《 经济学人 》 的例


第 4~5段:对 “诱饵效应 ”进行科学






了 “诱饵

效应 ”。

Passage 4

第 1段:通过一个例子 “无聊

大会 ”引出 “无聊 ”这个话题

第 2~4段:无聊的定义;后



绍 ____



第 5段:作者建议大家无聊


Passage 3

第 1段:引入 “全球变暖 ”和

“气候变化 ”两个术语

第 2~7段:论述了人们使用








第 8段:选择任何一个术语



Passage 9






(原词或 替换 )


修饰 修饰结构 [ ]



1.8 作业讲评( Passage 20)

46. What do we learn from the

passage about reverse graffiti?

A) It uses paint to create anti-

pollution images.

B) It creates a lot of trouble for

local residents.

C) It causes lots of distraction to


D) It turns dirty walls into artistic


P1. When is cleaning walls a crime? When you’re doing it to

create art, obviously. A number of street artists around the world

have started expressing themselves through a practice known as

reverse graffiti(涂鸦 ). They find dirty surfaces and paint them with

images or messages using cleaning brushes or pressure hoses(高压

水管 ). Either way, it’s the same principle: the image is made by

cleaning away the dirt. Each artist has their own individual style but

all artists share a common aim: to draw attention to the pollution in

our cities. The UK’s Paul Curtis, better known as Moose, operates

around Leeds and London and has been commissioned by a

number of companies to make reverse graffiti advertisements.

47. What do reverse graffiti

artists try to do?

A) Publicise their artistic pursuit.

B) Beautify the city


C) Raise public awareness of

environment pollution.

D) Express their dissatisfaction

with local governments.

P1. When is cleaning walls a crime? When you’re doing it to

create art, obviously. A number of street artists around the world

have started expressing themselves through a practice known as

reverse graffiti(涂鸦 ). They find dirty surfaces and paint them with

images or messages using cleaning brushes or pressure

hoses(高压水管 ). Either way, it’s the same principle: the image is

made by cleaning away the dirt. Each artist has their own

individual style but all artists share a common aim: to draw

attention to the pollution in our cities. The UK’s Paul Curtis, better

known as Moose, operates around Leeds and London and has

been commissioned by a number of companies to make reverse

graffiti advertisements.

48. What do we learn about

Brazilian artist Alexandre Orion?

A) He was good at painting white


B) He chose tunnels to do his

graffiti art.

C) He suggested banning all

pollution cars.

D) He was fond of doing creative


P2. Brazilian artist, Alexandre Orion, turned one of

Sao Paulo’s transport tunnels into an amazing wall

painting in 2006 by getting rid of the dirt. Made up of a

series of white skulls( 颅骨 ) the painting reminds

drivers of the effect their pollution is having on the

planet. “Every motorist sits in the comfort of their car,

but they don’t give any consideration to the price their

comfort has for the environment and consequently for

themselves,” says Orion.

49. What does the author

imply about Leeds City

Council’s decision?

A) It is simply absurd.

B) It is well-informed.

C) It is rather unexpected.

D) It is quite sensible.

P3. The anti-pollution message of the reverse graffiti

artists confuses city authorities since the main argument

against graffiti is that it spoils the appearance of both

types of property: public and private. This was what

Leeds City Council said about Moose’s work: “Leeds

residents want to live in clean and attractive

neighborhoods. We view this kind of advertising as

environmental damage and will take strong action

against it.” Moose was ordered to “clean up his act.”

How was he supposed to do this: by making all property

he had cleaned dirty again?

50. How did Sao Paulo city

officials handle Alexandre

Orion’s reverse graffiti?

A) They made him clean all

the tunnels in Sao Paulo.

B) They took drastic action to

ban all reverse graffiti.

C) They charged him with

pollution tunnels in the city.

D) They made it impossible for

him to practice his art.

P4. As for the Brazilian artist’s work, the

authorities were annoyed but could find nothing to

charge him with. They had no other option but to

clean the tunnel-but only the parts Alexandre has

already cleaned. The artist merely continued his

campaign on the other side. They city officials

then decided to take drastic action. They not only

cleaned the whole tunnel but every tunnel in Sao


optimistic 乐观的 enthusiastic 热情的

positive 积极的 admiring羡慕的 praising赞扬的

interesting 有趣的 pleasant 愉快的 supporting 支持的

informative 提供信息 impartial 不偏袒的

impersonal 不带个人感情的 objective 客观的

uninterested 不感兴趣的 critical 批评的 ironic 讽刺的 suspicious 怀疑的

angry 生气的 negative 否定的 worried 担扰的 ridiculous, absurd 荒谬可笑的

depressed 沮丧的 cynical 愤世嫉俗 的 pessimistic 悲观的 disappointed 失望的

bitter 痛苦的 sentimental 感伤的 concerned 关切的 sober 冷静的


第 1段:世界很多街头艺术家



第 2~3段: 2个例子:巴西隧道








措施 第 4段:再次回到巴西,指出



刻意训练( Passage 8)

3.1 关键定位信息





(原词或 替换 )


修饰 修饰结构 [ ]



1. 粗看选项( 1min)

