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Unit 1 Again, please

4A Unit1 Again, please

1. ?¢£?¥?§ skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater,new, old,coat, scarf, hat,

gloves, boots,shoes, socks, dress, shorts,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

Saturday, Sunday.

2. currency1''“? This is a red shirt. /I like your ____. It?s nice!/Whose ____is this? Is this your

____?/What day is it? It?s Monday/Tuesday.

?fi fl –??· ?????”?

…‰ ? `′fl ???ˉ?˙¨· ?? ??? ?ˇ—


?¢£ ?¥?§ skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater, old,coat, scarf, hat,

gloves, boots,shoes, socks, dress, shorts,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

Saturday, Sunday.

currency1'' ·“? What is he\she wearing? He\She is wearing.

?§ ? a

2 / 64

Part 1: Greeting!


2. : Stand up Sit down

3. What is he\she doing? He\She is .( ?¢£ ? ¥?)

T:§currency1''“ ?Stand up please.§currency1? ?fi ?What is he\she doing?

Ss: He\She is standing.

fl ___ing–??· ·????”??… We are___ing.‰ ??? ???”??

`′ Li Ming goes to school every day.

Li Ming is going to school now.

4. ? ?fi?ˉ?¥˙¨“

What color is it? Is it ___? Is it ___or___?

Part 2: skirt blouse pants shirt sweater

1. ?? ???ˇ—fi currency1 fiˇ—? skirt blouse pants shirt sweater

'' ? ?

2. ? No.1 What is it? a ?

3. pants?? ? ??''?o fi currency1'' ??? ?ˉ?? ?‰

???fi scissors§? ??'' fi?

4. currency1 ? fiˇ— ?…下 ? ¥ Is this a ___? Yes\No. What is


It’s a ___.

Is this a ___or a___? It’s a ___.

当 很o把握fi回??些 题后,?句型?加入表?˙¨fi .…a ?fi图画,

他 ?下面fi ¥

T: What are they?(currency1 trousers)

Ss: They are trousers.

T: What color are they? Ss: They are blue.

T: Yes. They are blue trousers. Blue trousers.

?其他ˇ—联系 ?ˉ

T: What is it?(currency1衬ˇ)

3 / 64

Ss: It s a shirt.

T: What color is it?

Ss: It s white and yellow.

T: (? ¢£?¥) What is it? Ss: It s a shirt.

T: What color is it?

Ss: It s a ___.

T: Oh yes. It s a___ shirt.

Part 3: Is this his/her ___?

Teacher holds up a very small hat. Lead the class through a dialogue as follows;

T: Is this your hat?

S1: No.

T: Very good. Is this your hat?

S2: No.

T: Is this your hat? Say it, please, class.

T: Whose hat is this? Whose hat is this? Whose hat is this?

Ss: Whose hat is this?

T: Whose hat is this? It s my little son s hat.

2. Listen to the tape and guess what happened between Danny and Miss Zhang. Then listen

to the tape again and follow.

Part 4: What day is it?

1. Read the day as quickly as you can.

Play ?What is missing?§

Play ?What day is it?§

2. Sing a song.

Song He s wearing red trouses

T: Look at this picture. Who is he?

S: He is Li Ming.

4 / 64

T: What is he wearing?

S: He is wearing red trouses.

T: What day is it?

S: It is Sunday.

?¢ £?¥ ?§ currency1''“¥

Part 5: Class over!

1. ???fi fl

2. –??·

3. Say ?Goodbye!? to the students.

Unit 1 Lesson 1 ??

?”?… XXXXX ‰ XXX


4A Lesson 1


?? 1. ˉ?˙? ¨ skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater

2. ?? ?This is a red shirt.

?ˇ ? — “

— ? ? fi ?£ a ?? ?£?o —

5 / 64

skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater

?¢£? What is he\she wearing? He\She is wearing.


§ currency1'' “? ? ?fi


Step 1: Greeting

§–??· ????” ?…‰?? ? e.g.: I am wearing a yellow T-shirt. What

are you wearing? ? `′`???? ˉ ?¢ ?˙¨ ? ?? ??ˇ?


Step 2: Presentation

1. fi shirt skirt trousers T-shirt sweater

2. § currency1'' ?¢ ? currency1'' a''? ? § ?


T: This is _?

Ss: This is skirt.

T: What is the color? ?? ?˙o

Ss: It s red.

T: So, this is a read skirt. And this is _?


Step3: Practice

1. ? ? ? ? ? ??

2. ?? ? fi This is a T-shirt. It s red, ect

6 / 64

Step4: Dialogue

?¢£? ¥?§ currency1¥

''“?¥?? fifl

Step 5 Class closing

1. –? ?· ??¥?? ” ??¥??fl

2. Say …Goodbye‰ to students!

Unit1 Lessen 2 ?

? `′ XXXXX ? XXX

4A Lesson 2


??¥ ??ˉ? ??ˇ¥ —fl ? — ¥ ¥ :

new, old – ? ? ¥ ? a ? ??? o ¥ fl

? ? currency1 ? ¥ ?: I like your ____. It?s nice! ?? ? 已 ¥

言知识 编简短 话fl 编 话? 难 师–适当指导fl

? 理

1. 利 孩?们喜爱¥方式进行 如童谣o歌曲o游戏等 激发 热情fl

2. 利 实物 o 制 具o?媒体等手段 创? 情境 逐步深 ¥呈现 ?ˉfl

3. 肯定 ?¥成功之处 及 给及鼓励和?许fl currency1们体会成功¥乐趣fl


1. 知识目标 1) 并 运 ? new, old.

7 / 64

2 : I like your ____. It s nice.

2. ?¢ £?¥?§currency1 ''“???fifl £ –??·

£ ?? ?

3. ''? ”?…‰ ? ` ′??ˉ?˙¨ ???? ???ˇ—

? ` ′§? ? ? £ '' ?? a ???

4. ?o ”? ˙ ??· ′ ? ? ?′ ? ?? ???



?? ?¢…‰ ?? ¢图片¢自制 具¢软件来辅助 ?

文化 ¥

”? ??? 西 国家 礼貌 ?


Step1: Warming-up and Review

1. Greeting.

2. Warming-up: Sing the song “She is wearing.”

3. Color Point.

4. What s she\he wearing?

Step2: Presentation one

1. Demonstrate old and new with real subject.

T: What are they? (Hold up a pair of new pants

Ss: They are pants.

T: Yes! They are new pants! New! Say it, please!

T: Are they new? ( Hold up a pair of old pants)

Ss: No!

T: Yes! They are old, old, old pants!

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2. Practice new and old with other clothes.

Step3: Drill

Use new and old say something they have. Such as: new pencil

Step4: Presentation two

1. New sentence pattern: I like your ____. It nice.

T: Do you like this _____?

