

 预言家日报 2023-02-07 发布于北京
The Lestrange family is another one of the ancient pure-blood lines in the franchise. Our first real introduction to them is through Bellatrix, a high-ranking member of the Death Eaters who was responsible for taking down the Longbottoms and murdering Sirius Black. 

The Fantastic Beasts series has expanded on this family by giving us more knowledge on Leta Lestrange.At school, she proved herself to be a clever witch. As an adult, she was an essential member of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. 


The Scamander family is another case of a family that gets a lot of light shed onto them in Fantastic Beasts. It is Newt Scamander who literally writes the book about the magical creatures that can be found all over the world. Though Newt gets expelled from Hogwarts, he is trusted by Albus Dumbledore against Gellert Grindelwald. 

Newt wasn't alone in terms of talented wizards and witches in his family line. His mother bred hippogriffs, which helped inspire his life's work. Newt's brother Theseus worked as an Auror for the British Ministry of Magic and was considered a war hero for his efforts in the First Wizarding War. 


The Longbottom family is one of the few remaining pure families in the magic world. It was a wild revelation when we found out that Neville Longbottom could have been the "chosen one" instead of Harry Potter. When digging deeper into his family history, it makes some sense. Neville's parents, Frank and Alice, were both respected Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix. 

A description of the Malfoy family said they would never be at the scene of a crime, but their fingerprints would be all over it. The Malfoys are powerful enough to be involved in a lot of pivotal moments throughout the history of the series. 

Narcissa and Lucius are more followers than they are leaders, but that doesn't make them any less potent. Meanwhile, their son Draco was a formidable foe for Harry Potter and the two ultimately share a respect for one another. His son Scorpius played a considerable role in a time-traveling adventure during his time at Hogwarts. 


In terms of sheer volume, the Weasley family probably has enough members to take over the wizarding world. They may not have a lot of money, but they have an impressive array of wizards and witches at their disposal. For starters, most of them were members of the Order of the Phoenix and fought bravely against Voldemort. 

Arthur held a position in the Ministry of Magic and Molly defeated Bellatrix Lestrange. Their children include a dragonologist, Head of the Department of Magical Transportation, Auror, and Quidditch star to name a few. The entire family played vital roles during the Second Wizarding War. They're as tough as they are plentiful. 


The Potters are the focal point of the series for a good reason. A lot of the Potter ancestors were powerful. They include Aurors, inventors, and Wizengamot members. James and Lily Potter were both brave members of the Order of the Phoenix who battled Voldemort to protect their son, Harry. 





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