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I love English!

1 ?¢£ ? ¥?§

2 currency1''“ ? ? ?? fifl –§

¥? ?? ?· ?

?? ??


Hello ??? Good morning” ?!

Nice to meet you? ?…?‰ ?? How are you ??`

Nice to meet you fitoo? ?…?′‰ ??

May I come in? ?currency1?ˉ` Come in, please! ??!

Stand up\Sit down, please! Here you are! ˙??

?¨ \???

? : ???? ˇ—fi ?? §

? … §


Unit 1 Hello

Period 1: A Let s talk Let s play Let s sing P4 P10

I love English!

1 '' ? ? a §

2 fl ? : Hello, I m § Miss ????§

3 currency1?? o? ? ? ?§


?currency1 ? ? ?`


2. Hello! I m Miss White. 3?Nice to meet you.

4. Nice to meet you too 5. What''s your name?

6. Hi! I m Sarah.

? ?? ? o己§

? 遇…老 同 ?家长时 ? Hello!/ Hi! 打招呼§

? … §

Period 2: A Let s learn Let s chant P5


I love English!

1 crayon, pencil, eraser, ruler,

2 I have a \ an ... ?¢£

? ¥?

§currency1'' “ ''

rul aser p cil cr on


?currency1 § ?§?

1. I have a . A pen B. ruler

2. I have an . A. eraser B. pencil

3. I have a . A. crayon B. ruler

? § §

1. I have a ruler. 2. I have an eraser.

3. I have a crayon. 4. Me too.

fifl –? £?· ? ??? ??

?…‰ ? '' `′

Period 3: A Let s sing Let s find out P6

I love English!

1 ??ˉ?˙¨£ ??

2 ? ??ˇ —26 ˙¨ — £˙¨


3 ? £ ABC Song

? ¥?

§currency1 § ?

Aa Hh Jj Kk

Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz

Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx

Uu Qq Ww

Ii Yy

Oo Rr

Aa Bb Dd Ee Ff Hh Ii Jj

Ll Mm Nn Pp Qq Rr Ss Uu Vv

Ww Xx Zz

? ¢£ ___________.

Period 4 B Let?s talk Let?s play P7

¥?§currency1 ''No pains, no gains! “?? ?“?fifl

¥ –?

1 ?· ???? ”? What''s your name?…‰ ?currency1 My name is...

` ′ ? ?ˉ??currency1

2 ˙¨ ? ? Goodbye/Bye!


ˇ —

1. ? ? a

A. Hello! B. What?s your name?

2. ?? ? a

A Hello! I?m Wu Yifan. B. What?s your name?

3. ? ? a???

A What?s your name? B. Goodbye

?ˇ? ?ˇ? ?ˇ?

1. W______ your name? 2. My name _____ Wu Yifan.

3. I ______ Miss White.

1 7

2 7 ?¢£?¥?

Period 5 B Let§s learncurrency1Let§s do P8

''¢“? No pains, no gains! ? ?fifl? –


'' ??

1currency1· ? ? ?? bag, book, pencil box, pen

2currency1”?…‰ ? `? ′ ? ?ˉ ?˙fi¨


…currency1?…? ?…?

b k p n b g pencil b x


ˇ—?…? … …

Open your pencil box

Close your book.

Carry your bag.

Show me your pen.


1. I have a p . 2. I have a pencil b .


3. I have a b ( ). 4. Me t ( )


Period 6: ¢P2-3 9-11£

?¥?§ ¢No pains, no gains! currency1''“??currency1''?fi£

? fl

1 – ??· ?? ?? ”?… ‰– ? `′


2 ?·'' ? ''?ˉ ?˙”¨ ???– ? ?ˇ

— ?


1. a c o a e a

2. b j d q g b

3. N H A Z H Y

4. Q C P O D E

” ?


¢ £1. A. bag B. book

( ) 2. A. book B. ruler

( ) 3. A. pen B. pencil

( )4. A. pencil box B. crayon

( )5. A. pencil B. pencil box

1.I have a bag. A. My name is Chen Jie.