Ss: Yes!

T: Yes! It s nice!

T: Thanks! I like your _____. It s nice! Say it, please!

T: Thanks!

2. Listen and follow the tape.

Step5: Practice

Make new dialogues in pairs with new sentence pattern. Teacher gives individual help.

Step6: Production

Ask individual students to present their dialogues in front of the classroom. Teacher and other

students give them some praise.

Step7: Class closing

Sing a song.


Find something new or old in their real life and try to express in English.

Use new sentence pattern to make up dialogues.

9 / 64

Unit 1 Lesson 4


4A Unit 1 Lesson 4

?¢£?¥? shoes, socks, dress, shorts§?currency1''“?£??fifl –??· ?fi

???” ??…?·‰ ? `′ fi????ˉ?˙Whose shorts are these?

Whose dress is this? ¨`


1. ? ? ???? shoes, socks, dress, shortsˇ—?˙Whose shorts are these? Whose dress

is this? Are they her shorts? Is it his dress? ?currency1 £?ˉ`

2. ? £ `

3. ? a `


? ? ?o ?

? ?

Step1: Warming up

10 / 64

1. Sing a song.

2. Play a guessing game to review the old words.

3. Have a free talk with students.

Step2: Presentation

1. New words

Demonstrate the new words with real clothes. Say the words a few times with the class.

Play the tape. Let the student listen and follow.

2. Drill

Lead the class through a question-and-answer drill about shoes, socks, dress and shorts. Such as:

What is it? What are these?

3. Game: Which word face to you?

4. New pattern

Use puppets to show the new pattern. Use gestures to make my meaning clear and give prompts

when the students falter. Work through the dialogue more than once with objects familiar to the


Listen to the tape and follow.

Step3: Practice

Do activity book.

Step4: Class closing

Play Simon says .


Draw the clothes you wear at home.

Unit 1 Lesson 6


11 / 64

4A Lesson 6

1. ? ¢£ shorts, pants, T-shirt, skirt, dress?¥?§currency1''

“? ¢ new, old, too big, too small, just right??

2. ?fi

1) fl? –??· '' ¢¥? ¢ new, old, too big, too small, just right??

2) fl? ? ? ? ¢??”?§currency1''…?

3) fl? ‰ ? `′??ˉ?˙¨ `′?

3. ? ?? fl ??ˇ—′… ˇ? ? ˇ?

? ¢ ?

? ?· ? ¢a?”??

–? ? ?

12 / 64

1. Revision

1) ?¢ £?¥

2) ?§ currency1''“??? ? ¢ £?¥

3) fifl –??· ????” ?… – ‰? ? `¥

4) fifl′?? – ? ??ˉ? ?£? ˙¨ –¥

2. Presentation

1) ? ???” ???ˇ — ? ¥

2) ? ? ? a ¥

3) ? ? ? ?′′???o ‰?¥

4) ? ?£? ? ?fl ?a ¥

5) ? ???? ¥

6) fifl ?fl 巩固 ?¢ £?¥

3. Homework

1) ? ? ? – ‰制 ‰??¥

2) ?§ 尝试编? 新? 关 –? ¥

Unit 1 Lesson 5 时



4A Lesson 5


13 / 64


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday?


?§ currency1''“ ???fi What day is it? Itfls Monday/Tuesday.

2. –? £? currency1 ?· ? ???”?§… ‰? ? ¥

3. `′? ? ˉ?˙¨‰ ?£? ?? ?? ˇ? ¨‰ ? £?¥

4. — ˉ ?§ … ? ? a ¥


?? ?? Sunday to Saturday?¢£?¥


? £? ?¥


Part 1: Greeting and a free talk

1. Greeting and a free talk.

2. Stand up and Check up on the homework.

T: What is he or she wearing?

S: He/she is wearing a green sweater.

Part 2: Presentation ???

1. ? ˇ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ?¢£??

§ ?? 同 外Sunday才是一¢ ? 开始¥

2. 通` 话熟悉£?¥

What day is today? Itfls Monday.

How many days are there in the week? Seven.

3. Letfls sing!

She is wearing green T-shirt, green T-shirt, green T-shirt.

14 / 64

She is wearing green T-shirt, on Monday morning.

4. Letters and sounds

1) ? ¢£?¥? §a e i o ucurrency1'' “

2) ??? ¢fi map bed film fox sun fl – ¢£'' “

3) ¢??fi “

Part 3: Class closing

1. · ?? ?

2. ?” ?…‰

3. Say §Goodbyecurrency1 to the students.

Unit 2 Again,please



4A Unit 2 Again,please


?? ???ˇ— ? ¥ : do one s homework/read a book/write a

story/draw a picture/watch TV/talk on the telephone/play on the computer/listen to the radio/brush

teeth/comb hair/wash face/wear clothes.

? ? ?? ? ¢ '' ?“

a ? ?? ¢ ? ''?o? … ? ? ¢ … “

? ?

Do one s homework\read a book\write a story\draw a picture.

15 / 64


Part 1: Greeting and a free talk

1. Greeting and a free talk

2. ¢£ ?¥?§ currency1¥ shirt, skirt, trousers, sweater new, old, coat''scarf, shoes, socks.

T (“?? ?currency1?fi): What are you wearing?

S: I am wearing a shirt.

T: What color is it?

S: Itfls blue.

T: Is it new?

S: Yes, itfls my birthday gift.

Part 2: book, story, picture, homework

1. –??· ????''?” ??…‰ ? `′''?? ?? ·ˉ?

˙¨ ??

2. ?? ???? currency1 ˇ—''‰ ? `′

do my homework

read a book

write a story

draw a picture for my story.

3. In the evening, I do my homework, read a book, write a story, draw a picture for my story

'' ?? ?


T(“?? ): What do you do in the evening?

S: I do my homework.


– ? ''??? … a ? ?

16 / 64

This is a way I wash my clothes, wash my clothes, wash my clothes. This is a way I wash my clothes,

on a Sunday morning.


?¢ £?¥?§currency1

Part 3: TV phone computer radio

1. ''“? ?? fi fl –??· ???¥? ?”''“ ? ?…‰ ?·

? £§

2. `′??TV phone computer

3. ? ?watch TV/talk on the phone/play on the computer

4. ˉ?˙¨ ??

T (? ?): What do you do at home?

S: I help my mum and dad.

T: And how about you, Lily?

S: I talk on the phone with my friends.

T: Any others?

S: I watch TV after dinner,

S: I play on the computer.

Part 4: Above below beside across from

1. Put ?teddy? on the desk, put ?teddy? in the desk, put ?teddy? under the desk.

Ask students: where is ?teddy?? to review ?in, on, under?.

