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七年级英语期末复习 ( 9) Module Nine

Class: ____________Name_____________No_____________

一、课前阅读-elcome to our beautiful new city zoo! Our zoo has interesting animals from all over the world. Next to the zoo entrance is the Australia section. The koalas are here. There are sixteen koalas in the zoo. Koalas are shy animals. See if you can find all of them! They are usually sleeping in the trees.

The Africa section is across from the Australia section. It is large because the African animals are very big. The lions, elephants, and giraffes are in this section. The lions are beautiful and the elephants are very big. The giraffes are interesting because they are so tall.

Panda House is next to the Africa section. The Panda House is just for pandas. There are six pandas in the Panda House. Pandas are from China. They are black and white. There are interesting animals to watch. Come to see the new baby panda, Congcong. He is small and very cute.

Read and answer the questions.

1 Where is the Australia section? ________________________________

2. How many koalas are there in the zoo? ____________________________.

3. Is the Africa section next to the Australia section?

__________________________________ .

4. What are the giraffes like? _______________________________________

5. Where is the panda House? ______________________________________



3)一万六千_____________4)还有更多的________ 5) 在动物园_________

6)成千上万______________7)一只非洲象_________ 8)来自亚洲的骆驼________

9) 在森林/草原/沙漠/热带雨林___________________10)在野外____________

11)保持健康____________12) 每天十二个小时____________

13) 世界各地____________ 14)十五公斤竹子_____________





( )1. There are two____students in our school

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of

( )2.—Is there_____elephant in Beijing Zoo?

A a B. an C./

( )3. Peter ______playing basketball.

A. doesn’t likes B. don’t like C. doesn’t like

( ) 4. Does the tiger_______from Asia?

A. comes B.come C. is

( )5. There are pandas____China, they live happily in America.

A.in B. from C. to

( ) 6.He is from Canada, he is_____

A. English B. North American C. Oceanian ( )7. They read ____one hour _____day

A with, every B for, a C to, one

( )8.There are_____people in the mall.

A hundred B thousands C thousands of

( )9. China is in _______ A. Europe B. Africa C. Asia

( )10. I love the animals all around______world

A. the B. a C. /



______ ______ three _____________ animals in Guangzhou Zoo.


Pandas ______ ________and_______ but they ______ eat meat.


The lion comes from Africa , it is _____ ______ lion.


The tigers _____ ______the _______,they eat meat and small animals.


The panda is from China, and it ______ ______ ________ ______.

六、hat is your favourite _________ (动物)?

Many people go to ___________ (参观) Europe.

He has got about ten _______________ (千) books.

You can see many different kinds of animals in the _________ (动物园).

___________ (狼) eat meat.

Does the camel come from ___________ (亚洲)?

----- Where are you ? -----I am (在这里).

Camels live in the desert and eat (草).We can eat them in (非洲)

Some elephants live in (印度) in Asia. They work in the (森林)

The kangaroo lives in ________ (澳大利亚).

(非洲的) children are very poor.

England is a ________ (欧洲的).country.

I have ( 更多 ).apples than you .

The ( 叶子 ) turn yellow in fall .

Chinese is spoken by people all over the ( 世界 ).


Ex1. 完成句子.

Ex2: 根据文章意思,用单词的适当形式填空。

have visit around live eat African forest Australian leaf

Beijing Zoo _________ many animals. Every day many people come to

(2)__________ the zoo, the animals come from all (3)__________ the world. The panda (4)___________ in China and it (5)_________ bamboo. The tiger comes from (6)_________. It lives in the(7) __________. The kangaroo is (8)____________. It eats grass and(9) ____________.

Ex3: 找出画线字母发音与所给音标相同的单词。

( ) 1. bear A. near B. wear C. hear

( ) 2. here A. there B. where C. year

( ) 3. pair A. Oceania B. theatre C. hair

( ) 4. dear A. idea B. polar bear C. pair

( ) 5. breakfast A. meat B. red C. teach

Ex4: 阅读理解:

Mary works at a factory . She starts working at eight in the morning. She has a break at noon for one hour. She finishes working at five in the afternoon. At five the factory closes. Everybody goes home. Some people drive home . Some ride bikes. Some take the bus. But Mary walks(步行) home. She likes to walk. She walks, and walks, and walks and walks. Mary lives eight miles(英里) from the factory. She walks for three hours. At eight in the evening, Mary is at home. She eats dinner. At ten she goes to bed. Mary is tired(累了). She is 82 years old.

( )1. What is Mary ? A. She is a girl. B. She is a doctor.

C. She is a worker. D. He is a man.

( ) 2.How many hours does Mary work in one day ? A. About 9 hours

B. About 8 hours C. About 10 hours D. About 7 hours.

( )3. Which sentence(句子) is right ?

A. Mary rides home B. Mary takes a bus home

C. Mary walks home D. Mary drives home

( ) 4. Where does Mary eat dinner ?

A. At home B. At the factory C. In a bus D. In a hospital

( )5. Where is Mary’s home ?

A. It’s near Mary’s factory. B. It’s in front of the factory.

C. It’s not near the factory. D. It’s next to the factory.

Ex 5. 完型填空

Mr.Ben’s house __1___ near Mrs Carter’s house. Mr. Ben is a clever(聪明的) __2__. One day, he says to Mrs Carter,“Good __3___, Mrs. Carter. I __4__ many friends __5__ my house today. __6__ I borrow(借) two chairs ?”

Mrs Carter says ,“Sure(当然), but please give ___7__ back(回) this afternoon. My son and daughter are coming back.” In the afternoon, Mr. Ben gives three chairs to Mr. Carter. He says ,”Your chair __8_ a baby.” The next day, Mr. Ben borrows a chair from Mrs. Carter again, ___9___at this time ,he doesn’t give it back. He says “ Your chair __10__ dead (死了) today.“

( )1. A . are B. is C. does D. do

( )2. A. man B. people C. girl D. woman

( )3. A. Afternoon B. today C. morning D.evening

( )4.A.have B.has C.am D.are

( )5. A. at B. in C. on D.from

( )6. A. Have B. Has C. Do D.an

( )7. A.it B.them C.this D.that

( )8.A.have B.has C.is D.are

( )9.A.and B.so C.but D.also

( )10.A.be B.is C.go D.are