2.What?s your name? B. Me too!

3.Hello! C. See you !

4.Bye! D. Hi!

1. Hello _____

A Hello! B. OK! C. Ha!

( ) 2.I have a book! _______

A. Thank you. B .Me too C. Bye.

( ) 3. Bye , Sarah! ----_______

A. Bye B I m Sarah C. Guess!

?¢£? ¥?

Unit 2 Colours

Period 1: Section A Let s learn Let s do P15

§currency1''“ A good beginning is half done.???fifl –?? ?

§ ·


1.??? ? (A)”? blue, green, yellow, red …‰ ? ? `

2. ??′(A)”? Let''s do???“ ˉ??˙??“¨ ???

3. ?? ˇ—“???ˇ —“?

A B. C. D.

1. r d 2. yell 3.bl 4.gr


( )

1. I see red. A.? ?

2. I see green. B.? ?

3. I see yellow. C.

1.. 2. 3


A. green B. red C. yellow

?¢£?¥? §currency1''“????? fififl

?–??? · ? ? _______.

Period 2: A Let?s talk Draw and say P14

??”??…A good beginning is half done.‰ ? `′ ?? ˉ


1 fl¨ ?? ?Good morning.??ˇ— ? This is ...

2 ? ?? ?? ˇ— ?a?



? ?o ''''

A. This is Miss White. B. My name?s Bai Ling.

C. Nice to meet you, too.

1 2. What?s your name?


Nice to meet you.



A Good morning. B. Good afternoon C. Good bye



A. Nice to meet you. B. This is Miss Green. C. I?m Miss Greens

¢ £?

¥?§ currency1 '' “ John ? Mike John ?£?

? fi fl§ £??–

?? · 14? ??

? ”? … ‰ ??” “

Period 3:

Section B Let?s learn Let?s do Let?s sing P18 20


`′?? ˉA good beginning is half done.?˙ ¨ ?? ?? ?


1. ·white, black, brown, orange §

2. Let''s do ? ? ? a?

? –???o

black orange brown white


? o ?? ?¥ ?

?? ?¥?

A. green B. purple C. orange

1. + = o

2. + = p


red yellow





+ =


1. Black, black , stand up.


( ) 2. Brown ,brown. Touch the ground.

( ) 3. White ,white. Touch the ground.

( ) 4. Orange ,orange. Touch your head.

20 18

Period 4:Section B Let?s talk Let?s play P17

¢£?¥ Love me love my dog.?§currency1''


¢ “?

1 ??fi fl Good morning!/Good afternoon! This is ... Nice to meet

you./Nice to meet you, too.

2 –??· ????¥” ?… ‰ ?? ¥”`′


? ˙? ¨ ?? ??ˇ— ?


A. What?s your name ? B. How are you ? C. Hello!

( ) 2 ? a ?Nice to meet you .? ? ?¨o


A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Me ,too. C. OK !

( )3 ?

A. Fine, thank you. B. Good afternoon

C. Nice to meet you.

?? fl?

? Mike ? ? 绍 请 ? ?

?¢£? ¥??

§ currency1Good afternoon, Mike.


( ) Hi Mum This is Mike.

( ) Nice to meet you , too.

( ) Good afternoon, Nice to meet you .

''“?? ?17fi?fl

– ?? ?? ·fl ???

Period 5: A Letters and sounds Start to read P16 19

??”??§Love me love my dog.…‰ ?currency1


1 ?? Aa Bb Cc Dd ˉ ?˙¨ ¨ ˉ ?˙??? ?

2 ???ˇ— ˉ ?˙? ??? ? ?

a) § A ? D ? ?˙currency1

b) ?˙? £


A c d b

? ? a

Aa apple ant Bb bag book


Cc crayon cat Dd dog duck


Period 6: P12-13 P20-21

1. ?¢

2. £?¥?§ currency1''“ ? ??fifl –

3. £? ?Story timecurrency1?· ?currency1?? ?” ?…‰ ?


′ ? ?ˉ?

