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请调节好设备的音量大小,并准备签到;2.准备好笔和笔记本,记录笔记;3.认真听课,不聊与课堂无关内容。 温馨提示:海盐县沈荡中学 李海
华 八年级(下)英语(10) Module 10 A holiday journey【学习目标】1. 复习本模块相关的单词
(4个名词,4个动词,4个形容词,2个副词,1个连词)、短语和重点句型。2. 能掌握一般过去时的特殊疑问句形式。3. 能用一般过去
时描述以“假期旅行”为话题的文章。一、【知识梳理】—— 重点词汇▲ 1. guess [ges] v. 猜;猜测I wen
t to the concert. Guess what? I met Wang Junkai. 我去演唱会了。你猜怎么着?我遇到
了王俊凯。guess what是常见的口语表达,常用来表达惊讶、兴奋的感情。be excited at 对……感到激动 ▲ 2.
excited [?k?sa?t?d] adj. 激动的;兴奋的辨析:excited与excitingTom is exited
at the exciting news.Tom 对这个激动人心的消息感到兴奋。interesting boring
relaxinginterested bored relaxed一、【知识梳理】—— 重点词汇They w
ill arrive in China soon. ▲ 3.arrive [??ra?v] v. 到达 arrive
in+大地点; arrive at+小地点 They arrived at the airport half a
n hour ago. 他们很快就会到达中国。他们半小时前到达机场。练一练: When did you __________th
e cinema last night?arrive at一、【知识梳理】—— 重点词汇relax既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物
动词。▲4. relax [r??l?ks] v. 放松You can relax yourself by listening
to music. 你可以通过听音乐的方式来放松自己。Relax! Don’t be nervous. 练一练:(1) Don’t
be nervous. Just r______ and you will feel better soon.(2) Jenny
is lying on the beach and she looks really_________ (relax).elax
放松!别紧张。relaxed一、【知识梳理】—— 重点词汇▲ 5. French [frent?] adj. 法国的;法语的
n. 法国人;法语 We want to know more about French culture. 我们想了解更多关于法
国的文化。She can speak a little French. 她会说点法语。练一练: (1) Paris is the
capital of F________. (2) English, Chinese and ___________ (法语) a
re important working languages of the UN. ranceFrenchFrance n. 法国
一、【知识梳理】—— 重点词汇▲6. sell [sel] v. 卖;出售 The store sells kinds of
vegetables.这家店卖各种各样的蔬菜。练一练:(1) 通往北京的火车票半小时前就卖光了。 Train tickets to
Beijing______ ______ half an hour ago.(2) 这些书都在打折销售。The books ar
e all_____ _______.on salesold out sale是 sell的名词形式,常用于词组:o
n sale 降价卖出;出售。for sale出售;待售。如:The green shorts are on sale for $
25. 这些绿色的短裤卖25美元。Is the house for sale? 此屋出售吗?一、【知识梳理】—— 重点词汇▲7.l
ight [la?t] n.电灯作“电灯”讲时,是可数名词;作“灯光;光”时,是不可数名词。Please turn off the
lights. 请把(这些)灯关了。 The light in this room is poor. 这房间里的光线不充足。练一
练:(1) 这盒子挺轻,他能搬动。The box is ______ , and he can carry it.(2) 你房间
里浅蓝色的书桌非常漂亮。The _______blue desk in your room is very beautiful.l
ightlight一、【知识梳理】—— 重点词汇▲8. till [t?l] conj. 直到……为止till作连词,意为“直到…
…为止”,与until同义。She studied till/until her mother arrived home.她一直学
习到她妈妈回家。till/until 引导时间状语从句,主句的动词通常是延续性动词。拓展:not---till--- 直到-
----才She didn''t go to bed last night till/until her mother arrive
d home.昨天夜里,她直到母亲回家才去睡觉。一、【知识梳理】—— 重点短语▲1. do some shopping 购物My
mother is doing some shopping now. 我妈妈现在正在购物。练一练:我妈妈每天都打扫卫生。My m
other every day.do some w
ashing 洗衣服 do some cooking 做饭do some cleaning 打扫除 do so
me sewing 做针线活do some running 跑步 do some reading 看书do
some writing 练练字 do some typing 打字does some cleani
ng▲2.buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物一、【知识梳理】—— 重点短语 = buy sb. sth. 其中
sb.是间接宾语,sth.是直接宾语。 I’m going to buy a shirt for my father. =I’m
going to buy my fathera shirt . 拓展:cook sb. sth. = cook sth. for
sb. 为某人煮某物make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. 为某人做某物give sb. s
th. = give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人sell sb. sth. = sell sth. to sb
. 把某物卖给某人send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 把某物送给某人lend s
b. sth. = lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人hand sb. sth. =hand sth. to
sb. 把某物递给某人pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb. 把某物递给某人show s
b. sth. = show sth. to sb. 拿某物给某人看throw sb. sth. = throw sth. to
sb. 把某物扔给某人return sb.sth. = return sth. to sb. 把某物还给某人练一练:请把盐递给我
。Please ______ _____ the salt.=Please______ the salt_____ me .p
ass me pass to 一、【知识梳理】—— 重点句型H
ow long did it take to get there? 到那里花了多长时间? how long意为“多长时间”。it是
形式主语,不定式to get there是真正的主语,take作动词,意为“花费”. 常用结构为“It takes/took sb
.+时间+to do sth.”,意为“花费某人多久时间做某事”。—How long did he stay in Guangzh
ou? 他在广州呆了多久? —For a week. 一个星期。一、【知识梳理】—— 重点句型要表达“某人花费多久时间做某事”常用
的表达方式有:“It takes/took sb.+时间+to do sth.”,sb. spends/spent+时间+doin
g sth./on sth.练一练:We spent three days finishing the painting. (同义
