

 预言家日报 2023-02-07 发布于北京
In order for a Harry Potter and the Cursed Child film to be a box office success and embraced by fans, Daniel Radcliffe must return as Harry Potter. Except him, it seems that no one can play Harry Potter to satisfy the audience.

If Daniel Radcliffe isn't ready to return to the role that made him a star, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will have to wait.


The Harry Potter film series is 20 years old and still one of the world's biggest and most beloved franchises. While the Fantastic Beasts films try to keep the magic alive for audiences, nothing can compete with a trip back to the enchanted halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy.


As such, a big-screen adaptation of The Cursed Child seems like an inevitability, and in order for that film to meet diehard fan expectations, Daniel Radcliffe's return as Harry Potter is required.


Chris Columbus, director of the first two films in the Harry Potter franchise, is interested in directing a film adaptation of Cursed Child if the original cast were to return. Unfortunately, Daniel Radcliffe says he is not interested in returning to the role at the moment.

Twenty years after the release of the first film, Radcliffe is still synonymous with the bespectacled wizard who shares those adventures with his best friends Ron and Hermione. Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint are all synonymous with their roles.

Given the casting issues, this may not just be the return of Radcliffe, but the return of the entire cast of the original "Harry Potter" films.


Draco Malfoy, Ginny Potter, Minerva McGonagall, and Albus Dumbledore are all predominately featured in Cursed Child and also highly associated with the actors who portray them. 

Are the actors who participated in Harry Potter willing to play their most classic roles again? When the Cursed Child is released, it will be a carnival for Harry Potter fans.





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