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一、单词辨音 仔细辨认下列各小题括号内单词划线部分的读音。并从每小题(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)四个单词中选出一个含有与括号内划线部分音素相同的单词,将其前面的字母填入左边的括号内。不将答案填入括号内不给分。(本题共5分,每小题0.5分。)

例:(C) (dig)

(A)high (B)firm (C)lift (D)guide

( )1.(caught)

(A)laugh (B)aunt (C)naughty (D)beauty

( )2.(early)

(A)heart (B)learn (C)bear (D)dear

( )3.(month)

(A)onto (B)once (C)comb (D)wrong

( )4.(realize)

(A)theatre (B)weather (C)break (D)breath

( )5.(now)

(A)shallow (B)show (C)blow (D)cow

( )6.(quiet)

(A)society (B)field (C)various (D)piece

( )7.(enough)

(A)through (B)though (C)tough (D)thought

( )8.(famous)

(A)ceiling (B)raise (C)usual (D)physical

( )9.(three)

(A)rather (B)nothing (C)brother (D)neither

( )10.(war)

(A)saw (B)sword (C)answer (D)one

二、词语释义 从每小题(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)四个答案中,选出一个意思与句中划线部分相同或相近的答案,把它前面的字母填入左边的括号内。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共10分,每小题1分。)

例: (A)Why are you so anxious to leave here?

(A)eager (B)hurried (C)angry (D)troubled

( )1.Everyone in the room was astonished at what he said.

(A)greatly surprised at (B)much worried about

(C)very excited by (D)deeply moved by

( )2.The earth is actually a bit nearer to the sun in January than in July.

(A)almost (B)in fact

(C)hardly (D)nearly always

( )3.A good judge must be fair and should consider a matter well before deciding.

(A)ask about (B)talk about

(C)think over (D)observe

( )4.The doctor told the girl to sit still while he was examining her eyes.

(A)quiet (B)motionless

(C)straight (D)silent

( )5.The lights go on at dusk.

(A)when it is getting dark

(B)when it is very dark

(C)late at night

(D)the whole evening

( )6.On account of the cold in winter,some birds move to the south.

(A)To pass through (B)To pass by

(C)Because of (D)In spite of

( )7.She led her children into the room,then set about cooking supper for them.

(A)planned to cook

(B)was about to cook

(C)thought of cooking

(D)began to cook

( )8.Then they made their way to the shore.

(A)built a road (B)moved forward

(C)ran quickly (D)discovered a way

( )9.A quarrel broke out between the two little brothers over a new toy plane.

(A)went on and on (B)set out at once

(C)caused a break (D)suddenly began

( )10.The father glared at the naughty boy.

(A)looked unhappily at

(B)looked sadly at

(C)stared angrily at

(D)stared coldly at

三、选择答案 从每小题的(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)四个答案中,选出一个正确答案,把它前面的字母填入左边的括号内。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共15分,每小题1分。)

例:(C)They went to work bus.

(A)on (B)in

(C)by (D)at

( )1.Father went to his doctor for about his heart trouble.

(A)an advice (B)advice

(C)advices (D)the advices

( )2.-Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end?

-If you keep still,you can sit at end.

(A)neither (B)each

(C)either (D)any

( )3.As we were asleep, of us heard the sound.

(A)both (B)none

(C)all (D)any

( )4.If we had followed his plan,we could have done the work better with money and people.

(A)little, fewer (B)fewer,less

(C)less, fewer (D)less,few

( )5.He decided to visit the family Friday night.

(A)at (B)in

(C)on (D)over

( )6.There was plenty of time.She .

(A)mustn''t have hurried

(B)couldn''t have hurried

(C)must not hurry

(D)needn抰 have hurried

( )7.Great changes in the city, and a lot of factories .

(A)have been taken place,have been set up

(B)have taken place,have been set up

(C)have taken place,have set up

(D)were taken place,were set up

( )8.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed .

(A)catching (B)to be caught

(C)being caught (D)to catch

( )9.Most of the people to the party were famous scientists.

(A)invited (B)to invite

(C)being invited (D)inviting

( )10.The plant is dead. I it more water.

(A)will give (B)would have given

(C)must give (D)should have given

( )11.I didn''t manage to do it you had explained how.

