
Does getting old bother you?

 游客mk69cdy5zs 2022-12-19 发布于加拿大

Yes. Getting old bothers the hell out of me, especially since I became ugly. I am 70.

My former husband of 25 years passed two years ago and left me this house in a retirement community. Not even entertaining the idea of being around old people, I have found that I hate it here. It is like living in a fish bowl, people gossip terribly. However, I cannot 'afford’ to leave, I have such a financial deal on everything. Heck, I am 70, but I say and do things that are not conducive to someone my age. Don’t ask.

My house is absolutely decorated to the nines. Inside. Outside is an architect’s nightmare

I do not socialize much at all, as is my nature, except for a couple of folks. I do not go to the organized events or anything. I am an artist and I always have cherished my solitude, but people nag me about this. I need new coping skills.

I post on Quora all the time, and get many upvotes as a matter of course, but it seems that I cannot write this answer very well.

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