练习 :关键词,态度

46. What does the author say may have an adverse impact on people?

A. Undergoing plastic surgeries in pursuit of beauty.

B. Imitating the lifestyles of heroes and role models.

C. Striving to achieve perfection regardless of financial cost.

D. Attempting to meet society’s expectation of appearance.

47. What have researchers found out about people’s earnings?

A. They are closely related to people’s society status.

B. They have to do with people’s body weight and shape.

C. They seem to matter much less to men than to women.

D. They may not be equal to people’s contributions.

48. What does the author’s recent study focus on?

A. Previous literature on indicators of competitiveness in the workplace.

B. Traits that matter most in one’s pursuit of success in the labor market.

C. Whether self-perception of body image impacts one’s workplace success.

D. How bosses’ perception body image impacts employees’ advancement.

49. What is the finding of the author’s recent research?

A. Being overweight actually does not do much harm to the overall well-being of employees.

B. People are not adversely affected in the workplace by false self-perception of body weight.

C. Self-esteem helps to combat gender inequality in the workplace.

D. Gender inequality continues to frustrate a lot of female employees.

50. What does the author think would help improve the situation in the labor market?

2~3. 细看文章 & 对比作答( 7-10min)

难度 B2

46. What does the author say may

have an adverse impact on


A. Undergoing plastic surgeries in

pursuit of beauty.

B. Imitating the lifestyles of heroes

and role models.

C. Striving to achieve perfection

regardless of financial cost.

D. Attempting to meet society’s

expectation of appearance.

P1. Americans spend billions of dollars each year

trying to change their weight with diets, gym

memberships and plastic surgery.

P2. Trying to live up to the images of “perfect”

models and movie heroes has a dark side: anxiety and

depression, as well as unhealthy strategies for weight

loss or muscle gain. It also has a financial cost. Having

an eating disorder boosts annual health care costs by

nearly US$2,000 per person.

3.3 课上训练( Passage 8, 18页)

47. What have researchers found

out about people’s earnings?

A. They are closely related to

people’s society status.

B. They have to do with people’s

body weight and shape.

C. They seem to matter much less

to men than to women.

D. They may not be equal to

people’s contributions.

P3. Why is there both external and internal

pressure to look “perfect”? One reason is that

society rewards people who are thin and healthy-

looking. Researchers have shown that body mass

index is related to wages and income. Especially

for women, there is a clear penalty at work for

being overweight or obese. Some studies have

also found an impact for men, though a less

noticeable one.

48. What does the author’s recent

study focus on?

A. Previous literature on indicators of

competitiveness in the workplace.

B. Traits that matter most in one’s

pursuit of success in the labor market.

C. Whether self-perception of body

image impacts one’s workplace


D. How bosses’ perception body

image impacts employees’


P4. While the research literature is clear that labor

market success is partly based on how employers and

customers perceive your body image, no one had

explored the other side of the question. Does a person’s

own perception of body image matter to earnings and

other indicators of success in the workplace?

P5. Our recently published study answered this

question by tracking a large national random sample of

Americans over a critical time period when bodies

change from teenage shape into adult form and when

people build their identities.

49. What is the finding of the

author’s recent research?

A. Being overweight actually

does not do much harm to the

overall well-being of employees.

B. People are not adversely

affected in the workplace by false

self-perception of body weight.

C. Self-esteem helps to combat

gender inequality in the


P6. As in other research, women in our sample tend to

over-perceive their weight – they think they’re healthier

than they are – while men tend to under-perceive theirs.

P7. We found no relationships between the average

person’s self-perception of weight and labor market

outcomes, although self-perceived weight can influence

self-esteem ( 自尊心 ) , mental health and health


P8. While the continued gender penalty in the labor

market is frustrating, our finding that misperceived weight

does not harm workers is more heartening.

50. What does the author think

would help improve the situation in

the labor market?

A. Banning discrimination on the

basis of employees’ body image.

B. Expanding protection of women

against gender discrimination.

C. Helping employees change

their own perception of beauty.

D. Excluding body shape as a

category in the labor contract.

P9. Since employers’ perception of weight is

what matters in the labor market, changing

discrimination laws to include body type as a

category would help. Michigan is the only state

that prohibits discrimination on the basis of

weight and height. We believe expanding such

protections would make the labor market more

fair and efficient.



搞定 混淆是非

正确选项 :

无关选项 :

干扰选项 :

第 1~2段:美国人花好多钱减肥的


第 3~4段:职场里体重和工资相

关,并提出人们对体重的 self-


第 5段:近期的研究结果 ——对体









第 9段:作者呼吁立法

心动表达 —— 单词和词组

?plastic surgery

?live up to






?have to do with



?tend to


?on the basis of

?1. While the research literature is clear that labor market success is

partly based on how employers and customers perceive your body

image, no one had explored the other side of the question.

?虽然研究文献清楚地表明 , 劳动力市场的成功在一定程度上取决于雇主和

客户如何看待你的身体形象 , 但还没有人探索过问题的另一面 。

心动表达 —— 长难句

2. We found no relationships between the average person’s self-

perception of weight and labor market outcomes, although self-perceived

weight can influence self-esteem (自尊心 ), mental health and health


?我们发现 , 尽管体重自我感知可以影响自尊 、 心理健康和健康行为 , 但普

通人对体重的自我感知与劳动力市场结果之间没有关系 。

第五课 作业

1. 复习今日的两篇文章 Passage 8 & Passage 9

2. 做 Passage 12, 在做题的时候 , 标注选项为什么对 ( 同

义替换 ) , 为什么不对 ( 排除佐证 ) 。 并私信微博 @罗

煜 Louis打卡

微博:罗煜 Louis