ˇ— ? ¨?in, on, under? … ¨£`? ?above, below, beside,across from?

‰? ? currency1

2. Put ?teddy? on the desk, then put ?teddy? above the desk, study above; put ?teddy? under the

desk, then put ?teddy? below the desk, study below. Distinguish on and above, under and below.

3. Practice ?in, on, under, above, below?. ′? a ? currency1

17 / 64

4. According to the location between one student and one student, or between one student and me,

study beside, across from.

?¢ £?¥? beside, across from,§


5. Practice beside, across from– on their seat.

6. Ask four students to come the front, then let them stand in a square.

Lead the class to say sentence: ? is beside/ across from ?

7. Ask the students to show the picture (TV, teddy, computer, radio) that we prepared. Listen to

me, place the location.

Unit 2 Lesson 7 ?·



4A Lesson 7


? ` ′??ˉ?˙ `?fi¨ ? ?¥ : do one?s homework \read a book\write a

story\draw a picturefl

′? ` ′ˇ?— ? ¥?¨ fl

? £ ? ? a £?? ?ofl

Do one?s homework\read a book\write a story\draw a picture.

¥?? a a??a

18 / 64

Part 1: Greeting and review

1. Greeting

Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? How s the weather?

2. Sing a song

He s wearing read trousers. T: What did you hear in the song?

trousers dress sweater coat shorts shoes cap ,?¢ £?¥


Part 2: Play a game (guess, guess, guess )

1. ''“?? ?fi£ fl –??·£ fl?–???: read a book, do one s homework,

write a story, draw a picturecurrency1

2. ”?…‰– ? §`–′? read a book, do one s homework, write a story, draw a

picture?ˉ?read˙??¨ ?red˙???– ?meat, tea˙? ??? currency1

3. Work in pairs: ?ˇ£`— guess, guess, guess ''“currency1

4. Play a game: ”? ˙?''“– ?:?What do you do in the evening?˙ ?–

:?In the

evening, I __˙

Drill: Say it and do the action.

Say it in pairs.

5. Listen to the tape and repeat. ( £ – ? –??currency1 a ?for˙?


Part 3: Let s sing a song

? –?”o—? ??currency1 –? ?? ? ? ? ? ?

?–?? ? 接受)currency1最后–邀请个 ? 前??”o—? currency1

19 / 64

Part 4: Homework


Lesson 10: Homework

do my homework

read a book

write a story

draw a picture


1) I ______ my homework.

2) I _______my book.

3) I ________a story.

4) I________ a picture.

Unit 2 Lesson 8 ?

¢£?¥ XXXXX ? XXX


4A Lesson 8


1. ??fifl''

–? ? · ????”?…?‰ ? `′?? ˉTV telephone computer radio?

˙¨ ?…??? ˉ watch TV/talk on the telephone/play on the computer/listen to

the radio

2. ??fifl''

1) ? ? ? `ˇ— , ? ? ` '' £ ?

? aa

read, draw, do, write

20 / 64

2) ? ¢£ £ ?

3) ¥?§currency1''§“???fi fl ¥–?? · fi ????”?… ‰

? `?

′ §? ?

′ ??ˉ ?˙TV telephone computer radio

? ??˙ TV telephone computer radio

¨ ?

?? ??ˇ—


Part 1? ?

T: Hello, everyone!

S: Hello, Miss Lian!

T: How are you, today?

S: I m fine, thanks.

T: What do you do in the evening?

S: I do my homework.

T: Ok, fine.

Part 2? ?

1. TV telephone computer radio

a ???? o ? TV telephone ?

? ???? ?

Do you have a TV at home?

Do you like TV?

What else do you recognize in the photographs?

21 / 64

TV telephone computer radio

?¢ £?¥?§currency1 '' “

2. Watch TV, talk on the telephone, play on the computer, listen to the radio.


T: (?fifl –?? £· ??? ?currency1?)What?s this?

C: A ? It?s a __.

T: Good, He/she is doing (on the /to the) say it, please, class.

C: He/she?s doing (on the/to the).

T: Very good! (”fl –?? £?)What are you doing?

S: I?m doing (on the /to the).

T: Very good! Do you like doing (on the/ to the)?

S: Yes, I like doing (on the/to the) .?No, I like doing (on the/ to the) .

…‰ ? ` ′ ?? £“

Part 3??ˉ?˙


¨ ?? £?'' ? · ??ˇ ?— ? ?ˇ ?currency1 currency1

? “…‰ ? a· £ ? ??? o “

2. Say goodbye to the students.

Unit 2 Lesson 9 ?


? ?

4A Lesson 9

22 / 64

1. above, below, beside? across from¢

2. £? £¥? § currency1''“???§fifl ?–§??¢

3. · ?? ??”? …‰ ? `′ ?§?ˉ?˙ ? ¨ £??



1. above?on §?ˇ below? under?ˇ¢

2. across from§ — ? ¥¢


Part 1: Greeting and a free talk

Part 2: Presentation

Above below beside across from

2. Put teddy on the desk, put teddy in the desk, put teddy under the desk.

Ask students: where is teddy ? to review in, on, under .

23 / 64

in, on, under ?¢£ above, below, beside,across from

?¥?§ currency1''“???

2. Put teddy on the desk, then put teddy above the desk, study above; put teddy under the

desk, then put teddy below the desk, study below. Distinguish on and above, under and below.

3. Practice in, on, under, above, below .fifl –??§–''“· ?

4. According to the location between one student and one student, or between one student and me,

study beside, across from.

currency1? currency1? currency1???” ?…‰ ?¢£ beside, across from,?

`′§? ?ˉ?

5. Practice beside, across from on their seat.

6. Ask four students to come the front, then let them stand in a square.

Lead the class to say sentence: ? is beside/ across from ?

7. Ask the students to show the picture (TV, teddy, computer, radio) that we prepared. Listen to

me, place the location.

˙¨ ?? ¨ ??ˇ —''§–? currency1 ?

Part 3: Play the video

Listen to the story about Jenny and teddy.

Part 4: Class over


under, below, above, over?” ‰

Under § ? a §below ? ?Under ?a

??Below ? above ?o ¢§ ??”?… eg: The picture is above

the blackboard. The blackboard is below the picture. Under ? over ?o ¢§under

? §????? ??Over ? §? ???

??Eg: There is a ball under the desk. There is a light over the desk.

24 / 64

Unit 2 Lesson 10


4A Lesson 10

1. ?¢£?¥: wash, comb, brush, soap, toothbrush.

2. ?§currency1''“?: brush hair, brush teeth, comb hair, wash hands, wash face, take a shower,

wear clothes.

3. ??fifl: This is the way we brush our hair.