(A)until (B)unless

(C)when (D)before

( )12. you have done might do harm to other people.

(A)That (B)What

(C)Which (D)This

( )13.Finally,the thief handed everything he had stolen to the police.

(A)which (B)what

(C)whatever (D)that

( )14.They have no idea at all .

(A)where he has gone

(B)where did he go

(C)which place has he gone

(D)where has he gone

( )15.All but one here just now.

(A)is (B)was

(C)has been (D)were

四、动词填空 根据短文的意思,用括号内动词的正确时态或形式填入空格。有的地方要加上助动词或情态动词。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共10分,每个空格1分。)

Anderson worked at a small college. One afternoon,he 1 (tell)to go to the station to meet a history professor 2 (name)J.Maurice,who would be giving lectures in his college. Anderson3 (never,meet)a professor coming from a university so far away.

When Anderson looked at the station clock it was ten to two. The train was already twenty minutes late. 4 (walk) up and down the platform,he became more and more impatient.

The train came at last, just when Anderson decided 5 (leave) the station.Only two people got out--an old farmer with his dog,and a young woman. Anderson said to himself that obviously Professor J. Maurice 6 (miss)the train. Just as he 7 (leave)the station ,someone stopped him. He 8 (surprise)to see the young woman who had just got off the train.

"Are you Mr Anderson?" she asked.

"Why,yes,"he answered.

"I''m Jane Maurice,Professor Jane Maurice. I''m sorry 9 (keep) you waiting so long. I was told you 10 (be) here to meet me."

五、完形填空 先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各小题的(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)四个答案中选择最佳答案,将其前面的字母,填入左边的括号内。如将答案填入空格内,不给分。(本题共20分,每小题1分。)

Drawing a picture is the simplest way of putting an idea down on paper. That is 1 men first began to write,six thousand years ago or 2 . The alphabet we now use 3 down to us over a long period of time . It was 4 from the picture-writing of ancient Egypt.

Picture-writing was useful in many 5 . It could be used to express ideas as well as 6 . For example,a drawing of a 7 meant the object "man". 8 a drawing of a man 9 on the ground with a spear in him meant 10 .

Besides the Egyptians,the Chinese 11 the American Indians also developed ways 12 writing in pictures. But only 13 much could be said 14. Thousands of pictures would have been needed 15 express all the ideas that people might have. It would have 16 many thousands more to express all the objects 17 to men. No one could 18 so many pictures in a lifetime. 19 could anyone learn the meaning of all 20 drawings in a lifetime.

( )1.(A)when (B)because (C)where (D)how

( )2.(A)over (B)more (C)else (D)later

( )3.(A)went (B)showed (C)appeared (D)came

( )4.(A)developed (B)discovered (C)increased (D)grown

( )5.(A)sides (B)colours (C)ways (D)meanings

( )6.(A)stories (B)animals (C)objects (D)subjects

( )7.(A)creature (B)being (C)woman (D)man

( )8.(A)But (B)For (C)Besides (D)Because

( )9.(A)lies (B)lying (C)laying (D)lain

( )10.(A)"die" (B)"death" (C)"sleep" (D)"down"

( )11.(A)and (B)with (C)helped (D)followed

( )12.(A)to (B)about (C)on (D)of

( )13.(A)not (B)very (C)so (D)too

( )14.(A)as follows (B)this way (C)that much (D)at least

( )15.(A)to (B)for (C)possibly (D)actually

( )16.(A)drawn (B)shown (C)done (D)taken

( )17.(A)known (B)with (C)called (D)in

( )18.(A)write (B)draw (C)watch (D)take

( )19.(A)Either (B)So (C)Nor (D)Also

( )20.(A)many (B)some (C)that (D)such

六、阅读理解 阅读下面三篇短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。从每小题的(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)四个答案中,选出一个正确答案,把它前面的字母填入左边的括号内。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共30分,每小题2分。)Ⅰ

Mr Black gave his wife money every Friday evening,but she always spent it before the next Wednesday. For the next three days she had none.

Every Tuesday evening Mr Black asked her ,"But what did you spend all that money on?" and she always answered,"I don''t know."

