

 Sally精品英语 2022-12-13 发布于山东

1. ★★☆(2022·江苏·南京外国语学校高二阶段测试)—You’ve done a lot in your project, haven’t you? —Yes, but much remains ________ (do).

2. ★★☆(2022·黑龙江·哈师大附中高二开学考试)What seems________(lack)now is enough money for the project.

3. ★☆☆(2022·天津汇文中学高二阶段测试)It’s important for your computer software________(update)regularly.

4. ★★☆(2022·黑龙江·双鸭山一中高二阶段测试)When his mother came in, the boy pretended________ (read).

5. ★★★(2022·黑龙江·哈尔滨三中高二阶段测试)Those who seek to grab power through violence deserve________ (punish).

6. ★☆☆(2022·陕西渭南·高二期末)The researchers have been exploring the region hoping ________ (establish) it as an official Marine Protected Area.

7. ★★☆(2022·广东·深圳中学高二期末)Not ________ (receive) their son’s response letter, the concerned parents wrote another one and had it delivered at once.

8. ★☆☆(2022·天津东丽·高二期末)________ (study)volcanoes for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty .

9. ★★☆(2022·广东·深圳实验学校高中部高二阶段测试)________ (ask)to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film.

10. ★☆☆(2022·广东实验中学高二期末)________ (wait)in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

11. ★★★(2022·上海交大附中高二开学考试)Does the way you thought of reducing traffic volume during rush hours make any sense? It certainly does; in fact, it is a mature initiative ________ (adopt) many times in several metropolises.

[答案] 1. to be done, 2. to be lacking, 3. to be updated, 4. to be reading, 5. to be punished;6. to establish   7. having received   8. Having studied   9. Having been asked  10.Having waited   11. having been adopted

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