:¥?: brush, comb, soap, toothbrush,

? : brush our hair, brush our teeth, comb our hair, wash our hands, wash our face, take a

shower, wear our clothes.

– · currency1??“?? ?” ??¥?¥…‰


?¥ `′?` comb, brush, soap, toothbrush?ˉ?˙¨ ?? ??ˇ—′ ′

′ ′ ′ ′ ‰

25 / 64




§currency1''“ ? ???fi? fl

– This is the way we ___ on a ___ morning ???· fl

What do you do in the morning/ evening??????fl

Part 2 ? ''“?” ?…‰ ?

`′?? ˉ?˙? ¨

? ?1. ? A. hair B. brush

( ) 2. ?ˇ A. soap B. soup

( ) 3. — A. thirsty B. thirty

( ) 4. ? A. comb B. shower

( ) 5. A. tooth B. toothbrush

Part 3 ?

1. · ??

1) fl

Today is M .

2) ? fl

After supper ,I watch .

3) a fl

In the morning, I my face.

Part4 ?

??? o

26 / 64

1. too br sh 2. b sh

3. s p 4. c b

1. What do you do ___ the morning?

A. in B. on C. at

2. This is the way we brush our hair ___ a Tuesday morning.

A. in B. on C. at

3. I brush __teeth every morning.

A. my B. I C. our D. me

4. Li Ming is washing ___ hair now.

A. he B. she C. his D. her

Part 5

Unit 2 Lesson 11


4A Lesson 11


1. “?currency1'' ??fi fl –? ?· ????”???…‰ ? ` : ball/doll/

kite /skipping rope· ?′” ??ˉ?˙¨ ?

2. ·?currency1'' ??fi – ???ˇ— fl …fi “?–

– fl ?·??

3. a ???ˇ— fl –? ?a ? fl? –?o ??

–? ?

? ?

27 / 64

: Ball doll kite skipping rope

: play with a ball/play with a doll/fly a kite/skip with a skipping

rope ?¢£?¥?§currency1''“

? : play with a ball/ play with a doll/ fly a kite/ skip with a

skipping rope?¢£?¥?§currency1''“


fifl – ? ?· : jump / read a book / brush our teeth / comb our hair / wash

our face/ skip with the skipping rope / fly kite / play catch/ play with the doll

?? ???”??…‰ ? ?`′???ˉ??˙¨‰ fl???·

¨?? ¨ currency1? ? ?`′???ˉ ·


Part 1: Class opening

1. Greeting

T: Hello!

Ss: Hello!

T: How are you?

S: Fine Thank you.

2. Sing ˇHow are you?—

Part 2: New concepts

1. “ ? doll,? play with a doll, ˙

( ??? a …?£˙currency1 ??? )

2. “ ? ? ball ?“o ? ?? play with a ball? play

catch with a ball ? ˙ ( ?

? ?? ?? £? `′? currency1 ? £ 主?

?谐?气氛currency1 ?兴趣 )

28 / 64

3. kite fly a kite ?¢£ ?

¥? §

4. currency1''“???fi ?fl –?? ¥· skipping rope skip with a skipping

rope§currency1? ? ??? ?”??? §

5. Play a game. Show me something.

6. Play another game.

7. Listen to the tape and follow

8. …‰ ? `′??ˉ?˙ ?¨ currency1 ???Yes or ?No ??§

Part 3: Class closing

Play a guessing game.


Lesson 30 Toys

doll play with a doll

ball play with a ball

kite fly a kite

skipping rope skip with a skipping rope

Unit 2 Lesson 12


4A Lesson 12

1. ? a ? ''?? ? do oneos homework\read a

book\write a story\draw a picture; TV telephone computer radio bedroom; brush teeth, comb hair,

wash hands, wash face, take a shower, wear clothes §

29 / 64


1) ?¢ £?¥?§?wash, comb, brush, soap,


2) '' “ ?? £??fifl –??· ? ?currency1

3) ??”? …¢‰ ? `′£ …¢currency1

3. ? ?ˉ ?˙¨ ?¢? ? ‰ “?ˇ— currency1

?? £?

£ ?£? fifl currency1

a'' £ currency1

Part 1 ?? ?‰o

1. Greeting

2. Revision ? ? ?§ ? ‰o ? ‰ ???? ? ?…

¢ ???

Part 2 ?ˉ ‰ § ? ?

T: John and his dog Jack are very good friends, they always play together. Let s read the story.

30 / 64



3. ?¢ £? ¥??£§currency1 '' “

4. ¥ ?£??fi??¢

5. fl ¥–?? fl–· fi??¢

Part 3????”£?…‰

1. Ask and Answer

(? currency1`?′??ˉ?˙ ¥¨ ???¢£? ??ˇ— ?¢)

T: What do they do in the grass?

S: In the morning John brushes his teeth and washes his face. Jack watches him.

T: What do they do then?

S: They have a breakfast together.

T: What do they do next?

S: In the afternoon, John goes home with Jack.


2. Let s act

3. Summary

4. Emotion

5. Homework

Read the story to your parents or your friends!

Unit 3 Again,please



31 / 64

4A Unit 3 Again,please

1. classroom, library, playground, computer room, city, street, hotel,

apartment traffic lights, turn right

Where is the computer room? /Is it far from there?/Go straight down _____. Turn

right/left at ________. Then you ll see _______./I can show you. Here it is.

2. ?¢£?¥ ?§currency1''“ ???

3. fifl –??'' · ? ???''”? ?


?'' `′??ˉ?


˙ ?˙ Where is the computer room? I can show you. Here it is.''“?

¨ “ – ?''?ˇfl?


Part 1 ?

T: Good morning everyone.

S: Good morning teacher.

T: What do you do at this morning?

S: I brush my teeth and wash my face, and then eat a breakfast, finally go to school.

T: Great!

Part 2 ?… fl

32 / 64

1. Learn new words: classroom, library, playground.


3. ?¢£?

T: Where are we?

S: We are in classroom.

T: Yes, if we want to borrow books, where should we go?

S: Go to the library.

T: Great! If we want to do sports, where should we go?

S: To the playground.

Part3¥?§currency1£ ''Practice“

1. ??? fifl –??· ? ?? ?·”?… ‰: The washroom

is on the second floor. ·”? ? washroom fl `?′?·??flˉ? ˙

fl ¨ ? ?? ?: Where?s the library? ˇ—: It?s on the first/ second

floor. ? ?

2. ?· ? fl ? ` ? a ? ?:

Where is the music room? ????o ? ? : Is this the washroom? —

? : Is this/ that near ?

3. ? Story time fl ???? ? —? fl?题 尤其需要?

强调“Is this/ that the ?”fl不同 法¥this通常?距离较近处fl事物;that?距离较远处fl


4. 先跟?音朗 文 再 角色朗

Part 4: Role-play

1. Role-play

T: Excuse me. I''m lost. Where is the library

S1: Go straight/turn left/turn right.

