
The Yin-Yang Calendar 陰陽合歷

 武当帅行资月 2023-01-21 发布于美国

The Yin-Yang Calendar  陰陽合歷


Whether to learn the secrets of celestial phenomena or to better understand the laws of nature, the practice of celestial observation dates back to ancient times.


Astronomers recorded the cycles of the sun, the earth and the moon and their impacts upon climate and agricultural production.


January 22nd, 2023 is the first day of the Lunar Calendar, the year of the Rabbit. It is said that Rabbit years are ideal for making peace and settling arguments.


Wishing you health, peace, happiness and success in the Year of the Rabbit. Go with the flow of Tao. Find your balance between the Yin and the Yang.

祝你兔年健康、平安、幸福、成功! 道法自然,在動靜之间找到你的平衡。

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