
电子书分享!Case Files: Physiology 学习笔记(11). 生理学案例 生理信号4.

 麻花慧慧子 2023-01-24 发布于浙江

  生理学案例   CASE 2  
   Physiologic Signals  


01. G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) G蛋白偶联受体 also known as seven- (pass)-transmembrane domain receptors,7TM receptors, heptahelical receptors, serpentine ([ˈsɜː(r)pəntaɪn] adj.弯弯曲曲的) receptors, and G protein-linked receptors (GPLR), form a large group of evolutionarily ([ˌiːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n(ə)rili] adv.进化上) related proteins that are cell surface receptors (细胞表面受体) that detect molecules outside the cell and activate cellular responses.

hepta- or hept- seven

helical ['helɪkl] adj.螺旋的;螺旋形的 of, relating to, or having the form of a helix ([ˈhiːlɪks] n.螺旋(形))

02. heterotrimeric 异构三聚体  : being a macromolecule composed of three subunits of which at least one differs from the other two heterotrimeric G proteins.  

hetero- ['hetərəʊ-] or heter- 异的 containing atoms of different kinds

tri- definition, a combining form meaning “three”

03. guanosine ['gwɑ:nəsɪn] n.鸟苷;鸟嘌呤核苷 a nucleoside (['njuːklɪəsaɪd] n.【生化】核苷) C10H13N5O5 composed of guanine (['gwɑːniːn] n.【化】鸟嘌呤) and ribose (['raɪbəʊs] n.【化】核糖)

04. triphosphate-binding protein 三磷酸结合蛋白

triphosphate [traɪ'fɒsfeɪt] n.三磷酸胞苷;三磷酸盐 [noun] a salt or acid that contains three phosphate ([ˈfɒsfeɪt] n.磷酸盐) groups

05. domain [dəʊˈmeɪn] n.域 any of the three-dimensional subunits of a protein that are formed by the folding of its linear peptide chain and that together make up its tertiary ([ˈtɜː(r)ʃəri] adj.第三的;第三位的) structure

06. cluster [ˈklʌstə(r)] n.群集 v.集中;簇拥  to collect into a cluster // By the middle of the Victorian period, sandwich sellers clustered around every factory gate. 到了维多利亚时代中期,三明治小贩们聚集在每一个工厂门口。

07. agonist ['ægənɪst] n. 激动剂 a chemical substance capable of combining with a specific receptor on a cell and initiating the same reaction or activity typically produced by the binding endogenous ([en'dɒdʒənəs] adj.内源性的) substance → antagonist [æn'tæɡənɪst] n.拮抗剂 a chemical that acts within the body to reduce the physiological activity of another chemical substance

08. angiotensin [ˌændʒɪəʊ'tensən] n.〔医〕血管紧张素 either of two forms of a kinin (['kɪnɪn] n.〔生化〕激肽) of which one has marked vasoconstrictive ([veɪzəʊkən'strɪktɪv] n.血管收缩药;adj.引起血管收缩的) action

also : a synthetic amide derivative ([dɪ'rɪvətɪv] n.衍生物) of the physiologically active form used to treat some forms of hypotension

09. epinephrine [ˌepɪ'nefrɪn] n.【生化】肾上腺素 epinephrine, also called adrenaline (

 [əˈdrenəlɪn] n.肾上腺素), hormone that is secreted mainly by the medulla ([mɪ'dʌlə] n.延髓) of the adrenal glands and that functions primarily to increase cardiac output and to raise glucose levels in the blood.

10. first messengers 第一信使 First messengers are broadly defined as any extracellular factor that elicits ([ɪ'lɪsɪt] v.引出)  a response within a cell. As such, first messengers are incredibly diverse, ranging from environmental factors, such as light or heat, to small molecules and peptides, up through large multivalent ([ˌmʌltɪ'veɪlənt] adj.【化】多价的) proteins. 

second messengers 第二信使 Second messengers are molecules that relay signals received at receptors on the cell surface — such as the arrival of protein hormones, growth factors, etc. — to target molecules in the cytosol (['saɪtəʊsɒl] n.细胞基质) and/or nucleus. But in addition to their job as relay molecules, second messengers serve to greatly amplify (['æmplɪ.faɪ] v.放大) the strength of the signal.