S2: I can show you. Here it is.

33 / 64

2. Demonstrate

Write I''m lost on the blackboard. Point to the words as you and the students say them a few times.

3. Play the audiotape for N1 as the students follow in their books.

Discuss the dialogue.

a. Where is Danny

What is Danny looking for

What is a map

What does the man say

Role play

T: Where is the Nan guan School

S: (speak the way in Chinese)

T: (pretend to be confused) I don''t understand. Please speak slowly.

Write I don''t understand. Please speak slowly. On the blackboard. Say them a few times with the

class. Prompt the students.

Unit 3 Lesson 13


4A Lesson 13

1. ?¢£? classroom, library, playground, computer room

34 / 64

Where is the computer room? I can show you. Here it is.

2. ?¢£? ¥?§

3. currency1'' “???£ fifl –??£· §


??£”?…‰ ? `

′ ?

′ ?ˉ′ ?? Where is the computer room? I can show you. Here it is.£?˙

? ? “?¨ £??''§

Part 1 ??ˇ—

T: Good morning everyone.

S: Good morning teacher.

T: What do you do at this morning?

S: I brush my teeth and wash my face, and then eat a breakfast, finally go to school.

T: Great!

Part 2 ? ''ˇ

1. Learn new words: classroom, library, playground.

2. ? ”?§

3. a

T: Where are we?

S: We are in classroom.

T: Yes, if we want to borrow books, where should we go?

S: Go to the library.

T: Great! If we want to do sports, where should we go?

S: To the playground.

35 / 64

Part 3

classroom, library, playground?¢£?¥? §currency1''“ ???fifl


S: It?s my school, it?s very beautiful.

This is my classroom, we study there.

That is our library, it has lots of books.

Here is the playground, you can do sports on the playground.

Part 4 · ? ???”

''?…“ ‰ ? ` ′ ? ?ˉ?˙?

S1: Excuse me, Miss Zhang. Where is the computer room?

S2: I can show you. Here it is

S1: Thanks.

Part 5 ¨ ?

1. Homework ? ?? ?ˇ? –— ? ?

2. Say goodbye to the students.

Unit 3 Lesson 14


4A Lesson 14

1. ? a near, far

a Where is your home? Is it far from school?

36 / 64

2. ?¢£

3. ?¥ ?§currency1''“ ??? fifl “–?

??? near, far

??” Where is your home? Is it far from school?


‰ ? `′“??ˉ?˙ˉ¨ ?? ? ˉ ??…`′“?ˇ

Part 1 Warm-up/Revision

Our school

? ? ?a : I can see many flowers in it. Where is it? ???o?


? ? ?a ?? o? ? ?? ??设施fi?室?

Part 2 呈现新? Presentation

: ?播放A 部分Let’s do“?˙ ?演 “听听 ”活动

?提问: Where do we water the flowers?

: In the garden.

?再问: Where do we read story-books?

: In the library.

?继续提问: Where do we have computer classes?

引导 : In the computer room.

?提问: Is the computer room far from our classroom?

引导 : No, it''s near our classroom.

? 示本?“¨ near, far

37 / 64

Part3 Practice?

1. ¢£?¥ ?§currency1''“???fi fl – ???· ? ¢?: The washroom

is on the second floor. fl ??· ??washroom §”? …£‰?? ?§ ` ′

??§ ?ˉ?˙ ¨˙ ¢ ?: Where?s the library? ??′ ?: It?s on the first/

second floor. ??ˇ— “

2. ¢ ???fi §— “? … ? a” ? ?:

Where is the music room? ¨˙ ?? “?? ?: Is this the washroom? fl ??? o

?: Is this/ that near ?

3. Story time §? ¨ ??? ????? §? ¢ 其需要

?强调“Is this/ that the ?”§不同 法 this通常 距离较近处§事物;that 距离较远处


4. ?先 朗 ?文 再 角色朗

Part 4 结束?程

Homework 可以?? £ Story time 中§故事表演?

Unit 3 Lesson 15 ?时



4A Lesson 15


1. 知识及技能 本?要求 ?会口头运 a”和短 :office, stairs, turn right, turn left, go

straight.会运 子:Where are you going? To the___. 能 懂简a§要求做?适当§动作

2. 情感态?价值?:通 游戏激发 ? 习兴 ,通 创设情境激发 ?§积极 ,fl ?感

38 / 64




??,?¢?fi fl –


Part 1: Class Opening and Review

1. Greeting.

Hello, boys and girls! How are you today?

2. Drill

T: where is your home? Is your home far from school?

S: No, it''s near school.

T: Where is the zoo? Is that far from school?

S: Yes, it''s in front my home and it''s far.

Part2: Presentation

1. New words: street/ go straight/ turn left/ turn right

2. A game

· ?? ? ?” ?…‰ ? `′??ˉ

T: Put your left hand.

T: Put your right hand.

T: Turn right.

T: Turn left.

T: Go straight.

?˙¨– ? ?? ? ???ˇ— ? go straight/ turn left/ turn right¢

39 / 64


S1: Excuse me, can you help me?

S2: Yes?

S1: I''m lost. Where is the zoo?

S2: Go straight and turn left, there is the zoo.


4. Pair work. Point and talk

? ¢ school, library, restaurant, zoo £ ?¥

? §currency1 ''“?¢A £??fi B £ fl ¢?–fl??· ?? ¢?

Part 3: Let?s chant

A: I?m lost. Oh, No! What do I do? Can you help me find the zoo?

B: Yes, I can. The zoo is near. It?s not very far from here.Go straight and turn left. Can you see?

A: No, I can?t. Please show me.

B: OK.

A: Now I see. I know the way. Thank you very much.

Part 4: Class closing

Unit 3 Lesson 16 –



4A Lesson 16


1. ??ˉ?˙:? ¨ ?? ??? ??ˇ—bike, car, truck, bus. ?? : Let''s

take a___. ? "The Wheels on the Bus." ? ? ? ¢

40 / 64

2. : ?¢£,?¥ ? § ?currency1'',“£?? ?fi ?fl

–??· ???, ?'',”?…‰ ,? ?`′ ??ˉ ?¥?

˙ ¨ ?

? ˙ ?¨?ˇ?— ?ˉ ?


, ?


Part 1: Class Opening and Review

1. Greeting

Hello, boys and girls! How are you today

2. Role-Play

Ask for a volunteer to role-play someone who is lost. Ask another volunteer to tell him/her

the route. Teacher can give verbal directions to the student, perhaps using hand gestures.

S1: Excuse me. Where is the ( library, office, gym)

S2: Turn right/turn left/go straight/go up the stairs.