˙¨ ?? ? currency1?ˇ — ?ˇ ? ?


c d a b

¨¥′¥currency1 ′ ( ? )

1 Aa Hh Kk

2 Bb Ee Tt

3 Cc Dd Pp

4 ant apple book

? 1aaNice to meet you. aaNice to meet you, too.

yellow green brown


black white <



A. Goodbye. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. OK.

( ) 2. ___________

A. red and yellow. B. red and blue C. green and white

( ) 3 I like white. ___________.


A. OK. B. I m fine, thank you. C. Me too.

( ) 4. This is Mr. Jones. ___________.

A. What s your name? B. Fine thank you. C. Nice to meet you.


?¢£ ?¥

Unit 3 look at me !


Period 1 Section A Let s learn let s do P25

?§currency1'': (I study English, I m happy).

Learning aims( “??):

1. ?fifl – head, eye?face, ear, nose, mouth “

2. ?·¥ ???'' ?fl?? ”??…‰ ?

3. `′ “???ˉ?fl “˙¨?


? ?ˇ?—

1. A. ear B. eye ( ) 2. A. ear B. eye


( ) 3. A. eye B. nose ( ) 4. A. hand B. face

( ) 5. A. nose B. mouth

1. A. face B. orange C. nose

2. A. blue B. green C. hand

3. A. open B. ear C. eye

4. A. mouth B. eye C. touch

5. A. pencil B. book C. nose


1.Close your eyes. 2. Open your mouth.

3.Touch your ears. 4.Touch your face.

5.touch your nose.

?¢£?¥? §currency1

''“?? ?

1.fiflhead eye face ear nose mouth –? ?· ?



Period 2 Section A Let s talk let s play P24

Learning aims( ? `)

1 ′??ˉ?How are you? I''m fine, thank you.˙¨ ?? ?.

2 ?ˉLet s talk ˇ—??

3 ? let s play How are you?


? a ???o


1 ′ ? ? ???¢

A. What s your name ? B. How are you ?

C. Good morning !

( ) 2 Nice to meet you .

A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Me ,too. C. OK !

( )3

A. Fine, thank you. B. Thank you. C. Great !

4 ?¢ £?¥? §currency1

A. Let''s go to school. B .Go to school. C. Thank you.

( )5 “¥??§currency1? fifl –?

A?Goodbye. B .Nice to meet you. C. Good morning.

· ????”?… ‰ ?

1.Hello! A.OK

2.How are you? B. Hello.

3.Good morning. C. I''m fine ,thank you.

4.Nice to meet you. D.Good morning.


5.Let''s go to school. E.Nice to meet you,too.

` ?′?? flˉ?˙? ¨

? ? ?

1. ??ˇ £— Let''s talk

Period 3 Section B Let''s Learn let''s do P28

Learning aims(? )

1 body, leg, arm, hand, head foot, ‰ fl

2 ? Let''s do a ‰ ?§ ?


3 ? o ?′ ??‰ ?‰?‰

? ??

? 芦娃 位

A head B. arm C. leg D. foot E. hand F. body

( )

1.Clap your hands. 2.Wave your arms. 3.Shake you body.

4.Touch your head. 5.Stamp your foot.


1 ¢This is------£?¥? §currency1''“

2 ???fifl –??· ??? ?”· ??…??

Period 4 Section B Let‰s talk Let‰s play P27


Learning aims( ? )

1.`′ Let‰s talk…? ?ˉ?fl˙¨ Very well, thanks. ?? ?

2. Great!

1. How are you ? __________

A. Very well, thanks. B. Thank you.

( ) 2. Let?s make a puppet. __________

A. Great. B. Thanks.

( ) 3. Good morning. ___________

A. Good morning . B. Good afternoon .

( ) 4. What?s your name ? ____________

A. My name?s John. B. I?m fine.

( ) 5. Nice to meet you. ______________

A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Me, too.

¢ £ ? ¥? §currency1


1. ''“??? Mr. Brown fi?'' fl

A. Good morning ?Mr. Brown.

B. Good afternoon , Mr. Brown.

2. '' –??· ????fi?''”fl

A. How are you ? B. What?s your name ?

3. ''?§…‰ ? fi?'' fl

A. I?m fine. B. I?m five.

` ′??ˉfl?˙¨‰′?


