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Module 3课文知识点总结-2021-2022学年外研版九年级下册英语
2023-01-03 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
版)Module3Module 3 ???Life now and then.Unit1?? They sometimes wor
k harder.1.so many “这么多的” 修饰可数名词复数,表示数量多,其反义词为 so few “如此少的”?so m
uch “如此多的” 修饰不可数名词,表示数量多,其反义词为so little “如此少的”?so 可与many/ much/ l
ittle/ few搭配修饰名词,但不能与其他形容词连用修饰名词,such 可与其他形容词连用修饰名词Eg: so hot wea
ther (×)???such hot weather (√)2.need (v.) “需要”后接名词、代词、动词ing或动词不定
式?need to do sth.需要做某事(主动)?Eg: He needs to sweep the floor at onc
e.?need doing sth.需要做某事(被动)?Eg: The flowers need watering.?need (
情态动词) “需要”无人称与数的变化,后面常用动词原形。常用于否定句和疑问句中,也可用于must引导的一般疑问句的否定回答。?Eg
: (1) ?He need sweep the floor at once.(2) –Must I do the dishes?
--No, you needn’t.3.It’s? getting late.天不早了。4.Nearly finished.就快
完成了。5.in the past在过去6.of course = Certainly = Sure当然了7.know more
about …对…了解更多8.there’s fear of doing sth.?? 对做某事感到担心9.get ill生病10
.deal with?“处理” ?常与how 连用?how to deal with sth.“如何处理某事” do with?“
处理”常与what连用?what to do with sth.“怎样处理某事”11.ordinary diseases日常的疾病
12.be used to doing sth.?习惯做某事??used to do sth.过去常常做某事Eg: My gran
dparents used to watch TV after dinner,but now they are used to t
aking a walk after dinner.?我的爷爷奶奶过去常常饭后看电视,但是现在他们习惯饭后散步。13.take m
uch exercise做锻炼14.suppose (v.) “猜测”后接that从句或to do 形式Eg: I suppose
that’s because more people have cars.15.healthy (adj.) “健康的”→?un
healthy (adj.)? “不健康的”?→?healthily (adv.)??健康地→ health (n.) “健康”相
关短语:keep healthy= stay healthy? 保持健康?in good/ bad health? 身体(不)健康
16.wealth (Un.)?财富;财产→ wealthy (adj.)? 富有的17.sometime, some time,
sometimes, some times区别:?分开“一段时间”(some time);?相聚“某一时刻” (sometime
);?分开“几次”加s (some times);?相聚“有时”加s (sometimes).18.the number of …
??“…的数量”后接可数名词复数,作主语,谓语动词用单数。?a number of…?“许多…”后接可数名词复数,作主语,谓语动词
用复数Eg: The number of students is 3,000.?A number of students are
from America.19.hard (adv.) “努力地;辛苦地”? work hard努力工作/努力学习 hard(ad
j.) “困难的;硬的”?Eg: The ground is as hard as a stone.地面像石头一样硬。It’s v
ery hard to maintain a relationship.??维护关系非常困难。hardly (adv.) “几乎不
”为频率副词,表否定。Eg: I can hardly see the blackboard.20.seldom (adv.) “
不常;很少”= not often 表示否定含义21.enough (adj.) “充足的;充分的”修饰名词;常位于名词前。?Eg
: enough money足够多的钱 enough (adv.) “充分地;足够地”修饰动词时,位于动词之后?Eg: old e
nough足够大enough (for sb.) to do sth.?? “...足够(某人)做某事”?Eg: The hous
e is big enough for us to live in.not + adj./ adv. + enough to do
sth.? “...不够;…不能做”= too + adj./ adv.(反义词) + to do sth.??“太…而不能…”
Eg: The boy is not old enough to go to school.?= The boy is too y
oung to go to school.22.spare time??空闲时间?spare (adj.)“空闲的”其同义词为fr
ee?in one’s spare? 在某人的空闲时间?spare (v.) “抽出”?Eg: Can you spare me
five minutes?? 你能抽出五分钟吗?23.speak up = speak loudly大点声24.a bit dea
f有点儿耳背?Unit 2?? I think life is better today.1.all one’s life某人的一
生2.electric lights点灯?electric (adj.) “带电的”→ electricity (n.) 电3.g