Part 2: New Concepts

1. Demonstrate

Draw the vehicle on the blackboard. Ask the students to speak out what the vehicle is, then

give the English word for the vehicle and write it on the blackboard and the students say it a

few times.

2. Drill

Use vocabulary cards of transportation.

T: What''s this

41 / 64

S: It is a car/truck/bus/cab/bicycle.

3. Ask the students to study the pictures and words in N1. Ask students to recite the words a

few times. Explain that the complete word for "cab" is "taxicab", most English speakers use

the short word "taxi".

4. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.

5. Introduce the phrase "Let''s take a (bus, taxi, truck, car).

Repeat the phrase with the students a few times.

6. Teach the song: "The Wheels on the Bus."

Teach the students actions for each of the pictures.

Ask the students to follow you as you do the actions and say the words with them.

Play the audiotape as the students listen and follow in their books.

Teach the students the song, line by line.

Play the audiotape again and the students sing along and do the actions.

Part 3: Class Closing


Lesson16: Cars and buses




Unit 3 Lesson 17


4A Lesson 17


42 / 64

1. : , ?¢£?¥?:I''m lost!/I don''t understand.

Please speak slowly.§currency1 ''“?? ?? fi.

2. fl –??· :????fl”?… ?‰ ??? `′??ˉ? ?˙¨


?? :

¥??ˇ—¥? fl” ?



? :

Part 1: Class Opening and Review


Play "Number"

Review numbers form one to one hundred.

Simon says

Turn left.

Turn right.

Go straight.

Part 2: Presentation

43 / 64

1. Traffic lights

: This one, stop or go? S: The red light, stop.

T: Red is stop/ Yellow is wait/ Green is go.

2. Where is the restaurant?

S1: Excuse me, I?m lost. Where is Happy Restaurant?

S2: Well, it?s far from here. You can go there by bus.

S1: Where is the bus stop?

S2: Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights, the bus stop is there.

S1: Thanks! You?re welcome.

3. Let?s go. Circle the bus stop.

T: How can I go to the bus stop B? Anyone can help me?

S: Go straight and turn left, the bus stop B is on the Helping Road.

4. Letter and sounds.

¢£?¥: traffic tree/ drive drink/ duck chicken/ queen quack/ morning evening

?¢£?¥ §currency1: train drum clock question walking

''¥“???fifl –?? ·th ??? ??·ts ?” (ci)? ?? ·ds ?” (zi)? ?

?·l …?? ??·r ‰?? ??·v /·f ? ? 18 `′¥“

''¥“??: ˉ''¥“??''¥“ ˉ''¥“–?¥˙¨ ?? ?: t p k/ck tr

qu ?''¥“–?¥˙¨ ? ?: d b g dr gu ?–ˇ s — ''¥“


Part 3: Class closing

Homework – ¢£?¥

Unit 4 Again,please ˙


44 / 64

4A Unit 4 Again,please


1. ?¢?£??¥? shop, shopping, buy, toy shop,clothes

shop,fruit shop, cinema park supermarket film§currency1''“??? Let''s go shopping. I want to

buy.May I help you?How much is it?§???fifl –??·

2. ????”?… “?‰ ? `′ ? ??ˉ?˙¨ ? ? ?

?? ˙ˇ— ?fi ?˙ –

? :

¥? ??˙§ ?“?

a :

?¥? ?


Part 1: Review

Sing: The wheels on the bus.


? ?? ? ??

Part 2: What does she want?

1. ?? ?¨ 回答

What is the girl doing?

What is she?

What does she want?

2. 展示下列物品¨领££¥?

Close bicycle tire

45 / 64

3. Silk shop close shop bicycle shop

Tea shop ?

¢ £? ¥ ? § ?

4. Point to each shop in the picture and say their names a few minutes

5. Play the audio tape as the student follow in their book

6. Drill

T: point to a ___.S:____

T: Show me ____. S:___

T: Let''s go to the _____.

currency1 ''“???fifl –

Part3: Do you like toys?

1. Introduction

T: Look?there?re many toys.Do you like toys? ?· -???

?”??… ‰ toy, toys

2. ‰ ?

T: What?s this? `

S: Ping-pang, badminton.

?· ?′?‰ ?doll,kite,soccer ball …?ˉ§ ?˙¨ I want to buy (a


ˉ§doll? ??… ?ˇ— ? ? …

kite,soccer ball? ?…

? a¥‰ ping-pang;badminton ˇ ?¥ ???o?

o ‰ ??‰ ?? fifl ??¥ ?§?? ? ‰

3. ‰ 非 ?

skipping rope,cards … ˉ§

Part4: Shopping online

1. Show “shopping online” for the students.

46 / 64

T: Last class you have make a shopping list, if you want to buy those things now. What can

you do?

S: The shop is so far, we don t have enough time.

T: No, we can shopping online.

Have you bought things online?

S: No, I haven t.

T: It doesn t matter. Show my your finger, use your mouse. Say together: Buy it now!

S: I like the teddy.

T: Ok, click the thing. Click buy it now! Now we got it.

2. Read the dialogue and answer the question.

Does Jenny want to buy a math book?

Does Jenny go to the book shop?

Does Jenny s mother help shop online?

Does Danny and Jenny like shopping online?

Does Danny want to buy ice cream online?

3. Make a dialogue with your partner.

4. Read those word and notice the pronunciation.

The teacher read the words: donuts/cats, kids/ beds, what/where, write/wrong.

The students try to read the words: hats, cards, wheel, writer.

The teacher help the students correct the pronunciation.

Unit 4 Lesson 19


4A Lesson 19

47 / 64


1. ?¢?£??¥? shop, shopping, buy.§currency1''“?

??: Let''s go shopping. I want to buy.§???fifl –??·

2. ????”?… “?‰ ? `′ ? ??ˉ?˙¨ ? ? ?

?? ˙ˇ— ?fi ?˙ –

? :

¥? ??˙§ ?“?

a :

?¥? ?



1. o? ?˙ ˙? ? ?? §?¥? ??? ?

2. o? ?˙ ? 录音˙然后叫若干同 站 o述


1. o? ? ?˙ ?示挂图˙然后 ?go shopping, go swimming, go boating, play a

game, play ping pong, play football等

2. 导入 ?主题?型是Let’s…ok?老师 ?示挂图˙然后逐图做示范 Let’s go shopping,

ok?¨回答Ok.再?同样?方·解¢第二?第 幅等做同样?示范˙ 跟¢


同座?同 指着书 ?图互相问答˙操练 后˙老师叫若干组同座?同 到黑板 指着

黑板 ?图互相问答

48 / 64

Let s chant

Let s ?¢£ pick, up, stick?¥? §currency1''“??

?fi fl – ?? ·–

? ??