? ??ˇ

— Let?s talk

Period 5 P26 29

Learning aims(′ )

1 Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii egg, elephant,

face, foot, green, gift, hand, hi, ice- cream, ice.


3 ?¢£?¥? §currency1


?fifl –


B___D D ___F G____I a___c d___f f ___ h

? ? ? · ·

_ gg _ ace f _ _t ic__


elephant ?”

green ?

gift …

hand ‰ ?


ice cream `

′ £? ? ?ˉ?˙£¨

?? ??ˇ

1 — P29 Find and say Read and count.

2. egg, face, foot, green, gift, hand, ice.

Period 6 B Let s check story time P22-23 30-31

Learning aims(£§ “)


1. § £ ? £a

2. Let''s check? §


fifl ?? ? o fi ?

F h e E H f g i I g

1. Nice to meet _______. A. you B. I

2. Clap your _______. A. hands B. nose


3. This is my _______. A. leg B. sing

4. Touch your _______. A. ear B. sit

5. Wave _______ arms. A. your B. You


Unit 4 We love animals !


Period 1 Section A Let s learn Let s chant P39

?¢£?:(I like studying English)

Learning aims( ¥?§)

1.currency1''“ ? ? ? fifl –?? pig bear duck dog cat

2.currency1· ?“?Let s chant??


‰ ? `′ ??


( ) 1. 2. 3.

( ) 4. 5.

1. A. duck B. bag C. dog

( ) 2. A. pencil B. bear C. book

( ) 3. A. crayon B. cat C. panda


( ) 4. A. pink B. yellow C. pig

( ) 5. A. bag B. bear C. Dog

1. scatoa 2. bedoghtu 3. bearuty 4. atpigh



1 ''“5???fifl

2 – ? ???fifl?It·s a ??


Period 2 Section A Let·s talk Let·s play P38

Learning aims( ??”)

1.?…‰ ? `?′ What·s this? It·s a...

2.??ˉ?˙ ¨? What·s this? It·s a...??? ?


— ?

1. What·s this? ________.


A. I like it B. It·s a duck. C. I·m fine.

( ) 2. What·s this ________dog.

A. It B. Its C. It·s

( ) 3. ______the cat.

A. Have B. Look at C. Look

1. It s a duck.

A. B.

2. This is a cat.

A. B.

3. Good morning, I m a pig.

A. B.

?¢ 1£?¥? §currency1'' 2£“?P38.

Period 3 Section B Let s learn Let s do P42


?fifl :(I like studying English)

Learning aims( –??)

1.· Zoo, elephant, bird, monkey, tiger, panda.

2. ????”?…‰ ? ?


?£ ???ˉ ? ˉ ?

1. A. m key

( ) 2. B. b d


( ) 3. C. pand

( ) 4. D. lephant

( ) 5. E. t ger


1. elephant A. book B. blue C. pig

( ) 2. bird A. mouth B head C. panda

( ) 3. bear A. eraser B. duck C. ruler.

( ) 4. tiger A monkey B pen C. green

¢ £ £ ? ? ¥ ¥?

A. Act like a panda

B. Act like a monkey.

C. Act like an elephant.

D. Act like a bird.


Period 4 Section B Let s talk Let s play P41

Learning aims( )

1. What s that? Cool! I like it.

2. ?¢£?¥? § currency1''“Let s talk ???

fi fl

–??·?¥ ??


? ?1. What s that ? A. ”?…

? ?2. I like it. B. ‰ ? `

( ) 3. It s a bear . C. … –′?

( ) 4. Look! A funny dog D. ?–′ˉ

( ) 5. I have a cat. E. ?,–˙?¨?

1.It s a tiger.

A. B.

( ) 2. Look, it s a panda

A. B.

( )3. What s this? It s an________

A. B.

( )4. What s that? It s a bird.


A. B.

? What s this? It s a _______

Look!_________ I like it.

