
印度大事件230108(印度已经检测到近 300 个奥密克戎变体的亚系;印度卫生部正在考虑测试国际飞机的废水样本)

 印度商务通 2023-01-09 发布于印度



根据印度卫生部周日更新的数据,印度记录了 163 例新的冠状病毒感染,而现存病例下降到 2,423 例。

新冠病例总数为 4,46,79,924。上午 8 点更新的数据显示,死亡人数为 5,30,720 人,喀拉拉邦数据校正了 2 人死亡。

该部表示,现存病例占感染总数的 0.01%,康复率已增至 98.80%。在 24 小时内,现存新冠病例数减少了 86 例。

治愈人数激增至 4,414,6781 人,病死率为 1.19%。

根据该部网站,迄今为止,该国已接种了 22.013 亿剂新冠疫苗。




新德里:印度 SARS-CoV-2 基因组学联盟 (Insacog) 联合主席 N K Arora 博士周六表示,在过去一年中,印度已经检测到近 300 个奥密克戎变体的亚系。


NEW DELHI: India has detected nearly 300 sub-lineages of Omicron variant in the past one year, Dr N K Arora, the co-chair of Indian SARS-CoV-2 genomics consortium (Insacog), said on Saturday.
He said none of these variants were able to settle in the community, which indicates high immunity.


新德里:据机场当局称,周六,由于恶劣天气和其他相关问题,从德里英迪拉甘地国际机场 (IGI) 起飞的约 34 架国内航班被延误。


NEW DELHI: Around 34 domestic departure flights from the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI), Delhi were delayed due to bad weather and other related issues on Saturday, according to the airport authorities.
Cold wave conditions and a dense fog is being witnessed all over North India, including the national capital, which disrupted flight operations at Indira Gandhi International Airport.



PUNE: The Union health ministry is mulling over testing wastewater samples of international aircraft to track emerging new variants of SARS-CoV-2 in India.

"The project is being actively considered," a senior official from the Union health ministry told TOI on Friday.




该航空公司尚未透露这些男子的国籍,据称他们在周五晚上,也就是新机场开始运营的第二天,在 Go First 航班 G8 372 上与两名空乘人员行为不端。

根据提交给 CISF 的投诉,其中一名外国人要求一名空乘人员坐在他旁边。这两名外国人被卸下并移交给 CISF 人员,航空公司立即通知了民航总局 (DGCA)。

PANAJI: Another instance has come to light at the newly opened Manohar International Airport at Mopa in Goa. Two foreigners, both men, harassed the flight attendants on board a Goa-Mumbai flight.
The men, whose nationalities have not been revealed by the airline, allegedly misbehaved with two flight attendants on the Go First flight G8 372 on Friday evening, a day after the new airport commenced operations.
According to the complaint filed with the CISF, one of the foreigners asked a flight attendant to sit next to him. The two foreign nationals were offloaded and handed over to CISF personnel and the airline immediately informed the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).


根据最新的行业数据,印度 2022 年的汽车销量超过日本,首次跃居第三。
在日经亚洲最近的一份报告中,根据初步结果,印度的新车销量至少达到 425 万辆,超过了日本的 420 万辆。
根据印度汽车制造商协会 (SIAM) 的数据,2022 年 1 月至 2022 年 11 月期间,印度交付了 413 万辆新车。如果加上印度最大的汽车制造商玛鲁蒂铃木 1 月 1 日公布的 12 月销量数据,这一数字将增至近 425 万辆。
相比之下,根据日本汽车经销商协会和日本轻型机动车和摩托车协会的数据,日本去年售出了 420 万辆汽车,比 2021 年下降了 5.6%。

According to the most recent industry figures, India overtook Japan in auto sales in 2022, moving to the third place for the first time.
In a recent report by Nikkei Asia, India's sales of new vehicles came in at least 4.25 million units, based on preliminary results, topping the 4.2 million sold in Japan.
Between January and November 2022, 4.13 million new cars were delivered in India, according to the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM). The number rises to almost 4.25 million units when the sales figure for December, which Maruti Suzuki, the largest automaker in India, reported on January 1, is added.
Comparatively, in Japan, 4.20 million vehicles were sold last year, down 5.6 percent from 2021, according to data from the Japan Automobile Dealers Association and the Japan Light Motor Vehicle and Motorcycle Association.


新德里:印度联邦商务部长皮尤什·戈亚尔 (Piyush Goyal) 表示,印度现在是一个更加透明的经济体,人们开始习惯纳税。他说,政府在过去八年中采取的任何改革,包括商品和服务税 (GST),都对经济产生了重大影响,而且最近的 GST 征收非常强劲。

NEW DELHI: India is now a more transparent economy and people are getting used to paying taxes, Union Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal said. He said any reforms taken up by the government in the last eight years, including good and services tax (GST), significantly impacted the economy and that recent GST collections were very robust.


新德里:消息人士称,印度工业和国内贸易促进部 (DPIIT) 正在制定一项向私人参与者拍卖盐地的政策。

NEW DELHI: The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) is working on formulating a policy for auction of salt land to private players, sources said.



NEW DELHI: As Indigo Airline has expanded its fleet to 300 aircraft, the countrys airlines' fleet is likely to add over 100 aircraft every year till the next few years as per the expected growth in the aviation sector.
Civil Aviation Ministry officials said that there were about 400 aircraft in 2013 and in 2021-22, the number increased to 700. Airlines in India are going to add 15 per cent capacity or 100 to 110 aircraft per year and the aviation sector is looking at close to 1,200 aircraft by 2027.


孟买:印度储备银行行长沙克提坎塔·达斯表示,央行正在与南亚国家就卢比跨境贸易进行谈判。印度储备银行还希望通过将跨境汇款与统一支付接口 (UPI) 相关联来降低跨境汇款的成本。

MUMBAI: RBI governor Shaktikanta Das has said the central bank is in talks with South Asian countries for cross-border trade in rupees. The RBI is also looking to reduce the cost of cross-border remittances by linking them with the Unified Payments Interface (UPI).



NEW DELHI: Average hours of work per week was the highest in Asia and the Pacific in 2019, particularly in South and East Asia, while it was the shortest in North America and Europe and Central Asia, particularly in northern, southern and western Europe, according to the latest report of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). 
Among developing nations, India, China and Brazil have much longer working hours, with Brazil showing a downward trend which began in 1970s, as per the report titled 'Working Time and Work Life Balance Around theWorld’.


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