?”? Let s …‰ ?? `′??ˉ

? ˙¨

? Let s chant

? ??ˇ

Lesson19 Let s go shopping, OK?

Let s go shopping, OK?


Unit 4 Lesson 20 —



4A Lesson 20


ˇ —? fl′?¥? toy shop/clothes shop/fruit shopa : May I help you

??— ?

???o ˇ ??? ,? fl ??

? ? ˇ

49 / 64


£? ¥?


Step1: Warming up

Greeting. ''Hello! How do you feel?“

Step2: Review

Play a game to review the numbers.

?''??fi“fl –??· twenty-eight ?A ? twenty-three ? from 23 to 30

?” ? B ? B ? twenty-six? ? from 26 to 30 ? C ? twenty-eight …‰ ? C

?? ?fi `′? ?? hong-hong ˉ?˙

Step3: Presentation

1. Introduction

T: Look there¨re many toys.Do you like toys??? ???- ?˙

??ˇ— toy, toys

2. ? ˙

T: What¨s this?? ? ˙

S: Ping-pang, badminton.

? ??? doll,kite,soccer ball ? ˙ I want to buy (a

doll\kite .)

doll ? a ? ??oo

kite,soccer ball

? fl? § ping-pang;badminton ?a???? 利用 件

展 使 更直观 有助于培养 ?正确 ? 惯 又有助于 ?巩固所

3. ?非 ˙

50 / 64

skipping rope,cards

Step4: Practice

1. Guessing words.

2. Matching game.( ?¢£?¥ )

Step5: Presentation

1. ?§currency1 ''“?

T: Here?s a toy shop. What do you want to buy?


2. Open your books,listen to the tape and read it.

3. £–?

4. ?·

Step5: Class closing


1. Copy the words: doll, soccer ball, kite, toys, fruit

2. Do your activity book.

Unit 4 Lesson 21



4A Lesson 21

51 / 64


? cinema park supermarket film¢£?: I want go to the

park. Where do you want to go?¥? §currency1£?''“?

??fifl –? ?· ?????,”? … ‰ ??




?` ??


?`ˇ —

`Revision. …

`Study the new lesson. …

1. … ? restaurant park supermarket? cinema a

2. ?? ??

3. ??''“

Teacher: What do you do in the restaurant?

Students: Have breakfast/have lunch/ have supper/eat ice cream etc.

Teacher: OK letos go to a restaurant to eat ice cream

( ) ?''“ Letos go to the cinema to see a film. Letos go to the park to fly kites.

Letos go to the library to read a book.

5. ? ''“?

52 / 64



£ ?¥?

1. Let§s sing a song currency1

2. '' “?

Lesson21 Cinema and Park

restaurant park supermarket cinema

Let§s go to a restaurant to eat ice cream.

Let§s go the cinema to see a film.

Let§s go to the park to fly kites.

Let§s go the library to read a book.

Unit 4 Lesson 22 ?

?fifl XXXXX – XXX


4A Lesson 22


1. ?? ?·??¢”?…‰ ?¢ ?`?′”?…‰some, any???ˉ

2. ? ?·”?…‰There becurrency1˙¨ ?? ???ˇ— ′ ‰”? ˙¨¢

? ?¢ ? ˇ ?ˉ

53 / 64

3. ?¢£?¥?§currency1''“?? ?

fi fl

–?fi ?·: tomato, potato, bag, candy, vegetable

fi ?: I want to buy some vegetables.


”?fl ?…‰


Part 1 `′??ˉ

1. Greeting.

2. Read the sentence.

Let?s go to a restaurant to eat ice cream.

Let?s go the cinema to see a film.

Let?s go to the park to fly kites.

Let?s go the library to read a book.

Part 2 ˙¨ ?

1. ? ?¢??˙¥ˇ— –?¥ ¥ ? currency1'' There

be ? ?

2. ¥ ? a ??? ¥o ? currency1

? ¥ ?

3. ? ˉ At the supermarket

T: Hi, kid! Let?s buy some vegetables.

S1: Great!

S2: Okay!

S1: I like tomatoes.

54 / 64

S2: I like potatoes.

Mrs. Smith, I like candy, too.

T: Danny, candy isn t good for your teeth.

S2: How about some fruit?

T: Okay!

S1: Danny, don t use that bag. We have our shopping bag.

S1: Okay.

T: You are good kids.

4. ?¢£ ?¥? §currency1''“?? ?fi §

fl –??· ??? ???

e.g.What do we need?

We need / don t need”

Part 3?…‰ ?

1. `′??ˉ

2. Say goodbye to the students.

Unit 4 Lesson 23 ?



4A Lesson 23


1. ?ˇ ?: online, cost

2. — ?? How much is it?— · — we can shop

online./Let s take it.

55 / 64

3. ?¢£?¥?§currency1

'' “?

??'' fifl: online,cost

'' –: How much is it?/It?s 40 yuan./we can shop online./Let?s take it.

?· :



Part 1: Greeting and review

1. Greeting

2. Show your shopping list and read it.

S1: I want to buy some tomatoes, potatoes, candies and milks.

S2: I want to buy some clothes, toys, books.

Part 2: New concepts

1. ‰ ? `′??ˉ ?

T: Before this class, let?s enjoy a piece of news! It tells us ˙How a local Mom saved¨7724 by

shopping online .

They are her five kids.

She bought a lot of things from the internet.

She saved so much money by the net.

2. ?? shopping online

T: You?ve watched the news about shopping online.

Today we?ll talk about ˙shopping online

? ??? ˇcurrency1

3. First, let?s sing a song ˙shopping online .

4. Free talk.

56 / 64

T: Have you shopped online?

S: Yes, I have./No, I haven t.

T: What have you got online?

S: I ve got some

5. Dialogue.

T: I want buy a story book, but I don t have time to go to the book store. What should I do?

S: You can buy it online.

T: Wow! It s a good idea. Let s shopping online.

S: Look, here it is. How much is it?

T: 40 yuan.

S: Let s take it.

T: Okay.

S: Shopping online is very fun and easy, I like it.

6. Finish the practice on the book

7. Practice the sounds.

Part 3: Class closing

Unit 4 Lesson 24


4A Lesson 24


1. ?¢£? find, look for,forget¥?¢?§: It s time to ___.

3. currency1'' currency1“?? ?fifl –??· ?? fl?¢?? ?”??¢…?§‰

57 / 64

3. ?¢£?¥ ?§currency1?''“??? fifl –

? ?·

?? ??: look for,find, look for,forget

??”: It?s time to ___.

…‰ ? ? ?¢` £′?? ¥ ??''“


¨ ?????




1. Review

T: Do you like shopping online?

S: Yes!

T: What do you want to buy?