¢ £?¥?§currency1'' “?

??fifl –

1 Let''s talk

2 Let''s talk

Period 5 A Letters and sounds &Start to read P40 43

?¢£:(I like studying English)

Learning aims( ?¥?)

1§ currency1''“? Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn ??fi fl –? jeep, jump, kite, Kate,

long, leg, mum, milk, nose, noodles.

2§ ??·–? ? ??–? ?”?“?

3§ …”‰ ? ` ′???


”§ ¨”¨ ” ?”?



m k n j l

′? 40 ? ′? ?′?“? Jj?Nn.)

ˇ§ —fl

A. j B. m C. l D. k E. n

( )1.___ite. ( )2.__eg ( )3.___ose ( )4.___ilk

( )5.___eep ( )6.___um ( )7.___oodles ( )8.__ong

— ?


1 P43 Find and say Read and count.

2. jeep, jump, kite, kate, long, leg, mum, milk, nose, noodles.

Period 6 B Let s check story time P36-37 44-45

:(I like studying English)

Learning aims( )

1. ?¢

2. ? Let''s check¥? §currency1'' .

3. “?story time ??¢

fi fl

– ??· ¢ ?· ?? ??¢


b l h d a i j g

” ??· ?…‰ ? ??¢

Elephant dog pig cat panda tiger

`?′ ??ˉ? ˙¨ ¢

?? ??

ˇ1— § ?A B ¥?¢

ˇ2— ¢


Unit 5 Let s eat Period 1 p49

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Teaching goals( ):

1 juice egg milk bread

2 I m hungry Have some? ¢£?¥?§currency1''¢

3 ? “??? ¥fifl –fifl??· ¥??

? ?”


? …‰ ? ?? ¥`′??

1.cat, tiger, panda, monkey, elephant

2. ju_ __ __ mi__ __ br__ __d e__ __ (ˉ?ˉ ? )

? ˙?˙ ?

1. I m hungry¨ 2. Have some bread. 3. Have some eggs.

4. Eat some bread. 5. Drink some milk.

??? ?¥

1. c__ __ 2. pan___ ___ 3. ti___ ___ ___


4. mi__ ___ 5. br__ ___ ____ 6. e___ ____


1 ˇ—

2. Have some bread. Have some eggs.

Eat some bread. Drink some milk.

3. ? a ′ ???? o? ‰ ?

? … ?


Period 2 A Let s talk Let s play p48

?¢£ ?¥? §currency1'' “???fi Ifld like some \ Have

some –


¢????(¥?”?…‰ )

1. Have some bread/eggs. 3. I fld like some bread/juice.

2. Drink some milk/juice. 4. I fld like some eggs/milk.

?¢ `′? ?`ˉfi ?–


some, hungry, milk, bread.

1. Dad, I,m _______. 2. Have some _______.

3. Ifld like _______apples. 4. Pease drink some ________.


1.¥ ?? ??ˇ–

2.— 2 ? '' –

? ? –


Period 3 Let''s Learn P52

¥ a?

1. ? ¢ ? ` water, cake, fish, rice –

2. ? ???o ˙–


¢′ ′ ? ?

1.wa__ __ __ ? 2. ca__ ___ ?

3. fi__ __ ? 4. __ __ce?

?¢ ? “‰ ''???? –

1. water

2. milk

3. juice

4. fish

5 rice

6 cake

1 Good afternoon Sarah! ________

2 Can I have some water? ________

3 Have some milk!

________ I like juice.


Thank you.



2. Eat some bread/rice/fish. Drink some milk/water.

Cut the cake

3 ?¢£?¥?§currency1 ''“??§? fifl –?

? · ???§? ?”


A Sure. Here you are. B Good afternoon! C You''re welcome.

D No thanks. E Here you are.

Period 4 B Let s talk Let s play P51

1. Can I have some... , You''re welcome.

You re welcome. ?¢£?¥? §currency1.

2. '' “? ??fifl –??· ???? ?”?… ???‰

? ` ′? ???ˉ· ??? ? ˙?