句转换) It us three days the pa
inting.tookto finish提醒:pay,支付;付钱;付出(注意力)常与金钱和注意力等搭配,即通常后面的
宾语不是时间一、【知识梳理】—— 重点句型辨析:how long,how often,how soon与how farhow lo
ng ,意为“多长时间”,或“具体物体多长”。how soon,“还需要多长时间”,用于对将来的时间提问。how often, 意
为“多久(重复相同动作或状态)”,指的是时间频率。其回答一般为时间的频度副词(always, often, never或 twic
e a week ,three times a day等)。how far,意为“多远”,提问距离。练一练:Mr. Li wil
l come back in a week. (划线提问) ______ _________ will Mr. Li come
back?Howsoon一、【知识梳理】—— 重点句型2 .I hope you’ll like it! 我希望你会喜欢
它! 本句是含宾语从句的复合句,主句是“I hope”,从句是“you’ll like it”。(1)hope作及物动词,意为
“期望;希望”,后面可接不定式或宾语从句。Tom hopes to hear from you soon. = Tom hopes
he can hear from you soon. 汤姆希望能尽快收到你的信。(2)hope也可作不及物动词。We all h
ope for success. 我们都希望成功。(3)hope作名词,是不可数名词。We shouldn’t give up o
ur hope. 我们不应该放弃希望。练一练:They hope they can meet the famous singer.
(改同义句) They______ ______ meet the famous singer.hope to二
、【重点语法】——一般过去时的特殊疑问句与一般现在时的特殊疑问句使用的助动词不同。就是将助动词do, does改为did。1. —
When did you go to Beijing? 你什么时候去的北京? —Last week. 上周。2. —W
here did you meet Lisa? 你在哪里遇到了莉萨? —I met her on the p
layground. 我在操场遇到了她。练一练:划线提问1.Zhang Yating went to Shanghai la
st weekend.
2. Mary asked the policeman for help.
3. The g
irl went to New York by plane.
4.They met Su Sizhe in the libr
ary just now.When did Zhang Yating go to Shanghai?Who asked the p
oliceman for help?How did the girl go to New York?Where did they
meet Su Sizhe just now?三、【巩固训练】——词汇运用Last summer holiday, my unc
le had a two-day meeting in Paris. I didn''t go to school, so he t
ook me there. We________(到达) in Paris in the evening and rested i
n a hotel. I was too_________ (激动) to sleep in the evening.The n
ext morning, I visited the Louvre Museum. There, I saw a lot of
_________ (举世闻名的)works of art. Of course, I also visi
ted some _________ (宫殿) . In the afternoon, I took the undergroun
d to the Eiffel Tower. There were lots of visitors, so I had to w
ait till six o''clock. When I got to the_____ (顶端), all the_____
(电灯)were_____ (在使用中) , From there, I enjoyed the beautiful city!
How _____ (绝妙的)it was!On the second day, I went shopping.
People______ (卖) many nice things in the street markets. I bought
some presents for my parents. At the same time, I learnt to spea
k a little_________ (法语) .arrivedexcitedworld-famouspalacestopli
ghtsonwonderfulsellFrench 三、【巩固训练】--语法填空 My sister Gina
(have) difficulty in walking, playing with other children, and
going to school. Our parents decided (take)
Gina to a special place in Florida. She could swim with dolphins(
海豚) there. Gina was afraid she never swam with dol
phins before. We never travelled that far as family.
When we got to Florida, we saw the place where the dolphins liv
ed. Children with special needs _____ Gina could come and spend t
ime there. I ________( think) it was going to be a holiday,
but it wasn’t. Gina had to work hard every day for two _____ (
week). The trip was great. Gina laughed _____ (excited
) when she saw the dolphin, and the dolphin jumped when it saw Gi
na. They swam together all day. Two weeks later, Gina was able to
move _____ (she) body more than she did at home. Mum and Dad we
re _______(happy )for Gina. hadto takebecausealikeweeksexcitedly
herhappythought三、【巩固训练】 根据提示信息,要描述自己去年暑假和父母一起去三亚度假的经历。采用第一人
称,使用一般过去时。开头 第一段:介绍三亚在自己心目种的定位,一直渴望去领略。2. 主体 第二段:详细介绍去年暑假和父母
一起在三亚度假期间参与的各种活动,以自身的真实体验来表达梦想实现后的喜悦。 3.结尾 第三段:简洁概括这段暑假体验,并以
希望下次再去的强烈愿望,来进一步凸显这段假期经历的美好回忆。▲写作思路点拨 范文
My Summer Holiday Sanya is a world-famous place o
f interest. I always looked forward to travelling to Sanya. Last summer, my dream came true. I travelled to Sanya with my parentsby plane. After arriving there, I found Sanya was a really wonderful place tospend holiday. I was able to do a lot of interesting things, such as swimmingin the sea、taking photos and tasting delicious seafood. I also enjoyed walking on the beach with my parents after supper. What a happy trip! I hope I can travel to Sanya again this summer.Howework1. 完成作文的修改。2. 复习本模块的重点词汇和语法。 3. 复习第十一模块的重点词汇。Thanks for listening!