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Unit1 SectionB11a-1f 教学设计
2023-01-05 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
科目英语年级七年级主备教师李爱霞 杜晓燕课题Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? SectionB1 (1a-1f
) 备课时间课标要求能听懂学习活动中连续的指令和问题,并做出适当的反应。能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段。能在课堂活动中用简短的英语进行交
能理解和介绍这些图画内容;预习与本课时有关的生词和短语,为听力练习做好热身。(生词:drum, piano, violin, dr
ums, piano)2.通过听力练习,能理解对话的大意和细节。3.能够识别钢琴、小提琴、吉他和鼓等乐器的声音,并能准确说出对应单
can’t的读音。教学重难点1.会读并能在语境中运用生词,并会使用动词 play。 2.理解、会用重点词组。3.学会运用情态动词
需要学生在语境中多使用。在听力中分辨can和can’t是本部分的难点之一。另外,找出阅读文章关键词也是一个难点。 课时period
1教学过程教师活动学生活动效果期待Step1: Warming-upFree talk. Work in groups and
talk about the following questions:What music instrument do you
know?What music instrument can you play?Work in groups of fourAsk
and answer学生能通过情态动词的复习,并准确说出有关其他的乐器词语,要确保发音准确。Step2: ListeningA
sk the students to match the words with the pictures. Finish Acti
vity 1a.Listen and number the words, finish 1b.Work on 1c1.T asks
one student to make a conversation like this:A: Can you play the
violin? B: No, I can’t. 2. Work in pairs and make conversations.
Work on 1d1. Let one student read the words and phrases aloud. 2.
T plays the recording and Ss circle the words and phrase they he
ar. 3. Check the answers. (以提问的方式进行)Work on 1e1.(教师根据1d图片在听前做简单的介
绍)Understand the relationship between the two speakers and make s
ure Ss know the requirement.2. Listen to the recording carefully
and try to fill in the blanks. 3. Check the answers with the clas
s. Work on 1f1. Get Ss to work in groups and take turn to talk ab
out what Bill, Cindy and Frank can and can’t do. 2. Work in pairs
and make conversations using the following sentence patterns:—Ca
n Bill/Cindy/ Frank…?—Yes, he/she can. / No, he/she can’t.Step3:
Summary教师利用思维导图和学生共同总结本节课所学内容Listen and circleFill in the chartW
ork in groups小组成果展示Sum up(师生共同总结)学生通过连线匹配练习,进行词汇拓展活动,进一步熟悉乐器的词汇。
通过听声音判断哪种乐器,能巩固乐器相关词汇。学生能运用听取关键词的技能,圈出单词和短语,从而提高捕捉关键信息的能力。 通过小组活动
所学的目标语言。课堂小结本节课在教学结构上采用“导入---呈现---讲练---活动” 的教学思路,努力使学生在自主学习中有所感悟和
设计Read the listening materials in 1d and pay attention to the pro
nunciation and the intonation. 2. Write a conversation between a
teacher and some students, talking about taking part in a school
sports meeting.板书设计Words and phrasess: music instrumentSentences
: —Can you play the guitar? violindrum—Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.—
Can Bill play the guitar? —Yes, he can, but he can’t sing.整改与反思本节