11. apparatus [ˌæpəˈreɪtəs] n.器械;器官 a group of anatomical or cytological ([saɪ'tɒlədʒɪkl] adj.〔生〕细胞学(的)) parts functioning together

12. augment [ɔːɡˈment] v.增加;增强 to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense // What are the aspects we want to improve and augment? 我们想要改善和增强的方面是什么?

13. damp [dæmp] v.dampen: to diminish the activity or intensity of // Nothing could damp down my spirits.没有什么能减弱我的兴致。// My wish of going abroad to study English damped down. 我想出国学英语的愿望渐渐的淡漠了。

14. specificity [ˌspesɪ'fɪsəti] n.特异性 the condition of being peculiar ([pɪˈkjuːliə(r)] adj.独特的) to a particular individual or group of organisms

15. adenylyl cyclase 腺苷酸环化酶 Adenylyl cyclase is the sole enzyme to synthesize ([ˈsɪnθəsaɪz]v.(通过化学手段或生物过程)合成) cyclic AMP (cAMP), a key second messenger that regulates diverse physiological responses including sugar and lipid metabolism, olfaction ([ɒl'fækʃ(ə)n] n.嗅觉作用) , and cell growth and differentiation

adenylyl ['eɪdɪnɪlɪl] n.腺苷酰  

cyclase ['saɪkleɪs] n.环化酶 [noun] an enzyme that catalyzes ([ˈkætəlaiziz] v.【化】催化) cyclization ([saɪklɪ'zeɪʃən] n.【化】环合) of a compound.

16. subunit n.亚基;次单位 a unit that is part of a larger unit : a subdivision of a unit

17. catalytic [.kætə'lɪtɪk] adj.【化】催化(的)  causing, involving, or relating tocatalysis

catalyze ['kætəlaɪz] v.【化】催化 to bring about the catalysis of (a chemical reaction)

catalysis [kə'tæləsɪs] n.催化(作用) a modification and especially increase in the rate of a chemical reaction induced by material unchanged chemically at the end of the reaction

18. glycogen phosphatase kinase 糖原磷酸酶激酶

glycogen ['ɡlaɪkədʒən] n.【化】肝糖  the principal form in which glucose is stored in animal tissues and especially muscle and liver tissue

phosphatase ['fɒsfəteɪs] n.【生化】磷酸酶

kinase ['kɪneɪs] n.【生化】激酶

19. glycogen synthase 糖原合成酶

synthase ['sɪnθeɪs] n.合酶 any of various enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of a substance without involving the breaking of a high-energy phosphate ([ˈfɒsfeɪt] n.磷酸盐) bond (as in ATP)

20. phosphodiesterase [fɒsfədaɪə'stereɪs] n.磷酸二酯酶

phospho- a combining form representing phosphorus ([ˈfɒsfərəs] n.磷) in compound words

esterase ['estəreɪs] n.【化】酯酶 

21. catecholamine [ˌkætə'tʃoʊləˌmɪn] n.儿茶酚胺

22. arteriole [ɑ:'tɪəriəʊl] n.微动脉;小动脉 any of the small terminal twigs of an artery that ends in capillaries; borrowed from French and New Latin; French artériole, borrowed from New Latin artēriola, from Latin artēria ARTERY + -ola, diminutive suffix

23. glycogenolysis [glaɪkədʒe'nɒlɪsɪs] n.糖原分解作用 Glycogenolysis, process by which glycogen, the primary carbohydrate stored in the liver and muscle cells of animals, is broken down into glucose to provide immediate energy and to maintain blood glucose levels during fasting. Glycogenolysis occurs primarily in the liver and is stimulated by the hormones glucagon (['glu:kəˌgɒn] n.【生化】升血糖激素) and epinephrine (adrenaline).

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