o out to work外出工作4.look after = take care of照顾5.more than = over
多于;超过反义词为less than少于6.full-time job全职工作?part-timejob兼职工作7.once or
twice a year一年一两次就其提问用how often 开头8.winter cold?寒冬?summer heat 酷
暑?heat (n.) 热气→?hot (adj.) 热的9.send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb.?把
某物送给某人?send sb. to …把某人送到…?send for派人去请?send up发射?send off寄出10.af
ford (v.) “买得起;负担得起”常与can, could或be able to连用?Eg: I can’t afford
to buy the house.11.what’s more而且;另外12.role (n.) “角色;作用”?play a r
ole in …??? “在…中发挥作用”?Eg: He plays an important role in this game
.? 他在这次比赛中发挥重要作用。13.education (n.) 教育;学业→ educate (v.) 教育?→?educa
ted (adj.)?受过教育的→ educational (adj.)? 教育性的14.get married to sb.与某
人结婚15.be happy to do sth.高兴做某事16.be busy doing sth.?= be busy wit
h sth.忙于做某事Eg: He is busy learning English .= He is busy with Eng
lish.17.feel lonely感到孤独lonely (adj.) “孤独的;寂寞的;荒凉的”作表语或定语,强调内心“孤独”
Eg: The old man has five sons, but he often feels lonely.alone (a
dv.) “单独地;独自地”Eg: He lives alone in the forest.alone (adj.) “单独的;
独自的”作表语,强调数量上只有“一个”Eg: He was alone in the hall.18.cross the road
过马路19.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事?enjoy oneself = have fun/ have a good
time玩得高兴,过得愉快?enjoy (v.) 享受→?enjoyable (adj.) “愉快的”20.noisy (adj
.)?“吵闹的”→ noise (n.) “噪音”?make noise?制造噪音21.generaly speaking = i
n general 总的说来?Unit 3? Language in use1.communicate (v.) 交流;沟通 →c
ommunication (n.) 交流2.ask sb. for help向某人求助3.close(adj.) (在空间、时间上
)接近??be close to 接近…?close (v.) “关闭;合上”?其反义词为open?closed(adj.) 关着
的→ closing (adj.) 结尾的4.in those times在那些年代5.share sth. with sb.与某
人分享某物6.imagine (v.)“想象;猜想;认为” ?后接名词、动词ing、代词或从句等7.fill… with…?用…装
满…?Eg: I fill schoolbag with books.?fill in? 填写?Eg: Please fill i
n the form.?be filled with … = be full of …?充满…;满是…8.as a result?
?结果9.dangerous (adj.) 危险的→ danger (n.)? 危险?in danger处于危险中10.hope
(v./n.) 表示说话人认为可能会实现的愿望?hope to do sth. 或hope + that从句?wish (v./
n.) 表示说话人不考虑是否可能实现的祝愿?wish (sb.) to do sth. 或wish + that从句?expect
(v.) 表认为某事会发生或有可能发生?expect (sb.) to do sth. 或expect + that从句11.i
nformation (Un.) “信息”指通过各种方法所获得或收集的消息?message (Cn.)“消息”可用于口头或书面12
. stop to do sth.停下来去做另一件事 stop doing sth.停止正在做的事13. a great deal
极大地;大量地14.allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事15.get rid of… 摆脱;丢弃?范文:家乡的变
化My hometownMy hometown is a small city in South China. There wer
en’t many factories in the past. So the air was very fresh and a
lot of birds flew above the lakes. In addition, the traffic was n
ot heavy and it was safe inthe street. People enjoyed swimming in
the river in summer. However, as more and more factories have been built, the environment is becoming worse and worse. Many fish in the river have been dead and the water has become dirty.The air is not as fresh as before. Too many cars have caused more traffic accidents. I hope that everyone will do their best to save our city and make it more and more beautiful in the future.