One Friday Mr Black brought home an exercise book and a pencil and gave them to his wife along with the money. "Now look !"he said to her. "When you get money from me,write it down on this page,and on the next page write down what happens to the money."

When Mr Black came home the next Tuesday,his wife came to him and showed him the book. "I have done what you told me,"she said happily. On the first page she had written "Friday,28th June. I got £18 from John, "and on the next page, "Tuesday, 2nd July.I have spent it all."

( )1.Mrs Black how she had spent the money.

(A)wanted to know (B)knew quite well

(C)had no idea (D)often asked herself

( )2.By evening there was no more money left for Mrs Black.

(A)Tuesday (B)Wednesday

(C)Thursday (D)Friday

( )3.Mr Black told his wife to write down on the next page.

(A)when she spent the money

(B)where she spent the money

(C)why she spent so much money

(D)what she bought with the money

( )4. Mrs Black began to write down how much her husband had given her .

(A)At the beginning of July

(B)By the end of June

(C)On Friday evening

(D)Every weekend

( )5.In the end, Mr Black was sure .

(A)that his wife had a habit of saving money

(B)that most of the money had been spent on food

(C)about how the money had been spent

(D)that his wife spent her money without much care or thought

It doesn''t matter when or how much a person sleeps ,but everyone needs some rest to stay alive.That''s what all doctors thought,until they heard about Al Herpin.Al Herpin,it was said,never slept.Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves.

Al Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey.They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind.So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made.But they were surprised.Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day,they never saw Herpin sleeping.In fact,he did not even own a bed.He never needed one.

The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers.The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness.They asked him many questions,hoping to find an answer.They found only one answer that might explain his condition.Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born.But that was all.Was this the real reason? No one could be sure.

Herpin died at the age of 94.

( )6.The main idea of this passage is that .

(A)large numbers of people do not need sleep

(B)a person was found who actually didn''t need any sleep

(C)everyone needs some sleep to stay alive

(D)people can live longer by trying not to sleep

( )7.The doctors came to visit Herpin,expecting .

(A)to cure him of his sleeplessness

(B)to find that his sleeplessness was not really true

(C)to find out why some old people didn''t need any sleep

(D)to find a way to free people from the need of sleeping

( )8.After watching him closely,the doctors came to believe that Al Herpin .

(A)needed some kind of sleep

(B)was too old to need any sleep

(C)needed no sleep at all

(D)often slept in a chair

( )9.One reason that might explain Herpin''s sleeplessness was .

(A)his mother''s injury before he was born

(B)that he had gradually got rid of the sleeping habit

(C)his magnificent physical condition

(D)that he hadn''t got a bed

( )10.Al Herpin''s condition could be regarded as .

(A)a common one (B)one that could be cured

(C)very healthy (D)a rare one

Now, We''re always hearing about road accidents(事故),and when we''re in a car we try to drive carefully,but how many of us take the same degree of care in our homes? Any large hospital will tell you the number of accidents that happen in the home is almost the same as those on the road. I don''t pretend to be an expert,but I''ve thought a lot about how and why these accidents happen and what we can do to prevent them.

One of the commonest and most dangerous causes of home accidents is wrong and careless use of electrical equipment(设备). People will continue to use a loose plug or pull out a plug without first turning off the power.In spite of warnings,one will carry an electric heater(电炉)into the bathroom when he is going to have a bath. Sometimes one forgets to cut off the power before mending a lamp or some thing else.All this will cause accidents.So the rule about anything that works by electricity is:Switch off before you touch anything and don''t pretend you know when you actually don''t.

If you''ve got children in the house,it''s always best to keep medicines of any kind out of their reach. Othterwise,they may be taken for candies or a new kind of drink. When there are older people living with you,you have to take particular care in a number of ways in order to make them safe and happy.

Fire,of course,is always a risk. So,remember not to dry clothes in front of fires,or leave stoves in the middle of rooms where they can easily be knocked over.And don''t forget to keep the children away from fire.Smoking,too,may cause fire.So you''d better give it up.

Safety First may mean a little more time and care,but it may save you a lot of trouble.

( )11.The writer thinks the reason why there are so many accidents in our homes is that we are .