S: I want to buy a teddy bear.


1. ?? everywhere, cry, look for,find, look for, forget

? ? ? ??? ˇ

a ? ? ? ?

2. ? ??o? ? ? ? ? ? ?

?????currency1 奖励

3. 听录 ? ? ?子currency1 气? ˇa ? ?

4. 讲解?子: Let?s go to the clothes department to buy a new skirt.

Let?s go to the restaurant to have pizza and ice cream.

58 / 64

5. Talk and act

6. ?¢£? ¢¥?§ currency1'' “???fi fl –??· ?currency1''



1. ? ` ”′ ???§ ?ˉ ??˙¨ ?? ??

2. ˇ—′ ?§ ? ?§

Unit 1 Lesson 3 ”



4A Unit 1 Lesson 3

”?? ?: coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots o ? ?? “ Whose ____

is this?

Is this your ____? ?fl ” ? ???? · 景fl 解决

难 即新句型


1. 知识目标 ?? “熟?掌握 : coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots

a) “ ?懂?会说??句型 Whose ____is this? Is this your ____? 在

各 境 得体运

2. 力目标 培养 “?综合运 力

3. 感目标 各 ?? 激发 “?兴趣 fl 训?等活动培养 “?合…


59 / 64



Part 1 ¥? ?§currency1''

1. “???fifl

2. –?? ?· ????”? … ‰–

3. ? : ` What′s this?/What are they? It′s a___. /They are___ ___.??ˉcurrency1''?˙¨ ?

?… ??ˇ— ? ¨ …??§ ? ''? ? ?`

What′s he/she wearing. He/She is wearing (a) ___ ___.

Part2 ?

1. coat hat scarf gloves boots

1) a “ a ¨ … ? ? § ??currency1 ??¨ o …

? ? “ ??? ??currency1 ??

2) ??? ? ? ?

3) “?? 穿?比较?…¨ … ?到前面做角?表演

T:( ? ?…¨ )I like your___. S: Thanks.

T: Is it new? (Is it old?) S: Yes it′s new. / No it′s old.

T: It′s nice. S: Thanks.

? ?两人?组到前面仿照 “ ? ?所做…对话?任 ¨ `??所掌握… ? ?

赞对 …¨ ?

4) 做《 '' 》

2. Whose ___is this? Is this your___.

60 / 64

1) ?¢ £?¥?§ currency1''“

T: Is this your___? S1:No.

T: Is this your___? S2:No.

T: Is this your___? (??) Ss: Is this your___?

T:?fi fl Is this your___? S3: Yes (it–s my___).

2) ¥? ?·¥fl

T: Is this your___? S1:No.

T:? ??? Whose ___is this?(??) Ss: Whose ___is this?

T: Very good! (fi fl)Whose ___is this? Is this your___?

S2: Yes (it–s my___).

3) ?”?…?‰?”?… ? ` ′?‰ Miss Zhang? Danny ˉ¥?˙¨ ?

? ?? ?ˇ''— ?''““ ?”?…?` ?


? a? Miss Zhang?Danny ¥?˙? ¢ ¢ ????o

Part 3 ?

1. ''“: Is this Danny–s cap? Are these Danny–s gloves?

Why do you know?

2. ` ? a? Miss Zhang?Danny ¥?˙

Part 4 ?

1. ?? ? ?

2. Say Goodbye! to the students.

Lesson3 Coat and Scarf

Coat cap scarf gloves boots

Whose ___is this? Is this your___?

Is this Danny–s hat?

Are these Danny–s gloves?

61 / 64

Why do you know?

Unit3 Lesson 18


4A Lesson 18


1) ?¢£?: city, street, hotel, apartment traffic lights, turn right¥?

2) §currency1''“???fi: Excuse me. Where is the ______? Go straight down _____. Turn

right/left at ________. Then youflll see _______.

2. currency1

1) currency1–''“?? · ????” ?…‰ ? `′¥ ??ˉ?

2) currency1–''“?? · ????? ?fi˙¨ ?? ?? ?

3. ˇ— currency1 ? —?


? · ????” ?…‰ ? `′¥ ??ˉ?

¨ ?? ?? ? ? ??ˉ?

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???fifl – ??· ? ·???currency1


Step 1 ?…‰

T: Excuse me. I''m lost. Where is the library

S1: Go straight/turn left/turn right.

S2: I can show you. Here it is.

Step 2 ??

1. `′??ˉ ?˙¨ ?

2. ? ? ? ???

3. ˇ— ?

S1: I have a sister. Her name is Kitty. She lives in the city. I miss her very much. Today, I am

going to visit her.

There are many new streets in the city. Where is my sister s home?

Excuse me.

S2: Yes?

S1: I m lost. Where is the Nice house?

I meet a nice dog. The dog says: Look! Go straight and turn left.

But when I go there, I see the Mice house, not the Nice house. Oh, no.

S1: Excuse me,where is the Nice house?

S3: I can show you.

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S1: Thank you.

S1: I meet an old bird. The old bird says, Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. Then

you will see the Nice house on the left.

S1: I miss you.

S4: I miss you, too.

S1: Finally, I get to the Nice house. My sister is very happy to see me. I say: What a big city! I

got lost, but a dog and a bird helped me.

Step 3

What a big city! what ?¢£

1. ?¢£?¥? §currency1'' “???fifl ?– ?¢£? "what"?"how"· ?

"what"?"how"???” ?…‰£ ?? `′ ??£ ˉ–

2. ?"what"· ?¢£:"what"˙¨" " ?? ??” ???ˇ—`′ ?

? ? ? a/an, ? ? ?– £ ? ?

what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+a + +(it is).

1) What a clever girl she is!


2) What an interesting story it is!

o ?

3) What good children they are!

? ? ?

4) What beautiful flowers they are!


3. ?"how"· ?¢£ "how"˙¨ ? ? ??”? ? ????ˇ—`′ –

??”? ???£? ? ? ? how ?”????£? ?

¨ ?? £ ? ?

How+adj.?adv. +a + +(it is).

How cold it is today!

今天 冷?

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How nice the pictures are!

How happy they look!

How well she sings!

? ¢

4. £?¥?§currency1''“? ??fifl "what"–???fl "how"–?·

1) What a hot day it is!

How hot the day is !


2) What tall buildings they are!

How tall the buildings are!


3) What bad weather it is!

How bad the weather is!

”? ??

4) What bright sunshine it is!

How bright the sunshine is!

… ‰

5. ???£?¥ `′? ??“?ˉ ?˙˙¨ ???? ? ? ˇ— ?


1) What a fine day! ?

2) What an honest boy!

3) What red apples!

4) How cool! ¢

5) How wonderful! ? a

Step 4 ?

Homework: ?? what ˇ how o ???·
