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Lesson 5 When’s Your Birthday
2023-01-22 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Lesson 5 When’s Your Birthday? ( Part Ⅱ)

上课教师 学生年级 六年级 教 材 EEC小学英语课本第五册第五课 课 时 第二课时 新授课 教 学 设 计 教

容 Hey! Where are you going? What’s the date today?

To buy a present for my father. It’s May 6.

Is it your father’s birthday? When’s your birthday, Dongdong?

Yeah. His birthday is on May 15. On September 2.

析 本节课的教学内容是EEC教材第五册第五课,主要是学会用英语进行日期的问答,通过学习,使学生学会表达日期。 学情分析 学生已经掌握了一些简单的日常用语、基数词、部分序数词,在此基础上,根据学生的年龄特点,设计了丰富多彩的教学活动,使学生在快乐学习和生活实践中完成既定的学习任务,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,同时丰富了学生的生活经历,开发他们的英语语言思维能力,发展个性及人文素养。

教学目标 学会用英语进行日期的问答。



教学重点 序数词的构成和日期的表达法,when 引导的特殊疑问句的构成和使用。 设计思路 本课以准备给父母过生日为素材,围绕关于“生日哪天”进行问答训练。结合教材内容和学生的特点,我采用了以下教学方法和手段:




程 1

学 To have a chant with my classmates.( What month is your birthday?)

Ask one student to make a morning report to guide the new lesson. ( write the title on the blackboard)


师生做chant, 激发学生的学习热情,活跃课堂气氛。以聊天的形式缓解听课状态下的紧张氛围,打开学生的思路,练习说的能力。 2

讲授新课 Talk about the seasons and teach the 12 months.

(CAI shows the months from Jan. to Dec.) The students say them out when the months appear.

To have a match between the five groups.

Look at the numbers carefully then say the rules.

5、Give the students two questions then listen to the tape. (write the two questions on the blackboard)

6、The students read the text. 人机交互游戏,利用多媒体课件,复习旧知识。


自主学习与小组讨论相结合 3巩固练习 Ask the students “when is Jan.1/Jun 1/Sep 10/Dec.25? ( show the CAI)

Ask some students to talk about someone’s birthday.

Interview one student and write down the details on the forms.

Ask one or three students to read them out.

Put the pieces of paper in the box then ask some students to pick up and read them.

Give them some minutes to finish a composition. 任务活动,小组讨论,小组调查。以小组为单位,互相询问同伴的生日,做好小组记录,把记录的结果填入表格,有利于强化对英文月份名称和英文日期的记忆。

利用小游戏,巩固、复习了本课重难点, 4

布置作业 Keep their parents’ birthdays in their minds.

Ask them to remember to do something for their parents. 教师德育渗透。在本课最后对学生进行德育教育,培养学生热爱生活和尊敬父母的感情。 板书设计 Lesson 5 When’s Your Birthday? (PartⅡ)

What’s the date today?

It’s May 6.

When’s your birthday?

On September 2. 教学反思 在实际教学中,我真实地感受到了学生们的轻松与快乐,尽可能让学生自主地学英语,设计多样有趣的活动,并通过小组间的合作交流,使学生进行充分的语言实践。但也有不理想的地方,由于月份和序数词在以前的教学中没有接触过,造成生词量很大,使一些学生在表达运用时产生了困难,教师应该预先想到,给予他们帮助。