¨ ?

? ??fl???fl???

1. Can I have some rice, please? A. Thank you.


2. Have some milk. B. Here you are.

3. Drink some juice. C. Thanks.

— ? fl fl‰ ?

( )1. rice ( )2. milk

( )3. cake ( )4. juice


( )1.ˇCan I have some bread? ˇ________

A Great! B Sure.


( )2.ˇHave some juice. ˇ________

A Me too. B Noflthanks.

( )3.ˇHere you are. ˇ________

A OK! B Thank you.

( )4.ˇThank you. ˇ________

A No. B You''re welcome.

( )5. I like milk. ________

A Me too. B Bye

1. Can I have some water/fish/juice ,please ? Here you are.

Thank you. You''re welcome


Period 5 p50 p53 Start to read


1 £?¥?§ currency1 Oo , Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt

2 ''“??? fifl –?


“????”?…‰ ?” ` ′? ? ˉ? ˙¨ ? ?

1?BCD ? 2?HIG ? 3?JKL ? 4?FGH ?

?? ??ˇ currency1 — —

1.PEN ? 2. ERASER ? 3. MILK ?

4.BLUE ? 5.BOY ?

? ?ˇ‰

1. ____Ss____ 2. ____q ____ 3. ____P_____ 4. ____ Oo____

5. Ll____ ____ 6. ____ ____d 6. ____Kk_____ 7. ____ ____ Hh

8.____F____ 9. Mm ___ ____ 10. ____ _____Ii

1. ¥ ‰ ? Oo --- Tt currency1

2. Pig red six ten tiger pen quiet

Period 6 P54-55 46-47.

Let s check Let s sing Story time, p46-47.

1 I m hungry .Have some... I d like

some Sure. Here you are. Thank you. You''re welcome.

2 . Oo Pp?Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt

3 ¢£?¥ ??§ currency1


? ??? ??? ?

br__ __ d ju__ce gg m__ __ k, w__ ter c__ke fi__ __ r__ce

fi fl fl

1. I d like some breads. ________________________________

2. Can I have some milks? _______________________________


3. Here are you . _______________________________

4. Have some egg . _______________________________


1.are, you, here

2.please, can, I, have, some, milk?

3.some, water ,have.

? ???”? …?‰

?1 water milk juice bread

?2 cake bread dog egg

3 ear arm eye fish

4 bear bird milk pig

( )1. Mum can I have some milk? ________

A Thank you. B. Sure. Here you are.

( )2. Have some bread John. ________

A Hello! B. Thanks.

Step 5. P46-47.

? ¢£?¥ ?§currency1''¢“?


Uni6: Happy birthday

Period 1 A Let?s learn & Let?s chant p59

fifl A little labor ,much health.(–? ?· ????)

fi¢”? ¢£…‰ ? £`′ One to Five?? ˉ?


? ? ? ?4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 5-5, 4-3 ,2-5 ,3-4 ,1-4

ˇ —?—

2 5 1 3 4


One four five three two


( )1.one A ? B

( )2.four A B

( )3.three A B

( )4.two A ˇ B

( )5.five A B



1.ˇ ? 2. ˇ a 3. 4.

1. Teach the students to read the five words, then teach them to write

2. a duck , three eggs, two hands,

Period 2 Let s talk & Count and say P58

?¢ :


1£?¥?§?currency1''“ 1-5

2£?? How many?? ?fifl –??“· ????? This one,

please.?”?…‰ ?–?



1.__ne ( ) 2. t w___ ( ) 3. f __v e ( )

4. f o u___ ( ) 5. t h r__ ___ ( )


1.I have two eggs. 2.I have three plates.

3. We have a duck. 4. They have four legs.


5.Sure . This one ,please. 7. Here you are.

1. ?`˙¨ p58.

2.? ? ? ??ˇ Let s talk—`

Period 3 Section B? Let s learn & Let s do P62


1? ¥§?currency1''5 “ six-- ten, ?How old are you? I m ? years


2? ¥ Let s do ? ? ˇ ? a ?