(A)less careful in our homes than in a car

(B)more careful in our homes than in a car

(C)as careful in our homes as in a car

(D)not so careful in a car as in our homes

( )12.One of the most dangerous and most common causes of home accidents is .

(A)continuing to use loose plugs

(B)taking a bath with an electric heater in the room

(C)mending a lamp without cutting off the power

(D)using electrical equipment in an improper way

( )13.The writer advises you about the use of electrical equipment.

(A)to appear as if you know everything

(B)to pretend that you don''t know anything

(C)to pretend that you know everything

(D)not to think you know everything

( )14.It''s best to keep medicines in places that children can''t .

(A)get on (B)get to

(C)get in (D)get over

( )15.One way to prevent fires at home is to .

(A)leave stoves in the middle of the rooms

(B)dry clothes near stoves

(C)tell children to stay away from fire

(D)smoke away from fires




Don''t Ride Too Fast

Dick: What''s the matter,Bill? Why are you sitting on the ground?

Dick: I''m sorry to hear it. Is there anything I can do for you?

Dick: Is he in his office of at home?

Dick: 553246.I''ve got it down.Now I''ll run to the nearest public

phone.Wait for me here.

It''ll save some time.

Dick: That''s a good idea.I''ll be back soon.

Dick: Don''t worry.I won''t.



1.(C) 2.(B) 3.(B) 4.(A) 5.(D)

6.(A) 7.(C) 8.(A) 9.(B) 10.(D)


1.(A) 2.(B) 3.(C) 4.(B) 5.(A)

6.(C) 7.(D) 8.(B) 9.(D) 10.(C)


1.(B) 2.(C) 3.(B) 4.(C) 5.(C)

6.(D) 7.(B) 8.(C) 9.(A) 10.(D)

11.(A) 12.(B) 13.(D) 14.(A) 15.(D)


1.was told 2.named 3.had never met

4.Walking 5.to leave 6.had missed

7.was leaving 8.was surprised 9.to have kept/to keep

10.would be/''d be


1.(D) 2.(B) 3.(D) 4.(A)

5.(C) 6.(C) 7.(D) 8.(A)

9.(B) 10.(B) 11.(A) 12.(D)

13.(C) 14.(B) 15.(A) 16.(D)

17.(A) 18.(B) 19.(C) 20.(D)


1.(C) 2.(A) 3.(D) 4.(B) 5.(D)

6.(B) 7.(B) 8.(C) 9.(A) 10.(D)

11.(A) 12.(D) 13.(D) 14.(B) 15.(C)


1. I fell from/off my bike/bicycle and hurt/wounded/injured my leg/legs.

或:… had my leg/legs hurt/wounded/injured.

或:… my leg/one of my legs was hurt/wounded/injured.

或:… (both) my legs were hurt/wounded/injured.

2. (Yes.) Will/Would/Can/Could you(please) hone/telephone/call my father and tell/ask him to come at once/right away/immediately?

或:… Will…give my father a call and…?

或:… Will…make a phone/telephone call to my father and…?

或:… Will…ring up my father and…?

(Yes.) Please phone/telephone/call my father and tell/ask him to come at once /right away/immediately,will you?

或:… Please give my father a call and…,will you?

或:… Please make a phone/telephone call to my father and…, will you?

或:… Please ring up my father and…,will you?

3. (He''s/He is)In his/the office and his /the phone/telephone number is 553246.

或:… and the phone/telephone number of his/the office is 553246.

或:… and 553246 is his/the phone/telephone number.

或:… and 553246 is the phone/telephone number of his/the office.

4. (O.K./All right!)You can /could/may/might use/ride my/the/this/that bike/bicycle.

或:… You…go/ride on my bike/bicycle.

或:… (Please)Use/Ride my bike/bicycle.

或:… Use/Ride my bike/bicycle,if you like/please.

或:… (Please)Go/Ride on my bike/bicycle.

或:… Go/Ride on my bike/bicycle,if you like/please.

5. You must not/mustn''t ride/go too fast.

或: Please don''t/Don''t ride /go too fast.

或: You must remember not to ride /go too fast.

或: Please remember/Remember not to ride/go too fast.

或: You must make sure that you don''t ride/go too fast.

或: Please make sure/Make sure that you don''t ride/go too fast.

或: Be sure not to ride/go too fast.

