

 新用户1882ga2h 2022-12-30 发布于山东

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本次文献选自Ishida Y, Okada T, Kobayashi T, Funatsu K, Uchino H. Pain Management of Acute and Chronic Postoperative Pain. Cureus. 2022 Apr 9;14(4):e23999.本次学习由赵学军主任医师主讲。


Inadequate management of acute postoperative pain is associated with effects related to both physiological and psychological function. Postoperative pain increases the risk of perioperative complications, so postoperative pain should be prevented. Postoperative pain management by sufficient analgesia is important while considering the use of various kinds of analgesics. Insufficient management of postoperative pain may lead to chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP). It is suggested that CPSP is dependent not only upon biological factors but also upon psychological factors, including the type of surgery, age, physical health, mental health, and preoperative pain. As CPSP is a severe complication that may prolong hospitalization and interferes with activities of daily living (ADL) and quality of life (QoL), its prevention of development is paramount. Therefore, in order to prevent the onset of CPSP, it is necessary to craft analgesic management to prevent CPSP during the perioperative period.

Keywords: multimodal analgesia, postsurgical analgesia, biological factors, psychological factors, chronic postsurgical pain


急性术后痛处理不当会导致患者躯体和心理功能出现障碍。术后痛会增加围手术期并发症的风险,因此预防术后痛显得尤为重要。使用各种止痛药充分镇痛来控制术后痛是很重要的。术后疼痛管理不当可能会导致慢性术后痛(chronic postsurgical pain,CPSP)。CPSP不仅可以由生物学因素所致,也可以由心理因素引起,包括手术类型、年龄、身体状况、心理状况和术前疼痛等等。由于CPSP是一种严重的并发症,它可能会延长患者住院时间并干扰其日常生活能力(activities of daily living,ADL)和生活质量(quality of life,QOL),因此预防其发生就显得至关重要了。因此,为了预防CPSP的发生,有必要在围手术期进行镇痛管理以预防CPSP。

关键词 多模式镇痛,术后镇痛,生物因素,心理因素,术后慢性疼痛

Introduction and background

The prevention of postsurgical pain is one of the major key points of anesthetic management. Depending on the case, the use of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV-PCA) and the combined administration of epidural anesthesia are considered for postsurgical analgesia. Recently, the combined use of regional anesthesia for neural blockade (such as brachial plexus block and transversus abdominis plane block) is also performed for postsurgical analgesia. Typical postsurgical analgesia methods are using opioids such as fentanyl from the time of operation and considering the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen after surgery. In certain situations, direct local anesthesia for the wound is also carried out. In this way, we are examining postoperative analgesia using various methods and will consider its importance.




Pain mechanism and harmful effects of pain

It is known that the mechanism of inducing pain, especially pain during and after surgery, involves the activation and sensitization of the nociceptor due to surgical stress. Furthermore, it is suggested that humoral factors, such as prostaglandin and cytokines that function locally (at the surgery site) and systemically, decrease tissue pH and partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), enhance the reaction of nociceptive neurons of the central nervous system (CNS), and facilitate the spontaneous excitation of neurons due to peripheral nerve injury; they are associated with the mechanism to induce pain during and after an operation. Inadequate management of acute postoperative pain is associated with effects related to both physiological and psychological function. The effects of postsurgical pain on the respiratory system include a decrease in lung capacity, functional residual capacity (FRC), tidal volume, hypertonia of the abdominal muscles, and a decrease in diaphragm function. Furthermore, the fear of pain may restrain the patient from coughing and taking deep breaths, which, in turn, may induce atelectasis and accumulation of secreted products. These factors can become a cause of hypoxemia. The effects on the circulatory system include tachycardia and an increase in blood pressure due to excitation of the sympathetic nervous system. This causes an increase in oxygen consumption, which consequently causes a disruption of the balance between oxygen supply and demand. These effects raise the possibility of complications such as myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction to occur. Prolonged bed rest due to persistent postsurgical pain may also cause the development of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT). The development of blood clots increases the risk of pulmonary thrombosis, which can become fatal. Effects on the digestive system include the suppression of intestinal movement, which can cause postsurgical ileus. Voiding dysfunction may also occur. Effects on the endocrine system include the excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, which prompts the discharge of catecholamine and catabolic hormones. This causes an increase in metabolism and oxygen consumption. Effects on the mental aspect of the patient include the overuse of analgesic drugs due to anxiety and fear of postsurgical pain. Prolonged pain may also cause a sense of distrust toward medicine. It is known that the risk of the above-mentioned complications increases as postsurgical pain becomes stronger. The development of these complications can also cause prolonged hospitalization and an increase in medical expenses. Therefore, sufficient analgesic management of postsurgical pain is important to prevent the delay of postsurgical recovery.




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