1. t__ __ 2. fo__ __ 3. f__ v__ 4. th__ ___ __ 5.__n__

five ruler six pencil nine bag seven book

________ ________ _________ _________

eight orange ten school two leg four duck

________ ________ _________ _________


three cat six bear nine dog

________ ________ _________

1. Show me your hand/eyes/mouth.

2. Show me five/six/nine/ten/eight.

1. 5 six, seven, eight, nine. ten


2. £?¥ ? Let§s docurrency1''“??

? fifl –??· ?

Unit6: B Period 4 Let§s talk & Let§s play P61


1. ?£? ”?… ? ‰ currency1 ? ` ′”

2. ???ˉ?˙¨ How old are you? I§m years old.?? ?? ?ˇ

Happy birthday! — fi

3. ? — fi ? currency1?a


1.This ____ my sist__ ___. 2.Ha__ __ ___ birthday!

3. H__ __ old are you ? I§m ni__ __ years old.

4. W______ your name? Tom.

???′”o currency1 ? currency1

( )1. How are you Sarah? ( )2. Happy birthday!

I''m five. Thank you.

( )3. How old are you? ( )4. This is my brother.

I''m ten. Bye!

( )1.Happy New Year! A.

( )2.Happy Teachers'' Day! B.

( )3.Happy Children''s Day! C.

( )4.Happy Mother''s Day! D.

( )5.Happy Father''s Day! E.

1. ?¢£?¥?§

2. currency1''“???fifl –??? · ??? £?”

? “??…‰ £?“ `

Period 5 A Letters and sounds P60 Start to read P63


1 ?ˉ ? ˙ Uu---Zz¨ ?

2 ?ˉ ? ˙?? Uu --Zz ? ? umbrella, under; vet, vest; wet, water;

fox, box; yellow, yo-yo; zoo, Zip


? ? ? ‰

p ___ r t____ v x_____z

M____O Q____ S V_____X

? :

two + two = one +four = three + one = two + one =

six + three = four +five = six + two = eight + one =

1. ˉ ˙? ? Aa-- --Zz

“??…‰ £?“ `

Period6 P63-65 P56--57

1 Happy birthday! How old are you? I''m years old. How

many ? Five.

2 ?¢£

3 ?¥?? Uu--Zz§currency1''“?¢£??fifl


? ·?· ? ???

1. I have two g______( ?? ). 2. H________?”?… birthday!

3. Let‰s e______? …the c ________?? ….

4. I s_____?`′…so many candles. 5. You are so b____? ? ….

? ? ˉ?˙¨? ? ?? ??

( )1. Aˇone Bˇten

( )2. Aˇthree Bˇfour

( )3. Aˇthree Bˇtwo

( )4. Aˇfour Bˇfive

( )5. Aˇfive Bˇten

— ˉ? ?

( )1.

A Happy birthday. B Thank you.

( )2.

A I m four. B Four.

P56 57,62-65

Recycle 2

1 ? 12 ¢ £?¥ ?§currency1''“?

2 ? ?fi 1--10

3 fl –?? Happy New Year, · fl? ??

?? ” ?…

1. ‰ ? –?? Happy New Year.

2.Let s read aloud and act

3.Listen and tick

4.Fill in the blanks and sing a song


? ?ˉ?˙¨? £

( )1. one four bread ( )2. three plate eight

( )3.egg juice milk ( )4. panda dog water

( )5. sister rice brother

?? ?

( ) 1. name is John. A. My B. I C. You

( ) 2. ______ are you? I m nine. A. How B. How old C. What

( ) 3. Show ______ seven. A. I B. me C. my

( ) 4. I d like some ______and _______.

A. breads and egg B. bread and egg C. bread and eggs

( ) 5. Here you ______. A. am B. is C. are

A. Who B. Where C. What D. How many E. How F. Can

1. are you? 2. cakes?

3. is your hand? 4. are you? Mike.

5. is your name?

This is for you.

Can I have a look?

Happy New Year.

Thank you.

Happy New Year, Miss Liu.

Sure, Here you are.
